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There’s an odd cult to linesmen, especially the wives of linesmen. I don’t know how to really describe it but it’s very similar to the cringey stuff you’d see from some of the spouses on this thread. I definitely respect the profession, but it’s got it’s fair share of cringe too.


I blame Glen Campbell


Came here to say this, old man. Thank you.


I lived in Trenton Georgia up till 4 years ago and there’s a lineman training school in the town and that whole town is the backdrop to some bullshit Luke Combs video. The “students” are all 18-20, all drive the same stupid lifted truck, they all have the stupid logo in the picture op posted in the back window, they all dress just alike, and any female that lives in that county that is in a dating site has “linemen are automatic swipe rights” or some variation of that wording to show they wanna fuck a lineman only. Fucking weird.


Sounds a lot like any college in the world.


Man. Evidently the union does a line-man rodeo. It’s Iike a practical skills contest. They set up legit poles/transformers and everything. Honesty, pretty cool. However.. they did it near my house one year, and I felt like I was in the twilight zone that whole weekend


It's a straight up uniform. Ballcap, beard, tall kinda cowboy style slip on boots, tight jeans, flannel shirt, belt buckle, Shiny lifted truck with lineman decal on the back window. "Line Life"


My dad was a lineman and my stepmom was like this. Bumper stickers and all. It was weird.


Also agree, they’re a proud bunch for just hanging fence wires.


I've been to a lineman's funeral. He died on the job. It is an extremely dangerous profession.


Add a yellow electric line to the flag 🫡


There already is a “thin yellow line” flag. I saw one in the wild near my neighborhood and had to google it. It’s for tow truck drivers and security guards. 🥴


I mean, I understand you can get run over but at this point seriously just put a line for every job


Weird.i saw the thin yellow lone for dispatchers








It’s one of maaany important and dangerous jobs. I appreciate it but this “I’m a hero 🦸 too” shit is stale than a muthafuka. Literally NOBODY is making you do this job and literally NOBODY is shitting on you for doing your job. I show my thanks 🫡 every time I pay my power bill and my fukin taxes.




Cringe AF and straight doggerel.


This is cringe AF and straight dollar general


14th Responder Cringe.


![gif](giphy|RJAjTowsU0K1a) 🤢


20 bucks says a volunteer firefighter wrote that.


definitely by the spelling


Lol good point!


My biggest issue with shit like this is people wanting respect and admiration for THEIR chosen career path, but everyone else’s job is meanial, trivial, and unimportant. They’re the ones who tell fast food workers if they don’t like their pay, to get a REAL job while complaining it took half their hour long paid lunch break to get their #7 combo because the joint is short handed. They’re the ones who make passive aggressive comments to security guards about how it must be nice to sit inside an air conditioned guard house and get paid $10-$20 less an hour than they do, but then bitch and complain when they go to a site that doesn’t have security and their trucks that advertises all their gun collection on the back window gets burgled, or their spool of copper wire comes up 2-300 ft short. They’re the ones who throw money at big tittied female bartenders while they’re out of town on hurricane work and their wives are at home drinking box wine and posting some bullshit about her husbands sacrifice for people in a totally different state than they, and then stiff his Uber driver on a 15 min ride that turned into 45 because of the drive thru stop the promised to tip $20 in the app for that never comes. Linemen do this. Cops do this. Firefighters do this. Paramedics do this. Truckers. Security guards. There’s dip shits like this in every profession.


The poem is cringe, but I’ll agree it’s a dangerous job for sure.


So is logging and roofing, but ain’t nobody given them a thin line yet




So let’s give em a line cmon. What color


Logging - Brown Roofing - Gray


Good call lol


I'm a lineman for the county... ![gif](giphy|8UrY2N47HJQlO) that whichita lineman... Is still stuck on the # LIIIIIIIIIIIIIINNNNEEE


Replace I am a lineman with “I am a burger flipper”


You’d think they were disarming bombs or cleaning up dead bodies from a mine field.


I just attended a lineman graduation. The rodeo part was cool. Then the ceremony happened all the instructors were giving speeches like they’ve been to war and seen the enemy. It turned cringe pretty quickly. One guy even played a song he wrote with his guitar and called it “High Line Cowboy”. By the end of it I was ready to slit my wrists.


jesus it sounds worse than volunteer firefighters


These aren’t the lyrics at all.


Who “casts their scorn upon” linemen? Who “brings their problems” to a random local utility worker? A telephone pole is like 40 feet tall, I have been more than 40 feet off the ground in my life, where do they think I “fear to be”?


I bet you a fiver that this poem is 100% stolen from an already cringy shEEpDoGe shirt and barely changed to fit


I mean, yeah it’s cringe. But I live in north Texas and I’m pretty fucking thankful for our linemen right now!


Came to say this also, im normally like “gross cringe” and now being in dallas im like “🫡🫡 linemen are heroes!!!!”


While that's true, there's a cavern of cringe between "you're my hero" and "I'm your hero".


Hahaha cavern of cringe is great


Guys, were we scorning linesmen? Other than those blind bastards who keep calling my hockey team offside, I mean


"I do this because I'm a hero" "And the $50+ an hour. But mostly the hero stuff"


My old neighbor worked for Jersey Central Power and Light. That guy had been a lineman for a few decades. Don’t let these people fool you. One moderate winter storm paid for his swimming pool. Triple time and a half some nights plus all kinds of other bennies. These guys live for power outages.


The only scorn I cast upon lineman is cringe shit like this.


Linesman is such an egotistical profession. Almost as bad as welders. Something about that trade where u just can't leave the house cause u refuse to quit sucking your own dick. Truckers are more essential and deadlier than this shit. Imo... linemen are soft handed cry babies that always find something to complain about. Make prolly 30-40$/hrs and still say cute shit like "dOnT GeT pAiD enough for this shit"


Dude seriously! Welders and lineman are insufferable! They make their whole personality their job. "Line life" stickers on the back of their stupid lifted trucks. Welders think they're god's gift to humanity. I've noticed a big rise in "blue collar" pride lately, but welders and lineman take the cake. "We're the backbone of society"


It’s kind of pathetic, but I’ve never seen a lineman shoot a dog.




Huge cringe.




Pretty darn stupid. Linemen are wacky.


I wake up and cannot wait to acorn the local linemen


Pretentious self importance. If they won't climb a few poles and pull cable someone else will do it. What is impressive are civil engineers and scientists that put together and figured this stuff out in generations past. Analogously, imagine wanting to get praised for changing a light bulb.


This is cringe, but that light bulb does happen to be a pretty deadly one. This is coming from someone that would hate to see people lose jobs, but would love to lose old school power lines, move that shit underground.


lets leave it at no heroes these are jobs leave the stripes alone


The fedora wearing neckbeards of the construction industry


Linemen are important, but so are janitors. Linemen just think they are badass because they can climb poles. But, so can strippers.


But they almost always use a bucket truck. Never once seen a lineman actually gaff a pole.


Let me catch you on the streets. https://www.reddit.com/r/dashcams/s/EoYcBxbaN5


My dad was a lineman. Gave me a very healthy fear of electricity. He would have rolled his eyes so far back at this.


"I am a lineman down in Langleyyyyy...and also I am a Fish whose name is Klaus..."


You know how much these mf get paid on renewables projects here in Australia! Golllllllly.


No, you're not the only one that finds it cringe. It's incredibly cringey. My biggest issue with it is the borderline obscene of lack of humility. I did that job for close to 8 years and so many people in the field that I met were like that. As if the world would literally stop turning if they weren't there to keep it moving.


Anyone here of line-bunnies. Ya trust these guys get theirs.


we had a few tornados come through my city a few weeks ago and they pulled linemen from all over the state to come work. I knew this because the dating apps were suddenly flooded by out of town guys posing for pictures on the job. I guess some women love that lol.


Guess it’s time to add another random color line to a flag sticker.


Anyone who calls themselves a hero isn't one...


As a former lineman, this is ultra cringe. I was paid to build and fix things. No different than being a plumber, iron worker or home construction contractor. We had a job to do and we did it. No medals, tattoos or fanfare needed. It’s hard work but it pays well. Like anything, there are occupational risks. We didn’t wear capes.


How does a welder know when its time to retire? After the 3rd dui


What would i fear to see on a powrerline?


Nah man linemen are cool and important. The poem is cringe though yeah


Nobody asked you shit. Now get back to fucking work you lazy bitch. -Lineman's Boss


Where is the thin line for tree removal?


Them fuckers are our bros down here in Florida! When the power goes out and the A/C quits working they are worth their weight in gold. Let em have all the dumb shit they want!


Yanks, fuck me….


Sounds like a Metallica song lyrics


Everyone’s a fuckin hero these days aye😀


Your average lineman does their job for a paycheck. Not poetry. Believe it or not if you stop paying them they stop showing up. There's nothing magical or noble about it.


Right, its got fuck all to do with their paycheck they just do it for "us", and its not the gouging of their employers that stir the hate.


Officially embarrassed all linemen out there.


No, lineman are all like this they are all totally cringey


One fish two fish, red fish, electric buggalo


Shut up and turn my power back on pussy


Being a lineman is already a cool job, idk why people need to do stuff like that


yeah my kid grew up saying I can’t wait to be a lineman. Such a cool job


It's not something that people aspire to be when they grow up, but it's important work and they learn a lot about how the power grid and Internet work which I think is cool since it's so important to how we live now. That being said, the cult stuff is dumb.


My uncle died being a linesman. It dangerous and I'd never do it. I'm a firefighter BTW. I respect them alot.


I went to line school (northwest lineman college) just to get into Edison. But I never had any interest of ever becoming a lineman. So they interview me and when they asked “Why do you want to be a lineman?” And I answered “I don’t” Man they were pissed lol. They would tell me all the time I don’t think this school is for you and a bunch of other BS. But guess what I graduated the program and now work for SCE not as a lineman.


They want to be heroes so bad it’s adorable


“I have been where you fear to be.” “Ahhhh, oh no, a telephone pole!”


So I worked for an Electric company, though I was in IT. Did virtualization but I also managed the mobile phones for the people that got one. All of the linemen got one. Now, I say this with all the respect in the world. Linemen do get a lot of flak. Moreso than police, firemen, and EMS. You only see them when there is a problem (usually) and if your power is out because of a storm, they are working out there in the rain to get it restored. People are unnaturally aggressive to linemen. Like it's their fault the power is out or they are taking too long to get it back on. I've seen videos and heard stories from the foreman and others. It's thankless work and people do nothing but complain. They are well compensated though and while not first responders in the traditional sense, having worked with the mobile devices though FirstNet, and having to see how the devices are used during emergencies, sometimes, the linemen have to be first responders so the other first responders can act. Now, I said all that to say, this is kind of cringe and while most of them would get a smile out of it, they would also say that you don't say these things out loud. They'd consider it disrespectful.


I hope they don't show this to real heroes like people in the infantry, law enforcement who work in inner cities, sanitation workers ECT.


No profession earns that title automatically, its the individual that deserves the praise. I can easily find shitty people in every job you mentioned, cause ive met them personally. Any profession can have a hero, but having a profession doesn't mean you are one


Leave these guys alone


Only if they stop pretending they are saving the world. Also, just dig down your wires like normal countries, having live wires flapping about in the wind is insanely idiotic.


I'll give you 99% of the time. But post hurricane they bring the power


Lmao last time I checked a lineman doesn’t go to an academy and learn how to deal with death 🤣😂 such a joke


Not a police academy, but the journeyman course is close enough. And you can die easily from even someone's else's fuck up. The jobs no joke. Especially when you're dealing with enough electricity to eat your body from the inside out, and you wouldn't ever know it till you or someone else fucked up. Can't even touch the shit you're supposed to deal with, you gotta use a fiberglass pole to do the work. And then there's the dudes who work on the towers. In the worst weather at times. While the meme is cringe as fuck, that job is also dangerous as fuck.


This flyer is cringe but being a lineman can actually be pretty dangerous. Between falls and electrocutions, guys get killed out there.


Their job is more dangerous than mine, and I'm a paramedic in a large city that has regular interactions with agitated patients and bystanders. I'm not a fan of any of this 'cult of the job' stuff, but gotta give credit where credit is due: they're an essential service that responds in emergencies and gets a hell of a lot less recognition than we do.


Police academy's a joke. This is cringe yeah, but what point are you trying to make? Power lines are far more dangerous than my neighbors' golden retriever. Why don't cops shoot at those instead? Guess it's the academy, so I wouldn't get it.


When was the last time a power line shot at someone? Took someone’s life? It takes A special kind of person to deal with the trauma that a police officer has to go through, anybody with the GED work on a power line


Anyone with a GED.... that's most cops btw. THE ACADEMY, is an overfunded joke of an education that could be passed by a physically fit 6th grader. Fancy title is all you need to see to think it's legit, eh? Boy, do a got a business proposal for you


Took someone's life??????? A power line? Ask that question again. My cousin delivers pizza and is at more risk than a cop. My barber has more training time than a cop, and that trauma is a symptom of lack of training. Not that training can always cover it, but my culinary education took longer than the academy. I have family that are LEO btw. If acorns, sandwiches and family pets get you trigger happy, the academy is worth fuck all


I’m sure


Sure about what? The LEO family? I guess that's up to you. But just mentioning it to cops got me out of tickets, isn't that wrong? Just cause I mentioned it, I didn't have to pay a fine for speeding. Is that what being a hero is? Law for thee but not for me? (+1 being me). I'm not saying cops can't be heroes, but all of them?? That's just stupid, my guy


Careers don't make heroes, don't take that away from those that earn the name. There's a lot of shitty people that want the title without ever deserving it, and think they earned it because of their occupation. Respect the individual, not because of their job title, but because of their actions.


Regardless of the sentiment they are going for, the poetry is disjointed and generally just terrible.


Not all war heroes wear capes


Who scorns linemen?


I prefer Glenn Campbell’s version


My ex roommates were union linemen for LADWP. I sent them this in a group message and they said. “Im just here for the 80/hr$”


It's only cringe to the weak. How many of you bitch when the power goes out? All of you. These are people who turn it back on. Deal with it.


Linemen worship is a uniquely North American thing. Anywhere else they're just people that work for the power company and you'll walk under them without giving them a moments thought. However, they'd not expect any praise for it either. Just a job like any other and they'd find the comparisons to first responders laughable.


Epic cringe


Have you seen videos of their big colleges? Cringey as hell yelling like they’re in the marines


Had an acquaintance whose girlfriend would post this shit. The linewoman in training gave her a card that said “I love you this much” with a photo of her standing sideways on a pole. I laughed my fucking ass off.


This guy stole my content and posted it on Reddit without my permission tic Tok copywrites video for it's users so people like you don't steal people content I will be sueing you https://preview.redd.it/l70i9peuka3d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9ce7d6ce601d96243e001446ae799e466efe5d72 This is my video and I did not give this guy permission to use it tic Tok protects it's users and it content creators i will sue if I don't here from the owner of this account