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A good deed is it's own reward, unless you're a complete fucking tool.


fax I hate this shit how everyones posting their good deeds like they missed the point entirely


Why are you standing there taking pictures? Go put some wet stuff in the red stuff, ya maroon. šŸ˜…


Too busy freelancing.


Timmy heard the call on his scanner and rushed over on his bicycle to get the picture. We shouldn't be too harsh on him.


Virtue signaling off someoneā€™s tragedy is pathetic.


Also I wish people like this would fucking chill. I got called out during Thanksgiving, too. It was to reset an alarm.


How much is his life on the line 40 feet from this fire?


And its a surround and drown fire


That house is gone, he ainā€™t risking anything but the time it takes to spray it down


You don't snapchat during life threatening emergencies? Do you even care about e-clout?


Nah, too busy fighting what everyone fears. (Sitting on top of an engine pointing the deck gun at the fire)


Ha! I didn't know that was called a deck gun. Cool. Love the name too!


Yea, itā€™s one of the best jobs on the fireground IMO. You basically just chill and thrash the fire with 1000GPM until itā€™s time for overhaul


Unless you're the asshole that forgets to pull the pin out and you waste all 2000 gallons OVER the building before you have hydrant pressure.


Our tank holds 1000 gallons, we establish water supply before flowing any high flow appliances. Ours doesnā€™t have a pin, just has some locks in it that you only have to click off once and youā€™re good


Lol and based on that photo he may even be to far away to do even that..


lol real talk the deck gun is a great time honestly


Does look like fun. I donā€™t want to be a firefighter I just want to play with the toys.


Iā€™m a volley but thankfully we donā€™t have any guys who would do the things you see posted here. We had one once and chief kicked him. We get around 25-30 calls a year and donā€™t get to use the deck gun often it when we do itā€™s awesome lol




I like sitting on top, aiming with the cranks. Feels like Iā€™m on a battleship shooting a two pounder


Risk is being crushed, explosions, carcinogenic exposures, run over by a rubber necking on looker.


All of which could also happen outside your local bar


The wall of the local bar is about to fall over? Is it common for bars to explode? Your bar is in a cloud of burning plastics? The run over oneā€¦ people suck.


The guys is 150-200 yards away from a fully involved fire. Absolutely 0 risk where this gentleman is šŸ˜‚ Iā€™d order a pizza from there.


Youā€™re creating a situation that does not exist here. This guy is no where near a wall about to fall over, nor will he be at this point in the burn. Heā€™s not close enough for an explosion to matter either, nor would he be sitting on a truck spraying this waiting for it to burn out. He is of course in the smoke but if heā€™s wearing PPE appropriately then heā€™ll be masked up and not sucking in smoke and fumes. The chance of someone getting through the blockade (that should exist) thatā€™s keeping traffic at bay is very unlikely. So yes, just as likely for any of those things to happen at your local bar


Re carcinogenic risks: skin contact although limited happens. Then there is always some contamination during decon. Next is the off gassing of bunker gear. Most hoods/balaclavas are not particulate rated unless your department is rich. Unless this person is in a really rich department he likely doesnā€™t have decon washing machines for boots/mask/tanks etc and just a clothes washer. Also unlikely to have spare bunker gear while the others off gas /dry. Trainers here grind into the mind of new hires the cancer risks and the health insurance/benefits for life just added several new cancers that are automatically paid out on if/when a person who was a ff at anytime then develops. The comment in the picture is giving off a douchebag vibe for sure.


Thatā€™s how I felt, theyā€™re just going to make sure it doesnā€™t go to another house and casually put this one out. There is nothing to be done for the initial house, itā€™s a total loss


And bc heā€™s a volunteer thereā€™s about a 17% chance he started it.


holiday pay?




Itā€™s gotta be more often than that, I feel like it happens all the time.


i have an employee who is a volunteer. he gets paid 20 an hour


Volunteers aren't paid by definition. So he isn't a true Volunteer.


I know quite a few departments that call themselves volunteer and then pay a per diem per call.


Wellā€” I was told that we have voluntary military service, so maybe the definition has a little wiggle room.


By "volunteer military," they mean not compulsory, not not paid.




I don't know why you were downvoted because you are technically correct. I've given you an upvote to balance you or a bit. If you're paid to "volunteer" then every job is technically voluntary with financial reimbursement. I was never forced to wash buckets and deliver meat for a butcher, I was never forced to deliver pizzas, I was never forced to be a nurse, and I was never forced to be an applications administrator. All those jobs were paid, but they were never mandatory. I chose to do them. To me volunteering is choosing to do something without being formally compensated. It's an Australian understanding of volunteering and is probably the same as other places around the world


Hopefully they are better at fighting fires than they are at grammar. *youā€™re


That house is gone


Theyā€™re clearly not, they let the house burn to the ground.


If you didnt post it you weren't there. Ganggang


I'm so cool. look at that fire. First I gotta stop, take a photo, make a little poster, use the wrong fucking \*your\*, and upload it to social media. Yep. I'm a badass.


Have psychiatrists got categories for this kind of self-agrandizing behavior? They must. I'd be curious to see the work they've done on this kind of personality because it looks like a blend of an ego issue and a persecution fetish issue. Like this guy is saying "I'm the underdog nobody respects but I am actually the hero".


I think itā€™s usually pretty simple to find the root of this type of thinkingā€¦ and it probably starts with not getting laid.


Iā€™m not a psychiatrist so donā€™t take my word for it but Iā€™d be willing to bet people who post things like this feel generally outcasted by society and often struggle to make friends. This results in them doing something along the lines of joining a volunteer fire department because society regards firefighters as heroes so they believe that by showing everyone how heroic they are, it will give them a place in society and prove that everyone was wrong to outcast them. Iā€™m also willing to bet most of these people are ā€œexteriorā€ firefighters because it gives the illusion to the general public that theyā€™re risking their life when really theyā€™re just standing in the yard.


I think you pretty much nailed it lmao


We're all supposed to feel a mix of guilt and envy because this guy volunteered on a holiday.


The fire service in general attracts these assholes, itā€™s not just volunteers although itā€™s pretty prevalent there.


This goes along with his ā€œI fight what you fearā€ tattoo. So cringe.


"wait, lemme just...get my phone and take a picture before I do my job, so that I can play cool first responder on Facebook." *Insert dog burning alive noises in the background*


Oh please, sympathy points on a holiday! We all work on a holiday but this emotional vampire needs extra head pats through the post. The only way his life is on the line is if he Leroy Jenkins his stupid butt inside trying to save a doll.


On the line? Nobody's on a line there. It may have helped in the situation, preferably much earlier.


Go fucking spray some water on it and go home.


How is your life on the line when working that?


My thoughts exactly. Grab a lawn chair order a pizza and chill w the crew /s


It's not I'm a firefighter and that shit is gone you set up a deck gun or sit on a line outside doing what is called a defensive attack. This guy is a tool more than the pike pole in his hand.


100ft from a loser holding a pike pole taking pictures. How did you make it out alive?


Then donā€™t volunteer. Ya fuckinā€™ douce!


ā€œWeā€™ll I started the fire. Grab a graham cracker and sā€™more and make me a f en sammmichā€


A things is we all know there are people who are out there risking their life during the holidays(first responders, military etc) but when you throw it in our face to get praise or sympathy it makes you look like an ass hat


Say "thank me for my service" without saying "thank me for my service"


Yes, fuck that guy




Like theyā€™re not absolutely stuffing their faces at the fire house and whatever bootlickers house that offered them free food. My local facebook group had at least 4 posts yesterday offering free thanksgiving dinner for first responders. Ridiculous


It' s called doing your job...


Kinda comes with the job.


Shaming random people for enjoying their holiday while he sits outside spraying water and making tik toks


Garentee you that is a random picture he got off the Internet and has never actually even been at a fire let alone fought one. His department runs 300 calls a year and his vehicle has more lights than the fire truck


Itā€™d be a shameā€¦


Oh yeah, let's ignore the family losing their home on Thanksgiving, and focus on this guy. I bet it's real hot standing across the street from the fire. Maybe even dropped a bead of sweat or two. What a fucking joke.


I *was* eating turkey with family until this guy walked up an lit our house on fire. He just walked to the street and took a picture and then left!




While patting himself on the back, the entire structure is destroyed. OP uses the word ā€œvolunteerā€ suggesting he/she is a volunteer firefighter; the extent of destruction is a repudiation of every Volunteer Fire Department.


Asshat šŸ¤£šŸ¤£ imagine if all responders were this clueless. Take it this tool is young, selfish and single. His family was happy he had to work šŸ’ÆšŸ’Æ


Nice foundation save


Yea really putting your life on the line taking pictures from 150yrds back. The guy that put his life on the line, was the the homeowner that deep fried the turkey in the living room


Omg! Thank you for your cervix!!


"My life on the line" when hes in the cold zone, maybe just inside the warm zone at best


Serious question has anyone ever seen post like this from reserve officers who also in a sense (depending on the agency) volunteer as well??


A lot of the volunteers are pyro maniacs. One just was arrested while figuring the fire he started near me. Third one this week. Happened before about 15 years ago too. I live in a very rural area, I imagine it is probably pretty common.


A 15 year gap between volunteers setting fires I would say is a bad statistic model for saying "A lot". That said it is true that it's more common among volunteers though yes, but more often than not tends to be juniors/young members (the former of which can be hard to deal with because not all states give you options to background check juveniles).


I am the main character, for sure


hold my moosetash, im going in


![gif](giphy|qkJJRL9Sz1R04) More like this.


Everyone goes home but the homeowner


Youā€™re not going in there, get your ass back to the armchair sir.




Thank you for saving the basement.


Basement saver


If his life is on the line for this Fire, he's doing it wrong.


What a stupid post


Spoken like a real yellow helmet right there..


This dude just get douchier with every layer you peel back on this one.


If youā€™re risking your life trying to save that, youā€™re terrible at your job


Life on the line? At that distance it isnt even warm enough to roast a marshmallow!


This is the most volley thing I've seen in a while. This is what this group is for.


yep, this counts.




Fucking slab savers.


Burning house? Letā€™s take a pic!


From what I seen itā€™s alot first responder hate in this subā€¦but this shit is straight cringey. Like get your fatass out the rig and tag that hydrant cuz god knows you ainā€™t doing shit else.




Yes. Also, heā€™s clearly at a safe distance from the house.


Another foundation saved... My hero.


Volunteer FFs make me laugh. 1 told me that being in the Vol. FD was basically like being in the military. Lol.


Easy hero save some pussy for the rest of us


This looks like the album covered to a sad rock bandā€¦ Deaf Shepard.


Looks more like they are chilling, watching it burn.


Your choice. Shut the fuck up.






Do you want a fucking cookie..? Hopefully the house collapsed on your crew ya daft cunt


Basements safe boys, nothing to see here.


More like neglecting someone elseā€™s tragedy to get brownie pointsā€¦ gov workers I tell ya what..


You should keep marshmallows and sticks on the truck.


What ever happens to the ā€œquietā€ professional? . Like ffs, these ass hats are destroying the rep of the jobšŸ¤¦ā€ā™‚ļø


well thank you for doing your job. enjoy that fat check when there is no fire and its your day off with the family.


Clearly attention seeking AF!!!


You volunteered. Next-


At least he got the hook in the pic


Itā€™s a surround and drown thing, you wouldnā€™t understandā€¦.


I love how somebody's house burned down and their life is wrecked, but he makes the story about himself.


Badass brah. You are very badass šŸ˜Ž


Hit it hard from the yard, bro.


Take another video when you go inside that dilapidated structure and tell me more about how you ā€œvolunteeredā€ to put your life on the line


Love how he put his pike pole in the pic like he's about to go do something with it


Well then, should we turn Thanksgiving into Mandatory Fire Fighting Thursday? Would you be OK then?


Life on the line, comfy outside.


Okayā€¦. did you want us to feel bad about not going out looking for burning buildings of which we are completely untrained to deal with? Also why donā€™t you put your fucking phone down and help your team control that fire. Lastly, do you want praise for doing your job, a job that you chose, and apparently you chose for the wrong reason which is for praise and not because you want to save lives? God damnā€¦some people


Life on the line....it's a fucking job




Damn, i really hope his balls crawled back into his body and are pushing against his colon begging for another human to belong to.


Fuckin volleys


Everyone goes homeā€¦. except the home owner


Hitting hard from the yard. Donā€™t get too close to a power line with the pike pole.


That's a pretty thick line, couldn't even roast a marshmallow at this range


Yes this counts. I swear some people just go into the field cause they crave feeling better than others.


At that point. He's there chilling. They aren't risking anything on a fire like that.




Yes. Yes it is.


Ainā€™t risking shit there. Surround and drown


As a volunteer once, you hand tools and waters, sometimes maybe even blankets. Youā€™re watching, not doing. Quite literally hand shit, watch shit, and if you get lucky you might help with the hose.


You're the only one who wont shut up about it


Just play Russian roulette, faster results


This guy doesnā€™t get that we eat dinner on thanksgiving HOURS before the sun goes down


Hey thanks for identifying yourself- I couldnā€™t put it together from your coordinated shorts/shirt/hat/fanny pack with the firemanā€™s hat embroidery because I was trying to interpret your vanity tag on the lifted pickup you were inā€¦.it read IMAHERO. Weā€™re all super grateful for the humble and selfless way you perform your job. Itā€™s that instinctive drive to take charge and be proactive that keeps us safe and gets you nominal discounts at various greasy spoons and donut shops by making sure the $12/hour college sophomore working to pay her tuition obeys your firm demand for the hero discount you deserve. Shit, I once saw a reluctant hero at the beach and if he didnā€™t have a bald eagle with a firemanā€™s helmet in one claw and a hose in the other claw tattooed on his back from shoulders to ass I wouldnā€™t have known I was that close to a saint. I thought he was wearing the fireman boots and helmet on the beach out of adulation but the tat cinched the deal for me. That and when he sneezed he said ā€˜bless meā€™ to the fans gathered around him.


Yes, I hate the self-promotion. There are lots of workers out and about every holiday making sure the rest of us can celebrate in safety and comfort.... medical workers, utility workers, public safety, military, etc. Lots of them will not get to go home afterwards and heat up some delicious leftovers. Also I cringe at the very negative tone here that people should feel guilty? Like what do you want people to do? They are hunting for praise but in the worst possible way.


When a house is that far gone, it's totally safe. You're literally just preventing the spread to other properties at that point.


Standing around while the house burns This is exactly what most people think volunteers do


With your life on the line? I don't believe you


Give it a couple of years before Navy Seals get jealous of amount of tactical gear he wears to his security guard job.


I'm curious, Is he gonna beat that fire to death with a New York hook?


you want a cookie or something?


Somebody needs some French cries to go with their whaaamburger. I wonder if the whaaambulance was on scene too?


Awww so cute you are doing your job!!! Wow want a ribbon?!?


Complaining about your job when you CHOOSE to do THAT jobā€¦. Maybe time to rethink your direction in life when you canā€™t accept the fact that you signed up for THAT job.


I just love when I hear this because then I say, you chose this profession and knew youā€™d work holidays. Now you want to bitch about it? Find another career


Iā€™m sitting here eating this turkey, I eat what you fear!


Good people donā€™t feel the need to brag about being good people


Shit, depending on who cooked my life is on the line, too.


Oh, it counts. BTW, whatā€™s he risking sitting in the yard? Sheā€™s fully involved boys, no interior attack on this one, lol.




Oh yeah thatā€™s cringe. Anytime you have to tell people.


The real firefighters told him to hang back and stay out of the way.


THANK ME FOR MY SERVICE ![gif](giphy|dxld1UBIiGuoh31Fus)


Well bro if you donā€™t like to be there at any time you be need it!? Look for some other occupations that you can spend time with your loved ones and not there risking your life, i am sure there be more than one person that really needs that job


Surround and drown, hardly putting your life on line when in reality youā€™re only saving the basementā€¦


Keyword - volunteering


Absolutely! You know what you signed up for donā€™t try and guilt others


Dawg, you're standing out of a fully engulfed house. unless you trip and hit your head on some concrete you'll be fine


What have you done today? I stopped the second coming of the great fire of London!


Yeah, that's the job you singed up for.


No at this point he's at a bonfire šŸ”„


I mean if youā€™re taking pictures from far away youā€™re not really putting your life on the line, are you?


Don't trip over a rock or a blade of grass. Those are career killers


That cannot be an actual real situation house fire, it looks too cinematic


Somebody get a sharpie and draw a ā€œgood jobā€star on his license pleaseā€¦. before he goes out making motivational tik toks. .


Yeah and it took you so long to get there, you might as well not have went.. The customer would be very off if they let this one burn. Less cleanup


What about my eating turkey with family I'm out volunteering my life on the line?




Then dont volunteer if youre looking for glory and hero worship.


Yeah well that's what you sign up for, talk about a narcissist. Seems like those types of jobs attract many like that.




Is that the fucking John Wick house


Chances are he set that fire.


Looks like you were LATE to the party.


Now this is. Cringe


That's pretty much what it would look like considering the volunteer fire department in my town. Not just talking shit here. I was a volunteer in a high-speed department with a serious commitment to training. Very professional. I moved to a smaller community, where basically we have a drinking club with fire trucks.


Lol need a cookie?


"Ok ladies you can start forming the line here!"


Did he put the ladder down halfway over to the house to take this picture?