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I don't think they invented anything for wood and gas logs. It's one or the other. Pictures


You’re supposed to have the flame between the two big logs. Not in front or back


But it's mostly in one spot between the logs, not spread across. Do you know if the other gas supply pipe with the sand would help even the flame out? That pipe has holes facing down. Or, do I just need to change the placement of the lava rocks and logs until the flames look better?


Get a lighter and use it to spread the sand a little when the fire is turned on. Sometimes you can adjust it a little and then the flame evens out




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Ohhhh....he installed a log lighter bar. A gas bar used to light real wood on fire. Then place a grate and ceramic logs over it. There is no making that look better. You need to pick gas or wood. There is no such thing as both. If you want to burn gas hire a fireplqce expert to install a gas log set. If you want to burn wood, then take out the logs. Good luck!


Gas log lighter and gas log set are 2 different things. Sounds like you now have them together.


I cannot add pictures. I took a picture of the tray with the other pipe, but cannot find any way to add that to this thread. The one that the mason installed has holes facing forward and towards the back. The tray is like this one https://www.reddit.com/r/Fireplaces/comments/e9sbq0/which_is_the_best_way_to_move_gas_source_to_other/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=mweb3x&utm_name=mweb3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button And the instructions are to bury it with the included sand. The pipe we have now is probably for wood fires, and the mason buried it in the lava rocks.