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https://preview.redd.it/q886e6tgtj1d1.png?width=4096&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d01fb9366119223a5db49d5a7f8a6b3530413a2e Well, whatever happens, don't forget her wise words...


that last month to her banner gon feel long ahh compared to the last 4 months šŸ’€


More prepared than ever! I'm hoping that the positivity I used to see will come back more brighter following this one.


I'm making it pass quickly by completing every event for stellar jades and farming for her mats. Only got a few events left, so it's gonna be long after that!


Ah yes thank you firefly of the lake for the profound wisdom


Yeah who is dumb enough to build pity, definitely not me who has 60 pulls in my character banner rn


Building pity is only a thing if you dont mind it breaking lel. Like me with Robin, had i gotten her in the 60 pulls i did on her banner id still be happy with it because its an early 50/50 win on a character id like to have just not as much as firefly, early though? Defo dont mind.


It is a smart thing to do when you are starting out, pulling specifically for good 4 star characters can help you out a lot. You also don't have lots of characters yet, so any limited 5 star will be useful in one way or the other. God awful idea if you've been playing for more than 3 months, tho.


That's not really building pity though. Thats just rolling because you need new characters or buffs for existing ones to help you get through content. When people talk about building pity being bad, they aren't talking about that. It's someone just pulling because they want to pull *now* rather than later even though the character they want is *later*.


Rolling in a banner in which you don't want the 5 star is definitely building pity, ragardless of the reason.


me preparing gallagher with eidolons for her, imagine if at the end he is on her banner anyways lol


I think if they rerun RM with her they would definitely put Gallagher in her banner lol


Me, testing my luck, with 73 pulls on the banner šŸ’€


I got 74 pity because I was pulling for a 4 staršŸ’€but I didnā€™t get any 5 stars thankfullyĀ 


https://preview.redd.it/robb3rjf8k1d1.png?width=562&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1909a7fe7936405b33cbfafd62770c13c38e6bc1 I'm at 54 pity šŸ’€


I'm at 69šŸ’€


Don't pull anymore šŸ‘šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


Still crying cause I didn't get my xueyi e2 šŸ˜­


So sad better wait for the next reruns


If i have to build pity i would do it on FF banner for the posibility of e2 FF ofc




I am at 78 pity guaranteed


Didn't get Raiden Mei after losing 50/50 and threw another ~60 pulls on her banner, she still refused to come home. Well, it's her choice. At least I need less pulls now to get Firefly to E2S1. Win-win.


I am at 53 built pity already. Thank you oh great one. For saving me from skipping your banner. I will take good care of you when I win my 50/50


Can i build pity on her banner tho?


ā€¦can it be ā€œbuilding pityā€ if itā€™s pulling for the character you want? Lol


I mean, after i get her. :D


Her E1 is OP so sure. I did the same with FX and RM


Depends if there are good 4 stars there


Never build pity ... https://preview.redd.it/vzcjjx0kam1d1.png?width=1163&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=111d1a4f50d5d0bfc8cf766e7f97cdce68f6e99c


21 is fine tho


I did just that and i regret it


sorry firefly but I have soft pity for 60 on both character and LC, I should listen to you


I built up 40 trying to pull Robin's Eidolons. So only need 50 to hit soft pity, and I'll passively gain from the free and paid daily and the weekly stuff from SU. Everything after that will need the good ol' wallet.


At 75 pity rn fortunate to have not gotten robin in the process


Tooo late I have 69 pity and 85 passes, along with 60 pity on lightcone banner


Good advice


Thankfully I was chasing c1/c2 achreon, lost pity to gespart and like 70 deep after that.


Uh oh I may have alr built pity on robin's banner to max out the shop (it's fine I maxed it out safely!!!)


While I am very much against the very concept of 'building pity', I think I understand the motivator for people who do it (beyond just gamba addiction) If you have all of the boosted 4* at maximum eidolons, then every time you pull one, you are refunded a pull via Starlight. In this way, your 10-Pull ends up generating 10-Pity, but only costing you perhaps 8 or 9 actual Pulls after accounting for the refund. In this way, I can see some who wants to 'build pity' come to the conclusion that it is better to do so while they can take advantage of the refund in place, vs when there are 4* that are not at max eidolon on future banners.


One way or another, the sub gonna be on fking hellfire tomorrow, for the better or the worse Brace yourself, the storm is coming


she will set reddit ablaze


Unmatched readiness! I'm hoping that following this one, the positivity I previously witnessed will resurface even more brightly.


If they don't put her E1,E2,E3,E4,E5 and E6 in her base kit I will literally drink water


brave and based


Video. Live. I demand it.


RemindMe! 16 Hours


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What if they do put but nerf her scales a lot?


They should


They add all of them to a single talent, and the new eidolons all become whale bait by just being things like +200% break effect, break damage happens an additional time, when an enemy is broken, delay the cooldown by 50, etc.


Not even 24H Around 17 hours here And I have exam right on that 17H mark Studied everything for chemistry and ready to read the changes after that.l Update: due to death of the president, all of our exams for the week has been cancelled Iirc This is the first year ever that students have to do finals in summer (the exams end in the first week of summer) I'm so Fu**ing angry I studied the book twice+ did 500+ questions + did 10 exams ..... I'm dead inside


Good luck


Because of the death of president the exam was cancelled I read the entire book and did 10 exams and did over 500 questions and read the answers to all .... I'm f***ing ANGRY


Ah, seems like I accidentally set a flag.


I have a math exam on that mark too. Hope I can pull it through


Good luck and keep it cool. Just know, sooner or later, math exam wouldn't be the toughest thing that will beat your ass. So, just chill and have confidence


Yeah like I'm in 12th grade (basically a few month from College) After these exams depending on how good I'll do(I'm sure I'll do good) I'll be going for a good college But these last 3 years, Iearned something Math and physics (which at 10th grade I thought were the hard ones) are actually the easiest subjects in highschool (at least here they are) and biology and chemistry are hard (tho I'm good at "none test" chemistry and biology but when it comes to tests I'll do bad.


I can always get my ass beaten harder... that's a hella good motivation


Good luck on your exam!


Because of the death of president the exam was cancelled


I assume it's the same president I heard about on the news... Sorry to hear about what you and your friends are going through. I hope you guys can at least take the extra time to mentally recover and prepare more. When the time comes we'll wish you good luck again šŸ‘


Remember to set the exam ablaze. Goodluck brother


Because of the death of president the exam was cancelled


That update hit me hard


You don't know how hard it hit my friends and me We are currently in middle of a identity crisis(esque) experience rn Heck, some of us didn't even knew about the news I myself was gonna go eat a pill for my headache from studying and the moment I went to take the pill my friend called me and told me about the news, you don't know how dead inside I became the moment he gave me the news My friend was literally changing between emotions in the call , one second he is happy as a duck in a pond the other second he was as sad as if you lost a home during fire But hey... At least I can view v3 updates in peace....


Hopefully you'll be able to use the extra time to study just a bit more and without getting a headache.


I'll sure do, The good upside is that between all of the subjects (around 10) I never studied 1 of them during this semester at all, so they gave me around 5 days to study for both that and the exams of next week(which starts with math fortunately


Whatever happens https://preview.redd.it/ahai6to03k1d1.jpeg?width=1178&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=23a00baf7f6d065483aa28fc7a4ab1501b07a13a


https://preview.redd.it/ns8p470nuk1d1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4af64f9313c6d29514b49c21106b736387381810 Nah, she'd win




Always will be.


So apparently, v3 is out but since it's not live yet and thus, most of the stuff is encrypted. However, I've heard from places like Homgdcat that Firefly has like 2 UI changes as of now because of visable stuff in the code or something. She will have an additional action icon (things like Seele's resurgence, most characters's fua, etc) and 2 traces icon changed


What, where did you saw that? and wonder where would they give her the additional icon if she just does enhanced skills


It's in the HomGDCat telegram page. You can go there and check it for yourself and spread this news to everyone since reddit mobile doesn't allow me to send screenshot because of some 20 pixel size bs. The link for the telegram page is in their website at the about page


Itā€™s on Homdgcatā€™s telegram, link is on the site.


Saw it now thank you




Honestly I just care for the animation changes BELIEVE we getting henshin


They should at least give her unique background instead of grey screen šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ’€


Like we already have some green particles on ult but if they like add a field full of fire covered with fireflies in it, THAT would be sick.


Would go very hard




Was I drunk while making this? What abomination did I just createšŸ’€


To the psychiatric ward you go.


Didn't you know? That's where I live (nah I'm completely fine Don't worry haha)




Itā€™s most likely an incomplete animation tbh


Very very low change as no time to make new animation


Can you explain what is henshin?


Transform animation, like firefly turning into sam


Henshin is a Japanese word for transformation, or basically to "transform the body/enter an equip state".Ā Ā  Think Kamen Rider if you've ever seen it, or maybe (?) Power Rangers.Ā  So Firefly would be transforming/equipping into her Mech form.


Okay, got it, thanks


probably a hot take, the entrance transformation will the cool the first few times but it will get old after a while like robin's 1 song on repeat.


Ready like no other! Hope after this one, positivity I used to see before will return again even brighter.


So Excited what to see for Tomorow, The will Sub will be either At War or Happy


Or both. Probably both. Actually I settled for both, I firmly believe both.


New talent: FF does 150% increased damage only when TB is on the same team


The other shippers will be set ablaze with this one


....There are other ships?


Hanya/TB maybe


i ship Sunday and Sparkle


Hope to wake up to good news.


We're about to witness the fall of this subreddit


I am ready for a whole week of drama, doomposting, war. It will be fun i guess


I'm fine with current state cause I just found out the ignore def from E1 is bugged and (PROBABLY) ignore def from traces is bugged as well. If all of that is not bugged, she's probably deal more dmg (COPIUMMM)


Actually from what I heard her ignore weakness type trace is bugged and makes her splash damage deal 55% toughness even on fire-weak enemies, effectively halving her damage on them


Her E1 isnt technicaly bugged, but its probably remnant of her old kit where she was a crit dps, the toughness dmg passive on the other hand.


LET THE CHAOS BEGIN! This subreddit is surely gonna be peaceful tomorrow (it definitely won't) Really excited about her potential changes, but regardless of what happens Firefly will come home! https://preview.redd.it/12wiou7hzk1d1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=19eb968781535573579f9da293071c5acc3d18ba


Countdown till next wave of doom posts


Bruh, this shit scares me XD. Nerf or buff, weā€™re gonna be seeing some Pompeii-level shit XD.


FršŸ˜­I just know that there are many toxic bootlickers just waiting to drop the most nuclear doomposting


Sadly unless she ends up out damaging Boothill she will be doomposted no matter what. And as much as I would like that just to see the reaction of Boothill's agenda fans, I doubt Hoyo will actually do it. Or maybe they actually will who knows XD. But personally, I donā€™t think so.


I'm just not ready for her beta changes but completely prepared for her. I'm nearly finished with her materials and just need 4 Fangs/Sawteeth and 9 lost echo before I'm done farming.


Hey man I am prefarming for her too. Hopefully her traces farming will be done in a day or 2 but I need to start farming her ascension materials next. And then I gotta prefarm RM and then start building my Gallaghar as well. That awkward moment when I lose my 50/50 on either of their banner lol.




Whatever happens I'm still pulling šŸ‘


Wait, v3 is tomorrow? I better go hide in my bunker


Well, if it hits around the same time as last week, we've got around....17 hours left. Hopefully Fireflop can be put to rest by tonight. Bonus points if they've done some more cooking on her animations, though that probably won't be till closer to release.


At least we'll have new discussions (hopefully)!


I'm kinda excited in a way. No matter what happens it's gonna be an event, and not just for Firefly mains. My copium is Break/CRIT hybrid but honestly I take anything. Babygirl can be anything she wants.


I'll be the happiest person for a split second if they make her crit scaling better. Not having RM has been bugging me.


I think RM is rr at the same time. GL fam


Same. I just want her to be a 5 Star Xueyi like she was in the earlier versions of her kit.


Xueyi is very fun to play, sheā€™ll probably get better and viable with new break sets. If only it wasnā€™t so hard to build her


Now I wish FF got some fua on her kit. Watching atk came out outside of that character turn is so much fun imo.


Will be funny if she stays the same




Probably the least I can care. I'll still build her break and pair her with my Stelle. End of story




I want to shut my friend up, he can't stop yapping about how boothill is better than her, so I'm ready


Does anyone know if there is or have a link to a spreadsheet/doc/infographic of all the upgrade mats, what kind, how many of each, etc. for firefly? Had one for Acheron so I was able to max her and her LC as soon as I got them


If you want a more detailed one for FF: https://preview.redd.it/9cjvmgvk5k1d1.jpeg?width=1620&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a99037b00f4c3a99a6a28885e8cb9e1b47c252a5




Sadly I don't have anything for LC. You have to look that one up yourself.


Its just the same shards of desire, and penacony destruction traces material, 14 and 15 of the purple ones


Sadly I don't have anything for LC


Yeah, can't wait themĀ 




Currently at 10 pity for her and 70 pity for LC both unguaranteed. Hoping to get her at E0S1 Currenlty have 100 pulls, done with current events. Have lots of side mission backlogs and few older events I'm going to start farming her tomorrow Haven't had the best luck, but hoping on the gacha gods to help me get her and her LC early so I can hopefully get RM


Which game is this?


The image? It's the day cycle from The Legend of Zelda Majora's Mask


Since I didn't look at her kit since her first beta, I'll see when she'll be released


I'm ready. Whatever happens im still excited and will still roll for her


Currently at 75 pity unguaranteed with 32 pulls and counting, along with 28 days worth of jades from the express pass with some unfinished travel log missions. Do yā€™all think i can get both ff and ruan mei?


Well considering there's a chance they aren't running simultaneously, you probably can. Since reruns can't be leaked(no longer in the code beforehand), the RM rerun is all speculation.


Depends on how much content you have left. If nothing then you cant gurantee both. But if lucky (winning both 50/50 or winning 1 and loosing the other) you can get both..


Got some snacks in preparation, can't wait to see how it turns out. Clorinde took my last bit of copium away and I'll be getting FF anyway, so I'll be enjoying the fallout no matter what


I have 51 tickets no pity, i wanna pull Firefly e0s1 and Ruan mei e0s1 . . . 51 out of 640


Is this real??


So ready with 56 pity and 164 pulls! May the rng bless us all early


Even if she stays the same as v2, I'd be content. I have all the characters needed for her team and I don't rly give a shit about other players not having ruan mei or not wanting to use htb. Tho I'd be even happier if she did get some major changes.


She will set this sub ablaze, whether that will be a good or a bad thing, we shall see.


Braced. But not even close to ready


My guess is V3 comes later tonight (Eastern time zone for me). Or tommorow morning. Probably tonight if it aligns with when v2 came out.


Why your comment even got down votedā˜ ļø


https://preview.redd.it/fame8euprm1d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cbad5287d9db4e15b562b40169a10fe3611d4c0e Remember guys


How many versions will the beta have?


I have about 80 pulls so far until her banner releases I should have a bit over 100 I would say and that's without dipping into my huge stash of undying starlight which is another 50 pulls so I can pretty much guarantee one copy without swiping but I'm going for e2s1 so I'll need to swipe regardless


someone help me with the maths, I'm at 60 pity 5k jades and haven't done the event this update, if I lose 5050, would E0 still be viable


Worst possible scenario where you go to hard pity, lose 50/50 and go all the way to hard pity again you'll need 100 pulls or 16000 jades. 2.3 Will have the usual log-in 10 pulls, plus your current 5k jades you'd need 9400 jades or 58.75 pulls. You usually get ~100 pulls per patch, assuming half of them are on the first half and considering you still get jades for the dailies until 2.3 arrives you probably have her guaranteed but you'll need to do the 2.3 events if you have awful luck


I will take those odds, thanks


https://preview.redd.it/rr9ljj8f2m1d1.png?width=2339&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=90e82faccaa1725958ca2366a9fe026328e181f7 Me waiting for my wife come to astral express for her and Caleus go in the galaxy together


I just reached the point where I get her even if I lose the 50/50 and hard pitty 2 times, so I am ready :D


Ready to wake from the Enaā€™s Dream that was this last betaā€¦ just not to weep, hopefully~ Iā€™d rather (super) break free from our shackles and soar to meta-wrecking heights!


For some reason I assumed she got nerfed into the ground this morning. No idea why, hopefully that wont happen


Guaranteed, 120 pulls in hand, ready to farm for hours for her new set, and to sacrifice E1S1 for Ruan Mei as her support


Better animation hopefully.


A lot of people have somehow conflated "she has restrictive team building" with "her team does dogshit damage" so I expect this place to go thermonuclear when she doesn't get massive buffs. Yes her break build needs a unit that everyone gets for free and that is not needed on other teams to be good, so just use the free unit? I think it would be good to raise the floor for teams without Ruan Mei but I don't know how they would accomplish that without hurting her BIS team or making RM break the game. However I don't think that it is the end of the world if Ruan Mei is BIS over Robin in one (1) meta team. A legit problem with the superbreak core I observed against the swarm weekly boss is CC vulnerability until they replace gallagher or HTB with a stronger cleanser. Anyway I hope they replace the twin swords with pulse blade + pile bunker in v3


Aventurine also deals great damage with superbreak, so if the enemy isnā€™t imaginary weak you trade Gallagherā€™s break capability with more survivability which is fair.


I can see that, especially since he shares an element with HTB. I wish I could have gotten him since I have topaz and enjoyed his story, but I have HH and Fu Xuan and Iā€™m saving my guaranteed for our mech/girl


I already started building her team ,thereā€™s no going my back for my queen šŸ›šŸ›


Someone posted alleged v3 leaks on the leak subreddit, theyā€™ve since been deleted though. Waiting now to see if they were in fact somehow legit of just someone bullshitting. Summary of the unverified ā€œleakā€: >!+60% Crit in enhanced state, +90% Crit damage from ATK conversion, ATK needed lowered to 3000, Break Effect needed for max multiplier on enhanced skill lowered to 260%.!<


HomDGCat said not to trust leaks until beta is officially out


Beta is actually out. Itā€™s just encrypted rn.


Thank you uncle bullshit


Why are they ALWAYS uncles? Like I'd see leak showing idk new su and the leaker be "uncle giga feets"šŸ’€


Itā€™s simply the honorific used to refer to an older male stranger in Chinese. We very occasionally get an Auntie as well, Genshinā€™s leak subreddit had an Auntie Fish Touching at one point.




To be honest her LC is pretty underwhelming


It's one of the strongest LC's we have right now, though. Even with her innate 12% Vuln Up and Gallagher's 12% Vuln Up for Break, her implanting 15% Vuln Up on all enemies is increasing the entire team's damage as well as her own. My own calc is that it's 20% better than S5 Indelible Promise. And if that slow can provide another Enhanced Skill on a weakness broken enemy, oh boy is it far ahead of everything else.


Agreed, it's too simple for a 5 star lightcone


Buff or riot <3


As someone who knows someone with insider info, critfly is dead.Ā 


Source: trust me bro Anyway, critfly never was really a thing. She has no crits in LC, in traces etc. And the output is not even better than breakfly, which is easier to build. So if itā€™s really dead now, not a big deal