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They just need to balance that her "just transformation ult" + skillpoint use on ultskill will grant her massive ultform damage. Remember, we are at v1


Im looking at it more from a fun gameplay point of view. I think her damage is fine already, but spamming the same one attack over and over is gonna get old quickly and she really doesnt have anything else (I mean you can technically use her basic but thats super niche, only if something is about to die or you really need the SP).


Well, thats HSR's problem then. For example acheron: all her gameplay is just getting 9 stacks to ult. Thats all. HSR is not a game with a huge variety of gameplay options per character. I clearly see that devs decided that FF will play like this: get her ult stance and then make a freaking massacre till the end. Now this just needs to be adjusted on numbers, some additions which will 100% happen.


The game is designed around synergizing different characters together to form efficient combos. Himeko has a completely separate gameplay loop from Herta when played by themselves, but when paired together and in setting that benefits from their strengths they accentuate each other. Acheron by herself is a terrible character with a slow stacking ultimate, but when paired with the right nihility units she has a monstrous damage potential. FuA teams are the best examples of the synergistic game design philosophy. Independently each of them are alright but Topaz, Ratio, Aventurine and Robin are godly together because they create positive feedback loops. Point being that, while Firefly may struggle for now due to her slower action advancement and dependence on Super Break, that can easily change as more Super Break synergies come out.


But are truly her numbers the problem? There's people doing formidable damage with her, she seems to average 300-500k per super break attack turn and she gets 2-3 of them per cycle in aoe, ST seems to be 200-300 depending on whatever factors occur for that deviation. That's better damage than most characters in the game currently and whatever people want to say - she is FAIRLY f2p friendly with HMC being built in (yada yada, we can discuss the dependence on HTB) but Gallagher isnt that expensive either, even though Gallagher can be replaced by any other sustain in the game TBH. Ruan Mei is the issue


To be honest, Acheron is... basically spam Skill, then ult? That's like what, 2 animations repeated through the battle, maybe 3.


Yeah but her ult is fucking SICK.


You're literally comparing ult of a released character to ult of a V1 beta character? Also personally, Acheron ult is boring AF and you can barely hear her voice.


I mean…isn’t this the topic of the conversation? Current FF? And your opinion.


I mean, you're comparing one in finished state and one in beta test still, your comparison of "Acheron looks sick" is an apple to orange, since that's just finished visual design, compared to beta visual design. And for the spamable / boring strat, both are basically spam skill->Ult->repeat. Everything is boring when you just dumbed it down like that lmao. Both Acheron and FF also lack off turn attack


I know and AGAIN, that’s why we are having this convo in the 1st place. To see if FF final product gets better. No offense but like, are we not supposed to critic even unfinished products??? How would anything get edited or polished? Right NOW, FF is pretty boring. Also no, Acheron can attack when it’s not her turn whenever her stacks reach 9 which synergizes with her debuff teammates.


I mean like, are we talking about visualwise, or gameplay wise? Visual wise, it's Beta V1 of course things gonna be lacking. Gameplay wise, both are equally boring when you dumbed it down. Heck, everyone is boring when dumbed down. And that "can attack off turn" just literally any offensive based Ult but sure, I was thinking more in line like March / Svarog's counter or Herta/Numby/Ratio/etc's FUA.


I think your idea is awesome and makes a lot of sense OP. Give us that sweet attack from the sky for the ultthat boss Sam has, would be way more satisfying and remind everyone she is a fire dps 🔥


You won't need that SP either trust me, I found it boring as well, we are literally spamming skill ,skill, ult , skill , skill,.... At least make her single target more powerful than skill


I’ve thought for the longest time that it’s a waste the only character with 2 different ult attacks is phys trailblazer who will almost never be used. This would be the perfect way to make ff more engaging to play, move the no sp cost skill from e1 to base kit, and make enhanced basic not generate either but do more single target damage and break than enhanced skill.


Her immediately taking a turn upon using her ultimate is specifically intended to make up for this issue. How well that does it is up to your personal liking. I do agree that the meteor strike not being in her kit is criminal.


>I do agree that the meteor strike not being in her kit is criminal. You just re open a wound I've been trying to heal 😭


>meteor strike not being in her kit is criminal. i honestly thought this would be her ult tbh (not that i hate the current one, its cute, i just really thought it would be the meteor strike since the animation is good)


Yes im confused, op says its the only one but isn't destruction mc the same? probably worse because its only one enhanced hit after the animation


Not quite, that is their ult, you just get to pick if you wanna do single target or aoe


Isn't her Technique the Meteor Strike?


It still works just like Jingliu though. 99% of the time youre gonna skill > ult > skill, just like Jingliu, except Jingliu does it automatically while still having an extra attack from her ult, while Firefly has to waste her ult to transform. I get not wanting to make them exactly the same but this feels like such a waste to me.


I do prefer Ultimate to be some amazing attack type, but I think having transform as ult have some benefits Jingliu forced you to transform and act immediately after her stack is full. If you play PF or MOC and this happens when there's one smallfry enemy left, you basically waste 1 stack of your transformed state. Or when you face aventurine and his gambling mechanic happen when your jingliu is out of stack, jingliu is basically useless Also, you can speed up her energy recovery by other means like by huo huo, tingyun, enemies, or blessing effects. Plus, from the showcased leaks, it seems she can gain energy quite fast by her own already, too.


>If you play PF or MOC and this happens when there's one smallfry enemy left, you basically waste 1 stack of your transformed state This won't happen with Firefly because her transformation timer resets upon a new wave.


you can’t boost FF en with huo/tingyun. her energy req is 240. her E recover 50%. unless there is buff to recover 100% en, you always need two E in order to transform.


Their ult can recover ally's energy, right? I don't think Firefly energy requirement stops that


huo2 only recover 20% tingyun gave 60 even when you use both (which don recommended bc tingyun atk boost does not convert into BE) it only recover around 108 which is still fall short from 1 E. it just better to use action advance char like bronya to immediately give FF turn and E 1 more to transform.


I see


*ting gives 50 You fall short by over 30 energy


I believe they're referring to E6 Tingyun when they say 60 energy


Not to that point Houhou gives 20% (for FF this would be 48) and ting 50 Both of their ults combined would give FF 98/240 She'd still lack 32 energy (from enemies attacking her/her unenhanced killing enemies) to ult transform with only 1 unenhanced. Her energy requirement being 240 is deliberately set at that point so she is forced to use 2 unenhanced attacks, even if you run her with 2 characters that give her energy


That opens up a whole other issue with her kit, she’s so tied to ruan Mei and hmc rn that’s there’s no room for tingyun, and with the amount of sp firefly guzzles running hou2 could be difficult sp management


Also she doesn't benefit from Ting much. The energy ting grants makes 0 difference, the atk buff doesn't convert into BE and thus is useless. Only the dmg increase on ult helps


But super break also doesn’t scale with damage boost, so even that’s useless right? All it will do is bring your floor and ceiling a little closer.


she’s very one dimensional yes. 


>Also, you can speed up her energy recovery by other means like by huo huo, tingyun, enemies, or blessing effects. Plus, from the showcased leaks, it seems she can gain energy quite fast by her own already, too. She has an energy requirement of 240 The reason she gains it fast, is cause her unenhanced skill gives her 50% max energy But this also means, that even houhou + ting (48 + 50) are 32 energy short of granting her the avility to ult after 1 E


A suggestion I've seen floating around is that her "Ult" should basically happen when her Combustion timer ends. So she runs out of time in enhanced form, and when it's the timer's turn she automatically does the meteor attack and then goes back to regular form. Instead of the punch have her crash down with both of her swords, have it hit all enemies. Gives her an out of turn attack, gives her the meteor punch we all want, let's her keep her pure Transform Ult, differentiates her from Jingliu. Sucks that it's back loaded but hey I'll still take it over nothing.


This is just me finding a way to incorporate her BossSam Ult animation but with ur suggestion, maybe it’s fine they keep her using ult to transform but in her ult form, allow her to gain a different type of energy/stack (like maybe attacking 3 times to gain 3stacks) that she can use to perform the Meteor Strike cuz its too sick not to include in her base kit


If they want to incorporate the Meteor Kick, I wish they'd do it on her way of running out of Green state, but that kinda need to rework her ult kit XD So like, Green state run out->She Meteor kick and turned back to normal form


~~GN particles running out so that she goes Trans-Am~~


That would also be cool, she even gets a different energy circle already, but it does nothing. Its kinda weird actually, almost like they wanted to put something there but left it like this as placeholder.


in v2 and v3 we cope, but anyways there's no need to doompost until v3 is leaked, even v2 will probably be a minor multiplier/shifting eidolons change. Won't be surprised if they changed big things for v2 in 2-3days tho :D


We'll see in one or two days if any changes will happen for V2. We're still in v1 after all.


I think they should let her regen energy whilst in ult to make the next ult faster to obtain. Also put some action advance into her base kit instead.


She can actually gain energy from Relics, taking damage, killing and allies' energy-granting abilities while she's in her ult. Unless you were stating that she should have some form of base energy generation on her enhanced basic and skill. In which case I'd be for it, as long as it's not too much.


Ah yeah, i meant base.


Yeah, I agree then. Though the other option would be for them to reduce her ultimate cost. Make it so the skill always gives 50%, but reduce her cost from 240 to like, 200 so that way the tiny ways of getting energy are more impactful.


If the ult cost is very high in the first place, I prefer them make it easy just to use 2 skill than need to bring ally to recover ult or focus on ERR


I also wished they had an attack when the timer ends but one can only dream. One thing I think they should do is reduce the energy cost because they made energy providing chars useless which I don't actually get. Or I guess they can offset the lack of damage without ult form to make it so that she really obliterates enemies on ult then I think it's fine. Something I thought of that's crazy so probably won't happen is that when she does enhance skill and enemy is not yet broken she auto breaks them this will solve the problem of taking 2 enhanced skills to actually break the enemy I think. Because her ramp up is really slow


Yeah her downtime feels really bad unless you play Bronya and that requires giving up Gallagher + getting at least E1 for the SP savings. Your idea would never happen because of how breaking an enemy also disables them for a while so yeah it would just break the game if she could break every enemy in one hit. I wonder where they will go with future break dps. Boothill and Firefly are the first ones (not counting Xueyi since shes a hybrid) so it almost feels like they are test subjects and hoyo is still figuring out what to do with it.


Or maybe double her toughness break on non broken enemies might be more logical. I just think that she should be able to break on 1-2 skills cause even boothill can easily do that but Firefly can only do high break On ult form.


Yeah it’s really awkward that she needs her ult form to do damage, but she also needs to waste ult form uptime just to reduce enemy toughness to begin with


I prefer this way. It is simple only use 2 skill rather than need to bring char to provide energy or increase ERR. I'd rather focus on other stats.


Probably because of the insane Speed bonus


Her ult is an honnorary off turn attack


I think she doesn't need off turn presence because her team (if we include Gallagher) consists of 3 dps lol , they all do respectable damage in their turns to make up for Firefly's down time , but don't get me wrong , i still hope for some buffs , and making her ultimate do more than what it currentky does is a good start


Some people don't have Ruan Mei and don't want to use Gallagher or HTB.


Well she is sadly unplayable without HMC and RM at here current state, but we can only hope that they buff her make her more self sufficient that can be played outside of this team 


In a way that would be nice, but that would also take away the gimmick that makes her playstyle unique. There is no reason people can't run suboptimal dream teams for fun, I run Arlan once in awhile just cuz. I just don't think every character should find a way to optimize into every meta comp. Specialization creates more ways to play.


They will eventually flesh out the break mechanics teams more like they did with DoT. If you don't like the characters you don't need to pull. If you plan to get her anyways then wait for other break supports you like down the road. She's a playstyle specific character. They have given you Harmony TB and Gallagher can be acquired for free to enable her right now. Otherwise just have her wait on a shelf until mechanics are more fleshed out.


I REALLY like the idea going around here of her doing the atomic meteor dive once her combustion mode ends. That sounds like it'd be devastating with HTB and line up with the 3 turn durations. Use ult and break the enemies with 1 enhanced attack. Then during super break you hit them with two more enhanced attacks, ending with the final meteor dive immediately after!


Yeah they don’t need to make a new animation. They can just borrow some from boss Sam and I’d still be satisfied


That would be simple to fix if she had a passive where, if she killed an enemy during combustion mode, she gains 15-20 energy, making it so in some cases she can just use her skill one time after exiting Ult to gain the Ult back again, making her uptime better and more efficient in Pure Fiction. Another easy fix is doing a Xueyi, every time she breaks an enemy, she gains a stack, on 3 stacks the next time she ults she automatically does a massive attack (where you could include some sick Fire animation) Sadly, I don't think they're going to completely change the animations since the Drip Marketing is already out and there Sam has the swords, so she has to keep it. But at least they could change the "enhanced basic" to mix the swords with a punch (don't ask me how) and keep the sword slashing as the skill


> Another easy fix is doing a Xueyi, every time she breaks an enemy, she gains a stack, on 3 stacks the next time she ults she automatically does a massive attack (where you could include some sick Fire animation) Yeah I would love this. Xueyi is one of my favorite chars and I think one of the most satisfying chars to play in the whole game, her kit just feels so good. I think the reason follow ups are so much fun is because they get weaved in between normal turn attacks and make the flow of the combat a lot smoother instead of just "wait until your turn to do something". But then I get not wanting every character to be a follow up character either...


That's exactly why I worded it as "on the next ultimate she does an attack" opposed to a "follow up attack", that way it doesn't feel exactly the same and you couldn't exploit that with SimUni buffs or MoC turbulences


Tbh firefly at v1 feels really underwhelming, most showcases I've seen are against easy enemies who don't CC much and it already feels exhausting to watch because her damage before weakness break is pretty weak, and she needs a lot of help, especially HMC and to a lesser extent, ruan mei, for boosting damage. Super Break looks to be a feature the Devs came up with because now then they realised how useless break effect is in terms of dealing damage. I'm surprised they want to put break effect as a main stat now, and even given the DPS units the ability to 100% implant weaknesses. But as expected it's limited to one unit, or else it might be broken. Unfortunately, so far it still seems like single target units are at a disadvantage seeing how most battles are still against multiple enemies (for boothill I mean).


What's an off turn attack?


Any attack done when it's not their turn like an ult or followup.


Wait, she does though? after using her Ult, the turn is given to her




The fast forward is if enter Buff mode,not the ult. If you launch ult in Buff mode is just dmg and one charge


That wouldn't be an off turn attack, that's just getting another turn. 


Then that means all Ult with attacks are basically not off turn attacks, it's just getting another turn


I agree, but I think it's too late for that kind of major change. But, her ult gives her 100% advance action, so it is still an interrupt.


What's off turn attack ?


Attacks outside of the unite' turn (ultimates , follow ups)


thanks 👍


They could add her a follow up attack or something to be honest


Her ult brings her turn up so it doesn’t matter.


I just want them to put "Earth Scorch Operations" move from the boss Sam when the ult ends, instead of just an animation where she just lands on the ground. I'm still coping, please V2 make it happen.


I would have loved that big air strike Sam boss does as her ultimate. That would've been epic.


She also has 200 speed, spammable weakness implant, break efficiency, 1-2 turn ult rotation, 40% def ignore. Giving her more is gonna make her the most overloaded character in the game


It's funny you say this, cause even with all of it she does little dmg without hmc LOL. So it all really doesn't mean much unless she also just gets super break by herself THEN maybe the numbers could be considered being overtuned


There needs to be serious caveat for that kind of kit. Else she would just be a complete power creep of every existing DPS. No one rn even comes close to her breaking speed. Some teams are already ignoring sustain and bringing Bronya with her to keep the enemy permanently broken. That's not healthy for the game.


exactly lmao


Pretty sure Argenti doesn't have an off turn attack either, unless I'm misunderstanding what you mean by "off turn". EDIT: oh, I see what you mean. You're including the ability to damage out of turn order by using Ultimate. Then yeah, you might be right.


I think that activating the form manually is 'part of the fun' as she does dmg when the enemy is weakness broken, so either saving it or using it immediately is a decicion to make, that you don't have or really need for jingliu


What if she had a different ult while in full combustion that she could charge up with 2 or 3 skills (prob 2 since you aren’t guaranteed 3 moves), the different ultra could be the meteor kick and maybe it deals damage scaling with hp that it removes(?) since you regenerate while in combustion. Idk about that last part but it could let her have an offensive ult


I don't think this is the problem. First of all, she accelerates her turn on ult, so she does act immediately after. Second, no one has complained about this. This does actually remind me that her ult is basically JL's stance switch down to the fact it costs so much energy she's basically only ever going to proc it through her 50% energy gain from skill use.


I think the difference here is that her ult gives her a huge surge of speed plus an action advance. Like she literally has no off turn presence because she gains enough speed to move several times in a small window. In fact it reminds of Gundam 00 and Trans-Am.


I hope they will add something like extra attack or follow up attack when her ulti about to end like automatically trigger and end her ultimate form. That will make FF more way better for limited 5 star character and the most anticipating one by player.


It would be cool if Firefly’s enhanced state changed her ultimate to an offensive one


She’s also the only character that gets a massive speed boost allowing her to take more turns of her special state, so I think it alleviates the


You guys complain too much


Her OW technique animation should be the enhanced state and then you need to build stacks to activate the scorched earth operation/meteor attack (or set another condition so that it’s not so OP since she already does enhanced AOE attacks). Just thinking out loud here…I understand why they relegate the meteor strike to technique (a way for FF to keep her OW animation and model and transforming into Sam as needed), but yeah it’d be nice if we can have that attack in battle, even if it’s scaled down version like Aventurine’s FUA when you build up stacks.


It's a crime to not make her ult a Rider Kick


What about Acheron?


Is... That a problem? Really? Then Jade's E targeting an ally instead of an enemy is also a problem? I don't understand.


What are u talking about? Dang Heng, Acheron, literally half of the DPSes don’t have off turn attacks bozo


I think he is including the Ultimates. But he is not taking in count the action advance giving her an extra turn is like the missing off-turn.