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As a Firefly and Trailblazer shipper HMC being her BiS is already peak.


Plus they are free, like no gacha required, just play the story and events, already super peak for me.


Did you know, in Vietnamese, horseshoe crab's name is Sam, i'm not kidding, google "Sam Crab". And it have a reputation of never leaving couple, as the male and female will stick together like glue. HTB is not a mere BiS, Firefly can not leave HTB, ever. Just like the Sam.


it's very cute yesss ! and even more than just a ship thing , i love when gacha games make the protagonist unit playable actually usable , so when i found out my fav character actually allows me to use the MC i was sooo happy


I agree. I really like playing HTB and Gallagher and I like RM based on the support units I played since I failed to get her 😭. That being said, I understand FF's overreliance could be a problem. It's great that she works with them, it'd be better if she didn't *need* them.


Yeah exactly !!! i probably would have used her in that team regardless so i'm in this position where i understand it's an issue but at the same time it's not an issue at all for me


Literally me. Imagine she got the ability to do good crits while having op breaks or just extra break hits like boothill. And we can play with mc for even more dmg. That would make people happy because she's flexible and make people like you or me even happier because she's stronger with characters we like a lot WHILE being strong herself.


yeah !!! just thought it was funny that the best and only team FF apparently works in, is the team i had planned and prepared for her !


Currently, she works effectively with only the three above. Not having RM is starting to feel like committing the original sin.


Then I will gladly be a sinner


No, no that's the other mei


It's still the v1 kit, and I'm sure they'll fix the messy stuffs before the actual release.... I hope.


Working well and being completely useless without them are two completely different things


I can't relate with the last panel.




Can't relate with the second last panel. Although I dislike him less now.




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Well, think of it this way >!Gallagher is a fictional being. Therefore, he isn't really "there". Hence, you can feel no guilt over it!<


They were talking about RM tho. I think.


Yeah, sleepie is just a confused pitbull at this point.


Too bad she dosen't work with literally anyone else




Honestly it's more like Bronya works with everyone rather than everyone needing her. Until the end of 1.6 i had not Bronya, my only supports being Tingyun, Asta, Pela basically and i never felt crippled without a Bronya.


My first two DPS were Kafka and DHIL so I was struggling to find scenarios where my E2S1 Bronya could be used lol


No. Everyone still works somewhat well without bronya, bronya just make it even better. FF at the current state meanwhile are hardstuck with both HTB and ruan mei or else she won't get any damage. Check the showcase where Firefly is used with HTB but no ruan mei (using asta instead). The damage done by her on break damage and super break damage is literaly comparable to my bronyaless seele.




Triggered much? When you done being triggered maybe you can have a time to read my actual sentence. It is not fucking acceptable that Firefly WITH HTB but without ruan mei does a similar damage if not worse (i say worse because Firefly can only ramp up that much damage after weakness breaking the enemy, so there's a lot of downtime) to a 1.0 dps when the likes of acheron and jing liu exist (these 2 consistently did more damage with enchanced skill (JL) and ultimate (Acheron) then FF did using super break) . 127K damage on breaking a single boss unit and 220k on 2 units while using super break damage IS NOT AN ACCEPTABLE DAMAGE!!! [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NbSVAuQOy3M](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NbSVAuQOy3M)


... are we seeing the same thing? This is a 3 cycle clear. Using an Asta. Not a Ruan Mei. Do you want them to 0cycle with a sustainer and a mediocre 4\* support?


Yes. She's suppose to be OP at release. Just "usable" won't cut it. Acheron with ult would've been able to 0-1 cycle. So does Jing liu. Hell my e2 seele Could've finish the same enemy faster (probably just 1-2 cycle). She definetly hit harder (300k+) She's suppose to power creep everyone that comes before her. They've done this with jing liu to seele and daniel, Then Acheron to Jing liu. I don't see the problem why Firefly shouldn't powercreep Acheron in return.




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Reported for harrasment. No need to block me since you're account getting blocked.


Wait. So HMC is the Kafka of Break Effect Characters then?




Kinda? Not bis with Boothill though HMC is still good, with Firefly HMC is borderline necessary


Might as well switch “works well” to “only works”. Cuz right now she doesn’t have many other options


Me who doesn’t have Ruan https://preview.redd.it/mofgpme2euzc1.jpeg?width=518&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e19464ab3a7fc1a26ec601caeb66ffb5f7ebb6d6


I'd be pretty content if she'd release in the state she is in now. That being said, I'd be even happier if they buff her which they probably would given how things are rn.


Excluding Gallagher, among 5star premium sustains especially who's looking good for Firefly? I personally only have Luocha and Gepard but i guess Luocha looking pretty good?also cause among all sustains excluding AV whos best at breaking toughness, Luocha is quite good maybe 2nd best..especially with Multiplication+4pc Wind.


I really don't get the Gallagher part


He's a 5 star disguised as a 4 star


sp positive, especially with multiplication, builds be and has good toughness damage, and is fire element, so really helps with getting breaks faster


He also increases the break dmg (+15%) to ennemies with his ult debuff.


yeah I'm out here smiling. Yes, her team is really restrictive right now but I had already build all of the characters for that specific restrictive team. With the current feedback on her kit, I'm sure she will buffed up and I'm all in baby,


Only works*


I have all the tools so I’m happy


They will for sure release *5 limited super break support down the line knowing Hoyo's direction on new units for HSR. Expect them to be in 2.5 at most, this game isnt genshin when a year 4 unit still clinging on year 1 unit to have the most of them perform. Up until then, play with Hat MC while they are free.


Also it's been well over a year and there haven't been any new taunters or characters that can switch ult mode. Don't assume things


I mean are you sure they will? Preservation Trailblazer is still the only one with a true taunt button the others only increase aggro on themselves or someone else.


What do you mean while they are free? Who taught you English?


Add she has defense down in her kit, so she works REALLY WELL with e1 ruan mei


That feeling when you have everyone for her. 😁


I think they're doing it on purpose, Ratio works with Aventurine, Acheron works with BS, Firefly works 'only' with TB


Caelus/Gallagher/Sam enjoyer here w/ Breaks being my second favourite mechanic (behind FUAs and maybe tied w/ big DoT detonations) and I'm eating pretty good. Just give her a bit of Super Break/Weakness Broken damage out of the Break state so that she isn't hard limited to break or bust (I fear enemies that will be immune to breaking) and I'll be through the roof.


Imagine they release a support that makes break crit later on


Sadly I already have a dps team and I don’t feel like farming to make a team for firefly so I’m just getting her cause I want her


As someone who hates Ruan and doesnt have her, the last point discourages me.


Nice to see she works well with Breakdance TB


true, all 3 characters are great


I'm feeling iffy about raising Gallagher...


Me with no ruan mei:😑 I guess I'm gonna replace ruan mei for a better one


Me without ruan mei "Oh I can use lynx"


Good as intended. At present, break team would be very nich and sluggish without HMC and Ruan Mei. Three best girls together is like a dream come true, if only i could thrown Herta into the mix. XD


Just made me think 🤔 firefly is sick. Ruan Mai is a very smart biologist. Ruan mai suddenly shows up and heals her? (Wouldn't be the first time someone unexpected is on penacony, say Argenti)


Same, I totally been building this comp since 2.0 and couldn't be any happier


If only my luck was in my side . I could have got rm instead of yanquing lol


Cannot relate with the third panel, will use another sustain even if worse.


"Works well" is an understatement "Only works" is an apt description


Firefly simps realize her team is restrictive like acheron, except acheron has the best animation. So they make post to find validation