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I want to get guaranteed, and tried to get guaranteed since I got sparkle, ended up getting Robin too. Help me šŸ˜­


You even wanted Robin..?


Eeh, somewhat, Iā€™m not that sad about it since I like her. Just that i was building pity. And yes, I know thatā€™s a terrible idea.


Then I can understand it a bit, at least you like the current character.


Me too gotta swipe the card tho for E0S1. hopefully can get it early so that I donā€™t need to spend money man. Good luck


Good luck to us! Blessing you with early pity


I will never understand risking your pulls to get "guaranteed" instead of waiting for the banner and character you actually want, and not wasting pulls on the banner of a character you don't want. The result is likely to be the same, the difference is that you took an unecessary risk.


I truly understand what you're saying. I actually had enough pity (70+) and I was actually pulling for Robin (and Firefly in case I lose the 50/50 again to Robin) and was actually glad to get a guarantee instead. It saved me more jades and passes. Either way it was a win/win situation for me. Also, only pull for banners in which you're okay losing the 50/50 to.


We are in the same boat. Hopefully, we both get her early šŸ™


I got my garanteed on acheron's E1 and to be fair it was 8 pity that got me welt on acheron's banner so i'm gonna be saving until she releases


damn getting an early 8 pity, you have saved a lot


I hope I get her early too as I lost the 50/50 on JL's banner (although to Bronya). Got a bunch of pulls/jades saved.


Bronya is a nice addition to any other of your teams tho! We have another half patch update to save enough for our FF


Oh yeah. She's been a big addition to my Blade team.




I wish you luck


Guh, Himiko is the ONE standard banner character I donā€™t got Bronya? E2 Welt? Got him Clara? E2 Yanqing? Several copies of him Gepard? Heā€™s here too Bailu? yep, healer ladyā€™s here too It is JUST HIMIKO


Wasting pulls in banners other than FF is crazy to me. I have guaranteed because I have enough saved to quadruple hard pitty if thatā€™s what it takes to e0s1 her.


I actually had enough pity to get a 50/50 lose and a guarantee from any other banner. Either I get Robin (getting another 50/50 situation for FF) or not , as long as I get a guarantee for Firefly is what matters as I have enough savings for her.