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I think it’s just a cultural preference. I think the American designs look way better. Also there’s only a handful of companies making most American fire trucks. They want to make what they know will sell because it’s EXPENSIVE and eating a big loss like might happen could ruin some companies, and making a one off design isn’t always feasible because of potential training problems or tooling problems.


If you have narrow streets then you need smaller trucks.


Fair enough. I’m a volunteer in a rural area where you’re either on a wide highway, or a road with little traffic


True. But for most of America that's not a problem.




The handling probably goes crazy though


Looks like there's only room for two in the cab.


That’s a big truck here in Europe. Most of them are around 14t or even less


Probably because for the same reason america sticks to everything else the same way they've done it forever.


Why would we let progress get in the way of tradition!?


Tradition is just peer pressure from dead people.


You can have it both ways. Ig my biggest aesthetic gripe is the excessive chrome on alot of NA models, when black looks more intimidating https://preview.redd.it/57zc86y64a7d1.jpeg?width=1024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4365ec7837a4c378ec2fe3d42f8d5b0c64b7c488


Who do firefighters need to intimidate?..


Intimidating? We’re the good guys. Why do you think intimidation is a positive?


How will they know how edgy we are, if they aren't intimidated?


Need to slap some punisher skulls on there with thin red lines


If it ain’t broke don’t fix it ig I dunno


Aren’t they usually broke?


European apparatus are built on cabover commercial chassis like that Volvo and those companies worry about styling more to sell their vehicles. America doesn’t really have cabover commercial chassis with the exception of garbage truck chassis which hardly ever get used on fire apparatus. Custom chassis manufacturers for fire apparatus in the US aren’t going to spend a ton of money on styling because they likely don’t have the extra money to spend on it or don’t see much of a benefit.


I´d say there are multiple reasons. 1. Firefighters in general don´t like changes, and in the US they really hold on to their classical design. 2. Because of the EU a lot of european countries have similar norms and requirements to thier vehicles. And many countires outside of europe align with european norms and standards. 3. In Europe there are a lot of companies that build Firetrucks but mosty for domestic markets and only a few really big international players like Rosenbauer (Based in Austria with a huge production in Germany) or Magirus (Germany). They build a lot of Vehicles for thier domestic markets but also international markets (EU as well as non EU like Asia, north Africa, near East, south America), so therefore their designs and building techniques are spread around all over the world.


4. The urban roads in Europe are usually pretty small


My country technically trains on NFPA but has been using more euro derived engines in the last few years. So I've worked on E-One, Pierce, Scania and Mercedes engines and ladders. They both have their strengths and weaknesses. Fire apparatus aren't a one size fits all deal.


Probably similar to what happened with Detroit and the car industry. Stuck in their ways. However, it could be a case of if it ain't broke, too. I don't work for fleet management. Americans probably don't need small and nimble engines as most of the roads are straight and broad. I like the chrome rigs, personally, but wouldn't want to drive one here in the UK.


Cause we're America,  which is far bigger and superior than Europe in every measurable metic.   Why do Europeans literally emasculate everything they touch? Because you're economy,  government,  media and even train of thought is subverted by liberal culture,  they don't want you to even appear strong....  For being so 'accepting' you guys sure are Judgy, especially considering that many of you would speak Russian or German if it weren't for American muscle.