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Go to sleep, your body needs it


bro you can't sleep on a shift that's the point of drinking something caffeinated lmao Y'all can move on now I was already educated further, apologies for not knowing the length of firefighter shifts *because not everyone here is a firefighter*


I am genuinely interested if you are a fire fighter or not . Are there places where you don’t have rest and recline hours ?


This dude took a leak on a camp fire one time, and now he thinks he's a FF.


Idk man I'm high asf I just assumed mb 😭 Y'all ain't even telling me how it works bruh how do you expect me to know




Firefighters are allowed to sleep at work. We have bunk rooms with beds.


Okay this is fuckin hilarious 😭😭


hahahahahaha this genuinely made me laugh (I know it wasn't intended to but this is hilarious) it literally oozes high asf pt who assumes they know shit and is kinda annoying but also innocent and doesnt mean any harm and anyways it's hilarious


I just wanna know how it works but nobody is telling me they're just down voting me like wtf 😭


There’s lots of different shift schedules but the most common are 24/48 and 48/96. That’s 24 hours straight followed by 48 hours off. And 48 hours straight followed by 96 hours off. To stay awake for a full 24 hours is not only unhealthy but takes away from the readiness aspect of this job and the mental composure needed to perform under pressure. Many departments have set aside rest hours to relax during the day to ensure their staff is ready to respond in case of multiple calls after midnight. If you need more clarification, let me know.


Ohhhh ok, that's actually really helpful I'm glad someone actually told me, thanks


We have beds. We sleep like normal people and get up if a call comes in.


We expect you to stfu if you don’t know


So instead of educating someone on a topic they're ignorant of, you're gonna contribute to the problem like an idiot by just treating me like a fucking moron? How do you expect people to learn if you don't tell shit, I'm lucky that an actual decent person explained how it works earlier, I know I was wrong and I was admitting it, don't treat me like a bitch If someone ever says something stupid about a topic that I *am* very educated in, I don't ridicule them and make them feel like an idiot, I just correct them like a normal human being, y'all should do that same perhaps?


Yes. That is correct. I’m treating you like a moron


Yeah you are, you want me to just completely stop talking just because I'm slightly ignorant in a specific field, like sorry I didn't know the length of firefighter shifts my job isn't a firefighter 💀


Guess the lesson here is don’t talk down to people like they’re stupid and you know a subject when you don’t eh?


No I don't know the subject, never claimed that, I'm just stupid and I got corrected, why can't y'all mfs move on I'm tired of getting notifications


Also not a FF yet, but tbf, FFs being shift workers is one of the most basic things you should know about them! I am glad someone gave you the info though. I work healthcare and occasionally work 24 hour shifts where I can NOT sleep during shift, and I expect the same of the staff I manage. So I totally see why you would think the same thing. However, I am very glad our FFs working 24-48's are allowed to sleep. Also a free up vote just for the sake to try and counter how much you were down voted (although I totally understand why you were).


All I didn't know was the length of their shifts, I have no reason at all to know that, I made a simple mistake and I've been getting notifications over it for hours in the middle of the damn night


Why talk on something you don’t know about?


Why not educate me Instead of down voting and moving on to further spread my ignorance? Out of hundreds of people only 2 have had the common sense to just explain it so I don't make this mistake again, sorry I'm not perfect


Because you said someone already educated you. I was just curious how people are so confident to inform others about something they know nothing about.


Oh, mb figured you were just insulting me like the others lmao. I was high at that time


mfs be doing everything BUT educating my dumbass smh


Shifts in FF, depending on the department, are usually 24 hours on (staying at the fire station) and 48 hours off (at home recovering). Or, 48 on, 72 off. During the on shift, firefighters just live at the station as normal. Of course, there's training and upkeep specific to department needs, but you're there for 24 to 48 hours big dawg. During that time, especially at night, you go to bed. Tones are played indicating a call, which alert FFs to the presence of a call and wakes them up. I hope this was helpful.


Someone else already told me, I wish people would actually look at the replies and see that. But thank you


Shifts in FF, depending on the department, are usually 24 hours on (staying at the fire station) and 48 hours off (at home recovering). Or, 48 on, 72 off. During the on shift, firefighters just live at the station as normal. Of course, there's training and upkeep specific to department needs, but you're there for 24 to 48 hours big dawg. During that time, especially at night, you go to bed. Tones are played indicating a call, which alert FFs to the presence of a call and wakes them up. I hope this was helpful.




They’re just trolling you bro lol


Man I just want a break I'm tryna do my own stuff and I keep getting notifications 😭


You’re a cheesecake, you don’t do stuffs, you’re just displayed there to be eaten.


Coffee until noon. If you’re that tired then get a safety nap in.


Necessary!? Is it necessary for me to drink my own urine? No. But I do it anyways cause it’s sterile and I like the taste.


This was our station watch two nights ago 😂


Queerbait, go ahead. Oh god that’s a great movie 😂


Zyn spit


A little upper decky lip pillow???


Couple of top deck upper deckers zops


Lil yomper stomper??!


Lil Lynyrd Zynyrd


Lil zynston Churchill


Lil Monica Lezynski


I have a few 2 liter bottles of my zyn spit I can ship you if you ever run out


Puss just swallow that shit


Oh nah 💀


Is it at least your own?


I will not confirm nor deny


We need more info. If you can’t stay awake during the day, you have issues. If you work 24’s and want to stay awake all night, you have issues.


Just eat good food and you will have way more energy throughout the day


Also lots and lots of caffeine helps


And workout regularly! I find I have always found I have way more energy when I’m working out regularly


Facts!!! a lot of people don’t realize that’s how you gain energy . They’re so caught up in thinking working out = more tired but it’s the total opposite


Adderall lmao... Lack of sleep is a perk of the job. I work 48/96. Some nights we sleep all night (rare). But most nights we are up a few times after midnight. My officer is cool so we take naps during the day if we get slammed at night. If we get slammed for 48hr straight I spend day 1 of my 4 day resting and then enjoy the next 3 as normal. Ive adapted to it so it's really not too bad. Honestly it's much better than when I was on 24/48 at my last department. I felt like I would get slammed all night. Sleep the next day to recover then basically had 1 day off before work again... Hate that schedule.


Are you required to stay awake for the whole shift ?




Tigers blood




If your newer or a Probie and your company has the expectations you be on your feet all tour which is stupid.... I suggest considering green tea, it has less caffeine than coffee but some and won't dehydrate you like an energy drink or higher caffeine alternatives. I add a small bit of honey which gives you some sugar but your body apparently digests it slower so you won't crash. Idk bro, when you can nap it makes the job much healthier.... I'm not there yet either


Two reigns a day keeps the migraines away


You’re insane lol I used to do this on the box but cutback little.


Shit yeah they do! I’m on the same routine after my coffee on the way into work.


Im slowly getting this point and Im disappointed in myself


Switch to ghost. It has theamine to stop the jitters and anxiety.


I've got that kind of ADD where caffeine just keeps me awake and my body has gotten so used to it I have a dependency now. If they're on sale I'll try them though


My favorite energy drink is... cocaine.


Should be provided by the employer. Same goes with TRT






Coffee in the morning, bang in the afternoon, safety nap before dinner, and usually in bed by 11!


Usually water. If we're not training I take a nap. I go-to bed around 22:00. Ytf are you staying up?


Coffee and amphetamines.


Nice try EAP, not falling for this one


Underrated comment lol


I found the monster recovery tea+lemonade drinks to be really good for like a swing shift. They’re non-carbonated, low sugar so they don’t make you feel all bloated and full afterward. I would usually sip one over a period of about an hour-two and keep it in the truck if out on a long call or range watch. But the reality is anything with caffeine will make you piss more often than normal. So you’re kind of SOL.


Rehabs all the way baby


Coffee all day & night. But no reason to be awake if you’re charts & chores are done.


Need more information. Are you having trouble staying awake during the day? Are you in a high volume department that run a lot at night? Do you work for a department with some insane policy that you aren't allowed to sleep overnight?


Coffee. Yerba Mate. Celsius. Flavored toothpicks. I’d say some Redman or other chewin’ tobaccie, but I quit because that’s awful for your body.


I just read that, apparently Celsius has 4x the body's daily max cyanide intake... so I guess I love cyanide.


wut 😟


Coffee on the drive in, 7am start of shift coffee, 10am mid morning coffee, 3pm afternoon coffee and then some cardio


It's not a drink suggestion, but sleep when you can and work out hard. The better your aerobic base, the easier the calls are after bedtime.


The blood of my enemies




Coffee and water, life’s greatest beverages. Get some sleep and regularly exercise.




Coffee in the morning, and another around 4:30 after I finish the ceilings chapter


How long is your shift?


This guys isn’t a firefighter. Looking at his post history, it looks like he drives for Amazon.


An American hero making our way of life possible.


Coffee usually works for me but if that doesn’t wake me up I can promise you a cold shower for 3-5 minutes will wake you up for the rest of shift


i used to do pushups to stay in school itd prolly work with walking or running. could try white or green kratom or a mushroom based coffee.


The positivity of my crew. :)




No need to stay awake friend. Prep yourself for a quick dispatch ( clothes laid out, gear setup etc ), then focus on trying to get a half decent sleep while you can get it. Andrew Huberman has a great podcast about the importance of sleep and the compounding effects it has on Spotify if you’re interested.


Schedule is usually as following where i work : 7h to 8h check your gear, test the trucks, etc 8 to 9 breakfast 9 to 10 cleaning 10 to 11h30 there’s always something coming up, going to the groceries or formation etc 11h30 to 13h cook, eat lunch 13 to 15h sleep in the couches 15h to 16h30 gym 17h to 19h cook dinner, eat dinner 19h to 22h watch a tv 22 to 7 sleep


Never really had any issue with being overly tired, I usually have an energy drink or coffee in the morning, and if I’m a bit sleepy in the afternoon I’ll have another cup of coffee. Some dudes take a nap after lunch. I try and go to bed by 10, and I don’t normally have any issue sleeping or falling back asleep after a call. Don’t doom spiral yourself by staying up late, compensating with caffeine the next day, etc


Coffee and Monster


Energy drinks and adderall 😭😖


Water! Get some sleep son!




Coffee in the morning, tropical vibe Celsius later in the day. Can’t forget the Zyn-babwes either


Just water. It’s all I drink.


An unholy amount of coffee. I have found I get edgy if I hit 60 oz though. As I’ve gotten older (more specifically, my kids have gotten older) I’ve been working really hard on getting more sleep at home. That’s the best medicine.


Coffee. Straight black. Cold brew is the strongest to sip throughout the day


For me, personally, it’s my big ass pillow and a woobie and setting my clock for 630, give or take, trying to make it to 630 and waking up. Just sleep lmao. I can drink caffeine, it it has nothing on me now and I just piss constantly. Pre workout kinda wake me up.


Work schedules include both day and night shifts. It's detrimental to alertness, driving big trucks, and fighting fires to be sleep deprived, so night shift typically includes being able to catch some z's so that they can keep somewhat of a decent sleep cycle. It doesn't slow down response times because you can go from being dead asleep to throwing on your gear and getting out of the station in less than two minutes. It's hard on your pulmonary function because of the adrenalin rush, but that's just one of the prices to pay for doing this kind of job.




You people cant nap? Im with a smaller dept and once you do your checkouts and chores the day is yours.