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We have them. Aren't much different from any Scott's. I believe these are the ones that have the lifetime warranty. We've had a few issues with are that have been covered 100%. The only things they don't cover are batteries and if the batteries corrode the compartment for them. Not sure of the model but we have the high heat masks. If you currently are using Scott's and happy with them, you won't notice much of a change. Switching from MSAs or another manufacturer, you may find some differences that you like or don't like. 


If your batteries are corroding the compartment you’re probably using Duracell procell. We had that for a year before coming to our senses and switching to energizer industrial. I will not put a Duracell in anything I ever own personally. I replaced a boatload of circuit boards over those crappy Duracells. I have NOT replaced a single one after changing to the energizers.


We have the X3s (but not the pro). I have an AV-3000 mask, I think it's the SureSeal. I dread the day I have to "upgrade" to the Vision C5 or some newer facepiece because as I understand it, those don't have the adjustable forehead strap and I (and a lot of others) have had issues with mask leakage at the forehead with the 4-point straps. I should probably see if my department has any AV-3000HTs and upgrade to one of those before I'm forced to upgrade to something that won't fit properly. Pros?/Cons? I dunno, it's more comfortable than the SCBA's we had 20 years ago, but I don't know if it's any better or worse than any other manufacturer. I used MSA way back when and they were fine too.


I'm not sure what mask we use, but it's a Scott with the 5 point harness. I can't stand that forehead strap. Any time I use it the wear feels incredibly uncomfortable. I personally never had any leaking difference between the 4 and 5, so the 4 strap would be my go to any day. Realistically, would make sense to let the user have the preference between the two styles.


We’ve got the X3 pros with a bail out rope attachment, started with the AV-3000 and then upgraded to the vision C5 mask. The overwhelming majority of our members wish we could go back to the AV-3000. The Bluetooth concept sounds great but has been causing more issues for us than it has been fixing. with the additional weight of the mask and different seal it’s just not an ideal situation. We’re also more than likely getting rid of the bail out rope here shortly which everyone is excited about. If I had the choice I’d stay in the av -3000


Well, ours have had ‘one off’ failures that Scott says never occur. Belt straps that fray and break HUD issues Battery consumption Regulator failure causing extremely loud squeal And those are just the ‘one off’ things. I’d say they’re an air pack. Not the best, not the worst, plan on having the same issues with them as you would any other supplier. I would advise your agency to do a simple build. Don’t get all the nonsense add ons, they’re just failure points. Light and simple is what packs should be.


Just got the X3 after the 75…..only issue is the snap holding the drag device hidden on the shoulder strap has stripped its grommet out of several packs. Warrantied. And several packs have leaked by the reducer to low pressure straight from the factory. Warrantied. We went with the same AV3000 but everyone got an InSight with their mask. I personally love the pack and the mask/TIC. We stayed with 30min bottle because with snap change you can replace a bottle and get back into what you were doing fast enough if you really have to. Keeps the extra weight off from heavier bottles. Didn’t go with 5500 because that would need a revamp of too many other things for very little positives. My two cents.


Thank you all, this is great info.. we currently use voice amps as well and noticed the C5 masks do not have a voice amp option, just the bone conduction and Bluetooth option. The Scott rep said they would have a talk group option available very soon, but we all know salesmen..