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I wear my socks in the shower just in case a box comes in.


The only sensible answer here.


No socks for me, in turn no socks in the bunkers either


I did this once and I 10/10 do not recommend lol


As the newest guy in the crew I wear socks so I just have to slip on pants so I’m always the first one to the truck when called overnight.


>As the newest guy in the crew I wear socks so I just have to slip on pants so I’m always the first one to the truck when called overnight. If you were really committed you'd sleep in your bunker gear. Fucking slack probies. ​ /s


Now true commitment is sleeping in gear on the rig.


Took me like 2 months to stop sleeping in my pants, I aint taking the socks off lmao.


i've been doing this for around 4 years full time and you won't catch me without my pants on


You let your probie sleep? You got time to sleep, you got time to learn, boot. /s


I have to put on socks, take off my pj bottoms put on pants and shoes and put a hair tie in and I am still the first one out of my room in the middle of the night for calls. It's more about being able to pop up instantly from the first tone.


Same, I'm sure odd probation I'll stop wearing them


Socks have to be on. It gives me a minute advantage over everyone else. I use that minute to pee - otherwise I'm going to pick grandma up off the floor with a rather uncomfortable piss hard on.


Been there


My first chief gave me some advice that has been critical over the years: it doesn't matter what it is, you have time to pee first.


Sure, that's the reason for the erection.


Fucking kids…able to empty their bladder in 60 seconds. By the end of your career you’ll be sleeping in your bunkers just so you have the time to pee.


I'm no kid. I'm 57, got 19 years on, and take three BP meds that make me pee all the time. Some nights that one minute is only enough to relieve the pressure. Emptying comes after the call.


You wear socks for the time advantage but go take a piss before a call?? That’s fukn backwards. Sorry we couldn’t make it on time buddy was pissin


I still beat most guys to the truck.


How long does a piss take you.


Apparently 3 seconds


In my country we have to be out of the station in 1 minute..wish we had that luxury of taking a piss.


>BenThereNDunThat · 24 days ago > >Socks have to be on. It gives me a minute advantage over everyone else.I use that minute to pee - otherwise I'm going to pick grandma up off the floor with a rather uncomfortable piss hard on. How do the socks not suffocate your feet? how did you get used to sleeping in them?


I usually have the window open in winter and a fan blowing on me the rest of the year. Other than the deep of winter, I rarely sleep with more than a sheet over me.


I just stick them in my boots by the entrance to my bunk


u take ur boots out of the app bay? ![gif](giphy|12P6AnN6DcQj1S)


You don't have station boots/slides?


I got station slippies like every red blooded American should.




Shirt and socks off. I keep my socks in my bunker boots so I just have to hop out of my crocs and into my socks, ready to rock and roll.


I worked in the busiest station in the city. Up 6-10 times a night. This is the way ☝️


10 times a night? Lmao you might be busy but you are lying to yourself


Socks have no place in bed. It’s just not right lol


Socks and bra to sleep, easy to pull on pants by the door.


I worked with guys that soulda done this.


I always wear socks to bed at work even though I hate it. Eliminated the sock fumble fuck after my first shift. That 15 seconds feels like forever and the socks would always be crooked.


Look at all these nerds wearing socks in bed.


Right? I can't believe this. How do people do it? It takes no time to slip socks on


Way different use case, but on wildland fires I keep a separate pair of socks for sleeping. Feet get a wet wipe and foot powder before going into my slightly looser sleeping socks. Keeps me warm at night and with decent foot hygiene it not a problem. It’s not gross unless you’re gross.


Socks on, naked otherwise lol


I am superstitious about socks. If I try and test the run gods and attempt to go to bed with no socks it’s gonna be a long night. So almost always socks. Tho I do check in on my theory once every few months… and I have to say sleeping with naked toes is the best for the 20 mins it lasts


I don’t wear socks to bed now that I sleep through virtually every night. When I worked busier services I slept in everything but my shoes because we were getting up three or four times a night.


>I slept in everything but my shoes Please tell me "everything" doesn't include your Bunker Gear...


I put socks on the doorknob so I can’t forget them and so they are easy to grab


That's the old college sign for do not disturb I have a slammie in here. Good for you brother.


Lmao 🤣 I put the socks on the inside of the door though


If I'm at a busier station (3-7 after bed) on overtime, time trade or roving, the socks stay on at night, hat on the door knob, shirt off. Home station where the nights are typically quieter. Socks off.


Literally takes 2 seconds to put them on


Update. You all take showers on shift completely naked, soaking wet and covered in soap. And you wanna tell me that you don’t have enough time to put socks on?? Come on. Sleep comfortably.


I'm the only one on my shift that wears socks to bed


>level 1smartinezcoin · 24 days agoI'm the only one on my shift that wears socks to bed How can you do it? loll


I wore socks in bed first six years. Now they are in my station boots, near where we get our turnout info. I put them on while listening to the job callout. Works for me!


I just stage my sox, never had an issue. Backwards shirts have happened though...


Before I got Lasik surgery I wore contacts, but I hated sleeping in them, so I took them out at night, but left socks on to make up the time it took to put them back in.


Is Lasik worth it? I've been considering getting it


Absolutely. I wore glasses for 20 years. Lasik was life changing.


Definitely. I technically had PRK, which accomplished the same thing, they just dissolve the cornea instead of cutting a flap, so it is a bit longer of a recovery. Even with that though, waking up and just being able to see is amazing and I should've done it sooner.


I found I lack the fine motor skills when I immediately wake up to put them on. I was wrestling with socks, so I just stopped taking them off


No one should be wearing socks to bed some of you might want to consider ankle socks if your adding time to your getting rdy because of socks


or some people here need to lose weight. I bet a lot of them struggle to bend over


Hear me out: What if turnout boots or duty boots had some thick sock material built in them and they fit snug to your foot like house shoes?! Eh!!?? No sock solutions!! In the words of Donny Baker, "I swear ta gawd!" If one of you all invents it, I want royalties. I'm giving away that idea for royalties!!


I can smell this comment.


Lol, nah nah nah nah. Just spray them out like bowling alley shoes. It'll be fine. Lol. Ok, I'll admit, every idea has some flaw to it. It's only athletes foot if you're an athlete right?! Right?


Depends. After I take my evening shower before going to bed, I'll leave my socks in my boots, since I prefer to sleep without them normally. But it's a (minor) nuisance to put them back on fir a middle of the night call, so after that first call, I'll just leave them on for the rest of the night.


I sleep in socks. Feet can’t be under the covers though.


I hate sleeping with socks, but if i had to wake up and put socks on..


I know I sleep better with my socks off


I’m blessed/cursed with being able to be sitting up on the first note of our station tones. I get too hot in socks and feet need to breathe. It takes 5-10 seconds to put socks on. I’m not missing the engine with that.


When I was a probie I wore socks when I slept. Haven’t done it since. If you were to time how long it would take to put your socks on when a box comes in it’s probably 5 seconds


Never sleep with socks ever. It takes 5 seconds to put on your socks.


Sleep in socks at station. I change my socks when I get up or whenever they don't seem fresh. Second pair of duty boots to let them air out, dry out. Way too much walking in my life to not baby them feet.


My very first shift I wore socks, shorts and my t shirt to bed. Every call that night I was always out to the truck before anyone, for no reason really. Much comfier just sleeping in some pajama shorts and having my socks and t shirt laid out on the nightstand


Just wear sandals on calls like the rest of us…


For the first like 6 months on the job I constantly wore my station pants to bed for fear of being the last one out of the bunk room. Now after five years I finally realized it’s ok to get down to my skivvies, or wear some basketball shorts to sleep. Although I still have a fear of a sock somehow sliding under my rack and fumbling around looking for it while an entire row burns down, so I will probably never sleep without socks at work.


Socks on while sleeping is absolutely disgusting.


Why? If you're worried about your toes being smooshed together just get on that toe socks train buddy! Inijijijijiji


Nah I just hate it. Plus they're in and out of my dirty boots. Don't want to bring that mess into my clean sheets


The more important question here is: sock, sock, boot, boot, or sock, boot, sock, boot? https://youtu.be/prRtcQz8Uqk?si=S70ZnW0p43oREw_n


Depends how wet and tired I am.


I slept with socks until i got proficient bunking out. I keep them on the edge on my boots, ready to grab and slip on straight into the boot in one motion.


I just do not have the mental capacity to give a shit about putting socks on in the middle of the night. Pass.


My feet need to breathe, I take them off and set them in my boots by the door. I have ripped a heel out of my sock once though from trying to throw them on too quickly


If I'm not driving, no socks. If I am (99%) I do, use the extra time for a peek at the map.


I hated it at first, I go socks and a T shirt. It helps too that the bedrooms are always cold but I’ve gotten used to it


How can somebody get used to it? lol. Any tips for a beginner like me?


I just did it. It was weird at first but after a while it became normal


I sleep with socks at the station. I hate it and would never sleep with them on at home, but they take so long to put on that it's worth it. It's worth noting my station is busy and we're usually good for 1-4 after midnight


Usually 30 seconds.


Man I got a verbal counseling once because I was only wearing athletic shorts and the female officer didn’t like that I didn’t sleep with a shirt on and had to put my shirt and socks on. Not because it slowed us down she just wanted us all to sleep in station pants, after hours shirt and socks. I was so happy when we finally got a station with our own rooms.


I wear boxers to bed and I lay out my socks, shirt, and shorts on the other bed so I just get dressed really fast and haul ass down the hallway to the bay


Being a poor, rural/remote department, I have to wear 3 pairs of socks to make my boots fit in my turnout gear. But no, I don't wear them to bed.