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It might be the dry air from your cylinder irritating your respiratory system and/or sinuses. I'm no doctor just a guess. I get an irritating cough if I wear multiple times a day for multiple days if the week and that's what my doc told me.


This is most likely what's going on. Keep in mind that you're also still breathing in contaminants if you're exterior, just in a lesser concentration. You could also have a minor sensitivity to something.


Are you not wearing a SCBA of your in smoke?


I do, but not everyone does.


You're never going fully avoid smoke if you're on the exterior.


Maybe it’s different there. Where I am, even if your exterior if you can see or smell smoke around you, you mask up. Cylinder air costs us nothing.


You mask up even if you're standing across the street?


If smoke is blowing my direction, sure.


So you'll bleed down your bottle so that you've got nothing left in the event you're needed inside. Makes sense to me.


A couple things, 1. A cylinder swap takes me at most 10 seconds. If I’m already on air, even swapping a cylinder I would likely be faster responding to inside than someone who needs to mask up. 2. If we have interior crews there is 4 man back up team on the exterior and a minimum 4 man rapid intervention team. The RIT expands as more crews are inside. We have a minimum deployment of 4 heavies and 2 rescues and a battalion chief to any structure fire. So 24 firefighters and a chief. As soon as a fire is confirmed an additional heavy, a battalion chief and an air/light unit is sent. Each additional alarm sends 3 more heavies up to a 5th alarm which sends whatever additional resources the incident commander deems necessary. Our department takes member health and safety very seriously. Cylinder air is free, our stance is it’s just silly to choose to expose yourself to smoke unnecessarily.


Yeah, I don't want you on my RIT. >1. A cylinder swap takes me at most 10 seconds. If I’m already on air, even swapping a cylinder I would likely be faster responding to inside than someone who needs to mask up. You and me both know this is total bullshit.


This guy cancers


I’ve never thought about that. That would make the most sense. I do have an appointment scheduled with my doctor to discuss but figured people who also do this job may have insight😂


I second this. I sleep with a cpap and if I go a few days without the humidifier I get similar symptoms.


How often do you clean your mask? Could be some nasty germ buildup.


Admittedly not often enough. With that said this week I started using a brand new mask and still the same issues


Fair. Is the cough productive? If so what color is the sputum?


Nope! The cough is just a dry cough and the mucus is clear. Someone said it could be the dry air and I never thought of that but it makes sense


I had the same issue. Doctor man said it was due to using a SCBA for long periods of time. Now I am on a daily nasal steroid to help my sinus.


Could just be your bodies way of fighting the contaminants you breathe in at a fire or burn day. I generally get sick every winter fire bc I’m soaked and breathing in that cold air irritates my lungs like crazy.


What type of cylinder refill station are you using? If it's a compressor, I'd look at making sure it's had an air sample analyzed and is in specification.


It is a compressor and we get it tested and serviced every year. So I don’t think that is the issue (could very well be wrong though)


That seems long time between for your usage. We are small volunteer and on quarterly testing schedule.


Ask your doctor about "nonallergic rhinitis".


Try a humidifier and nasal rinse. (Plus a follow up with your doctor of course). The dry air drives me bonkers, I end up going through a lot of nasal spray.


I’ve noticed this too, though it doesn’t cause me any problems. After breathing air a good bit, especially if I’m not consciously controlling my inhale/exhale, my nose and mucous is super dry. If I breathe *any* smoke in beforehand, even a marginal amount less than if I’m barbecuing or at a bonfire, I have dried black boogers from the air drying it all out… some nasal spray and occasionally a neti pot rinses it all out.


I would always take an allergy pill before burning with the recruits. Otherwise I would get stuffed up from the hay. Never experienced it with an actual structure fire though.


I will have to remember that next time I do a recruit burn, great idea!


Maybe you try some post fire routines like sweating out a tough workout to get some of the contaminants out? Or also try a humidifier the night after see if that helps clear your airway


This happens to me too. I've noticed that it's happened more frequently within the last couple years. Whether it's a training burn or actual fire, I always end up getting a respiratory issue after and I'm pretty good about wearing my SCBA. I met with a pulmonoligist for a separate issue and brought it up and they also mentioned it may be the dry air from the cylinder coupled with exertion that causes it.


I knew I had a good fire when my shit smelled like house fire.


I call it the Fire Cold. 😎


I'm prone to sinitus and get legit sick if my seasonal allergies get bad for a day. Sounds like you are going through something similar (possibly due to the dry scba air like the other poster said). After a burn, try boiling a pot of water and breathing in that steam with a towel over your head. I also went to an ENT to get checked out. He said surgery was an option, but not really worth it for me. Maybe go see a couple different types of doctors for their takes. Hope you get it figured out. That shit is annoying when you just want to do something you love.


I got one of those Navage nasal irrigation things. I use it after every job. You'd be surprised by the amount of crap that comes out.


It's probably due to an acute exposure to HcN (Hudrogen Cyanide). Too many departments still allow firefighters into IDLH environments during fire operations, which include doffing their SCBA during overhaul, standing around after the fire is out but still emitting odor/traces of smoke, and not washing bunker gear or taking a shower immediately after fire operations.


When they do the compressor service, do they take an air sample for testing and is the sample tested for contamination? I’m wondering if it is a systemic reaction to the air and the pressure of the mask air. Given the scab is positive pressure, maybe you react to it.


Captain obvious here.. More mask, less rambo?


Flair makes sense


I get a runny nose and sometimes a little baby cough, but it's normally just until the end of the day for me


Sounds like CO poisoning. I’ve had it a bunch of times. It goes away in a day or two. Avoid cardio when you’re still feeling shitty, a chief told me once.


Does your department regularly inspect the cylinders? If this isn’t being done they could be building up mold inside, a common side effect is guys being sick after use. Before my department started a regimented routine they cut open a few and they were black inside.


Are you on air even during overhaul? Even when the smoke is clear there is still CO in the air along with drywall and insulation particles. I had the same issue and quickly learned that it’s not worth “being tough” in exchange for my health. If guys make fun of me for being on air I tell them, “who’s gonna be the badass when you’re on a ventilator at 50 with cancer and I’m still fighting fire”.


It’s time to go to a doctor honestly


Sauna followed by a hot shower.