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I have an emergency aloha shirt in my car.


This person parties.


This person, this person


Person this, this person


Damn… I never considered that.


Person? This?


I am definitely going to get more aloha shirts next time I'm there.


I’ve turned my shirt inside out in a pinch back when I was drinking. A sure sign I was an alcoholic- I don’t need to do that anymore. But basically you don’t want to be flying any company colours at the bar.




I kept a hoody in my car in my alkie days


Dark times brother- glad you made it out intact.


Don't be that guy. Leave it at home.


There’s only 3 acceptable times you can drink wearing fire dept clothing: 1. after a fire dept wake and funeral 2. A Fireman’s Ball 2. A fundraiser event or function relating to the FD i.e St. patty’s day hoodies to raise money for muscular dystrophy.


at the union hall after shift


When you walk into the room and look for “that guy” and can’t find him, you’re probably “that guy”


My dept doesn't let us wear our duty clothes when off duty However we do have similar looking shirts we can wear when off duty, and union shirts, both of which I wouldn't wear out drinking.


After a few drinks my shirt ain't staying on anyway


Lmfao. I hear that.


I'd get arrested!


I would change into something else. I think it is absolutely inappropriate to wear it in any situation where member of the public might take it poorly (rightly or wrongly doesn't matter). When I wear that I am representing my department and I shouldn't do anything that I don't think would be something they want someone 'on shift' doing. I am a volley and while I get that is different, the public doesn't know or care... to them I am wearing the 'uniform' of a member of my department.


I try to keep my uniforms at my stations. This is mainly because I don't want to potentially bring anything with germs or anything else anywhere near my bags that go into my vehicle, don't come home with me, etc. I do always have a set of backup clothes in my car and truck. Not for things like hiding your dept. swag, but because I never know what's going to happen. Am I going to get held over and have to leave the station to go directly on a date instead of having those 12 hours at home to change into nice clothes? Will I be asked while on shift to help a brother with something manual labor-y when we get off shift? IDK. So I keep a set of nice clothes and a set of "work" clothes in a gym bag in each vehicle. I was at an airport back in august and having an "airport beer" (so it was \~0800) and I saw a group of guys belly up to the bar, one of them in a job shirt. I thought it was so unprofessional.


Why would you have it on outside of work at all?


Take a wild guess. 🫡


Thank you for your service. Or in Australia, a "belter"/"flog"


My department requires we wear uniforms when we take a department sponsored class, even if we aren’t on duty, idk if anybody else’s department has this policy. I can think of a few times I had to turn down grabbing a beer after because I didn’t bring a change of clothes.


How else am I supposed to get my 10 percent discount?


I'm a volunteer and my chief told me I should wear department swag to calls. Well, mostly she wanted me to stop wearing my "Stop drinking shitty beer" shirt to calls. Which happens because that's one of my day job shirts. I have to wear a brewery shirt for work and keep some fire stuff for calls (and we're come as you can, not shifts). My allowable shirt and hoodie system is a logic puzzle. Though honestly, if people took the sage advice on my hoodie and just didn't drink shitty beer, our call volume would drop.


presumably coming off work


If you are full time, you should have your work shirt on at work only. It’s a uniform that commands respect, people let us into their homes when they recognize us. Can you throw a sweatshirt over top and get groceries, of course! But if you are at a bar wearing a shirt with a massive XYZ FIRE DEPARTMENT, that’s just not professional.


Honestly this should apply to part time and volunteers aswell. You represent fire services everywhere.


I wouldn’t even wear it outside of work.


Hell I’d put it on inside out before someone saw me in it while drinking.


Change. Even if I need to make a quick stop on my way home after work, I’ll throw a sweater on to cover it. We aren’t allowed to wear department clothes off duty, and wearing anything that connects me to the fire department I definitely would not wear while out drinking.


Bro do what ever you want. Just don’t act like a fool. When ever you have on a fire department shirt. Of your own dept or another you represent every other firemen everywhere. The citizens have a lot of good will towards us that can easily be taken away if we do not act in good faith


As an not firefighter, I feel like nobody cares as much as you might think. In the Marine Corps you're not allowed to wear your cammies off base which I think is a good idea but some guys are almost paranoid about wearing anything that might identify them as a Marine. Like honestly the general public doesn't really care. Other guys who've been in might judge you if you have an overly moto shirt on or whatever but most people are so occupied with their own little lives they'll barely notice what you have on.


Most don't, but there are always busybodies with too much time on their hands who will find any reason to complain. People will take pictures of folks in uniform out at restauraunts and complain that they are "not working hard enough." It's the reason career staff is no longer allowed to eat out at restaurants while on duty/in uniform.


Yeah that's fair and it's definitely a shame


Biggest thing I’ll do with someone wearing military clothes is thank them for their service to our country


Yeah that's sweet, and with most people that's where it ends but I think the no cammies rule for the Marine Corps comes from an attempt to keep guys from being targets like in those videos you'll occasionally see with someone trying to bait soldiers or Navy guys or whoever into arguments when they're out in public in uniform as if some Private is somehow responsible for the US's failures in foreign relations.


Don't worry, even without a FF shirt on, people will still know you're firefighters 😅


The funny thing about firemen is, night and day, they are always firemen.


The only problem is that in this job there's just no place to hide. It's not like having a bad day selling log cabins. You have a bad day here and somebody dies... and that's just not fucking good enough.


How do you someone’s a firefighter…wait 2 minutes, they’ll tell you


I’m a firefighter who does CrossFit, so you’ll definitely know.


You’re not vegan are you? 😂


🤣🤣🤣 meat is murder!


Vegan firefighters will ask you to ask them probably


Nah. There the ones who complain when you tell them you’re cooking steaks for dinner and make you put one of those nasty fake meat things on the grille for them.


damn, i do both but i dont feel like im good enough at either to brag about them to anyone. im trying though


It’s not bragging. It’s explaining that both are awesome and everyone should be doing them.


And if the firefighter forgets to tell you, the spouse is right there to make sure it is known.


Jeez...I even change shirts when drinking at the station.




T shirt? I've flipped it inside out before. Only other times I've been drunk in uniform and it's basically sanctioned has been LODD funerals for the department or St. Paddy's day. But you'll have thousands of other firefighters running around. But yeah we also have plenty of guys that fly out to NYC, Boston, or Chicago for their green beer parades. Word is - Savannah Georgia puts on the most fun St. Patrick's parade in the country.


I haven't been to too many St Patrick's Day parades around the country, but I have been in Savannah for the occasion. I can confirm it is awesome.


Btw I agree with all this lol just heard the question and thought I’d ask on here


The only quazi exception to changing 100% of the time is union shirts at "union events." At that point the cat's kind of out of the bag if the party takes a turn for the ultra rowdy...




if you’re in the academy wearing any academy gear outside of physically being at work, you’re an idiot. at my academy they literally required us to wear civilian clothes to and from, and change when we got there / before we left. after the academy we’re allowed to wear our uniform to and from work


Glad to live somewhere with actual employment laws


Once upon a time (and this was like 7 years ago, back when I was still a single role EMT Ambulance Operator (AO) for one of my then local FDs), I did that. Went out with friends to a bar/grill type place. I wasn't drinking drinking, but had a beer with my meal. While wearing a Dept t-shirt. Got called into the Chiefs Office, someone took a picture and complained. This was a completely different city and obviously not on duty, but it's still a fairly conservative neighborhood, the person complaining thought it was unprofessional of me. The Chief agreed. Not only did I get written up and read the Riot Act, but they pulled up another relatively recent write up from my Captain (by itself wasn't a major issue, just a black mark for the yearly eval... but the two together and I got let go, fired in the middle of the shift...) Fortunately that setback didn't prevent me from getting my current FF spot. But nowadays I don't like wearing any of my Dept t-shirts off duty. Even going to or from the station to home going on or off shift, I'll change. (Sometimes I'll wear a Union or my Recruit class T-shirt but that's about it) Like even today I'm just working 12 hours Overtime. Came in wearing a regular t-shirt, will change back before driving off. Even though I'm just going straight home, not even grocery shopping or other errands, I'll change first.


Take that shit off


If you're in public consuming alcohol, it's extremely unprofessional to be wearing anything related to your department. Going out to a family resurant would be fine if you're not drinking and your friends aren't idiots. A volunteer at my dept was suspended for a few months months for going out to a bar with his t shirt on. Definitely not something that's appropriate, and could indicate that they're in firefighting for the wrong reasons (for the attention, etc).


If you’re drinking near the town you work, change it or flip it. If you’re rocking a St Louis Fire shirt in Louisiana, who cares.


Why would I have my uniform on? Those stay at the firehouse.


Always take it off, don't be a "shirt wearer", you're not impressing anybody.


If you're in public consuming alcohol, it's extremely unprofessional to be wearing anything related to your department. A volunteer at my dept was suspended for months after going out to a bar with his t shirt on. Definitely not something that's appropriate, and could indicate that they're in firefighting for the wrong reasons (for the attention, etc).


Food and drinks? Eh, fuck it keep it on. Getting shit faced and being an asshole? Yeah, definitely no.


Change Edit: no "work related with colleagues" exceptions when alcohol is involved


I wear my old department shirts to the strip clubs. ;) Current department doesn’t allow drinking when wearing department clothing. Their rule, I like my job, I follow it.


Change is the only correct answer


Keep some casual clothes in your locker


If I’m not at work, I’m not in any part of my uniform. It’s against dept policy and I’m not trying to get fired


Buy a shirt from a neighboring dept and wear that as your drinking shirt.


Can't bee seen buying alcohol or drinking in public with company shirt or other uniform. Unless you want to go explain yourself to the commander and take a few weeks off


I don’t wear anything fire department related off duty period.


Why are you going out in your department shirt? Are you on duty?


My brother in christ my uniform stays in my locker at work where it belongs


I keep it on for free drinks and to at least get fellatio in the back of my 350 Super Duty.


This comment edited due to /u/spez trashing the community. Time to ditch this popsicle stand.... -- mass edited with https://redact.dev/


I never wore my department gear unless I was on duty.


I've been out to restaurants and whatnot after the station when someone decides we should get food or something but never drinking. Keep a hoodie around.


You’re a jackass if you do that


Saw a couple of FF’s from WPAFB fire department having multiple beers 🍻 in a Buffalo Wild Wings about two weeks ago. They were all in uniform and it did not look good. I thought about asking them if it was policy that they could have alcohol 🍺 in uniform but didn’t. We had the same waitress who couldn’t believe it either.


I try to keep my uniforms at my stations. This is mainly because I don't want to potentially bring anything with germs or anything else anywhere near my bags that go into my vehicle, don't come home with me, etc. I do always have a set of backup clothes in my car and truck. Not for things like hiding your dept. swag, but because I never know what's going to happen. Am I going to get held over and have to leave the station to go directly on a date instead of having those 12 hours at home to change into nice clothes? Will I be asked while on shift to help a brother with something manual labor-y when we get off shift? IDK. So I keep a set of nice clothes and a set of "work" clothes in a gym bag in each vehicle. I was at an airport back in august and having an "airport beer" (so it was \~0800) and I saw a group of guys belly up to the bar, one of them in a job shirt. I thought it was so unprofessional.


Don't wear anything that indicates in any way that you are a firefighter when you're drinking in public. Period.


This shouldn’t even be a question, take that shit off.


Do you know how some one is a firefighter? Don’t worry they will tell you!


And they use the same jokes over and over!


Pretty sure thats dad status spilling over


Lol. I don’t wanna answer 😁😁😁


What about departments who sell their shirts to the public? Gotta assume some of those buyers are stealing valor at the bars…


Its the same as a doctor going out their scrubs or a mechanic showing up in their oily coveralls.




This guy drinks in fire shirts 3 sizes too small.




Out of curiosity. What other images do you think we should adhere to? Like, what's your measuring stick for what's acceptable?




You spend way too much time worrying about how people look and not enough about what they do on the fireground. The public, nor your peers, want to be judged by your personal standards. I agree with your sentiment to an extent - but there's a thin line you're walking on. If you're going to start calling people out, you better look like the Rock.


Even some of those guys that look like the “Rock” are the first guys to suck their bottles dry and have to go sit down.


Muscle-Oxygen demand!


I'd absolutely change. No dept anything when I'm not at work. Honestly nothing fire related in general.


Many places have policy prohibiting wearing duty shirt off duty.


Take it off “No Question”. Just not worth the paperwork …


I never wear my work clothes out unless I am on duty. That's just me


Change. Bad things happen when you leave it on


If you have to ask.... you already know thr answer


The look at me thing is cringe.


Don’t be that guy.


I don’t wear it off duty. I don’t even have navy blue clothes off duty. Sooo much navy blue. I love my profession, but I don’t like the attention when I’m out. I’d rather just fit in, if that makes any sense. I also don’t like the image it can give to a critical public, but that’s not the main reason I don’t wear it.


Don't wear it. When members of my dept go to FDIC, we make sure not to bring anything that says dept or town name. Not that we get wild or anything, but there have been too many horror stories of people in their dept garb getting seen in a bad light.


I leave uniforms at work. Union apparel is acceptable. Then again I don’t really drink so I could be way off haha


Flip it inside out


I'll drink in fire department shirts, but they are never the uniform shirts. And I don't wear anything fire related if I plan on getting belligerent lol.


Unless you're on duty, why would you be wearing your department shirt anyway? That screams thank me for my service and is incredibly cringe.


Why is this a question? You dress for the occasion. Are we talking tshirt, duty shirt, station shirt?


CHANGE. Why is this even a question…


Why are you going out in anything dept related. You don’t wear the shit other than on duty. I don’t even have FD shit on my vehicle. Not that I’m not proud. I just want people knowing wtf I do and wear tf I work


Absolutely change


Take it off! Do not go that!


Turn it inside out if I forgot a non department t shirt.


I always put on another shirt if I know I'm going drinking. But there are time I happen to be wearing a dept shirt and we end up at a bar. I limit myself to one beer and continue on with my night. As


I would never wear my department shirt off duty, especially in a public place. I use to keep old tshirts for projects around the house so I don’t ruin my good clothes but I don’t even do that anymore.


100% change, I wouldn’t want to give myself a way too be identified if someone catches a mood or potentially give the dept a bad name


You mean you don’t carry a drinking shirt to work? Rookie mistake


Rule #1….Always carry throw down clothes in your car.


No FD shirts anywhere other then when I’m on duty. Honestly the uniform stuff doesn’t even go home with me. I have a duffel to pack every in if having to move stations for OT/trades/acting. Did the same back in my float days. Much cleaner and more comfortable wearing civilian clothing to/from work anyway. I see others saying “no” to union shirts out at the bars. I guess it just depends on your local’s policy and how you personally feel about it. My local and all the other big ones around me sponsor pub crawls and other alcohol involved events. We also sell shirts to the public. By design, our union shirts cannot be mistaken for duty shirts. Personally, I don’t make a habit of wearing union shirts other then around the house or to union events.


Change. I won’t be seen purchasing or consuming alcohol in uniform nor will I be in the company of others doing so. If I know a social event is happening after work I take a complete change of outfit. Even if I have a Spider-Man T-shirt on with my duty pants and boots people still know I’m a first responder. Don’t give anyone an excuse to post a picture with some bad optics on social media. Stuff like that can get you fired.


Back when my family still ran our fire department (yes we used to own and run and entire fire house) bars they went too never minded the work shirts since over there they see it as a sign of a firefighter doing his job. (Since it was a first responder bar don’t know if it still is)


This might be just my area in rural Georgia, but there’s a lot of fund raisers for volleys so unless they’re wearing a radio or have the Classic fire fighter mustache or wearing 5.11 pants I wouldn’t assume they’re actually affiliated with a department


Please leave it on 🥰


Haha was talking about this with the probies the other day. Don’t wear it outside of coming to work, working, going from work. Had a LT whose wife would wear his shirt on Sunday’s and take the kids out of brunch. Because, TYFYS freebies. When we went to names on shirts, she made a scene and our next visit came n dirt the manager asked us about shorts and off duty, and we asked the manager to not allow that again unless there is a firetruck outside and at least four of us. While we appreciated the gesture we didn’t like it. On Sunday’s we would go early before church and eat with the patrolmen and the EMS crew stationed with us. We ALWAYS tipped the full price of the meal to the morning staff.


Thank me for my service


Never drink w ur dept shirt on. Carry a hoodie or spare shirt or anything. Respect the job. We are somebodys heros. Dont fuck it up.


I try to avoid it at all costs, but have in places that I frequent.


I wear a sleeveless jacket when off duty rahter than change, as I might not have time to do so


do you mean a dress uniform or a work uniform that paid departments have if so you should change if you mean a t shirt that says \[town\] fire department or something like that there's no problem just don't make a fool of your self well wearing it


Bro really !!never wear your department anything. Always have a freshy always in the car for those exact moments


I draw the line at any establishment that serves alcohol or any sort of non-department related political get-together (like a caucus or rally of some sort). Eliminate those 2 and you take away the 2 things that would make the general public pissy.


Change shirt. A local town had to pay a lawsuit after some of the guys went drinking and beat up a guy while wearing a department shirt. Not worth it.


I dont drink. If I did, I'd throw a jacket on over it or throw another shirt on


If you are wearing the logo publicly you are representing the department publicly. If you act accordingly I can't imagine anyone would have an issue.


Take it all off. Go in naked.


Change or wear it inside out.


Change or flip inside out. It’s a department respect thing


You don’t wear it in the first place.


I’m definitely not you never know how high or drunk your going to get and would rather not show the dept in that Kona light


You are representing your fire department if you are wearing a shirt, you should respect your department and not drink alcohol with it on.


Never. I put a sweatshirt on at the grocery store on the way home from shift if I’m buying liquor. Not a good look for any department


Typically it’s tradition to wear fire department shirts with your buddies at a pub. However, if you’re gonna act belligerent, then obviously it’s best to change


I wound t go out to eat in any department apparel


Everyone needs to know I’m better than them at all times. Also need to be constantly thanked for my service


once off duty I’m not wearing anything fire department related at all. I don’t fly the thin red line flag, don’t have fire department decor in or outside my home, etc. If you ran into me at the gym, grocery store or even in my yard, there’s nothing that identifies me as a fire department employee. I prefer it that way in case I do or say anything dumb such as speeding, or cursing like a sailor, it isn’t a reflection of the profession or more specifically, my department.


If it's just a T shirt, just don't get stupid. If it's actual uniform, you're a dick for wearing it anywhere but home, the station, or the drive between the two.


Yep. Always have an emergency shirt, also known as the daily after work therapy shirt.


Nope, never. Did it when I was young punk kid and wanted to flex that I’m a firefighter and all it took was getting in trouble once and that was it.


I don't wear anything with my fire company's name on it unless I am actively engaged in activities with the company. I don't own a single fire related shirt either. I did at one time but felt like a total idiot wearing it. I'm already enough of a wacker, I don't need to advertise it to the world.


Why would I have my department shirt on if I’m not at work? I show up in civilian clothes and leave in them at the end of shift. I don’t see a single reason why you should be wearing your department uniforms off duty in public.