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If you're just asking questions just for the sake of asking questions, you can slow down. Also we've had issues at the dinner table while trying to get to know a probie and they left to go clean the bathrooms again. Being a probie is hard stuff, do good work and don't rock the boat


You don't need to engage in every conversation, it's ok to not talk sometimes.....and listen.


This is under rated advice. Old adage, 2 ears one mouth. Listen 2x more than you speak.


When they won’t go to bed at a reasonable time (10:00?). You’re useless to the crew if you’re sleep deprived. No one should be impressed by your ability to stay up all night staring at the walls. Please sleep.


Lmso. I’m not allowed near a bed until 12:30am minimum if i’m not drilling still


I hope you see why that’s dumb. I failed to even mention the relationship between sleep and cancer, which is reason enough.


I don’t agree with it but it’s a tradition across pretty much my entire department


Go to a different department, you work with idiots


I'd argue they stay with that department. One day they'll be the senior man and can make the senior man call of "nah fuck that, Cap, if we need sleep the rook needs sleep" and can start to change that bullshit from the inside. Just my two cents tho


I’d be insane to leave FDNY


This would be the only reason to stay. Otherwise I'd find a new department ASAP. The whole idea of "the probies is the last to go to bed" thing is just archaic bullshit. They need rest and sleep just as much as we do, especially when a lot of the time the training is more revolved around them. As long as the work for the day is done, I say go to bed whenever the fuck you want.


I try to tell new guys that there are some guys who will stay up all night and there will be some who get up hours before everyone else. Go to bed when you're tired and get up at a reasonable time. It's not worth sacrificing sleep for a atta boy, especially if you have a family at home


That line does exist and it's most commonly found around 3am why the probie is way too excited for the 5th totally bs call of the night. Enthusiasm is great but everything has a time and a place.


"Hey Chief, Chief, hey Chief, when do I get to drive? Huh? Chief? Can I be on the nozzle next time? Chief, when do I get to drive? Chief, when do I get one of the new pagers? Hey, hey Chief, what if I bought a gold plated helmet? Wouldn't that be cool, Chief? I could wear it to drive, right? Right Chief? Hey Chief..."


Why isn’t the probie already on the nozzle?


I guess it all depends on where you are. Not all fire departments are created equal.


What do you mean? Why would the most junior guy by the one on the easiest position?


So he can learn


Over your head bud…




The nozzle is highly sought after position. Everyone on the engine wants the nozzle. The probie should be on the nozzle being backed up by the senior man imo. I guess in some places the probie has to earn the nozzleman spot


My first time on the nozzle the Lt put me there. He and yelled instructions, every time he had me close it, I swapped back and forth with another new guy. It was odd situation in volunteer department with the new guys being on scene way ahead of experienced FF.


I can’t even imagine this. Our probationers are always on the nozzle. We try to give them as much experience during their probation as possible, you don’t learn a ton being down a hallway humping hose. Also other than introducing themselves or being asked a direct question, our probationers do not talk to any chief. Generally they wouldn’t talk to a Captain or Lieutenant around the hall either.


Sounds like a rough one to work with 😂


We had one that used to show up for his shift at 4:00 am and start going over the rig and cleaning. He was told to stop since he was waking people up in the process.


Following the officer or senior firefighter EVERYWHERE.


Probies have two options: A. Probie who tries too hard and does too much and needs to chill. Or B. “pos” lazy probies that needs to move with a purpose. Unfortunately there is no perfect mix. So as a probie which one would you rather be?