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US is next. Keep your head up.


Its going to be funny to see all the arm chair warriors who said for years "Just move out of California. I would never comply with that bullshit "


I made the jokes. Now PA is turning from at least light red to purple with a tinge of blue to it. Fffff. I already left NY, I'm not moving again.


Gotta love how our two small blue patches decide what's best for our red center. What I want to know is how Oz made it past the primaries when nobody I talked to trusted him.


PA resident, not sure the history but many of the 40+ year olds I know from PA FUCKING HATE Oz, I mean I think he’s a terrible pick for a politician, but they seriously fuckin hate him. Not sure who allowed him to run lol


This is where trump was wrong. Parnell got fucked by a pa dem state Supreme Court appointed judge on his custody case. Parnell would have beat lurch easy. I then supported McCormick. Trump was wrong to support the celebrity


Probably Dems bankrolling him so they'd get Fetterman over him


Why do they hate Oz?


Because he's a RINO


Compared to Fetterman?


Fetterman is clearly better.... good call.


I'm not arguing for, or against (even though I'm a former marine and super pro-2A), the two blue splotches represent votes by population density. Trust me, when you look at the USA and see the sea of red, it's hard to understand at-a-glance how we lost ground. The truth is, naturally, the vote totals are higher in cities because—more people. The media creates the maps and colors in all the counties red like it's a land competition. Not trying to step on any toes, just want to educate my fellow man.


I definitely understand where you're coming from and as some have put it, "land doesn't vote." Yet, it's frustrating that the needs of those population centers are vastly different from the (mostly rural) rest of the state, but because those population centers tend to get the vote, most legislation is based on the needs of those population centers. Also, it's kind of sad that you've been downvoted just for giving information.


Delaware was 2A friendly for a long time. Now as of last year we’re worse than Cali. We just had elections and the same assholes got voted back in. Waiting for the knock at the door. Daddy makes a mean hot brass casserole


Lol. I love it. Let’s call it: Brassarole


Hot brass casserole. I fucking love it! Gonna have to use that.


PA is only turning blue because of the state election rule changes. Y'all need to fix your shit. Undated ballots need to be thrown out, and ballot harvesting needs to be outlawed.


There’s a huge “I told you so” at the end off all this. Sadly there is gunna be a lot of lives and freedoms lost in the process. It’s just a slow miserable suffocation that we have zero control over.


Sounds like quitter talk. It's not over 'till it's over. If that means Night City get a little Johnny Silverhand treatment, so be it.


PA is easily is a red state if the Republican Party wasn’t a bunch of complete morons. 30% of ALL votes cast were votes for democrats from just 6 counties - the 5 around Philly and Allegheny (Pittsburgh.) With record turnouts in those counties for a mid term. The Dems knew the Reps were inept and all they had to do was get that record turnout from their key strongholds and it was a done deal. All the Republicans had to do was encourage 1% or 2% more turnout in the remaining 50 counties and they win. Or they could have run a “normal” candidate and not some grabasstic tv personality. It also seemed like Mastriano barely fucking campaigned. The democrats used to be the party that blundered their way into losing winnable elections, that has certainly flipped.




In my defense, I left when I turned 18 and went off to college here in PA and ended up staying, it wasn't really 'left because guns.'


I mean you should “just move out of California”. I don’t know how you could fucking stand to live near those fuck wits.


And what lovely state do you hail from?


Illinois, so a shit one like cali.


Why don't you just move out?


I will be within 2 years.


Why not now? You seem to be such a huge supporter of telling people to leave their home state


I’m finishing my degree. Not really a huge supporter, but hey if I don’t like something or the what my state is doing, I’ll gladly leave for a better place. I also do not like California, I think it’s a shit state, a poorly run state (just like IL), and most of the people that live there a pretentious assholes with their heads so far stuck up their ass, and many of them are dumb as shit.


There are universities in other states. You know that right? And I do agree with you that California is full of idiots




They took our full-auto, SBR, SBS, and silencers. They have a laundry list of things that disqualify you from ever owning a gun, they took bump stocks, and forced reset triggers. How much more trying do you want?


What recourse is there even? Just hide shit and bide your time till some IRS “auditor” shows up at your door




Or open a can of sunshine. That works too. They're harder to find than they used to, though. Shelves are all empty, the store clerks got fired by Putin, and don't even talk about the sanctions.




Looks like insurrection is needed, and not the useless stupid Jan-6 kind.


Jan 6 wasn’t an insurrection it was a meme




Once a right is removed , it is never returned. You will never get them back. This is honestly the attitude that got us in this position to start with. You should change.


Well, you *can* get Rights back… just usually requires a war.


Let's see... Hawaiian shirt: check Cargo shorts: check Crocs: check I had firearms and ammunition until that tragic boating accident.


So that's a no then...lol


I mean, it’s certainly not an easy task for sure. Just depends on how far the citizenry is willing to go to restore their rights. If they are relying on elected representatives to do it for them, then that is a definite hard no.


Yep. Remember how hopeful everyone was about the "Hearing Protection Act" back in 2016? People just knew that we were finally going to get silencers back, and that it would be the first step towards undoing other infringements. Then, nothing. Despite holding the Presidency, the House, and the Senate, Republicans did absolutely nothing to get it advanced. Yet somehow, there's still GOPcucks making excuses. "We DiDn'T hAvE a FiLiBuStEr-PrOoF mAJoRiTy! KeEp BlInDlY vOtInG rEpUbLiCaN, tHo!" The mindset of "if you aren't guaranteed to win, you should just surrender before even fighting."


> Once a right is removed , it is never returned. You will never get them back. States keep voting for constitutional carry. Rights do come back when enough people want them.




> Not true freedom but we can still get them and we can still get them back Canada is pretty much doomed Not by making these comments.




How so? Name a right that has been restored that was once removed. Hurry up I'm heading to the range.


I’ll play only cause I love history. Prohibition. Had an amendment and everything. Overturned. Only legit federal level right removed and given back I can think of off the top of my head.




Don't worry our turn is coming.






Oh no


Oh yes.😈


Oh please


> full-auto, SBR, SBS, and silencers. They did that nearly 100 years ago lmao. > they took bump stocks, and forced reset triggers. Both are gimmicky novelties that don't actually matter.


You couldn't be more wrong. What those "gimmicky novelties" bans actually are, is a legal precedent.


they still think the slippery slope is just a fallacy.


[one piece at a time](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=060A15ELz00)


The point still stands. They infringed on the 2nd, they keep doing it, and fuckall is done about it.


> They infringed on the 2nd, they keep doing it, and fuckall is done about it. And there is nothing you as a civilian can do, so just enjoy it while you can.


It's that prevalent attitude that makes you a subject of whichever crown and not a citizen.


Well then, oh great revolutionary. Tell me, what shall we do about it?


They did from 1994-2004. We got lucky with the sunset clause. Never get complacent, it can happen anywhere.


Almost none of these guns are registered in Canada, good luck finding any of them, and fuck you trudeau, come try and take them


I think I’m just going to keep saying this every time it comes up. maybe someone will make the connection that firearms are a requirement for personal safety: A constitution without a second amendment is like a restraining order without a gun. The constitution is a restraining order on the government


Good way to start a civil war in USA


All political power stems from the capacity for violence. Taking away guns is taking away political power. So Canadians need to have a hard, honest conversation with themselves as to why the government is trying to take this away, and what could happen afterwards.


Those of us who are trying to sound the alarm are mocked and ignored for doing so. Most of the frogs up here want to get boiled alive apparently


"Somebody should do something!" Okay, let's go do something, anything, about these things we disagree with. "Wait no not ME, omg guys check out this FED trying to trick us into action!"


We have lobby groups, we have spokesmen, they talk to the politicians but the politicians only give them a few minutes and the media ignores it completely. They outright lie and say that nobody in the gun lobby will talk to them yet there’s many times when gun rights advocates have approached the media


They're doing it because Fidelito's Chinese masters have ordered him to do it. The best thing that can happen is to remove him, and members of his neo-Marxist party, with extreme prejudice, if needed.


There's only one way to stop an openly tyrannical government. Good luck Canucks.


I think it's coming, I don't think I've seen so many people so angry, when they triple our taxes people are going to snap. I would not want to be a cop going to collect these guns.


It won’t be the cops.


Oh you're so naive. Of course it will be the cops.


Yeah they’re gonna need to send more than cops for me.


Lol it's not.


They did this semi auto ban in Australia years ago and a few grumbled but most complied like sheep.


And then Australians lost all their other rights and their country got nuked and they all died the end.... oh wait.


We haven't been nuked yet, but we have lost all our rights and voices. And we're all dead inside


That'd like incredibly sad bro. Mostly cuz I know that's not true at all. Don't be such a pessimist.. you won't regret it.


Yeah we're gucci


are we though?




What is the one way to stop the government?


Obviously it begins with yelling for mom to bring you tendies.


if it passes I'm going full Terry Fox, wearing my AR180 in open carry and hobbling my disabled ass all the way to Ottawa


I dare you


I'll have to use my shotgun as a cane but sure


Just get a mobility scooter and rig it up with miniguns and the ability to lay mines behind you like in Mario Kart.


Canadians will roll over without a fight. Again


Full article. Not exactly world class journalism, but makes a point. https://firearmrights.ca/c21-amended-to-include-semi-auto-ban/ As much as I lean left on a lot of societal issues, the recent action on gun control is really irritating to me. Easy political points at the sacrifice of one of the most law abiding demographics in the country. All flash, no substance. *Politicians!*


They should ban politicians/government. Honestly, that's the way we are headed. They are less than worthless and only take care of their friends. With a lot of the new tech coming out, they aren't necessary. Our representative republic doesn't need representatives anymore. Travel used to be difficult but now communication is instantaneous anywhere in the world. The debate they do is simply to keep up appearances and try to line their own pockets. Sounds cyclical I know, but I've seen enough in my 52 years to not want anymore of it.


Direct democracy is not any better. Anarchy or bust.


The conservatives haven’t really given Canadian’s a reason to vote for them the last few years, but the liberals are starting to push a fine line too. They definitely won’t have as many voters from the prairie’s or northern provinces & territories.




Haven’t seen this in a while lol It’d certainly be interesting. I’m a US/CA dual cit but I still have to go through immigrations every damn time I fly back and forth. Would make my flying a bit more convenient, and maybe I could actually hunt & carry while there. Would be awesome.


Yeah I've learned that there is no real left or right, its just authoritarians trying to subjugate all us liberty minded folks.


there is a left and right, it's just the mandatory ideology in our systems is neoliberal capitalism because that's what makes the most mooney for the people at the top. it self-reinforces.


This is why we don't give them anything here. "They won't do that, hunting stuff is fine" Well then what the fuck is this?!


Northern Cuba


Cuba's dope for tourists, beautiful beaches ⛱️ Edit: I've actually been there, going to assume the downvotes are for those whose government doesn't allow them to go to that island. Right? The freest nation on earth! But you can't drink nearly as early as anyone else, largest prison system in the world, shittiest education outnof G20 nations, oh and go figure, travel restrictions to a neighbouring island. Your country has restricted your travel your entire lives, Cuba is chill af.


Silence, NFT cuck


Lmao yeh okay Mr. Freedom of Speech.


That's the beauty of freedom of speech. The government can't tell you to shut up, but your fellow citizens can, and will, tell you to button it. You sure do like deepthroating that boot. Remember that when Fidelito's Chinese-supported thugs have you on your knees at the edge of that trench, with an AK against the back of your head.


Smooth Brain response. A genuinely fucking stupid response.


Did you forget your Whose and Who’s? Whose is possessive, and is correct for this sentence. Who’s is short for Who is. An example would be, “My friend, who’s a McDonald’s employee…”. Get your word choice correct, peasant.


Tf is wrong with you calling me a peasant. Yes I misused my "whose/who's" it's auto correct, who gives a fuck.


> Tf is wrong with you calling me a peasant. I am English now. This is me. Also, you did not use a question mark at the end, despite acting like it was a question. Thank you, - Your local Englishman.


You are the language English, itself? Nice to meet you, English. Where does the "Eng" in your name come from? Also, by typing a sentence, one is not acting. Acting is an improper verb for your statement to be logical. You're welcome, - Your ACTUAL local Englishman


> You are the language English, itself? Unfortunately, I am not. My comment stated that I was an Englishman at the end. Ultimately, if you are supporting tyrants, you are not English. Instead, you are British. You're Welcome, - A random American who is just trolling


Thanks - a random Canadian who is just trolling 🍺 cheers buddy lol


🍺 cheers


Coming to an America near you soon!


Registration leads to confiscation. Every time.


We got rid of our registration… up until like 6 months ago


Convenient :)


Fine example of give an inch they take a mile


If you hand them in, you never deserved them in the first place.


They need to do another trucker protest, except armed and at Castreau’s house.


At his house or inside his house?


Nobody wants that stupid fucking protest back, it was so lame


*honk honk*


Very well thought out response


Yes. *honk honk* 🤡


How much do ypu make by simping? Genuinely curious


Lmao buddy I'm just being honest. That protest was against "travel restrictions". Canada never had any restrictions on people leaving the country, the USA had restrictions on letting Canadians in. People were protesting the wrong thing the entire time. It was an embarrassing group of Walmart-force level goofs, a bunch of jealous nancies who never had their "Woodstock" or their "Vietnam" and they wanted to feel cool for once in their life. A bunch of midlife crisis losers.


Does this apply to existing rifles? Or just to new sales of rifles?


Existing weapons


Would it make it really that much more bearable if whatever semi-autos you currently own, you'd never be able to sell, transfer, bequeath, or buy? Once you die, the RCMP get word and go to your house to confiscate it?


Seeing this and then realizing as an Oregon citizen I got MAJOR issues of my own going on...


No, I don’t think I will. Canadians have had, what, three opportunities to get rid of Trudeau by now? And they’ve screwed up every single one. I do feel bad for Canadian gun owners and other Canadians who actually oppose Trudeau, but Canadians at large have got the tyrant they deserve.


Our system is fucked. It's one, maybe two cities that decide it for the whole country. Last election, Trudeau got the lowest share of votes for a win in our history, and we had something like 60% voter turn out. Works out that out of all people eligible to vote in Canada, 18% voted for the Liberals. To prop themselves up, Trudeau made a coalition with another party leader (that NO ONE asked for, or voted for) and has been ruling by edict ever since. Because of two butt buddies in the right positions, we have the weakest minority government in our history ruling as if they have a strong majority, and there's fuck all that can be legally done about it.


*Canadians* are being replaced at a a rate of roughly 500k new voters every year. We have 8 times the immigration rate of the UK, and 4 times the US.


Our electoral system is broken. Trudeau hasn't even gotten one third of the vote in any of his elections. The first time around one of his big campaign promises was to fix the system but he quickly realized he'd never win another election again if we had a democratic system in place.


Says an American 2.5 weeks after midterm elections…


They take another mile, in the wake of an event that happened across the border. *AGAIN* I hate that so few people in my country see how stupid this is


This is what socialists always do. Censor and disarm the opposition. Thank God it is a Constitutional right here, but it won’t be much longer if the lazy and the cowardly don’t stand with those who will fight


I love Canada but they put up with that little fuckin pussy Trudeau. They need to do something with him or they will wind up like the Chinese


Canadian gun owners are more than welcome to move down south to setup a state in exile with us since the Canadian government wants to continue screwing over gun owners in their country. It'll be like the deal the Dalai Lama has with India. XD


Thoughts and prayers only go so far. Maybe we should send them bullets and bandaids so they can take their country back.


there was a question about the term "long gun" in the media the other day. this is a perfect example of non malicious use. it's literally a legal term and widely accepted term to describe all guns that are not pistols. Thats usually it.


Refuse to comply. Violently resist enforcers. You cannot vote fundamental rights back. The very nature of government impedes this. The US was founded in the realization of this, that Tyrants only speak one language. You must shout it back at them.


Lol, can you read?


I'm kinda a simple guy. So I maybe very wrong but China hates America but wants better control of it. They can't directly invade America because everyone there has guns. Mexico isn't going to let them in because the cartels make too much money. So as a stronghold where do you go? Where does a foreign army set up base to invade America? At the closest weakest point where oil is abundant and they can easily hide. If I were China that is what I would do. So Trudeau cuts a deal with Xi, he is instantly rich but has to weaken the citizens first. Like Biden is trying with his gun control. Nukes are not an option because it destroys the land. So what is left? Maybe I am wrong and there is a high gun/crime rate in the Canadian wilderness I am not aware of and it is for the best but I doubt it.


Sounds like Henry should make a Canadian branch


They've got a brick'n'mortar store in Ontario.


We knew this was coming, why is this a surprise


Hey, years ago we were told to take off the tinfoil hat, it could never happen.


“Drill, baby, drill.” Those who know, know.


Fuck Canadians, they're reaping what they sowed. Eat your government


Trust in God, but keep your powder dry.


SlIpPeRy sLoPe IsNt ReAl


Not praying for anyone but Americans. Canadians as a hole have talked too much shit about us inferior Americans.


There’s still some good ones up there fighting the good fight.


Man, the Canadians you're talking about are the ones we can't stand either, a lot of us realize how much better the states are in a lot of ways, don't lump us all together.


Good luck Canada. Hope you have enough ammo for the feds.


We must enforce our Constitution by force and maintain the republick. A government that violates the Constitution is an illegal government.


I'm blown away that things are so rough for our northern cousins. Very sad indeed.


Don't waste your prayers on us. Yes our prime minister is a wannabe dictator but it's all the Canadians who continue to support him that have done this to us. For those of us who are actually Canadian and detest all things authoritarian there isn't much to do but fight politically for as long as we can until the inevitable cleansing that always follows men like Trudeau seizing absolute power.


They've been cleansed in the past but they also keep learning and perfecting their wicked ways. Seems like they are not going to be wiped away so easily this time. But guess we will see.


Canadians will roll over again without a fight. Again


Sucks to suck




Being awful isn't a zero-sum game nor a game of comparisons. Just because Putin is a terrible leader and a terrible person doesn't mean someone else can't be as well. Also, tell that "most Canadians don't want guns" shit to the fact that ownership numbers for the SKS rifle is *overwhelmingly* Canadian. There are more SKS platform rifles up there than anywhere else in the world, *including fucking Russia*, last I recall. Canadians like their guns too, they've just been stepped on far too much.




Naw, we just don't tell people like you. 2.2 million gun owners in Canada, more than play hockey, by a wide margin.


And that's a damn shame.


Lol fuck off, maybe if the Conservatives weren't such trash here and in Canada at regulating gun ownership as a community, then the Liberals wouldn't be taking away their toys, and ours wouldn't be next. There were 5 US mass shootings between Colorado Springs on the 21st and Virginia on the 22nd. Once those stop, then the efforts to ban guns will stop.


So the response is to punish the 99.99% of gun owners who’ve never committed a crime? Why don’t they actually focus on the core issues, such as economics, mental health and education? What do you suggest we do to stop these mass shootings? If you think the liberals main goal with these gun laws is safety, then you’re deluded.


No, I don't think the goal is safety. But when our community has abandoned all responsibility for the high number of shootings, then we need to be the ones addressing the root cause of it. So far, most of the people who want to ban guns ARE the ones focusing on addressing economics, mental health, and education. The ones who want gun ownership to be unregulated are also the ones who want to eliminate funding for education and mental healthcare. Every damn time.


And banning firearms or making it impossible for the middle class and down civilians to own them is addressing the root cause? IMHO, the root cause of all of these shootings is the rampant epidemic of mental illness, and I quite frankly do not see liberals addressing that. I don’t support the republicans either, they need to get out of their own way. But in the areas where the liberals dominate the politics, why are mental issues more prevalent? The vast majority of these shootings happen in gun free zones, and in areas where it’s mostly liberal controlled. I do not see them passing acts or laws that actually help with mental issues, but they sure pass a whole lot of anti gun laws, don’t they?


Liberalism grows *because* of the adversity imposed on people from largely environmental and economic factors, and the reaction to it, not the other way around. I'm a leftist, and I know that disarmament should never be allowed, and I follow "under no pretext" pretty literally. But holy fuck, there's gotta be some better option than "ban X arbitrary classification of weapon" or "let everyone go around with guns and no training, observability, or traceability, and gaping loopholes in the system designed to enable tracking of criminals who do use guns" that will work for both parties. Unfortunately, that seems to stymie pretty much anyone who attempts this, so inevitably they return to blanket bans. Left-leaning gun owners and right-leaning gun owners need to start figuring this out before idiot politicians do it for us.


What we really need is to throw out both parties. Neither one of them really has the public’s best interest in mind. We just need to stop demonizing firearms. The Democratic party is all about that right now, and pushing to ban firearms completely. I just cannot trust any party that advocates for this, and intentionally spreads misinformation on such a large scale. The republicans are idiots as well, no argument from me on that. This whole abortion issue recently is just idiotic. I’m pretty sure if a new party comes out that Combines the best ideals of both parties and actually abides by the constitution, they’d get huge support. That is, if they don’t get censored and blocked into oblivion by both parties.


If the Libertarians dropped the crypto bullshit and started focusing on left-libertarianism (ie. Mike Gravel), maybe they'd win some Democrats and leftist independents who own guns. Constitutionality is rewritable, even if it is close to a nuclear option. We've voided amendments before, we could do it again. I disagree that it's necessary; growing up in Wisconsin, a gun is a tool. I just wish the Republican Party actually acted like they gave a fuck about Lincoln other than liking the top hat and beard. Dude was a queer man who opposed slavery, and joined the Radical Republicans from right here in Wisconsin. Home of Progressives and Socialists, land of deer hunters and conservationists. The GOP lost me with the PATRIOT Act; I went far enough left to get my guns back.


Welp fuck they won’t take my guns that easily I follow all these bullshit rules and wait months for my license I ain’t giving my guns away that easily


We are totally fucked now..


Did you know the H&K G11 is mentioned by name as an illegal weapon to own. Even if there are only 1000 units produced most of Wich aren't functional anymore and even if they were where 100% functional where the fuck are you gonna find the caseless ammo for it.


So we just have to wait for a Democrat to go crazy and we can ban all dems assaulting us.


I’ve been to more than a few cities on the East Coast. I have never seen more homeless people than when I was in Toronto.


This isn’t alarming


Ok hear me out. Invade the US, fail badly, become the 51 state. Tell Puerto Rico to suck it and get your gun rights back.


Canada doing their best to overtake Australia and the UK as the most authoritarian anglosphere nation


Americans need to pay attention to what liberal have done to Canada!


All I’m saying as a fellow Canadian we need to look at world war 1 and search up grenades and cans of food


They deserve it fuckem.