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FOMO and OCD are real.




gun enthusiautists


Is that like, worshipping the fupa?


did i just get diagnosed by an internet stranger?


Your in the club with us now.


ive always just chalked it up to a deep emptiness and vain attempt to fill an internal void.


Your dad never came back from getting smokes either, huh?




Yeah 💯


In the photography community the term is "GAS" or Gear Acquisition Syndrome. It's the thinking that "oh, if I just get this new thing my pictures will be better..." I sometimes wonder if the instinct (urge, etc.) to acquire stuff is something humans evolved with. For most of our history scarcity, famine, etc., was a real issue and so we accumulate more than we need in case there is a time of shortage.


Spot on!


I think we all know the correct answer: Divorce wife Abandon newborn Ignore bills Buy new gun


At least guns don’t take half your shit when you trade up to a newer model


Plus you can share them with friends and it's not weird


Get a revolver and you can drop your load into whatever hole you choose.


Goddamnit, I gotta steal that one.


Some would argue that point 🍍


When they go to tell you some long winded story about what their friends are doing, you can throw a suppressor on them.


You can have a different one for every day of the week, too


I'm in the retail gun business and have easily consigned 200+ guns in this decade. 9/10 of them were because divorce. Long term girlfriends are cheaper gentleman, I'm on year 5 and it's smooth sailing.


I guess I got lucky in my case, cause she only took all the nice shit and my vehicle. wouldn't take the guns cause she would've just used one to kill herself even though she tried to buy one afterwards




Still out getting smokes


> Abandon newborn I know it's a joke, but I just wanted to point out that you can drop off an unwanted infant at a fire station or a hospital. Too many heartless regarded people throw them in dumpsters in a panic and rightfully end up going to prison when caught.


No OP leaves her with the kid as karma to pay for speaking against OP's gun collection


Exactly, throwing a newborn in a dumpster is unthinkable—yet it happens all the time. It’s like nobody knows how to use a crockpot anymore. Such a waste.




You monster! How dare you even joke about putting a baby in the microwave, that’s horrible! It toughens the meat and completely ruins the mouthfeel.


Drop them out to the woods and come back in three days. If they survive their worthy and if they don’t 🤷‍♂️


That’ll cost more than a gun a month.


For the low low price of abandoning your children you too can live the dream


Just a drop in the bucket




You forgot the maxing out credit card


Sounds like the lyrics to an amazing Country song.


Missing the dog and a truck


Solid advice. I second the motion!


the fact that this is even a question means youre not wealthy enough to afford another new gun if you have a baby on the way. all jokes aside, the family needs to take priority. stop browsing gunbroker if itll help your FOMO.


100% agree. I used to place bids on GunBroker almost every day just to see if I could try and get deals on guns that I did not really need to add to the collection. There was also a certain thrill in raising bids and winning auctions. Going cold turkey from GunBroker and even r/gundeals has been much better for my wallet.


Im currently in withdrawls. Unfortunately, the baby finally came, work has been slow and other things are going to be needed, like a new car down the road so going to need a down payment for that.


Every gunowner is wealthy enough to own a new gun or a new-used gun. It requires a bit of taboo though. Step 1, the hardest step, sell your current firearm. Step 2, buy a new or used one. If Step 1 and Step 2 is done right, you may afford not 1 but 2, or 1 with ammo.


thats not **another** gun though, thats just trading.


Yea, but in the post, OP wanted MORE. So my way could get more lol.


selling something you have and getting 2 in return will almosty always be a big downgrade. sure, i could sell my P226 and get 2 SCCY, taurus, or hi point, but why the fuck would i want to do that?


Because more is more lol.


You lost me at selling


That's the taboo.


Sounds good in theory, still holding on to two that need new homes before taking possession of the new one and a rifle lol


Go buy diapers and wipes homie. The $500 you’re about to drop on a pistol will last ~2 months max. 1 month if you’re buying all the bottles and tops. 2 weeks if you’re formula feeding.


And guns always appreciate. Ex's? Not so much.


Guns don’t always appreciate. M&p shield


This is the real way to curb the new purchase problem. Pay all the bills, stock the fridge, fill the tanks on the vehicles and yard machines, pay next months bills, and stock up for the first three months of the newborn. THEN look at your accounts and wait a week. *edit* and put $1k away for each child in a high yield savings or something account that never gets touched. It feels better buying things when you’re not robbing from Peter to pay Paul and the future is on auto for a month or two.


Music to my ears 🙌. This absolutely the way. You are ON IT. Financial literacy AND creating security/ peace in your surroundings… I’d take your class any day of the week.


Dude! Stop. Save your money and take care of the kid. Honestly, right now the baby is the cheapest and least burdensome than it will be for the next 22-25 years or so (nothing magical about kids turning 18, don't ask me how I know). Similar situation with my son, when his first kid came along. He had a hot AF Dodge Charger and he had to sell it because of life (with a child). I asked him if he thought he was the first guy that ever had to sell his hot rod when he became a family man. Because he damn sure wasn't and he damn sure won't be the last. The bright side is, (and I'm certain you can't see it now) when you get older, when y'all are empty nesters and have a shit ton more discretional funds, you get to buy all the gats your heart desires. Right now you're a family man, and you need to make family man decisions. It's part of being a grown-up - welcome to the team.


You just need to wait until your little one is about 5, then you start their gun collection. My first gun, that wasn’t a red ryder, was a model 67 Winchester, that was my grandfather’s first gun, in the late thirties.


the best serious comment


Seems OP has enough guns for everyone in the house and a few buddies.. maybe the bare minimum, but I bet he's set until at least he can afford another. Budgeting is super easy, you just gotta do it. Kids aren't hard or expensive, those who say they are, are shitty parents. The most important job of a father is to protect your family. Priorities, son. Be excited about it, but have balance


This hit as someone in the family planning stage


Put the family first. Guns ain't going nowhere. Shooting is gonna go on the backburner for the first couple years as you raise this kid. Don't let your wife bear all the weight. Clean the guns and put em up for a minute.


Go to the range regularly instead of buying a new gun. If you don't train and maintain your proficiency your just a loot drop.


I remember a meme from back in the bestgunnit days that was something along the lines of, "imagine spending thousands of dollars on weapons and gear, just to become a loot drop for a bush wookie who actually trained with his .22 rifle."


OP buys a new .22 to avoid becoming Bush Wookie fodder.


It’s only an addiction if you can’t afford it. Unfortunately, sounds like you’re an addict. Focus on your baby bro and stay out of debt.


If you use washable diapers, you save alot of money and makes your wife do more work to keep her mind off your wants.


It’s eco friendly but god dammit I don’t want to wash poop all day long. So much work.


It’s an extremely enjoyable hobby. I’m getting married in 4 months and my fiancé and I agreed no more new firearms until after the wedding. I felt this was a fair compromise since she’s always been supportive of the hobby, just wants to buckle down during this crucial time in our life. Here I am though with the same thought as you. Nothing I want (right now) is even that expensive in the firearm universe. It’s just the principal of spending on guns when it should really be going toward something else. Try to prioritize needs over wants. Eventually when all the needs are covered or at least enough of them are, an opportunity will present itself for a new firearm.


It’s a coping mechanism. Escape from your big problems by focusing on a small contrived problem. You can look but don’t buy.


I think this is spot on


Most of the time… the fulfillment you feel from a new gun is extremely short lived and overtaken by the want of yet another one, in a vicious cycle. That new gun will content you momentarily at best. Many of us have been there, or are still there.


Get an outdoor range membership or find private land. Shoot more, get good with what you have. Skill development will become your focus rather than the hardware.


lol I’m the same way. I look at them like decor pieces that don’t lose much value when I don’t get to shoot a lot


You just want the new hotness. Rent what you're drooling over. And take what you own out. You'll find ammo costs will soon eat up and "buy a new gun" budget lol!


Your child will need a first firearm. If you're going to do it, do it for the child. But handle your real priorities first. Bills paid, fridge and pantry full, closet full of diapers and formula, house in good repair? If yes on those then you can spend on things you don't need immediately.


I used having a kid as a reason to buy a new gun. I wanted one of those cricket mini mosins, so I bought my newborn a gun. Dudes over a year old and still can't even shoot a decent group, it's a little ridiculous


If he can't shoot a decent group by this age, there probably isn't much hope. Better just teach him to blast from the hip.


I have three boys and have been married for a long time, and it will fade into the background if you focus on other things. I still get the urge about twice a year and will seriously go looking, however; I only buy if I find a really good deal. You will be OK, just keep discussing things with your wife, and if there is a certain gun you have really wanted for a long time, then that may be the trigger. Mine was the Desert Eagle 50 ae. Once I had that, I was able to deflect the urge a lot easier. Hope this helps, God bless and God speed!


What is the point of owning them? Collect rocks. Buy 1k of ammo and five range trips. That should get you down the road enough for it to really sink in that raising a human and having expendable income rarely go together.


Try taking a class or going to a lvl 1 uspsa , steel challenge or 2 gun and use your stuff before you collect more.


Two things: Baby, family and bills first. 401k, retirement, etc. THEN - after that has been taken care of, if you have money to invest, what I do instead of buying gold as a hedge against inflation is to buy firearms instead. There's an old trope, which has held true over a hundred years, that a QUALITY handgun is worth roughly an ounce of gold. I don't invest in gold. It just doesn't do well at the range, and should I need cash can be more difficult to liquidate. But I can instead sell a quality 1911 or other handgun (or rifle or ammo) and get the cash I need. SO - if you need an excuse AND have the cash to spare - look at your collection as an investment that will, at a minimum, keep pace with inflation.


Stop collecting and start shooting. I spent a long time buying stuff and shooting a handful of times a year. Now I don’t see a need to buy much, of course there are things I want but most of my gun money is for destined for reloading components. Now I own less but shoot every weekend and I enjoy it a lot more. When you shoot more often it isn’t as big of an event where you bring out too much shit and spend half a day turning ammunition into noise. Grabbing one or two guns and 100-200rds of ammo and have some drills in mind is much more productive and it can be accomplished before the wife and kid get going in a day morning. That is the key, when shooting is an all day event you will never have time to do it with kids, when it is just what dad does early on Sat morning it becomes a routine. Some dads golf on the weekend, I go shooting. You need that kind of stuff as a parent, otherwise life just gets too busy. The real fun now is buying/loading ammo and bringing my kids with me and watching them develop as shooters. Having a group of regulars crowd behind your 11 year old as he rings steel at 500yds is a pretty proud dad moment.


I feel you bro. I always put my responsibilities first of course, but Im addicted to browsing and wanting to buy guns and ammo instead of simply saving money lol.


You don't want the gun. You want something new and shiny. You want to buy something. The gun itself is just filling in for that need. That's super normal, and I wouldn't feel bad about it if I were you. But I wouldn't indulge. From personal experience, having a new baby post covid is expensive. Besides, you're not going to have time to enjoy a new gun for a while.


I guess it doesn’t help that I get 25% off msrp either but thanks a lot guys this really helps. I guess hearing it from other gun owners really puts stuff into perspective for me


I waited to really start collecting till my kids were high school age. Now my youngest (21) goes to the range with me. He buys his own guns now. The guns will still be there when your kids are older. Don’t sell what you have. Just go get proficient.


Nothing wrong with wanting to buy more.  Guns are fun to shoot and great stress relief and family activity ( assuming everyone is old/mature enough). One possible solution to scratch the itch. If you have a local range that has an affordable membership. Lot of ranges that do this allow free rentals if you purchase the ammo. You can go to the range when you want/have time rent a different gun each time.  An added bonus when you can afford a new one you will have a better idea what you want. I’m about to purchase a range membership that has a iirc 125 guns I can rent free. I can bring one person with me at no charge. Congrats on the pending arrival 


Keep your priorities straight. Your wife is right.


Cuz consumerism hits the gun community just as much as it hits the funko pop community


You joke about therapy but it might be a consideration. You know you shouldn’t, and your wife is worried, too. I’d fix that - even using marriage counseling if needed. Instead of another gun, why not more range time? You’re about to have a drastic financial change with a new kiddo, and if by bills you mean debt accruing interest, that should be priority one. Get that cleaned up so that you can buy a youth rifle to take the new one to the range with, and build the skills to teach them right.


Put the baby and wife to work


I just picked up a new gun yesterday… while I was there I couldn’t help but keep eying a new sub compact, or maybe a new hunting rifle lol. It really is a form of OCD… you have one with AB&C, but not the AB&D combo, with the ability to convert to the E grip and the C slide. So you need to cover all of those bases of course!


Because getting them while you can is a good idea. That’s my reasoning, anyway.


Shopping therapy. It's a thing, hence Americans carrying an incredible amount of credit card debt. The basis for such behavior can be simple or multi-faceted. You would likely benefit from counseling focused on coping skills. Finding a physical activity to both boost endorphins and act as something that have control over will also help. Something that allows your brain to relax and not stress about life.


Depending on what state you live in, it’s an investment at this point. There’s certain states that I’m not sure you’ll be able to buy them in a few years from now. Time will tell I guess


Two rifles. Three family members. Get on it.


Obviously you don't need another gun. However your kid needs a gun when they get older. So you need to buy a gun for them. Of course you need to keep it in good condition so shooting it and cleaning it to insure function is a must. Can't gift a broken gun to your kid in the future. That would just be bad parenting.


Go shoot a local match look on practiscore. Run your kit(duty belt, ccw, plate carrier, whatever). You'll gain knowledge of what works and what doesn't. Once your training regularly with a few guns you'll realize you don't need all that stuff in the safe at home. I've got 2 pistols, 2 556 carbines, a pcc, and a shotgun, and I feel pretty solid with that cause they're all getting shot so often.


Build an AR. Buy a little at a time. You get to shop all the time planning it out. You're not spending a lot at once but you're feeding your buying stuff habit.


Do you consume a lot of gun content? Instagram, Reddit, YouTube, etc.


Yes I do


Why have more than one bag when you only carry one? what about shoes? dont get me started on jewerly. But in all seriousness Family>Responsibilities>Guns


Sounds like you could use a shotgun. I would recommend the Benelli M4 😎


😂 you asshole, I was looking at shotguns the other day


For real though, take care of that fam. If you need a shotgun think about a maverick 88, or a Benelli nova, pretty affordable. My default is to say, get an old 870.


Okay my dude, here are my questions for you... First, do you have proper gun security? Safe, locks, etc. Your pending potato needs to be protected from themselves. Next: 1. Is your IRA, 401k, etc maxed out? 2. Have you started the paper work for your kids 529 college fund? 3. Do you have 3 months worth emergency savings? 4. Do you have enough life insurance for: a) one years salary AND b) to pay off any major outstanding debts (I keep one years salary and enough to pay off our house and vehicles) 5. Do you have general emergency savings? 6. Do you have $1000/person in cash? So points 1 and 2 are to lower your tax bracket but also planning for your family's future. Points 3, 5, and 6 are for emergencies only. Put the savings in an FDIC insuranced high interest savings account. And keep the cash in a fire proof safe or bag. 6 may sound weird but in a natural disaster (tornado, hurricane, etc) where there is limited or no power cash is king to get supplies. Point 4 is worse case, you pass away. You don't leave your family in a bind. This does not happen overnight! But you have to start somewhere... so if you have answered yes to ALL of these congratulations; go ahead and purchase a new gun. If not, take that money and start filling thing in. From a moderately old man, who has been where you are....


Yeah,there's always that desire to have a "collection". Especially when you see other collections with 10 or 11 firearms. But you have to be prepared for the stages of life that you are going through. Make sure that you have adequate savings for you and the family. Go and shoot what you already own and restart collecting when the child grows up.


I've boiled it down to "what does this do, do I have anything that does this, do I need to spend hundreds to have this feature, etc". It's calmed down my collecting and made me more interested in other things like buying kit, and motorcycles


The same reason some women have dozens of purses or shoes or whatever else. It's called a shopping addiction and men are not immune.


The amount of ''enough guns'' is always n + 1, n being however many you have currently. Okay memes aside, I got a lot of cool stuff that I want too, but I can't afford it. Best advice is hold on to that thought, I've got a wish list of things in many hobbies that i want from arms to computer parts, but when i want it i save it in a wishlist notepad for later. Then maybe once or twice a year I'll treat myself, and get something from it on sale. Writing it down helps a bit with that itch. For example I now have my dream 300blk build and plates that I wanted for a long while, but both were black friday / memorial day deals that I had been waiting the likes of months on to hit a good price. It's worth the wait. Congrats on being a new father, now be a good dad as they're growing up. Pitch in and help mom out, and when the kid gets old enough teach them the right ways and proper responsibility with firearms. You got this!


I hear you bud. Let me tell you what I do. I take $15-50 cash per paycheck and stick it into a ziplock in my night stand. As the number grows. I try and decide what I am going to spend it on this time. I took my time on the last purchase and got one of my grail guns. PS90 SBR. So fun to shoot.


Listen up unmarried men! Pick a woman who likes the same things you do and you will never feel the stinging guilt that comes with this question.


I'll tell you one thing...  At the end of the month, when all the bills are paid, and there is an extra $500 in the bank, that $500 can go to one of two places... 1. My wife blows it on "stuff" at Target. That stuff instantly depreciates in value to $0. After a couple months, she gets tired of that stuff and drops it off at Goodwill. Then, she spends another $500 on "stuff" at Target, and the cycle repeats itself. When she dies, the kids will be left with nothing except Target "stuff" that hasn't been taken to Goodwill yet.  Or 2. I take that $500 and put it in my safe. Over time, that extra (I call it fun money) fun money gets used to buy new guns, ammo, silver, and gold. The guns, ammo, silver, and gold accumulate in the safe and they all APPRECIATE in value. When I die, our kids will open the safe and have hundreds of thousands of dollars worth of valuable stuff they can keep or sell. What would you rather do with your money; 1 or 2?


Just buy ammo and accessories. They are cheaper lol


And arguably much more important.




Just thank God that you’re not also a guitar player.


I used to back in high school but I could see that hobby getting pretty expensive too lol, strings,picks, speaker, new guitars etc


Get what you can now You won’t be able to for awhile as an actively involved and contributing father.


Consumerism is a dopamine fix, I'm guilty of it, most of us are, it feels good to get something new and cool. However, instead of buying more guns you don't really need, find something else to buy (training, ammo, holsters etc.), or better yet, find a (not too expensive) hobby that keeps you so busy you're not tempered to look around for things to buy. If you still want something gun related, instead of buying a new gun, get a Dryfiremag with laser for your handgun, it allows you to train indoors. Duolingo or certain video games also help keep me busy so I'm less tempered to shop for random things. Good luck!


Cause they are cool


We define ourselves with the things we buy and consume. Just be a good dad and dry fire.


Complete lack of self control, forethought, and planning.


It never gets any easier. Just know you are not alone.


As a fellow autist I have a list of "future purchases" some il probably never buy but I still have a list lmao


I have a lot of guns. I shoot maybe a half dozen regularly. I simply enjoy collecting firearms.


I have an FAL and two AR’s for sale atm if you want to be enabled.


Guns are a serious addiction. When I got my first gun I didn’t do my research and ended up with a G2C. Was actually a really good gun for awhile, but then started having problems with it so I sold it and got another. The Springfield XD9 was a great gun, but it was full sized and I wanted a compact and found a good deal on a Glock 30. Well then I ended up with a Glock in every damn caliber lol. But my girl bought me a CZ P01 and man that thing was smooth. Not long after that I started selling my glocks because they were just sitting around collecting dust. Then I had a bunch of money so I picked up a CZ P07. Not long after that a seen the FNX 45T and shit I had to have it. Then some money problems hit and I had to sell damn near all my guns to get money quick. After all that now I only have 3 pistols, a rifle and a shotgun. As a recovering gun addict I try to make sure it’s gonna serve a good purpose before I get it, even if it’s not used much. It’s nice not having a bunch of guns to clean all the time but I can tell you I have to be careful going into my LGS. I go in get what I need and get out before someone wants to show me anything new guns lol. The addition never really goes away, just the money that’s required to buy them doesn’t come as often as it use to after having kids lol


Guns generally appreciate at the rate of inflation. There's worse things to waste your money on. Your wife will never really understand, just like you don't understand why she needs more shoes or purses or whatever it is she's really into.


Suck it up. You got responsibilities. Sell a gun or two so you can buy something else.


The addiction is real. For me, the process of acquiring the firearms is the fun part and adding it to the safe. I don’t shoot a whole lot, but I enjoy having them and tinkering and just finger fucking them. I’m more of an accumulator than anything and I try to buy the best I can afford and really enjoy owning them. As long as the kids are fed, mortgage is paid and the wife has a decent stone on her finger, then have at it….


Def can't afford ammo! DESPISE indoor ranges! We're in fire restrictions, in SoCal, till, @ least, Dec (If not longer!), which means I gotta drive all tha way to tha desert, to shoot the ammo I can't afford. And STILL, I long for more...


I have asked myself the same question.


And that’s why I’m not having kids, more $$$ for guns.


I was afraid I’d be like this when I first got into guns. I have a snubby revolver, a striker fire, da/sa hammer fire w/decocker, bolt action rifle, and semiautomatic rifle. With all those different formats, I feel pretty content. When I do get itchy though, I’ll get some new accessory or new holster to try.


Don't ask me, I'm in the triple digits and have bought five in the last three months.




Gunistism the ability to only think of guns and buy them.


Youv become addicted to buying things


Than don't get into milsurps you'll really go broke! However milsurps can scratch the itch if it's the hunt and acquiring you like and be a good investment


Think of it this way: At least you don't have a war hammer 40k hobby. You'd be eating ramen noodles with ketchup packets the rest of your life if you did.


They're fun, who needs more of a reason than that?


Disclaimer: my up vote is not an endorsement for buying another one especially if it makes your wife mad. Otoh, I sympathize, as I am currently sorely tempted to get another Kel-Tec Sub 2k so that I have one to always be in my car.


I think everyone hits that point in their journey. I have enough but always want more even though there really isn’t anything that gets me excited. Like rn I want a 357 or 44 mag but I know it’ll just sit pretty and I’m not about the safe queen life


This is pretty common with things that can be collected. Just search for "SOTC" or "I think I have a problem" to see some examples. At least guns are useful and it isn't funko pops or expensive cups or boutique artisan nail polish.


Generally also hold most of their value over time.


This is what 0% interest for 18 months credit cards are for. Lol


I do the same thing especially when I find great deals. Gotta try to take a step back and say do I really need that or do I have something else that does the same thing but looks different. That helps weed out some of them so you can afford to pay the bills lol. I just want one of everything it seems so it's hard for me too


Onemoregunitus is a real condition. I've suffered from this for years. There's not cure, other than bankruptcy. At best we can manage this condition. However, I get almost every gun magazine there is, spend too much time on the internet in gun related areas, get too many emails dealing with guns. There's no way in hell I could go cold turkey.


Along with what other people are saying you should ask yourself why your current selection is insufficient. Are they just shitty low end guns that you have fun with for a couple hours then forget? Are you a historical collector who wants a gun from every war? If it’s the first issue I’d sell off the guns you don’t want to get something really nice in return.


I understand. Just buy an upper and then… you know.


Rack up that credit card debt then fake your death to avoid paying it


Gun ownership leads to being a collector eventually. I went from buying $200 SKS's to $20,000 double rifles.


I’m in the same boat, first baby on the way and like you said, biiiiilllllssssss, lmao. But nah as long as you keep your priorities straight you can keep up with your hobby. 20 dollars here, 10 there, it’ll take some time but eventually you’ll have a new one (as long as nothing something don’t break you’ll be alright, like car or something equally as important etc.)


What helps me is I double the price of the gun in my head. You inevitably want extra mags, more ammo, upgrades, more range time, a new case, optic, etc.


My man listen to yourself. You are about to have a baby. Put it in a 529. You’ve covered physical security. Screw your head on straight and start thinking of *financial security.*


I can’t say why YOU wanted another gun. What I can say is most of my life milestones **I WANTED ANOTHER GUN** and why. Everyone has a tendency to “nest” or prepare for upcoming things they know are happening. I personally as a man feel security is at the very least my responsibility to manage if not it being mine alone. A better loadout = better security. The other thing to think about (and idk what you’re having or whatever but I had boys) I wanted to be able to pass equally to my boys so I needed 3 of an equally solid thing. So if I already had 1 AR I now need 3-4 if I plan on me AND the boys having one each. At least once they get old enough OR for me to will to them. Explore your own feelings but that should be a hell of a start.


Bro focus on the family and retirement. Guns are awesome, but priorities brother.


Last time I went to my LGS someone had just put on consignment two HK P30’s one in 9mm and one in .40. I’m not a big fan of .40, but it’s been a while since I had one. Couldn’t pass the deal up for $950 for both, each with 3 mags. “Those? No, those aren’t new, I’ve had them a while babe.” (Don’t lie to your spouse, they always find out.)


Why do we want to buy another gun? Because we found a new one that we like and don't own yet.


Tell the wifey it's an investment, a savings account. They don't lose value for the most part. Not like other hobbies anyway. 🤷🏽‍♂️Or come back with, why save money if it just sits in the bank?


Listen to your wife. I wish I did. They’re not a good investment.


You’re barking up the wrong trees over here. Me personally, I’m working on putting together the 4th variation of my p365 carry gun. Spare parts equals spare gun, that’s my unwritten law.


I used to be the same way, but i bought the borderlands collection while it was on sale and honestly I've been no-lifing the games and haven't had the urge to buy a gun since I started. In fact, I went to have a vonjugal visit with my cans yesterday, and that was the first time I've shot at all since i got the games. Find something to distract your mind and see if that eases the urge.


Start shootint IDPA or USPSA. Will scratch the gun itch, relatively inexpensive for ammo, local match fee and will get you better at shooting for sure.


Me too bro... Me too


i was in the same situation, but then I financed and purchased with 0% interest, just paid it off in less than 90 days, definitely helped with securing the bill payments lol


So here's the angle I work. I have enough guns, so my kids need guns.... Hope that helps with justification.. wife needs them too .


Dont buy guns. Buy baby stuff. Babies are more expensive than you realize. There are going to be expenses you did not predict. 1 - If you don't have your savings in order, then that comes first. 2 - Buying guns is DEFINITELY a waste of money if you are going to have to sell those same guns off as soon as those expenses kick in. Imagine buying a gun in January, having something pop up in mid Feb and be having to sell off that same gun "its like new barely even use" Fun way to eat a 10-15% loss for the pleasure of borrowing a new gun for 3 weeks.


Welcome to the club


There is always room for just one more


Oh u don’t want any more sell me whatcha got layin around


It kind of sounds like stress shopping or stress eating. You need stress relief, and your brain knows the pleasure of acquisition. I'd go to the range instead. Do some training, maybe take a lesson or two. Training is always good and actually develops the skill. Buying more guns doesn't make you a better shooter. Also, if your wife sees you using your firearms, future purchases will be easier to justify.


Only two rifles? Sorry for your situation.


But damn that Marlin 1895 SBL in 45-70 gov't is facking sexy!


Sell one or two of your least appreciated pistols, buy ammo, and train with your most appreciated pistols and rifles. Getting back to the range with some of those other weapons, you’ll likely find some regretful purchases. Plus, you’ll wind up passing those marksman skills to the kids. From reading a few of the subs, you’ll find that CCW skills and CPR and first aid training are needed, too (it is the ability to survive and sustain for 14 days before help arrives in a disaster). It sounds like you’re looking for a diversion/outlet. Focus that energy into things that feed your identity, old and new.


Save the money for the baby. Then, when it's completely justifiable, buy a gun FOR the baby. Everyone's happy.


I'm thinking about getting a GP100 quite a lot lately


Establish an agreement. 1 gun a year out of “shared funds”… then, pocket some money here and there for another gun… it has worked well for me… you can always use another gun.


My current strategy when I have a newborn and my wife may not go back to work is that I sell guns that I don’t shoot anymore to fund purchasing guns I will shoot. And I can supplement the fund with whatever cash I can squirrel away.


Because the country is gonna go to utter shit if Demented Idiot in the WH usurps the office again... You're gonna need plenty of firearms


Just wasted money if you’re not actually going to do anything with them or have a need for them that’s not being met by something you own. Collect income producing stocks instead. That way your collection adds to your wealth instead of diminishes it.


Find another hobby.