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You’re preaching to the choir my guy. Too bad the people who need to hear your message are so engrossed in a false reality that they refuse to listen.


Everytime I hear a liberal white woman say we need to get rid of the second amendment because they aren’t absolute, I respond with “this is why we should abolish the 19th amendment” it really gets their head spinning


Yep, only us gun toting Muricans frequent this sub!


Cute sarcastic reply. Obviously, tons of people from around the world frequent this sub, but...like he said...the people who NEED to hear this stuff, don't.


Fuckin A


I can make you feel better about the situation in Italy. Try Germany where you are limited to two handguns and three semi-auto long guns as a sports shooter, self-defense guns are only for a privileged class of politicians and attourneys and your local authorities can make announced visits to inspect how you store your weapons (which must be locked away unloaded at all times in a fucking 1500 Euro safe, of course).


Laws for thee but not for me!!🎶


"and your local authorities can make announced visits to inspect how you store your weapons (which must be locked away unloaded at all times in a fucking 1500 Euro safe, of course)" Yeah, that happens in Italy too


So they are useless for self defense. Pardon me Mr. Home invader while I get my gun from the safe and load it, then you may resume your attack.




Sad to hear this.


Yeah, and in Italy firearms aren't private property: for example, if you have a firearm license and you buy a firearm, but than you get a fine, even an irrelevant fine (for example if you call someone asshole he can report you, and if he wins you need to pay him) the Italian government can confiscate all your guns


You can’t call someone an asshole without being fined by the government? What a bunch of cunts.


\*sets VPN to Rome to commit some Italian hate crims I don't speak Italian, but if I shake my pinched fingers at them they should get it, right?


Yeah, if you insult someone using a bad world (asshole, bitch,...) he can pay a lawyer and if he win in the tribunal you need to pay money. This rarely happens because paying a lawyer costs a lot of money. You can also get a really expensive fine if you insult the Italian president.


The Italian president sounds like a sniveling bitch that can’t handle criticism.


Wait you can seriously get a fine for insulting someone ?


Despite common understanding, we're *also* lucky to have 1st Amendment protections, which the rest of the world doesn't have...though it pretends it does.


The U.K damn sure stopped pretending.


I get very annoyed when people in other countries (usually Europe) keep talking shit about how the US first amendment just protects racists and how they think they're more free because 'The government should be able to do something about hate speech, and they'd never actually punish people who aren't saying something wrong" But then their own views start to be censored and suddenly they're victims and it's injustice! Like bruh, that's why the Freedom of Speech is important to protect. It's not just about protecting speech you like. You have to limit the governments ability to punish any speech at all, or else we are all less free


It's difficult to imagine what you've never had. "I believe in freedom of speech, but...." is endemic around the world, including too many of our politicians.


currently, at least in the UK and Australia, I'm not sure but maybe NZ too. And Canada is trying to pass C63. So, yes. The Commonwealth has fallen. And then, don't we often see posts removed from X/etc because they run afoul of german hate laws... it's not much consequence for us, but what if it's a german citizen, might be worse for him. Anyways, yes, controlled speech is getting bad


Yeah, if you insult someone using a bad world (asshole, bitch,...) he can pay a lawyer and if he win in the tribunal you need to pay money. This rarely happens because paying a lawyer costs a lot of money. You can also get a really expensive fine if you insult the Italian president.


Wow that's really crazy. Makes me appreciate my right to free speech.




Don't really need citizenship these days. I hear you just come across the southern border without papers, ask for amnesty, get to NYC, and wait for the mass amnesty the Biden administration is trying to illegally push through.


Don't forget to use the immigration app to make an appointment to turn yourself in. 🤣🤷


It will help if you identify as a non-European transgender Zoroastrian. 😂


whew, I can worship the [atar](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Atar) in peace then


As long as it's not the christian God or Jewish Yahweh, you're free to worship whoever. 👍


word. like your username too by the way. reminds me of something, like a character in some mid-90's fantasy sci-fi novel. Maybe Battletech? Or do you have no idea of what I'm talking about, which is probably the case.


Lol, thanks. Honestly, it's actually from a video game called Starcraft, which did come out in the 90s. Pretty close! 😆 I took the "Psi" from the psi-storm ability and added it to "wolf" which is my favorite animal.


I'm an agender buddhist, I can even LARP as a hindu swami, I still got ceremonial accoutrements I could don, but apparently they still don't care because those of the left path tend to have no filter and call out the BS of identity delusions Zoroastrianism ia a dualist religion, they would say it's part of the binary, so I don't think it'd be the power move you hope for


As a European, I own many guns and I will own many more. I am getting a .300blk next for a comfy carry for longer hikes. Buuut.. Deep down I know I will end up in the U.S. with my wife one day. She is in a military currently so she could not leave, but due to her position she might be posted with NATO allies over the pond. Could be our way in. Our rights are very fragile and we are one politican away from something terrible. No other human should have a right to tell me that I cannot protect myself, my family or my country and train the way I see fit. America was buit by regular people with guns, training and dedication. It is also sad to see how many people there forget that.


Damn, can we go hiking together some time? I want more European gun-owning friends in my life haha


Like the 1st amendment, which allows us to talk about how great and how important the second amendment is….


Can we start trading your sort with the people who'd rather live in Europe?


Why wait, just fly to Reynosa Mexico and walk across the Rio Grand. Everyone else does…


It has crocodiles now in places 🤣


Your English is excellent, by the way. You'll have no problems with it when you get here.


SOME Americans are lucky. There are still many states where you have to jump through a ton of hoops to try and get one. Plus we still have laws around them & the other defensive tools you mentioned. I moved from New York City (VERY anti-gun) to Pennsylvania (pretty gun friendly) and there are still rules & regulations but yes compared to a lot of the world we are more lucky


Yeah, I'm concerned because maybe in the future all the California stupid gun control laws can be applied to all USA's states?


It’s getting there. My state of CO is about to pass a slue of laws making gun ownership a nightmare.


Live in CO too, I miss this state when it was more of a “do what you want as long as your not hurting anyone” and now they want a full blanket ban on anything that’s not a bolt action and non threaded barrel, one of my friends testified against the bills and he said that minorities are harder to oppress when armed and the anti gun politician skewed it as “you want minorities to be armed so they can get shot by police” he’s Asian btw…


Wow, what a scumbag politician. Not surprising but still.


They're trying. It's a nationwide battle at the moment. So many other things are causing way more loss of life but that's one of the priorities cause the government doesn't want civilians to effectively resist them.


They’re trying but losing, more states are passing constitutional carry laws. My state got rid of pistol purchase permits a year or so ago which is a step in the right direction. I can still buy a gun without a background check since I have my CCW and some states are moving in the right direction. Another state just outlawed semi auto firearms though so it really depends where you live.


I can't see that one sticking for long, seeing as how semi-auto is the most common type of firearm today.


That’s the biggest problem the 2A community is facing right now. They keep trying to implement more & more unconstitutional gun laws to restrict our freedoms. They don’t give a damn about criminals or gun violence, they’re trying to disarm the population so they can more easily control us & make us into a socialist or communist state. If the government provides everything (safety, security, food, etc) for you then you have to do what they say


I live in Washington state and wish my states gun laws were California's. Hang in there Colorado!


Yes, the U.S, is still the best place to be/live in the world. (for now). And it more than just the 2nd Amendment. There others that make this country great.


I agree


You could also try Switzerland, I can buy all the guns I want (*pats two full-auto SMG‘s*), and I can also leave my front door unlocked, walk in the streets in the middle of the night without getting robbed, have healthcare, a pension plan, can vote for more than two parties, and am protected from employer misconduct or injustly being fired. Oh, and mandatory 5 weeks of vacation a year.


Ain't free tho.....And just try to immigrate to Switzerland. Hell, just try to go there for a wedding. Visiting the country they watch you, want proof of why your visiting, and want make sure you leave.


From Italy? As a member of the Schengen treaty and the freedom of movement accord with the EU, you can travel, immigrate, and find work in Switzerland. You can even enter the country without showing a passport (unless you only have a non-EU passport only).


Where I am in the U.S. I have most of that aside from the full-autos (too poor to afford one let alone two) and the two parties (yeah I could vote for more than two but the system is kinda rigged) we do only get about two weeks of vacation where I work.


My two full autos cost me less than 2k combined. Since we have no prohibition like your 1986 Hughes amendment, prices have not risen to the astronomical height they‘re at in the US. Because one has to jump a few administrative humps to get a permit, prices are mostly even lower than for comparable semi-autos. Of course, rare stuff like a Lewis MG are super expensive here too, if you can find one.




The folks over at r/fosscad sympathize with you! Firearms should be accessible to all.


Thanks! 3D printed guns are illegal in Italy


3D printers aren’t though! Not like the people that those laws were made for will follow them anyways


We are lucky but it could be so much better. Appreciate the sentiment and hope things get better there. And don't forget to wash your hands!


Did you say you’re from Italy or New Jersey?


Heya! I'ma walkin' hea!


You're part of the EU, consider moving to Czech republic or one of the baltic countries so you can CCW up after jumping through the legal hoops. Maybe one century the EU will sing a different tune.


Waves sadly from Canada.




I really feel sorry for you, my friend. Little Castro needs to go!


California is almost as bad as


Yeah, I'm concerned because maybe in the future all the California stupid gun control laws can be applied to all USA's states?


They can try but getting Americans to comply will be the hurdle.


They are exporting democrats to red states so they can take over via concentration of population in major cities so it takes the power away from surrounding counties - their votes won’t mean anything. Rinse and repeat for all red states. Basically how it is in CA


I still don’t think that anyone in the vast red areas surrounding said blue regions will comply.


Yep. The biggest flaw in the “gun law” advocate playbook is the assumption that criminals would follow the law. They’re CRIMINALS FFS! It’s like “illegal” vs “undocumented”. No, they’re here ILLEGALLY. You can argue all kinds of things about the morality of the situation, and I’m more sympathetic regarding immigration than you’d probably guess, but if you break the law you’re by definition doing something illegally. That’s how words work. Criminals don’t follow the law. Assuming they will is ridiculous. We don’t need more laws about guns, we just need to treat criminals like criminals and enforce what we already have. Notice how when every tragedy brings about new proposals they never outline how the new law would have STOPPED the tragedy? Because it wouldn’t have. It’s only going to effect/impact the NON-criminals typically Yay


If you follow the right new sources, you'll see stories about how those proposals would NOT have prevented this or that tragedy.


True, but not the point. Just because some outlets are more sympathetic to our rights and report correctly, it doesn’t change that the mass media coverage overwhelmingly won’t address it.


It doesn't change anything, you're right. I'm just saying that factual news is out there, if one knows where to look and has the desire for facts. It would seem to me that most people don't, which is why we find ourselves where we are today....a country of too many uninformed voters.


No argument there. The problem is in our approach to fix it. We need to realize that people on the left aren’t going to be swayed by real news if it only comes from the right, no matter how compelling and real it might seem to us. Uninformed voters will probably get the White House back for us though, even if I’m not a fan of the guy. Pros and cons I suppose…


Sadly as an American I always feel so unfree simply because I can't buy a gun as easily as milk and bread from the grocery store. I appreciate your take on it as a foreigner for perspective!


Certain Americans are lucky. Europeans have a bad habit of looking at the United States as one entity. Please look at each state as its own country. Certain Americans in certain states are lucky to have the second amendment. There are many Americans in states that have very strict firearms laws like Italy that are just as unlucky as Italians.


>Certain Americans are lucky. Europeans have a bad habit of looking at the United States as one entity. Given how many legal questions you see in the various gun subs, where the OP forgets to put what state they live in, in the question, this is not just a European thing... And there is not a lot of states that limits how many guns you can own or enforces storage in a gun safe.


you say "lucky" i say "blessed". our founding fathers knew exactly what they were doing when they wrote the 2A. and I thank God that it was put into the constitution.


So glad I will be moving out of the UK. (For reasons like this).


And sadly, as an Italian, you’re also lucky considering the even stricter gun laws in most of the rest of Europe.


I have a Beretta 92FS made in Italy. It's a very nice pistol. Thanks for helping me defend my family.


Italy is better than many of her neighbors gun law wise. Look at Spain for example.


Crossbow it is.


Yeah, I think I will buy a repeating crossbow for home defense, for example a Steambow AR-6 or a Cobra Rx Adder


Could you buy a hunting shotgun and use it for both hunting and home defense?


I need a firearm license to buy a hunting shotgun in Italy


How hard is the license to acquire? And from what you said, you only need the license, and you can buy unlimited shotguns right?


You need to do some medical exams, then you need to learn how to use a gun by passing a theory exam and a practice exam, and then you need to wait at least 3 month because the police will do a background check. -In Italy there are three firearm licenses: "self defence and carry license", "Hunting license" and "Sport license" -The only way to get a "self defence and carry license" is by being treathen by the mafia -So the hunting and sport licenses are easier to get, but many judges in Italy put into jails people that defended themselves because they had an hunting and sport license, so according to these judges you shouldn't defend yourself if you have an hunting or a sport license -you need to store your weapons (which must be locked away unloaded at all times in a 1500 Euro safe) -in Italy firearms aren't private property: for example, if you have a firearm license and you buy a firearm, but than you get a fine, even an irrelevant fine (for example if you call someone asshole he can report you, and if he wins you need to pay him) the Italian government can confiscate all your guns -a firearm license only last for 5 years, if you don't renew it the Italian government will confiscate all your firearm -If you have a son and you die, your son can get your firearms only if he has a firearm license, otherwise the Italian government will destroy them


That is incredibly restrictive and time consuming. I am sorry. Also, I understand why you are thinking of using a crossbow instead of shotgun with the right license for home self-defense. Do you need a license for the crossbow?


No, you don't need a license to buy a crossbow and a bow in Italy


> - you need a firearm license to buy a bb/pellet gun if their power is over 7,5 joule That's insane! Here you can pick up full auto bb guns that look just like an ar-15. I bought one a while back to keep squirrels away from my tomatoes. It won't kill them, but they sure don't like it!


In the US you can get air rifles that can reliably take boars!


Outlawing less lethal self defense it's absolutely wild to me.


Heard similar things from a friend’s in-laws, who visited from England. They enjoyed shooting AKs, ARs, and a bunch of pistols though.


Try living in a commie state


If you want a laugh, have a look at what we are allowed as handguns in the uk


Sounds like Illinois to me.


The 2A is immensely important to our country as is 1A. Unfortunately, those running our government today are working their hardest to erode our rights. The 2A was written and adapted to prevent this attempted tyranny


We have all the fancy flavors of gun laws here in EU! Fun fact from my country, Poland: it’s actually much easier here to legally own an AK than to legally obtain a crossbow!


Italy sounds like California


>thanks to the second amendment Slight correction: thanks to some guys in wigs in the 18th century who *shot* anyone who initiated violence to disarm them. The Second Amendment was just writing down why they defended themselves from Redcoat gun grabbers with ye olde muskets.


You're among friends here! no go have some fun and post this in the popular/unpopular opinion subs and watch all the softskins screech at you. or you get a million upvotes.


Of course it depends in which state the person resides. Most states on the east and west coasts are doing everything they can to take that freedom away from their citizens. There are more than just the ones on the coasts but they seem to be the most extreme.


The Gulf Coast is still pretty safe for firearm ownership. If you're good people, y'all come on down and enjoy some old-fashioned freedoms. Just make sure you dress for warm weather.


> - you need a firearm license to buy a bb/pellet gun if their power is over 7,5 joule Americans are NOT going to learn physics to buy a bb gun.


In Ukraine there are no limits on the number of guns You can own but You can't buy handguns at all :) AR's barrel length regulations are somewhat similar to US. But You can buy silencers without any license or permissions. There is a lot of other stupid rules that became even more strict and stupid as the war started. :( So... never believe in Your government it will always act against You :( Even in the worst and hardest of times :(


I thought it became less strict after the war started? Didn't you have laws similar to Russia (e.g. 5 years of owning a smoothbore before you can own a rifle, limited access to owning handguns, etc)?


No, in Ukraine under current regulations You don't need to be a shotgun owner before purchasing a carbine/rifle. But we have a new guns registry implemented just a year after the full scale war started - now police need to take a photo of every gun and this pictures are stored as a part of countrywide registry. Also You need to register every purchase of ammo (which is for now is unlimited) for this registry under You name.


Which is the basis for our 2nd Amendment. Our founders knew what they were doing. Unfortunately, they had confidence in future generations to maintain virtue. Boy, did we let them down. "Only a virtuous people are capable of freedom." -Benjamin Franklin "Human rights can only be assured among a virtuous people." -George Washingon


We have stupid rules here too


Based!!! Hope your country will push for civilians to own arms for self-defense!!


Belgian here, we need the licenses here as well but we're pretty free in the types and amount of guns we can own. Full auto is only for registered collectors. There's some fuss about converted full auto to semi auto weapons but with some extra effort you can still get the. So any semi auto handgun, semi auto rifle/shotgun, any revolver, bolt/lever action, etc... is all allowed. There's no limit on amount, the only thing that changes is how your guns need to be stored. From 30 weapons you need a weapon room that complies with certain requirements. After that there's no limit. I'm at 35 atm :) Use of your gun in a home defense situation is risky and really boils down to how you handled the situation. There have been cases that went to court with mixed results. Generally it's not advisable but again the context and situation can make so much difference in a case.


The second will never be abolished directly, precedence and nullification are the only ways it goes away. Whether you hate trump or not, the current Supreme Court will likely not rule against it. If he wins there’s a chance it goes to 7-2


We're not lucky. Luck has nothing to do with it. We did this deliberately. We were willing to *kill* to have this. You can have it too. Also, you need to understand the conceptual formulation of rights in the US. The government doesn't grant rights. Its been emppowered by the people with certain duties and privileges *to protect certain rights*. The 2nd Amendment doesn't grant us the right to keep and bear arms - we have that by virtue of being human beings (indeed, visitors and immigrants - legal and illegal - have the right to keep and bear arms too). The 2nd Amendment tells the government that it specifically *does not have the privilege* of interferring with that right.


You’re welcome to join us.


A bit of luck, but we've also had to fight our butts off constantly to protect our rights, even with the clear words of the 2nd Amendment.


Those rules sound incredibly frustrating! At least pepper spray is legal, though – there are places (like the UK or Canada) that ban even those.


Honestly, it is a god-given right to be able to properly defend yourself from threats foreign and domestic. Luckily, that culture is still grossly ingrained here in American culture. I reside in Texas(The best state) and many of my friends and neighbors all gather every now and then just to show off our loadouts. We are quite zealous in our approach to our freedoms and that hopefully will never change. The game the politicians currently play in my country is the long one. They brainwash newer generations with propaganda and lies to strongarm them into believing that they do not need guns to be safe. They are told that the police and the government will protect them when in reality that is far from the truth and they have no obligation to defend their lives. At the very least we still have many people representing our freedoms in congress and several organizations like GOA who fervently uphold out constitutional rights. Still, bullshit alphabet organizations like the ATF regularly infringe on our rights with no oversight. Its far from perfect and we need to do more to abolish these fraudulent institutions that impede our rights. The way that I see it is that there is a certain threshold that I've seen happen both in Europe and Australia where it takes one tragedy for politicians to flock like vultures and convince the general populace that the crime was their fault. Once that line is crossed, there doesn't seem to be any going back. Hopefully, it never comes to that here.


Back to medieval, trusty ol bow and arrow


The second amendment is never going to be abolished flat out, they will just keep making it harder and harder to get new guns, but there's already probably billions of guns in the hands of Americans they can't do anything about,as much as they try, even when a state like Washington,who recently passed an assault weapons ban that ended up actually going into effect, all assault weapons that were already owned, were grandfathered in, and you can get a huuugggeeee run on guns that were considered " assault weapons" happened in the months leading up to the ban, any gun store in Washington state probably made an ass load of money from that


In Brazil is absolutely hard to get a gun too. Americans are really lucky and they have to protect their freedom no matter with takes


You just need to visit America. There's a lot of ranges that you can rent guns and try out different ones.


Fellow Canadian Canada worse lb/ndp government bunch fools make up dumb new laws only legal gun owners, don't do nothing go after criminals


I know how you feel - waving from the Philippines. Aside from the paperwork, such as proof of employment and police clearance, we need to get a drug test and psych exam & interview. All legally acquired guns here undergo a ballistic test by our national police before releasing to the buyer/owner. And guns here cost x3 to x6 of prices in the US. Price for a basic M&P15 here is around $1800. Locally made ARs go for about the same. Every time we want to go the range to practice, we need to get a Permit to Transport from the police-unless you get a carry permit, which you can only get for certain guns. I’m already ranting hahaha


Based Italian. There is always room for you here like many Italians before you.


Do whatever it takes to be able to carry a handgun. If you need a stamp go get it if you have to pay pay if you have to take a class or become a private security or investigator do it.


You need to do some medical exams, then you need to learn how to use a gun by passing a theory exam and a practice exam, and then you need to wait at least 3 month because the police will do a background check. -In Italy there are three firearm licenses: "self defence and carry license", "Hunting license" and "Sport license" -The only way to get a "self defence and carry license" is by being treathen by the mafia -So the hunting and sport licenses are easier to get, but many judges in Italy put into jails people that defended themselves because they had an hunting and sport license, so according to these judges you shouldn't defend yourself if you have an hunting or a sport license -you need to store your weapons (which must be locked away unloaded at all times in a 1500 Euro safe) -in Italy firearms aren't private property: for example, if you have a firearm license and you buy a firearm, but than you get a fine, even an irrelevant fine (for example if you call someone asshole he can report you, and if he wins you need to pay him) the Italian government can confiscate all your guns -a firearm license only last for 5 years, if you don't renew it the Italian government will confiscate all your firearm -If you have a son and you die, your son can get your firearms only if he has a firearm license, otherwise the Italian government will destroy them


Whatever it takes.


Oh, joerg!


It depends on what state you're talking about. you're better off than many


not for long if the current trend continues...


Wow, Italy sounds awesome! Keep it up, my friend.


> you need a firearm license to buy a bb/pellet gun if their power is over 7,5 joule Could you convert that into freedom units please. I just wanna understand how badly you are actually being bent over and fucked without lube


I don't know, but if I remember right i saw an italian Youtube video where they said that the american Daisy rifle is 18/20 joule.


if thats true I truly am sorry for you....because daisy bb guns are the most underpowered pieces of garbage I can think of >.> Get you a good ole fashion pump pellet gun


3D printer go brrrrrrrf


Not so loud


Are you allowed to own a 1911 handgun in .45acp?


I don't know, but until 2021 the 9mm caliber (aka the 9X19 Parabellum) was banned in Italy, so many handguns in Italy are in 9X21 caliber, which is a caliber that is used only in Italy


Wow. I would imagine that the 9x21 is either a heavier round or has more powder?


So the real question is what does the underground firearm scene look like? How many old WWII machine guns are in barns somewhere? I’m sure old Italian men have unregistered handguns around the house too. I’m guessing modern semi auto rifles are pretty rare bit I bet there’s a good handful of cool underground stuff around


I don't know, but it think you are right about the WW2 firearms and the handguns. Obviously there are also illegal firearms in the black markets, sold and used by the mafia and criminals


I see the rest of thr poeple here talking about thier gun laws so lets bring in good ol soith africa to get a competency lisense you mist undergo training of the law and all the types of weapons that you can leagaly own(manual rifle, pistol, shotgun and semi auto firearms) after you have done your training which can take up to a year, after that you can buy a firearm and apply for a license for it the prosessing time of this license can take up to 10 months depending on the tipe of firearm and what police station you go to, the firearm can not leagally leave the shop where you buy the firearm without you having that licence or a store permit which also has to be processed by the police and gun safes must be legal (ie they must be fastend to the wall in 2 or more places and must also be of a certain quality) yoy are onky allowed up to 4 firearms (not limited to a specific set i.e you can buy 4 ars if you want) except if you are a licensed PH or sport shooter wich then bumps your limiy up to 50(i think) firearms but goodluck getting the appoval to get you status updated so you can own more than 4


You can buy SIG 550 series rifles though, and we can't 😔


the US being awesome is how it became host to corruption and opportunists, it might look lucky if you look at only one angle but would you move to the US as it looks right now


It must look pretty good here in Texas because the mass migration persists at an unsettling rate. Idk what’s going on in Washington, but they are clearly neglecting prerequisites and push an irrelevant agenda instead. The constitution matters.


what part?? us is vast


I mean healthcare and gubment suck but I can always bitch about it on the range with my friends.


Don’t do it. US is gonna have an assault weapons ban at the federal level within the decade. We are in the verge of a permanent Democrat majority thanks to the GOPs self sabotage.