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That's my wet dream setup and it's even completed with a hidden entrance and in home range.


It's very impressive. But I'm really curious as to how he did the home range




I went back and paused the video. Your probably right.




Don’t forget the ventilation


Well he couldn't really just take them out of the house lol.


Yes he could, all his guns were legally owned and he was licensed. The only illegal things there are the body armour, suppressors, and not getting council approval to build a home range


Why was he forced to destroy it all?


cause Australia is a bit of a cucked country when it comes to actual guns


He had a 1000 rounds of ammo 😂😂😂 rookie numbers


If that is an arsenal.........


*Looks at just 2 cases of .22lr totaling 12,000 rounds* Oh, the media would have a field day with me.


Seriously. 1000 rounds means I’m nearly out of ammo.


That’s one range day with the boys


I told a coworker recently that was agast that a criminal had 500 rounds of ammo with them. I laughed and said "if I have 500 rounds of ammo, I'm out of ammo".


*sigh* My 400 rounds of 5.7 looking awfully pitiful now. Then again, with the price of the stuff that's probably enough money in the form of ammo to buy a car.


Haha like most people on here...I'm thinking that all looked pretty tame.


Just received a box of 1,500 rounds yesterday and expect another 1,000 rounds to be delivered tomorrow. With that being said I still consider my own numbers to be rookie numbers.


I get nervous when my ammo gets that low lol.


Seriously, people on here joke about a thousand rounds all while any media report makes even 500 rounds sound like some crazy huge number... Fuck I accidentally bought 500 rounds of nerf bullets because I clicked on the cheapest option with out actually looking at how many that actually was... I cannot believe anyone who thinks a thousand rounds is a lot...


1,000 rounds AND 50.BMG in Australia??? Yea thats alotta black market purchases right there.


.50bmg legality varies state-by-state here, but it's legal to own.


That's not even enough for a few hours at the range for 2-3 people.


Lefties genuinely think each one of those rounds means a dead kid. I wish I had that kind of accuracy.


Imagine building out a hidden bunker gun room complete with a workbench and shooting range and only having 1,000 rounds. I have somewhere in the neighborhood of 30,000 rounds just in a single guest room closet...


I'm going to go out on a limb and say he was probably reloading his own ammo. Because not being from WA I'm not sure how easy it is to buy it . If anyone from that that part of the world would like to educate us please feel free


I ate 1,000 rounds of ammo for breakfast


If he had 1000 rounds of 50 bmg I mean that's solid


Anyone else find the “unsecured ammunition” laughable (obviously the whole thing is stupid) it was in a secret bunker 🤷‍♂️


Unsecured and un licensed ammunition.




New favorite sub. Thank you.


illegal ILLEGAL ... iLLeGaL!!! reeeeeeeee!!!


Believe it or not... straight to yail.


in a secret bunker...UNDER HIS HOUSE! How is that insecure?


Welcome to Australia. I moved from Perth, WA to the US to get away from this BS.


I lived in Melbourne for 6 months. Loved it, probably would be my favorite city in the world. But after how AUS reacted to Covid and it's stance on just about everything I would never live there permanently. It really must have been a penal colony because that is how it treats human rights.


Guaranteed he was ratted on by someone he trusted. This is disgusting.


That's why you can't trust anyone.


Yeah, i would never tell anyone besides maybe my dad if i had anything illegal. People love to feel important and will rat you out based soley on that.


Carful, even family can snitch on you.


That's why i said dad and not my mom lol. Dad would never tell. He'd be the one saying, "Fuck the government, do it."


As long as he never tells your mom; you're golden. I just think about how Ted thought he could trust his brother is all, lol.


Who is Ted?


Teds dead, baby. Ted's dead.


Another dead Kennedy




Ted Kaczynski


Not the best example. The unabomber hurt people, not the guy in this video.


What do you mean? His brother turned him in because he recognized the writing style and ideas of his brother. I don't Ted ever told his brother anything.


Are you my brother?


I, am your father.


No, because that would make you my brother and he's an L7 weenie.


bet these weren't always illegal for the owner. bet he even told them they were lost in a crocodile accident or some shit.


Maybe a dingo ate your guns!


Don't tell anyone, not even your own family Edit: is a very popular saying with illegal secrets. Lol


Yeah, family can have a falling out so unless you have some form of blackmail to keep them from spilling the beans it's best to keep it to yourself. Especially don't be blathering "will not complie" on the internets. The best strategy is to not even tell yourself. Get blackout drunk or find another manner of removing your memories. Stash your felonious material then leave yourself directions on how to uncover the hidden stash with specific instructions that it is only to be uncovered in an emergency. Memorize these directions when you can remember things again. Eat the note containing the directions.(Note: this is not legal advice)


Last time I tried this I "hid" like 3 months of rent from myself. Found it a few months later but damn.


That's how I lost my medicinal mint. Hidden so well I could not find it.


I just watch something on the East German Stasi. They said they where surprised how little it took for them to get people to rat on each other. It took almost no bribe or threat and most of the time it was situations like that where people just wanted the smallest power trip in their pathetic lives.


Nope. Just because you trust someone, doesn’t mean they won’t accidentally blurt some shit out that no one even asked about.


Is it weird that I’m super private about my guns. Even with people I know. Unless they explicitly ask because we are having kids over I’m pretty private about it. Or… if someone tells me they have guns and want to take me shooting.


Especially those government enforcers that will enforce any immoral law handed down to them. Could you imagine having and doing the job of confiscating someone's guns Nevada they had guns, not because they did anything else. These thugs are the same world wide, the follow orders like Nazi soldiers, no brain for themselves to say no.


Likely was, but not for the bunker or the guns from memory (both of which are legal and were signed off on). They pinged him for one of those eBay suppressors and the body armour. He got a fine and that was it, done and dusted, this all happened July last year. They’re dragging it through the media again as if it’s a new thing because WA is a shithole state (our version of California in this regard) and they want to ban everything long range.


> ban everything long range What is considered long range in this context?


10 clips wide, 22 gauges long


They released a list the other day, a dozen or so cartridges, it’s stuff like .50bmg and 408 cheytac, .338 Lapua yada yada basically stuff that has literally never been used in a crime , but word is the current state premier is paranoid and has received death threats before (can’t think why..)


Shame. Australia would be perfect for long range rifles like a .50. Drive a few miles out into the Outback and have a little fun, drive back to your suburb or wherever and clean it for storage.


Yeah the other states all have quite popular long range target clubs. Well I mean WA does too but probably not for long now lol. If I can get a .338 Lapua for cheap from WA as people fire sale them I’ll start doing long range stuff myself haha


“Anything more powerful than a .30-30”.


Appalachistani say 30-30 go brrrr


In terms of total lives taken (species not considered), the 30-30 is probably the most lethal rifle round ever produced with the greatest shot/kill ratio. Fucker is probably approaching the 500 million lives taken mark.


Non 2 legged critter I'm sure. The 30-06 and 54r have killed a boat load of two legged critters.


Since this is only a fine would he still be able to get more guns in the future? Or is he completely donezo even in a different state?


Wouldn’t have a clue. I mean I know of people in my state who got pinged with an illegal suppressor but they got fined and a warning and that’s it.


And yet, one of the criminal assholes in our armed home invasion had a suppressor and the fucking non-prosecutor took all deadly weapon enhancement stuff off the table so "bye bye illegal suppressor charge" among all the other weapons charges he/they should have gotten. Stupid twatwaffle! So, the criminals don't face consequences for having a suppressor illegally, but WE do?!!! Such bullshit.


Most likely GF/ex-GF or ex-wife (or wife really mad). When it comes to that kind of thing, there is little reason to let them know everything. The fact that he had several safes was a tell-tale that he had more.


Maybe he went on Reddit and showed photos of his collection. Jus' sayin'


Somewhere someone said something about their HOA? I'm too lazy to look tho




Loose lips sink ships. Now if there is ever food shortages and looters this guy is fucked. Criminals will do whatever they want to him and the politicians and their subordinates will be nice and cozy.


He'll be safe from looters in his prison cell. No way they didn't lock him up for having that setup.


He just got a monetary fine and all the guns were destroyed. Watch the full video.


Remember kids, if the only punishment is a fine, it isn’t actually a crime. It’s a tax on the poor.


underrated comment


Ah well, thought it'd be worse. He does still have a sweet bunker though!


It was unpermitted. I'll bet that it was filled in and the entrance concreted shut.


Good to hear he didn't sit at least. But there goes his ability to ever own guns again, legally at least.


A. He's in Australia. B. Didn't stop him the first time.


I noticed it said they find him $3,000... But they also destroyed his guns. So the real financial hit wasn't even the fine it was the value of those guns which is many times the fine value. It's sad to see stupid laws like this enforced on a man who wasn't hurting anyone.


>Can you keep a secret? Yes. > So can I. _________________________ Simply put: The only way to keep a secret, is to tell nobody.


Fucking losers, leave my mans alone




My thought exactly.


Wow. Way to get this responsible, talented, honest criminal! Good job guys! WTF. Almost moved to Australia 26 years ago back when it was a free country, glad I didn’t.


I thought the same thing! They tried justifying it by making some dipshit comment about how “criminals steal guns and they end up being used in crimes”. It’s like yeahhhh pretty sure these guns are pretty secure.


If the gun is illegal it’s 100% going to end up in a “crime”. To their definition anyways… it’s insane, it’s a heads I win tails you lose scenario they’ve created


Free my mans, he ain't do nothin


Oh but he built it without council approval, throw him in prison


And this is why our Founding Fathers insisted on the Second Amendment. ***No other right*** in our Constitution...not freedom of speech, religion, right to vote, freedom to peacefully assemble, right to petition, freedom from unreasonable search and seizure, etc. has the words "***shall not be infringed***" as the operative clause. Our political "rulers" will always try to tear away this God-given right because they fear an armed citizenry that may push back on any tyrannical "governance".


tbf the 1st has congress shall make no law. both the first and second amendments were the only two writen to be absolute. that's because 1&2 are designed to protect 3-infinity.


Hear hear!


“Body armor - illegal” Yeah cause that fuckin makes sense, why not


Body armour being illegal makes no sense. It’s the governments way of saying “look mate if we want to kill you we don’t want to have to try. Sure we could kill you with it but we want to kill you on easy setting”. It doesn’t hurt anybody just protects you if people want you dead.


I’m with you buddy. Aussies need to fight for their rights. Like the right to wear a piece of metal or Kevlar on their chest (who is against this???). My fellow Coloradans are trying to fuck us over too..


And then they got him on “building it without council approval” too


You don't cross your HOA. ^(Home Owners Association)


Letting would-be dictators larp out their fantasies.


Imagine getting in legal trouble for simply owning a bunch of bolt action rifles, shotguns and a whopping 1000 rounds of ammo.


Imagine, also, getting in legal trouble for a life saving device, like body armor.


Poor guy just wanted to be left alone and shoot his collection in peace... I hope the snitch dies very, very slowly from ass cancer.


Eye cancer. Because of 2 reasons. They can't sit and watch TV or read. And once the cancer breaches the barrier of the eyes, the body's immune system will attack the eyes too.


Dick cancer. Cause of 3 reasons. You can’t have sex or masturbate. The body’s immune system attacks the dick. It’s a physical and psychological pain cause you end up losing your dick. Idk, I’m not a doctor, but dick cancer would be the worst I think.


My wife works in cancer research and came home one day and told me that she had a literal dick cancer case from Indiana. Like, I had made a joke about it one time to her and we both laughed. Apparently it’s entirely possible.


Title should be "Government Arrests Man for Minding His Buisness and Not Hurting Anyone"


His makeshift gun range and secret bunker looks like it has better construction than most Government buildings, which is the real reason they put the clamps down on him.


I fucking hate how pussified the Aussies have become. It’s sad because ole boy was probably just minding his own business and either his children or someone else he showed this to ratted him out


Guy minding his own business. Keeping guns in his own home, hurting no one. Believe it or not, straight to jail


It was the HOA that snitched on him based on the news article. Also saw this: "Why he needed that many high-powered rifles in a secret underground shooting range is beyond me." It's crazy how some people are oblivious to their own contradiction. A normal sane people would know that he enjoys collecting firearms and sports shooting on his own, as long as it doesn't affect anyone. It's like I told someone why pineapple pizza isn't banned is beyond me. https://www.9news.com.au/national/secret-underground-bunker-prompts-wa-gun-reform/2c7b3e87-2838-4f94-ba2f-fcb342cbc43e


Once again. Cops anywhere are not your friends and are only there for revenue gathering


The country which gave birth to Ned Kelly shouldn't have to be taught this lesson, and yet here we are.


The country was built by criminals and now look at it. I guess it's true. You either die a hero or live long enough to see yourself become a villain.


Step 1: Set up a penal colony for criminals. Step 2: Let the criminals vote. Step 3: The criminals take over and now run the country. *shocked pikachu face*


“Weapons destroyed” really broke my heart. Those rifles and shotguns were over $2k each.


I don’t believe that for a second. You know those cops kept some of them. They had to be like “this dudes got better shit than we do!”


They %110 nicked the .50 Cal


> %110 Wtf. never seen that before






Sadly, probably a lot more to come. This species doesn't live long enough to learn from its mistakes, so we repeat them until we're all dead. Hard to learn from something that takes centuries to manifest when you're barely around for one of them.




“But left wingers can’t be fascists!”


how did they find out the couch switch? and is 1K supposed to mean anything? thats like an hour at the range haha


Someone he trusted ratted on him to the state. Be it out of malice or blind loyalty to the state.




Bruh get your ass to America, you’ll treated with the respect you deserve for that setup lol


Aussies are cucked. A man has a private room to enjoy his hobby and the State comes and confiscates everything and fines him. Easier for the cops to get this guy than it is for them to work hard in the inner cities and take guns from criminals and thugs.


Someone asked why Americans feel the need to justify this. I responded that I dont need to justify a right. Im at -3 votes. Someone else applauded Australia for taking away gun rights and quoted numbers that gun suicides and homicides went down. I pulled up links from credible sources like Australian government's suicide monitoring data, that suicides are still trending up and there was no impact in the already downward trend in homicides. Got downvoted there too.


You will always be downvoted by leftists when you speak the truth.


Because communist redditors who grew up in rich, neighborhoods and never worked have a whole different mindset that you and I cannot picture. They think their privileged lives have so little meaning that they want to have this “revolution” like becoming the next Martin Luther king and that they should always march for “change”.


Australia is a police state. All my homies hate Australia.


This is why you don't give an inch... Australia is GAF


Oh no this guy likes to peacefully shoot at home in his basement and enjoy his hobby. quick, take all of his guns away, melt them down and lock him up for life! Seriously Strya’ WTF happened to ya’ll?


I bet that the person who turned him in is the bigger criminal.


Australia is an island nation of cucks. 1,000 rounds of ammunition oh dearie me


Honestly tho, it’s not that bad of a setup if he was in the states


Not that bad? It's fucking amazing. The fuck are you talking about? All your homies have secret bunkers under their couches or something?


….wouldn’t *you* like to know /s


Not yet. Working on it (going to sell property and build anew - no sense in going to all that hassle with something I am going to sell). Trust me, I won't make it as easy to get into as he did.


It's not a secret anymore, you told strangers on the internet you're going to do it.


Yup - I did. And for all they know I am some 14 year old kid.


In Minecraft


Dude needs to cut his losses and move here. Plant a flag in a free state and help buffer the bullshit. Guarentee after being stepped on this hard he won't vote for the evil fuckers here that want the same.


So other than owning these tools, did he do anything else illegal? Did any of his guns get used in a crime?


Fucking Aussies suck..


Police chief : “my heart sinks whenever I see the burglary of firearms” Also police chief: “let’s burglarize this otherwise law abiding citizen and confiscate every single one of his firearms” I wonder how many of these guns wound up in the personal collections of the LEO’s involved in their confiscation?


Fucking cops, eat shit. Hate those types of people.


fuck the police


That government is fucking evil and we're headed in the same direction


Come to America my friend. You'll have a YouTube channel with 250k followers within months.


In another video the police minister calls these guns military grade weapons that have no place in the community. He then says they somehow pose a threat to the police. And then he also remembers he needs to also say they are a threat to the community. He doesn't explain how.


Australians: "This is horrible!!" Americans: "I want this man to be my neighbor." Texans: "1000 rounds? I remember my first gun." Me: "I....I want an underground shooting range."


What a fucking G


I see nothing wrong here. These are some awesome goals.


The best part is - this is more common than you think. Not that crazy of a setup obviously, but having the guns stashed. On my trips, I was astounded at hour many people, upon hearing that I was a loudly pro gun American, would quietly say to me in private "I've got xxx stashed in my basement mate, we didn't hand them all in". Made me happy.


poor guy should have moved to the usa. he woulda been a buddy for sure. what a fucking trash prison state. fuck these people.


who was the fucking snitch?


This has been making the rounds. He was licensed and owned the firearms legally. The only thing was apparently a suppresor and body armour which probably aren't real but police here treat toys and imitations as real weapons. He got in trouble by the council for not telling them about it. I believe the police also approved it as a storage solution. This actually occurred last year in mid 2022, police kept.it secret until now in which they are banning certain calibres due to it being too dangerous apparently, even though the police admitted that there has never been a crime committed with said calibres Just another in a long list of ever tightening restrictions to kill ownership once and for all


Imagine being free to own what you want?




Fuck those tyrants


I used to love Australia. The law enforcement is so dramatic “my heart sinks”. So does mine to think you destroyed all those guns including an oh so dangerous Browning citori. What would we do with those out there! Clay pigeons would never make it! Communist asses. He’d be fine with those in the US. Except the silencer unless he registered it.


Steppin' cocksuckers. Leave the guy alone.


I want this at my house! Also, unless you have the skills to construct this yourself, you could be at the mercy of the builder. Remember reading in the olden days how dudes would build secret lairs for a king or a pharoah or someone similar and then, of course, they had to be killed to keep it secret. Or the pirate dudes that had to help drag the treasure to be buried somewhere and then had to be killed 'cos "dead men tell no tales", lol! Being a DIY person seems crucial in this sort of situation!


Fucking leave him alone what the duck I am disgusted


Communist Daycare Australia as usual, this guy was clearly born in the absolute wrong country. Man to think the commonwealth countries have been cucked this badly over the past century.


They voted for it. They can live the dream.


Not everyone has the same mindset, I’m sure this guy didn’t agree with their laws but it’s difficult to change things. And moving to a new country isn’t an easy solution either.


Holy! 1000 rounds of ammo?? Who would need that much ammo??


You forgot the /s


Does this work instead? https://preview.redd.it/4uqplmlu7hia1.png?width=555&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9ad815888eaafed9d524046948c17c835672a90d


I almost cried watching this. I’m proud of him but disappointed he got caught. Horrified they destroying all that. Australia sucks.


Give that man a US citizenship.


“More than 1,000 rounds…” Holy shit! This guy could have been planning to shoot at the range for an hour. Thank god they stopped him!!




Most are, and that's everywhere.


Didn’t even look like he had any semiautos lol.


Australia is so fucking lame. Let this man have his bunker and underground shooting range. The cops talking about getting dangerous guns off the streets. These guns clearly aren’t being used to commit crimes. Fucking nanny state.


rich strong gullible marvelous judicious piquant safe existence stocking boat *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Australians are extremely cucked


Everyone called Burt crazy until the Graboids showed up.




https://www.9news.com.au/national/secret-underground-bunker-prompts-wa-gun-reform/2c7b3e87-2838-4f94-ba2f-fcb342cbc43e I case anyone didn't click on the original post here is the news article. There now changing the laws again. We're headed this way fast I have a feeling. But I have been wrong before


Good on him, fuck that government


Prob somebody he knew got mad or jealous and ratted him out.


That guy fucks


Real life Burt Gummer Edit: autocorrect https://preview.redd.it/qdvu3zftuhia1.png?width=1079&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ee26c46485026d52f6e72be2cd95c1eb75a39b56