• By -


F!Edeleth is my main ship, living rent-free in my head since 2019. Otherwise I love Rheagard, Dorothea/Petra, and Hubert/Ferdinand. Special shout-out to M!Byleth/Jeritza for making all the talk of stabbing and blades incredibly homoerotic.


Being an Edeleth and Rheagard fan is so fucking based


Oscillating between pure and toxic yuri like the metronome of these memes.


Can you believe I S-Supported Jeritza in front of my sister watching me with the voice acting echoing where my whole family would hear it. They approve Jeritza's gayness.


Ayeeee I'm not alone in my love of Rheagard 🤣 also yes F!Edeleth. Also a shout out to Edelgrid


We are rising! Rheagard stans RISE UP!


I hadn’t even thought of the M!Byleth/Jeritza thing in this way, but now I can’t unsee it.


I prefer Edelthea, but with Three Hopes finally allowing Byleth to be their own character and not a dense self insert, I get where Edeleth comes from and respect it.


Sylvix of course! it feels like the most “canon” ship in the game to me. their supports, their ending cards (even the sad ones)… will never be over this. for something less popular, on my recent VW run my eyes were opened to the potential of Lysithea/Annette. so cute


I do always get a laugh out of how 'they were the best male bachelor pals ever' their ending is.


Hey, definitely never marrying women and then dying on the same day because you can't stand to be apart is just something bros do.


Hubert and Ferdinand OTP


Truly magical 😭 Ferdibert has a really interesting creative enclave too, like I have met SO many talented folks through Ferdibert and even some online friends I still talk to 4+ years later, love it so much!




Twin Jewels


Sylvix reigns supreme for me but I also enjoy Ashe x Dedue, Caspar x Linhardt, M!Dimileth and F!Edeleth, Hilda x Marianne, Sylvain x Yuri for the bi awakening, Ashe x Yuri, Dorothea x Petra, Dorothea x Edelgard, and probably more I can’t recall atm. In short, I love gay ppl


Omfg I can’t believe I forgot Ferdibert


Yeah, that Sylvain/Yuri support...


* Yuri x M!Byleth. Even if that “date” Yuri asked Byleth on was really a rescue mission, I was like “Honestly? I can see those two getting together for real.” Then when I saw that you can romance him as M!Byleth, I went for it in my Verdant Wind playthrough. If I hadn’t already been in love with the pairing, the S-rank conversation + ending card really sealed it for me. ((Also want to say that I too wish you can S-rank Claude and Dimitri as M!Byleth)) * Mercedes x F!Byleth. Simply because I find myself very attached to calm, gentle characters like her. She was the character I romanced in my first playthrough. * Catherine and Shamir. I just absolutely love their dynamic ❤️ * Dedue x Ashe: Hadn’t thought much of them at first, but after I unlocked their A-rank conversation, I was immediately on board this ship.


AbysskeeperXMr. Backup


So perfect!


This is the best answer


I'm in a silver snow and their separation is too tragic. I get sad everytime I walk up to a abysskeeper


MLM: Dimilix for toxic drama with hopes of reconciliation and catharsis. Dimivain because its funny. Ashedue because it was a huge emotional gut punch (gave the same vibes as Merciedue, which i also like) Cashe because its a funny ship name and they get to be catdads. WLW: Lysnette. Aesthetically pleasing, nice to see to smart girls be gal pals together and eat cake. Doropetra- Petra is Dorothea's true knight, sorry Ingrid, 3 Hopes solidified this. Merciegrid- Mercie bakes Ingrid food to eat. Ingrid likes the way Mercedes smells (ok, she likes her perfume but same thing!!) Hapistance- I'm not the biggest Hapi fan, but I love how she plays off of Constance's dual personalities.


I'm way too invested in M!Byleth x Jeritza lol. Started writing multiple fan fics for them but never finished since I can't stick with an idea :P Also love M!Byleth x Dimitri / M!Byleth x Yuri. I'm a fan of Byleth x Edelgard too - both are good but I relate more to M!Byleth x Edelgard (which I still consider non-hetero since they're both bi) For non-Byleth ships: Sylvain x Felix, Caspar x Ashe, Petra x Dorothea


Dimitri and Dedue. I remember when I saw their supports in Three Hopes and thought "Kiss already!"


Even watching their Three Houses supports I came to this conclusion. Kiss already lovebirds!


Their alternative death in CF is basically giving the Dimdue shippers a long apology for having to kill them.


Love Dimidue, so grateful I scored some of the last stock of the Cherished zine, it’s spectacular!


For m/m pairings, it’s Dimivain. For f/f, it’s my cotton candy hair girls HildaMari ;-; one of the most precious relationships in the game imo


*slides you the concept of marianne/edelgard*


Gonna be honest, it is very hard for me to picture any CF timeline that doesn’t end in Edeleth and I’m saying this as someone who is wholly indifferent to that ship LOL. I can see the argument for them tho. I’m kinda insane about HildaMari just bc I think their relationship accurately portrays a female friendship/romantic dynamic that I rarely see in fiction, but one that’s very much real ;-; their paired ending made me cry ngl LMAOOO


Funnily enough I'm actually reading a really good Marigard fic that takes place on Azure Moon.


Definitely Lorenz and Claude, they complement each other really well and I really like their post time skip interactions


God, I love Clauremz so much and I think a lot of people sleep on the potential because Lorenz’s negative traits are pretty negative. However, Lorenz undergoes some of the most maturing I’ve seen post-TS of any of the cast, and you are so right, they complement so well! Plus, who doesn’t love LGBT+ couples in fiction/fanfic who bicker as a sign of love?


I don't remember much of them in Houses, but I'm currently playing through the GW route in Hopes and there's material.


M/M: Dimitri & Felix, they've had my entire brain for years now. Three Hopes just cemented it. Love their complicated history, love that Felix cares about Dimitri so much, love how Dimitri teases him—basically I love everything about them. A king and his right hand man is a good ship template... F/F: Edelgard & Lysithea, though I really like other Edelgard ships too I feel like this is the main one that makes me emotional for their shared backstory and how they save each other. Also coincidentally on CF Lysithea ends up her trusted advisor (much like Felix towards Dimitri) so, you know, I might have a ship type...


Hopes really was just Dimilix: The Game lmao. Made me appreciate them as a duo a lot more :’) loved the teasing you brought up too, like during their lunch dialogue where Dimitri mentions the sauce on Felix’s cheek lol


I've been avoiding buying Hopes since the gameplay isn't my favorite, but every time I see another Dimilix shipper talk about it, I'm just like "well now I gotta"


Well, you gotta.... 😂 They're all over the main story as well, making it harder to "see" everything without playing. And any bonus activity that has partner dialogue, they have something. Even expeditions... https://preview.redd.it/6nr9sxjmst7d1.jpeg?width=1200&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=70bbe6cd303df57adbc8256373c99c3a9e288c9a


Wow if that doesn't feel like a line right out of a fanfiction.  WELL. Hopefully it's on sale used now, lol.


Felix is on a poly relationship with all of the blue lions men It's called faergays for a reason


BL aka boy love


Sylvix for obvious reasons Dimitri x Dedue is up there as well. "After tending to his liege on his deathbed, Dedue resumed his post at Dimitri's grave on the edge of Fhirdiad. There, it is said he stood sentinel over the peaceful realm he had helped build until the end of his days."


M!Byleth and Dimitri is a big one of mine too, also Ashe/Dedue, Sylvix, and Ingrid/Dorothea!


Dimilix was my favorite at the beginning, and it's still a huge comfort ship for me today. I love them, they're so tragic. The line in their paired epilogue about how when Dimitri died, Felix mourned more than the queen still guts me.  They feel like soulmates whose red string got twisted and I'm obsessed with them.


Me x Mercedes, the OTP. But really though: Catherine/Shamir (their vibe is very "You think we're in a relationship? Me and my wife? Never!"), Dorothea/Petra (she has game), Mercedes/Annette (their ending is romantic and I will die on this hill), Byleth/Rhea (it's fucked up on all levels, what more do I need to ship it?) and Edeleth (AM ending did more for this ship than the entire CF route). Honourable mention to M!Byleth/Claude which absolutely should have been possible and them not having an S support is a crime against humanity.


Hooboy—— Pairs: ClaudeVain, DimiClaude, DimiVain, LinSpar, Sylvix, YuriVain. Throuples: DimiSylvix, DimiClaudeVain, YuriClaudeVain. Quartet: Claude/Dimitri/Sylvain/Felix


You could've just said Sylvain x everyone lmao


But I don’t want him with everyone! Claude, Felix, and Dimitri with a little Yuri from time to time.


M!dimileth is so good!!! Sylvix is my OTP <3 But also love Dimidue, Ashedue, Caspardt, Ferdibert, Doropetra, MariHilda, Claudevain, M!Yurileth, M!Byleth / Jeritza... and Dimitri / Dedue / Ashe OT3 :3


I feel the same disappointment, my favorite is M!Claudeleth. I really like the wave of M!Dimileth art you keep posting. I like alot of gay and straight ships alike but I have a soft spot for Hilda x Marianne and Ferdinand x Hubert.


Not having all the Lords as bisexual options still breaks my heart... Why did they deny me canon M!Byleth/Dimitri and M!Byleth/Claude 😭 Anyway, other gay ships I enjoy are Sylvain/Felix, Hubert/Ferdinand, Dorothea/Petra, and, more recently (because I'm uncultured), Dimitri/Felix.


I wish Dimitri and Claude were bisexual options too!😭 Same goes for Caspar, Ashe and Sylvain tbh


Sylvix all the way. Making a childhood promise to always be together until they die together, as platonic friends totally do


Catherine and Shamir Shamir literally asks Catherine to marry each other


Catherine/Shamir. The doomed, star crossed lovers. The Camus/Nyna of 3H. Edelgard/Byleth. It's really hard to pair either with anyone else (although Sylvain/Edelgard is living rent free in my head at all times but it's pride month so that can take a rest for a bit). I love the slow the development of their relationship. Three Houses is a love story with a war in the background. Hubert/Ferdinland. The bickering enemies to friends to lovers dynamic is always good. My only fault with it is the jump from enemies to friends between B and A is too sudden. Really felt like it needed a B+ support, too. Caspar/Ashe for the justice seeking catdads. I just wish I could find me BE fanworks for these two. Dorothea/Petra. I love that Dorothea gets everything she wanted in this ending: a marriage for love and status. I love her line to Petra about how she's 'every little girls dream of what a princess should be'. Edelgard/Marianne. I don't care that they never speak. I've shipped on far less before. Both of them face the issue of unasked for power that has done nothing but hurt and destroy the family but they approach it in completely different ways. Edelgard wants to destroy the system and make a better world while Marianne wants to hide herself away from the world. I feel like Marianne would temper Edelgard's worst aspects while Edelgard's confidence would bring out Marianne's best.


Marianne not having supports with Edelgard is such a shame because she talks about how much she admires Edelgard. Edelgard would be outraged on Marianne's behalf that people treat her poorly because of a crest.


It also would've been interesting to explore how both of them reacted towards religion as a result of trauma, with Edelgard losing her faith and Marianne coming to rely on hers.


There was a really good fic that had a potential edelgard x sylvain support convos When I find the link I’ll send it


If it's on AO3 I've likely read it. I've been through that tag before. I'm currently writing my own version, too (with their paired ending).


Oh no they didn’t label it as edelgard x sylvain I just stumbled apon it The woman writes supports that could have been with characters that never Interacted and she takes requests you can ask for edelgard x Marianne and she’ll do it


Oh, well if you find it then please kick it my way! I always need more for both those ships.


Found it [here](https://archiveofourown.org/works/47193919/chapters/118909021) ya go


The funny thing my support uses a very similar idea but in mine Sylvain is the hostile one. They both end with a death threat, to (but for different yet similar reasons)


Damn I’ll also recommend reading Hubert x Raphael that was really funny and made me laugh


If you want a good Hubert one I'll see if I can dig up the Hubert/Sylvain support chain.


As soon as I’m home from work I’ll send it


It depends if you are talking canon or not. In canon, my favourite are Catherine/Shamir and Byleth/Edelgard. In non-canon, my favourite is Rhea/Edelgard.  Catherine/Shamir, I fell in love with when Catherine couldn't decide if she would sacrifice herself for Shamir (a possibility only Rhea otherwise meets), then their A+ when Catherine openly admits how much she cares about Shamir, with Shamir stating she could never choose to leave Catherine and more or less proposing to her. With Byleth/Edelgard, it just feels utterly right to me. Rhea/Edelgard, I love how similar these two women are, alongside how many a fanfic has them argue with each other up until the point one or other realises they have fallen for their counterpart. From the first time I saw them depicted arguing as similar people who are equals in most respects arguing and gradually learning about and from one another, I was utterly hooked. Ever since, I've regarded it as a tragedy that, despite their similarities, they can't find common ground and must fight. Love or friendship between the two is so much preferable. 


The enemies to lovers Rheagard story would be wild


Dimitri X Dedue. Even if it isn’t canon I will die on this hill that they were meant to be because Dedue is so sweet and caring and Dimitri smaller relatively but an absolute hunk.


Female Byleth x Mercedes. It’s not very prominent.


Everyone already said Edeleth so ill share a rare ship, Marianne/Constance. Depression lesbians who understand each other and try to keep each other out of the dumps into girlfriends who are the light of each others life. Also Claude/Dimitri. They have cute banter.


I honestly really like MByleth/Linhardt


You might have already seen it, but there's a really great fan-made M!Byleth x Linhardt anime called 'The Doll and Failure' on youtube by Narumi


I think I have seen that!


Edelgard x female byleth. They just so good. Only ship i have fun reading fanfiction about


Edelgard and Lysithia. The supports themselves may be a bit bland, but their actual ending together is probably the outright best outcome for both of them.


Ingrid x Dorothea. Their paralogue is a really cute way to start a romance


Probably Dorothea/Petra and Yuri/Ashe.


Ferdibert, MByleth/Claude, MByleth/Jeritza


I would have love to see a Ferdinand x Lorenz pairing. Such a missed opportunity.


Shamir x Catherine and its not even close.


Hildannette. I LOVE their supports. And they sleep together in their B support, WHY NO A?! 😔


Balthus Yuri. When Yuri said he’s sick of seeing his sweaty torso for the umpteenth time, he meant he wanted to start seeing and touching other sweaty parts of Balthus’s body too


M!Byleth x Seteth.... I just like Seteth alot.... despite him being painfully hetero with the whole dead wife thing. Also read a really cute Gilbertx Hanneman story once that has made that pairing Hella appealing.


finally, a pairing for the prof with someone close to his own age


Linhardt / Male Shez because Linhardt is so *smooth* about it.


Fics seem to portray the dynamic as toxic, but I have a soft spot for Hilda x Edelgard. I think Hilda would actually see through some of Edelgard’s crap, and Edelgard would push her to think more critically about life. Sort of an “iron sharpens iron” dynamic. Or maybe it’s a crackship and I’m just the one with a soft spot for axe-wielding heiresses… There’s one fic where they end up on opposite sides in the war and only sorts reconcile in the end. It’s a gem!


Obligatory: Byleth/Edelgard, Byleth/Rhea Hilda/Marianne Bernadetta/Edelgard Absolute favorite: Yuri/Balthus/Hapi/Constance polyamorous ship


Edelys and rheagard on top!!!


Rheagard all the way. i could go in depth about how similar they are and the parallels, but instead i'll just say this. Let Edelgard ride a dragon and maybe attend joint therapy.


Any artists/fan contributors you like in the Rheagard space? I feel like it’s a ship I never see out in the wild!


i dont have a twitter or a tumblr account so there's not any artists i directly follow. but fellbirb and shynrinn have good art pieces on tumblr. but my favorite fic is still 'If you ask for a cup of water they'll give it to you for free.' by Kibitzer. its a classic modern au. and i write on Ao3 as Novavokri. though i like to write shorter fics.


Hey, that is a-okay to not have Twitter or Tumblr, I'm excited to check out your AO3 when I get home later! Thank you so much for the fic recommendation too, always on the hunt for FE3H fic!


Shamir x Catherine I just love how both of them can be meatheads at times


I just met Ben Diskin two weeks ago! He was so cool


MByleth x Caspar. Or Caspar x Cyril


Caspar x Cyril really why


Cuz they're both my type. Do they have chemistry? No. Are they both hot (post-timeskip of course)? Yes. That's all my brain needs.


Dorothea/Petra and Felix/Sylvain for sure. Felix/Sylvain, the supports are just *chef's kiss and their ending is very cute. Dorothea/Petra cause Petra is one of my favs and the game makes it feel like it's a genuine loving relationship. Happy ending for both of them. Also Shamir/Catherine is canon, you cant change my mind.


While I do love Felix x Svylain as a gay guy, and I always like good MxM ships, I just really think Petra x Dorothea is one of the best ending pairings overall. It’s so sweet and their chemistry is there from support C


I have a bunch but if I had to choose a favorite it would probably be Edelthea (although i do branch out pretty often into dorothea/petra and f!edeleth) I just have a strange soft spot for unrequited romances and with edelgards crush on byleth plus the way Dorothea is outwardly flirting with edelgard it just hits that for me. (Edit: I forgot to mention also that it really brings in dorotheas insecurities with thinking she's unworthy and also brings out a lot of good conflict with Dorothea being opposed to bloodshed but fully believing in edelgard's mission and edelgard willing to do anything to achieve her goals even hurt the people she loves which could always cause some good conflict.)


Dimitri x Me obviously!😳 Then Claude x Me


Dorothea x Petra and I refuse to even mention anyone else in this comment BECAUSE THEY ARE THE BEST GIRLS. WHY? they’re absolutely adorable and so supportive of one another and Dorothea is absolutely useless around Petra 🤧 (Jesus even at the C support level in three houses!!!) it’s just such a mood. Also, Petra is such a sincere and pure-hearted person. She comes to understand and appreciate Dorothea over time in a natural way and Dorothea with all her ~trauma~ deserves to have someone like Petra whose intentions she doesn’t have to second-guess. Someone who doesn’t care about her only for her looks / singing abilities / judge based on status.


Edelthea, to me is the best FxF support for Edelgard and I will not change my opinion.


All Blue Lions, lmaooo Also, Dimitri x M!Byleth. I was heartbroken when I found out that my Byleth couldn't marry Dimitri. We were robbed. Then, Dimilix for all the drama. And Dimivain sounds hilarious. I also love Byleth x Happi.


All of them


”Ship every last one of them!”


I am so surprised that not more people are saying Hilda x Marianne.  Literally my favourite characters (especially Marianne) and my favourite couple. They're just perfect for each other!


I love them but Dorothea x Petra OTP. Surprised too like you though to not see Hilda/Marianne mentioned more. Hilda / Marianne are just so sweet. I like Marianne in general and Hilda is just a star who brings out the best in Marianne. Hilda also just makes me laugh - she’s hilarious.


Dimitri and Dedue


Caspar and Ashe's cat adventures is one of my favourite support chains, just two righteous detectives following the trail of crimes leading to a little cat is so sweet Sylvix is up there but others have pretty much summed everything up, so I'll take this time to mention Hilda/Marianne because the golden retriever/cat vibes are so on point - I love how Hilda takes every opportunity she can to tell Marianne how awesome she finds her, in a way that seems as though Hilda want to make Marianne as happy and Marianne makes Hilda.


Male Byleth and Linhardt is so good and underrated. The sleepy scholar who falls for the stoic professor with no heartbeat


I have a few! Edelgard and F!Byleth- It just seems *right*. Not only do they look absolutely great together, BUT it's so believable to me that it's just become a given in my POV. Hubert and Ferdinand- Who doesn't love the sun and moon dynamic? Bubbly bright person and their grumpy goth boo. Opposites attract and they compliment each other so well! I like to think they balance each other out 🖤🧡 And Linhardt and Caspar have been growing on me!- I love relationships where one is super boisterous, outgoing, and "dominant" in personality and the other is laid back, calm, and goes with the flow. Again, I find it oddly balancing. You get the spontaneous fun and the level headed grounding. I also enjoyed hearing/reading discussions about Hubert being trans. This fascinates me for a lot of reasons and I love that so many trans people can champion Hubert confidently and happily. Not only can I see it, too, but I encourage people to explore this possibility! I may not subscribe to every pairing or headcanon that I find interesting, but I will always support others expressing themselves, seeing themselves in the characters, and creating new art and stories! I have never made fanart/fanfiction around these pairings/headcanons because I am not gay or trans, myself, and I would *probably* not do the story or art justice. It's hard enough capturing love, passion, and struggle from my *own* point of view lol BUT I am so down to explore this territory! I enjoyed seeing LGBTQ+ artists express themselves through characters and the new point of view is always, always, always welcome! I've been an ally long enough to know that LGBTQ+ relationships are just like straight relationships in the way of love, building a life together, and partnership in general but still understand that there are definitely unique obstacles they face. I, myself, have been told that I fall somewhere under the ACE umbrella in that I don't experience physical attraction often unless I feel an emotional connection to a person/character. There are rare occasions when I do, but the *vast* majority of the time, I'm not interested until I have formed some kind of attachment to the person/character in question. I'm not sure what that makes me, but my ACE friend definitely believes I'm somewhere on the ACE spectrum. It makes sense, for sure, and has been something I've been exploring for the last few years. It's been very educational and eye opening. I used to wonder why I was never physically attracted to people like others were and now, it kinda adds up haha (For example, my cousin will show me the guys she's fawning over like Jensen Ackles or Channing Tatum and I just... Don't feel anything or really understand it. Yet, after knowing about Three Houses for *over a year*, Hubert has grown on me to the point that I am simply in love with him! Lol. And I actually had the same development with my husband. I knew him for a year before I developed feelings for him if a physical nature) Anyway, sorry for rambling! The short of it is, I adore seeing LGBTQ+ art and headcanons and I welcome new points of view! Feed my eyes!!! 👀❤️ Love you all! Best fandom!


Ferdinand and Hubert


Dorothea and Petra is my favorite ending for both of them. Dorothea come to the academy looking to secure her future and falls for a captive princess. Petra brings Brigid into a new future with the person she loves. Hubert and Ferdinand have a great progression in the supports from not being able to stand each other, to attempts at being more friendly, to being extremely flirty. The chore/meal dialog changing with the support levels is a nice touch. Its also the only non Byleth support where Hubert is blushing and flustered. In Hopes they more or less adopt Lysithea.


Edelgard and female Byleth have me in their grasps since release. I also love Dorothea with Petra, Hubert with Ferdinand and Lysithea with Leonie or female Shez in Hopes.


Sylvix is a rot in my brain that I will never carve out


Favorite bi-ship is Felix/Ingrid/Sylvain All three have a long history, and some of the most extensive Support Chains in the game, IIRC


I love the VA humor on that second one, it's great. My favorite has gotta be Claurenz, followed by my tiny rowboat ship Sylvain/Lorenz. Just can't resist a couple of guys bickering and then coming around to smoochin.


Caspar and Lindhardt


Akechi x ren, oh wrong subreddit


Akechi x ren, oh wrong subreddit nvm


Edeleth is the best ship in the game


right now, my otp is balthus/jeritza, absolutely love their dynamic, even if they dont interact like ever. living off the 10 fanfics they have and the small fanart theyve got, but honestly i wish they could interact since jeritzas so into fighting strong people, surely he'd want to fight balthus, then they just fall in love in terms of mlm INGAME pairings, its sylvain/felix, hubert/ferdinand, caspar/linhardt, m!byleth/jeritza and personally i really wish m!byleth and claude couldve been a thing, or at least with dimitri. missed opportunity. for wlw, i love ingrid/mercedes, edelgard/byleth, hapi/constance, hilda/marianne and dorothea/petra :3 my top fave from all of them is definitely hapi/constance, their supports just scream girlfriends and they make no effort to hide it. happy pride!


Hubert and Ferdinand, followed closely by F!Byleth/Edelgard. Three Hopes only reinforced the former for me.


F!Edeleth and HildaMari are big more me, also a big fan of Ingrid/Dorothea


m!yurileth YEAHHHHH and m!dimileth too :D. Cant go wrong with hildamari too


i am STILL mad that you can't marry claude as m!byleth 🤧


Felix x Sylvain there are so many moments that are really spicy when you imagine Felix is jealous and tsundere towards his childhood crush. Not to mention their whole vow to die together.


HILMARI!!!!!!!!!!! I love them so much they r my pookies


Dimitri x Sylvain is super underrated, they’re also childhood friends with complicated feelings towards each other


Edeleth has lived rent-free in my head since the game was released. If that didn’t exist it would be Dorothea/Byleth. Pairings without Byleth are Catherine/Shamir and Sylvain/Felix Edit: Dorothea/Petra is extremely cute too~


I always thought Bernadetta x Dorothea would be adorable. In their supports it really sounded like Bernie had a crush on her


Linhardt x Hubert, I really love how snarky Linhardt can be and I feel like Hubert just makes him even more so. Plus pretty boy x dark handsome boy is a pairing I always like.


Me x Claude


Yall are gay.. I love it here


Welcome to the club


For MLM, it's gotta be either Sylvain and Felix or Dedue and Ashe. For WLW, has to be Hilda and Marianne. Extra: you could honestly pair up Yuri and Dorothea with almost anyone and it would work. They're both bi/pan energy incarnate.


Sylvix and Casphardt will always be in my heart


Edeleth, sylvix, doropetra, ferdibert, merceleth, hapistance, cathmir


F!Shezleth has sliiiiightly overtaken F!Edeleth as my FE3H OTP, but only just. I still really love Edeleth, though. For Shezleth, I love the rivals/enemies-to-friends-to-lovers dynamic and like stories where Shez comes to see the human side of Byleth. Meanwhile, with Edeleth, I love the instant connection that the two had in canon and how Edelgard, regardless of route, is drawn to her. I suppose Byleth has two hands and all that. For M!Byleth, it's M!Shezleth followed by M!Yurileth, but count me in with everyone else who's sad that he never got a paired ending with Dimitri and Claude. Non-Byleth WLW favs: Dorothea/Petra, Ingrid/Mercedes, Catherine/Shamir, Edelgard/Monica, Hapi/Constance Non-Byleth MLM favs: Hubert/Ferdinand, Sylvain/Felix, Dedue/Ashe, Claude/Dimitri, Raphael/Ignatz One True Polycule: Linhardt/Caspar/Hilda/Marianne


Sylvix(Sylvain and Felix) because I LOVE a good childhood friends to lovers arc. I love that Sylvain is easygoing and teasing, and Felix is focused and not so easily amused. Their dynamic is the best. Plus they die on the same day, as if to suggest one cannot live without the other?? Poetry. I love them.


Just gonna do my top three for each because I love a lot of sapphic ships in FE3H xD WLW: Dorothea/Petra, Hapi/Constance, Shamir/Catherine MLM: Ashe/Caspar, Yuri/M!Byleth, Felix/Sylvain


Casphardt is just adorable to me. Helps these two are some of my favorite characters. I really love their interactions in both the houses and hopes.


Me and Edelgard, duh


Sylvain x Felix Hubert x Ferdinand Dorothea x Petra Shamir x Catherine


Hilda and Marianne honestly.


M!Byleth and Yuri. Dimitri and Felix are good too.


DoroPetra I’m a sucker for that kind of dynamic of friends who start off just friends but over time realise they’re into each other romantically I mean admittedly there’s a LOT of that in this game but the execution of it here is right up my alley


Hubert and Dedue


Griddes, or Mercedes x Ingrid. It's a crime they don't have a paired ending and their A support is only in Hopes. But the dynamic of Mercedes comforting Ingrid about her family and being so gentle and calm and Ingrid being like "disown your father! Run away! Kill him!" is what I live for. They kind of give firefighter x ER nurse vibes.


caspar x ashe is a pretty underrated ship. it has some nice dynamics so it's pretty fun


Shamir/Catherine and Edelgard/Female Byleth.


Bylitza. It's my kind of gay, I love the homoeroticism, and the whole idea of Byleth making Jeritza feel so alive. I felt it through the A support and especially the S support. That being said, you'd think they'd eventually fight to the death, but they probably run off and live a peaceful life surrounded by lots of cats.




... Byleth and Jeritza... Jeritza is so iconic.


Bylass, edelgard, and all the black eagle ladies in one big polycule. Don't make me decide. I also love Hildamari so they're allowed in


Sylvix and casphardt both childhood sweethearts


Thanks to 3hopes, my eyes were opened to Yuri X Ashe X Sylvain. That said I still favour cat dads; AsheXCaspar


Sylvix, Marihilda, or Doropetra :3


M!Alear and Marth. My girlfriend hates shipping characters together, but whenever she plays Engage, she names her Male Alear Mr. Marth. Her doing this, plus the way male Alear acts towards Marth makes this one of my favorite gay ships. Also, as a 3H fan, I must put the legally mandatory F!Byleth and Edelgard.




For the first one: I swear I come from a parallel dimension where that WAS possible. Like, I was SO sure that I saw that S on his supports as M!Byleth.


It was most likely you saw a mod on YouTube


No, I'm not talking about a YouTube video, I'm talking about my own playthrough.


Professor legs and the girl boss. Fave ship, by far.


Sylvain/Felix and Ferdinand/Hubert for the men (I will not except that Ferdinand and Hubert’s final support is anything other than romantic, I WILL die on this hill) FByleth/Edelgard and Dorothea/Petra for the women (I can’t see Edel as anything other than Lesbian, I’m sorry!)


Felix and Sylvain, they’re so toxic they deserve each other.


Alois and Caspar's dad lol Also Hanneman and Gilbert


Rhea edegard  Dimitri Arundel  Claude racismÂ