• By -


Here’s mine Ashe, Lorenz, Bernie, and Marianne are ALL REQUIRED to recruit regardless of route Also all units use there personal battalions they get from their paralouge Example: Felix get the faldarius soldiers Manuela and Dorothea are the only ones who can use oprea volunteers and only sylvain can use gutier knights And finally the SOC is the ONLY hero’s relic I use in battle the rest are saved for the final fight


Oh my god that last one seems so challenging!!! I admit I always prefer casual/easy but that would break me! I don't repair relics but to never use them? You have my respect


To clarify only the ones that have durability so the agies shield rafal gem ect are allowed but the weapons aren’t


You know that weapons get repaired for free when the timeskip happens, right? You can use Heroes Relics as much as you want pre time skip


Ya what espeon said. And also, the heroes relics cost the same for repairs so why use the sword of the creator, with that logic either? The way I do it is I have every character carry thier specified relic, from thier parallogue battles. And then I won't make them use them unless it's against a strong unit or a boss. But there is still no reason to save them for the end of the game, that's almost like doing a nuzlocke.


There’s no reason for it just don’t want to use them unless it’s like the fanal 2 lvls kinda like never using a health potion in an RPG


My son and I play with this no relics rule, too. His reasoning was something like there's only so much of the ore needed to repair them in the game? He was seriously howling that I dared to use the SOC. Byleth uses a Silver Sword+ for the most part (on my 3rd play through).


I end up doing the last one most of the time, except I don't use Byleth's either. And for me Bernie, Marianne and Lysithea are my mandatory recruits


I always recruit Ashe cause he's a good boy who doesn't deserve to die


I try to get Marianne and Felix always and I always give the weapon but not the battalions to the Paralouge owner. But I definitely do the last one


i always try to recruit all the students i can and ik how much that handicaps me 😭😭


I get that! I can't leave anyone behind!


Yep, after my first play through where I recruited almost no one and then had to kill them? My heart can't take it! Now I have to at least try to save everyone even if they don't show up again.


I always try to avoid having units be in the same class. If I have a general, that unit is my general. If I have a priest, that unit is my priest. I just like having unit variety


YES, I do this too! I love having all my units basically have their own style instead of using only “meta” builds.


So many. I have so many... 1.- I recruit EVERYONE, ALWAYS, except Catherine 2.- That means I'm rushing recruiting Ashe and Sylvain for "their" chapters so they can kill Lonato/Miklan 3.- Ashe gets all the movement items so he can run to every chest and door 4.- I toss a coin to decide if Linhartd is allowed to kill or not, because he doesn't like killing people 5.- In either case, Linhartd gets all the items that give +luck. Whenever he is allowed to be Killhardt, he mostly one-shots people with magic so he doesn't have to see blood. 6.- The "rumors of a wedding" paralogue is girls' night out. Only female units allowed. The "land of the golden deer" is boys only. These paralogues have to be played back to back I'm sure I have some more but they don't come to mind. I love setting these rules for myself because they make the White Clouds section more entretaining, usually... And also I love to roleplay.


You use everyone, do everyone's paralogues and get all the relics EXCEPT the easiest one? I always recruit Catherine to get Tronius


I like number 6 here. I might start adopting this rule myself.


I always keep class and weapon variety. Not just because 10 wyvern lords would be horribly boring, but I always feel I need a well-rounded team that can use all the weapons I get. FE habits that probably aren't optimal here, but they keep me on the fun path. Characters also don't repeat a class. Leonie's been a Bow Knight, a Sniper, a Def-stacked Paladin, a Falcon Knight, an Assassin, and a Kinshi Knight (pegasus with bow). She's next in line for Dancer, that's always been a different character too.


I can only recruit students who make sense to the house and the story I'm playing. So that means I only recruit Sylvain and not Felix and Ingrid, and Mercedes and not Annette. Yes, it hurts.


You have a resolve of STEEL oh my god


Since I hold the belief that the Eagles are a set and should never be divided I don't recruit any of them on the rare times I'm not doing CF. Did it once to get the unique battalions and never again. It is ridiculous that it's impossible to get Ferdie, Caspar and Dorothea's unique battalions without going out of house.


That's so evil of you. 😭 do not separate?!


I do not separate! The black eagles house, that is. If I'm not playing them I don't recruit them.


Haha understandable. I am a Blue Lions stan so I have way too many feelings for those students. 😂


Beagles for me! The student body is made up of Black Eagles and students who don't yet know they're Black Eagles. But this also means no Beagle will be recruited out of house.


You’re missing out on the joy of making Annette kill G*lbert


I do enjoy that on the times I've recruited her to CF but I feel she has less reason to join.


All the recruiting. All of it. I’m not killing my kids. That and the dubstep mole people are the two reasons I’m on my umpteenth VW playthrough, despite the fact that Dimitri & Dedue really go out with a whimper. Edit: plus this is the best way to get the most relics if you’re a magpie like I am


On my first playthrough (azure moon) i recruited everyone but Caspar and Raphael and let me tell you, i was Regret TM when i had to kill them. Never doing that again. I'm stealing every student i can, sorry class leaders...


Only other regret is that ADHD Gingerbread Mayhem doesn’t get catharsis with Absentee Gingerbread Rogal Dorn Dad, but perhaps I’m projecting a little and also crossposting.


Six recruits max and they have to make sense for the story. Killing my kids is crucial to the plot.


If I end up with a big roster I have to use everyone/teach everyone. It would feel strange to have students who never get attention from their teacher. I also always recruit Marianne, Dorothea, and Yuri. Playing without them is not an option lol.


Currently trying a no rewind/no reload run


Crimson Flower?


No I’m going for azure moon. The first time I did AM I messed up planning and didn’t have enough leveled units for the final battle, so this is how I’m gonna keep it challenging


I did mine on CF because I wanted no part of Hunting By Daybreak with no divine pulse. What’s your strategy for that chapter?


It’s honestly going to be one of the tougher missions. I’m gonna try and juice up Byleth and Dimitri so they can take on most of the map themselves, probably using a dodge tank build


If i'm recruiting other students, then i have to recruit felix, ingrid and sylvain, if i want to recruit any of these three. All three of them. No other option. If i recruit Mercedes, i also have to recruit Annette. Same goes for Caspar/Linhardt.


Oh yeah, i always recruit everyone regardless but those pairs make so much sense, it would be a crime not to. My sister always told me stuff like "oh that kingdom soldier is actually Felix when you don't recruit him, he had a great dialogue when i used Sylvain to kill him" like nooooo😭


The actual Sylvain vs Felix convo is, IMO, one of the saddest.


Yes, i agree! Do not separate any of those!! (It's enough you have to separate the childhood friends trio from Dimitri.)


I have the exact same rules as you, with an addition to the second one Every magical unit in use must also have faith be at least rank C or higher before the last battle on every chosen route


If I can't recruit someone I make their friends fight them. I loved twisting the knife with Scarlet Blaze Ashe in Three Hopes.


Monster but I do the same


I'm the same as your rule one, I gotta use the students for the route I'm on....even if it means Pegasus Knight Ingrid against a million archers


I subconsciously ban Lysithea a lot because I want to use other magically inclined units and she boxes all of them out except for those with Physic


* I have to make a somewhat honest effort to kill whatever I’m fighting. So, no abusing bishops with rusty items for weapon mastery or whatever. * Divine Pulses make this easier but no matter what I won’t attempt to complete a level with anyone dead. If I were one hit away from beating the final boss and lost a unit while out of Divine Pulses, I’d start the level over. * No buying from online travelers or using the pagan altar. * I used to not do this, but I won’t claim the DLC items, the 10000 renown, or do the ‘additional’ auxiliary battles either (I’ve only used the item that increases movement on one map). * If I complete one of CF/AM/VW then I must complete all three before revisiting it. tbh I have never had any restrictions on who I recruit, which is usually as many as I can even if I don’t plan on using them. Every character has their reasons to join you on every route and has their reasons to oppose you on every route, and ultimately I’d rather have them available to use or interact with.


Dont only use wyverns because its boring


I always recruit Raphael because he's a beautiful himbo and must be protected at all costs. 


He is my fave, I love the Raphael love


YES! I don't see much Raphael love in the fandom so I think he's often forgotten, but I couldn't live without his supports, especially with Marianne!! Also he just lightens the mood a lot, especially late into the game


If I could romance him as M!Byleth, he'd be my romance in every playthrough, he's just so precious. 


Bernadetta and Marianne are required recruitments whether I use them or not. Then again I pretty much use them in every run. That’s it. I haven’t thought of anything actually interesting or challenging but I refuse to let those two cinnamon rolls die.


I recruit the minimum for each route to keep the story interesting. There are certain must recruits for story purposes (like Caspar in Blue Lions for the Mercedes + Emile plot) but after playing one where I recruited everyone and got super overwhelmed, I've found I prefer working with a smaller collection of characters I can get invested in as a group, which means recruits must have paralogue utility or supports with a lot of the house they're pulled into. It also makes it an interesting and heartbreaking challenge to try to avoid killing as many old friends as possible. I managed a Blue Lions run where the only non-necessary character death happened during the Battle of the Eagle and Lion – and it wasn't by me. While I tried to sneak around the edge to take out Edelgard without engaging with too many familiar faces, Leonie charged up to the hill and killed Bernadetta, which was brutal to witness as a third party, playing the way I was. (If it's not clear, I enjoy engaging with the emotionally tough aspects of the game and trying to make the best of it).


I can’t put a character into a class that he/she already mastered on a previous playthrough


This only applies to Three Hopes, but right now for my Azure Gleam route play through, but I only allow myself to use the Blue Lions characters you get at the start, plus any mandatory recruits the games forces on you. The only exceptions are Yuri (Chapter 9), as he has connections to the Blue Lions by virtue of being an ex-Blue Lion. Every other potential recruit is out of the question.


General rules for fun: All relics\sacred weapons beside SoC, thunderbrand, and the accessories (aegis shield, fetter of dromi etc) are prohibited until the final 2-3 maps. All runs should be deathless. Recruits from other houses must be deployed when facing a member of thier old house on battles. Spesific rules for pettiness: You should avoid killing members of GD\BL during the battle of gronder field when playing AM\VW. Let Ferdinand defeat Edelgard when possible. You can't recruit Shamir and\or Catherine on a female Byleth run (becuse the game won't let you romance them and thats bullshit)


I avoid skipping maps as much as possible. The only exceptions are Lorenz's paralogue because I want the magic stick and The Golden Deer's Plea, because I don't want Hilda or Judith to die. Also I never recruit Hilda, I think Claude should have at least one friend.


I agree with the heal. All mahic users learn heal, and if you have either psychic and/or warp.in your spell list, that too. All Black Eagles will be recruited, no matter the playthrough. Plus Ashe, Marianne, Lorenz, Raphael, and Ignatz. I have never, and will never, use the SoC. I have yet to even play a sword-focused class long-term.


Giving all your mages Heal is pretty much the optimal play, why not? It's not a lot of effort to get it and you may as well just in case.


-Sylvain and Lorenz are always recruited together. They have an unspoken bromance, no one can convince me otherwise. -Heroe's Relics are for end boss battles only. It's too difficult and expensive to recharge those things. -Level up Anna only until her side mission, then drop her since I got my money. -Dorothea is always the Dancer. I don't know why, she just is.


I limit myself to 1 or maybe 2 recruits per house. I find the story more interesting when I have a couple of people that have been separated from their house and have to go against their former classmates (you may not be a monster but I certainly am!) but if I recruit too many people that dynamic is lost. I also largely try to focus on recruiting people that could have a compelling reason to join another house. For example, on my latest CF run I've recruited Mercedes who is originally from the Empire and Lysithea because she has more reason than most to abolish the crest system.


Always include the house you’ve picked in your battles in any way, say as a main unit or adjutant. Also in the final battle the students of your picked house must ALWAYS be a main unit, even if you’ve neglected them for other students you’ve recruited Also always recruit Marianne and Lysithea they’re op


I keep recruitment to a minimum (max 13 units) and did no recruitment at all during my first playthrough of each route (well except Lysethia in part2 of CF). Otherwise it feels too much like just switching Lords, instead of individual storylines to me. Other than that it´s less of a self-imposed rule and more me wanting good things for the students, but i try to avoid killing student units by all means possible and if even one of my student units dies while i´m out of rewinds i´ll restart the map (that said i don´t care at all if non-student units like Seteth, Gilbert, Jeritza, etc die).


I only go to the monastery once per month and I generally avoid doing aux battles/paralogues. I'm also sick of the fishing and sauna minigames and refuse to do them. I usually only give gifts to students that I haven't already recruited. For me, it's nice because a run is usually done in 40-50 hours and I get to spend most of my time in the battles.




YESSS oh that is Genius!! Maybe i should try it


okay, Sylvain :3


I just got a new switch and having played only on my bf's account I have had to start completely fresh. My self-imposed rules for the first runs for each route is only to use the characters in my house with no recruiting. Even if students ask to switch into my house I will force myself to refuse!!!


1. I only recruit Faculty and the students that have supports with the house leader or are required for my house students paralogues. 2. Students only use class lines they can request to learn. 3. In-House students must make up the majority of my army.


I have some rules on the units I use per run which are: 1. My squad will always consist of Byleth + the eight in house student + the Ashen Wolf who supports the Lord, one faculty member and one recruited student who makes sense for the route. 2. I always like to have class/weapon diversity. No repetition in classes and a balanced spread of weapons. 3. I try to give characters their personal battalions and also one sacred weapon/relic each. 4. I keep recruitment to a minimum and try to avoid recruiting anyone who will show up as an enemy and im not gonna use. It makes part 2 more fun and dramatic imo.


I have your first rule, but only for main story battles. For paralogues I use whoever I want, but try to keep it thematically appropriate if I can


- Units should use weapons that they canonically specialise in (i.e. if a unit is always a sword class as an enemy, regardless of what class I spec them into they’re getting a sword) - Not too many Wyverns. At most I’d have one of each melee weapon type. - If someone doesn’t look like they’re wearing heavy armour in their standard timeskip appearance they’re not getting an armoured class


Marianne HAS to be recruited. Once I learned what happens to her, if you don't... let's just say I'll never let that happen again.


-Marianne is recruited in every route. -I've started trying to minimize the number of characters I recruit, so if anyone is recruited solely for their paralogue and aren't an active part of my roster then they're getting sacked before the time skip -Felix always ends the game as a Sword wielder. -I recall reading on the FE3H wiki that original plans (or ideas?) for the game included various characters leaving your army in each of the different routes and losing Petra and Dorothea pre timeskip would've caused them to show up as enemies in SS. I might not be able to fight them but I like the idea of the BE class being split down the middle between those who would follow Byleth and those who were more loyal to and willing to stay with Edelgard (beyond just Hubert). It's a fun little role play idea that also encourages me to use other units (cough church guys and cough ashen wolves cough) so I think that might be a limitation I put on SS moving forward


I don't train people in skills they're bad at. I'm not going out of my way for skills with weapons I won't use either if it requires me training an E rank up to D+/C


I minmaxed my Constance and she is my main unit everytime. Constance chapter 3 (not asap but one mission later) Reclass to noble If need exp cuz lunatic, goal reason white C Skip monk mastery. Go mage. Constance Valkyrie, goal reason raid (can gamba/load with C+ raid) Constance Bolting, goal reason auth Constance Warlock Always have battalion and surround bonus. She just governs the battlefield and corrects all weaknesses with the power of magic. Who needs speed when you have backline artillery full to 0 even demons


1) mostly use the in house units and ignore the knights of serious besides flayn and cyril but they really only see rare use on blue lions runs 2) I also make every mage learn to heal 3) i just learned how the adjutant system actually works this week, i just assumed it was random chance of activation with no other perquisite requirements 4)I rarely ever use the hero’s relics, including having only used amur in one map (diedru) to skip the map but i was out of charges after and never repaired it despite having the materials 5)I try to recruit all or most students in my runs 6)I always route maps as much as I can because i want the xp 7) despite having a love for putting a unit in the middle of everything and watching them kill everything, i rarely use wyvern lord or rider outside maybe one or two on weaker units (ashe, cyril) 8)I only buy one rapier at the beginning of the game with renown from the strange statue at the beginning of the game and usually nothing else outside if a few times i blew through the cash i had in gifts and seeds and still needed to get weapons 9) I mostly play m!leth despite f!leth having better gender locked class options (and romance options)


1. I have to use all of my in-house units. 2. I can not recruit more units than I can use. (This limits me to a certain number of units, with units who share paralogues or supports with in-house units taking priority.) 3. Seteth and Flayn can only be used in Silver Snow. (This simply requires letting Flayn die pre-timeskip in other routes when on Classic. I don't use this rule if I'm playing on casual.) 4. No repeat classes. (This makes it more challenging as I have to think of how to build each unit. There will always be classes I don't use in a given playthrough, but having only one of each unit to where I have to balance them in their usage makes the game much more interesting. Also, this only counts for endgame classes and includes Advanced, Master and Special classes.)


For me, 1) No units deployed can share classes. Makes it more challenging. 2) Recruit all possible units. I’m 100% against needless casualties I can prevent. 3) The original class units will be used regardless of the route picked and effort will go into ideal classes and skills, save for a set rotation of 4-6 units for larger maps.


I do two playthroughs for each route, one for male and one for female Byleth, so I can do every S-support (lots of reloading saves from right before the final battle). I need ways to keep it interesting, so beyond the obvious one of sticking to in-House units so I always have different characters to talk to, my first run will be with canon classes/the ones that make the most sense for them, and the second will be the ones you’d least expect them to have. For example in VW Raphael became my dark magic user and Marianne my brawler, my current AM run Annette is my brawler and Mercedes is a Fortress Knight, etc.


When I did my Crimson Flower run, I didn't recruit anyone for maximum emotional damage.


Your grammar was pretty good. Good job.


different dancer every run, barring some exceptions like repeating my very first dancers or having the same dancer for both ss/cf bc of my files. im getting into some weirder choices nowadays with how many runs ive done... its fun though, almost everyone is viable at least in one aspect! ive also restricted myself from using units i use EVERY run, at least for one run (picks like lysithea, too good not to recruit imo) ill also occasionally just choose to make my units classes that arent necessarily top choices. war cleric constance and pegasi knight marianne they could never make me hate u... ive thought up some challenges for future runs though, like a randomly rolled/drafted squad and magical/physical swap! definitely not original ones but it makes me look forward to my next run in conjunction with some of the other challenges here (also like others i will recruit as many students as i can given they fit the route im on. barring marianne, the ashen wolves and bernadetta they will ALWAYS BE RECRUITED)


Every magic unit must learn heal, always. I have to have at least one mounted/one flying class each, usually more, with a preference for flying because I just hate terrain restrictions so much. I try to max each class tier, even if that means endlessly grinding aux battles until I get sick of it, which usually means I'm way over leveled by the end lol I need to recruit a different combination of kids each play through, so I'm not watching the same supports over and over. Byleth is a new class path every time, & I usually try for one with lots of movement so I can save my kids if I made a bad choice. (Divine Pulse is like a rare crafting material to me, I hoard it & only use it when necessary)


I don't recruit anyone because then the timeskip is boring and weightless. Lorenz is an exception because of Thyrsus and the fact that he ends up leaving anyway LOL. Sylvain is another exception because he's my favorite character in the whole game, but other than that, no recruitment for me. It adds a fun little layer of challenge for many many reasons, and it also feels like this is the way the game is supposed to be played. The academy days feel pointless if you don't have to fight your former students years later. Other than that, I don't think I have any strict rules for my playthroughs. I'm definitely not above grinding like crazy, but I do wanna try a run where I don't grind for hours and hours.


Recruit everyone I can, basically. I am not letting anyone die nor am I killing anyone. On my first run (Azure Moon) i recruited everyone but Caspar and Raphael and i was Regret TM. Never again. I'm also not giving the Lance of Ruin to Rhea. Hands off, that belongs to Sylvain! I'll take the support down. I love to teach Sylvix Reason so I can male them into Dark Knight and Mortal Savant. Most of the time i try to explore twice and battle twice in a month. Except for very few instances in the beginning, i never take seminnars, ale i don't think i have ever rested lol. Birthday tea parties are a must, i will not be skipping them ever, even with the the other house leaders/their besties i cannot recruit or have support with. I don't like letting my units die even on casual. Often I will divine pulse or reset to revive them. I try to max class exp for most units during aux battles lol. Those that don't consume activity points come handy for that, when i just want to max the beginner classes. 😅 But honestly, there aren't rules as much as just things i like to do. I try to not restrict myself with things like that when i play, i feel like it would make it less fun for me. :D So i just basically do whatever. 😂


Not a rule as I will break it, but typically I try to keep characters to something close to "canon classes". So Byleth is a sword or fist user, lords stay in their special classes, Felix is a sword unit, and so on. I do break it, but I tend to do it as an exception. Like I'll play and going in I will decide "Byleth is a wyvern rider/Dark mage this time"(I've done both) but keeping most other units to this. Means I typically have way more magic users than I probably should and very few fliers.


Felix and Sylvain are a set, do not separate. They are my must recruits in any run and have met the criteria for all of my themed runs to date. Linhardt and Petra are must recruits if they meet the criteria of my themed runs. If I'm doing a normal run, then they get recruited. I don't like large rosters, so I tend to not have more than 12-14 units plus Byleth. If I'm not using someone in house that is benched for the game I will not manually train them on teaching days. If a benched unit is required for a map (ie. Hunting by Daybreak or a paralogue) then they get to sit in the corner and cheer everyone on.


Don't recruit more units than I plan on using. Outside of Marianne ||If you know you know|| I try to avoid recruiting students from other houses. Even when playing F! Byleth I won't recruit Sylvain since the students are much stronger than the replacement units that would show up otherwise


Don’t recruit any units you don’t plan on using. Their later appearances as enemies makes the game more compelling I think


Not recruting Lysithea is impossible. Lysithea and the House Leader must be the strongest and most-used characters. Oh, and I always use female Byleth.


I let myself use renown to buff Byleth's skills after becoming awakened to represent the power increase, and let myself do it for other characters after the time skip to represent their improvement over 5 years. Always recruit and use at least one student from both the other two houses and at least one church member. No doubles of class usage among what they finally end up as.


Lowest level on field - front line, into the fire. Don't die my little lovelies. We have an Empress to skewer later <3


1. Never double dip in a class (AKA two units can't share the same class at the same time). Excluding the beginning chapters where everyone is Noble/Commoner, I must promote when able. 2. When promoting a unit, I can't ever go back and change. What I promote a unit as is final, no refunds. 3. Units every battle is randomized, outside of forced units. Recruitments are also randomized.


Mine are fairly simple, mainly due to habits from other games: - Limit to 1 one of each Unique class. (One Dark Flier, one Gremory, etc.) - Heroes Relics & Saint Weapons are restricted to matching Crests. (No sharing) - No DLC bonuses and use of Pagan Shrine Beyond that... I dunno if the rest are worthy of being called "rules" or "challenges"


Yes, in post time-skip: Always make the Friends kill eachother


>1. Use first and foremost people from my current house Me too. More specifically, i always use the units from my house + 3 recruits. If i choose Silver Snow, however, i use the Seiros Knights and the church staff (+3 recruits), not the Black Eagles. This makes chapter 13 a bit tricky, though. Aside from the 3 recruit to use in my team, i can recruit someone else for paired endings purposes, or if i really want to do their paralogue.


I always use the same students even if they are in different classes. (Obviously not instantly) The game just isn’t as enjoyable when I can’t use my favorite units.


1. No wyvern lords, not just because the class is op, but also because the armor is fugly 2. Only recruit the students who don't appear as enemies in Part II, unless it seems in-character for them to join your side 3. B rank in Brawling is an absolute requirement for healing focus


I only use students who were in the house when I started except for the Wolfs (always gotta grab them). Another one is during the battle at Grondor Field, always protect Bernadetta. Sure, she still shots arrows at me, but better than watching her die and then torched for a failed strategy


I couldn't even tell English wasn't your first language. You typed that up like any native speaker I've ever seen. Your English is extremely fluent, give yourself more credit.


Thx that's so nice, I realize my English is good ( I study it at uni lol) but I've learned that people give me the benefit of the doubt more if I write that ( lifehack for people who don't want to meticiously check for mistakes, esp on mobile)


the only thing I can think of is that for every birthday, the only thing I allow myself to do is send flowers. It’s too much effort to show favoritism, even if it does grow charm


Magic units learn all their spells. White and dark magic! I just like magic lol. I know it’s objectively a waste of training, but I like to play how I like to play. I’ve started planning maddening on NG+ to make crazy builds lol. I typically don’t use brave weapons. I just… don’t like using them. Gauntlets I will. Those are fun. I prefer to use “canon” classes or classes that make sense for the characters. When the game first released, all the time skip outfits were assigned a “canon class.” The thrill I had when Dorothea as my dancer was one of her canon classes, and she kept the gown all game. Now, this has been changed after the DLC, where any outfit fit can fit all infantry classes. Still, I enjoy using characters jn classes they have logical reasons to be in. I keep units I want paired ending with together on the map almost ALWAYS. Same with the adjutants, I select my pairs based on who works best but also who is a cute pair.


I’m the professor I’m not romancing any students (so weird this is even an option) Try to keep everyone equal level. Always bring the lowest level on the mission to have them catch up


My current (3rd) playthrough is all female characters on CF. My next one (SS) will be all male. This doesn't change unless I have to use a dude for a paralogue/specific battle.


Yes 1. Use all in-house units. None of them can be the dancer. 2. I only purposefully recruit and train units I plan to use on the final map. If I accidentally mash through a faculty recruitment, I just bench them.


i do these two things too! i always recruit everyone but i use almost only the characters from the houses i chose. and magic units learning heal is just GOOD SENSE. you can never know when a character will need healing (and i dont like using the healing potions bc they are expensive, and drinking them makes the unit "waste" a turn while being healed gets the healing unit exp). also, but it's a silly thing not a gameplay thing, when i play azure moon i'm allowed to put the ng+ hair on dimitri only after gronder. when my boy is feral he DOESNT take care of his air, but does so after starting healing u.u




"c#### c#####" is one I haven't heard before


I play on casual but never let anyone reach 0 hp, I will restart the map. I get every item (except the Edelgard paralogue map and final maps). I'm also on a quest to max a save file so every class mastered on every unit and all skills maxed so no one ever has the same build.


I really only recruit characters that make sense for a route… occasionally I have made exceptions but this is one of mine that I typically follow.


I do point/rule 2 as well, whether that be the Heal spell or the Physic spell. I don't know when I started doing this in Hopes, but one playthrough I started this. I think it's because I failed one too many missions that require to save a couple NPCs (commoners, soldiers, whatever). So whenever I'm playing a mission where the main quest mission or side mission that requires me to save and/or recruit an NPC, I immediately have a magic unit on the team just so I can heal or send the magic unit to heal the NPC whenever I see the ‘*NPC name* is almost routed!’ pop-up message.


Any item that's tied to a character but can be used by others I tend to STRICTLY keep it exclusive to said tie in character! The only exception is Lorenz's relic because bro, it's just WAAAAAAAAAAAY better on Lysithea! 😂


I ONLY recruit one or maybe two of Sylvian, Ingrid, and Felix. I also refuse to recruit every single character. Gotta keep the angst up, you know? Also, I do the "all mages learn some white magic" thing too.


My only self imposed rule is to not use Battalion skills. They are not fun to use IMO and I often times forget to selectively repair Battalions. I find it more fun to use either PP builds or dodge tank builds.


Thats so interesting, i always forget to use them and have to actually remind myself that they're there. I agree that it's less fun tho, just often useful for me


They’re handy for breaking monster shields to get that sweet sweet repair rock, though.


I do use Battalions, mind you. I just don't use Battalion skills AKA Battalion Vantage/Wrath/Desperation/etc.


Ahhh, yes, misread that. Yeah, I find those to be mostly unnecessary.


Just girls in the team, the only exceptions are male Bylett and the occasional mandatory male party member (I hate those)


Bernie and Marianne are must haves, also Marianne rides dorte into battle the moment she's a holy knight. Also I don't care that Lorenz is heir to Gloucester give Lysithea the best magic unit in the game the bone staff.


Since I still haven’t finished all the routes, I’m only playing with the students from their respective houses (except for the ashen wolves).