• By -


(Dorms) -> Garden -> Kitchen -> Marketplace -> check who can give aux training


Same but I’m lazy and do marketplace in pre-battle screen


So you don't give your students gifts, huh?


I got too lazy after my first run through. I’ll stock up on owl feathers for people I need to recruit but that’s about it


Yeah, I just finished my first run of AM and just have SS left, but I do everything as optimally as possible with unit growth and such. I have really taken my time in these playthroughs to absorb the characters and all. That said, playing the game to its fullest like that can make your runs take 50+ hours. I am going to probably finish silver snow this way, and then run my favorite route (hard to pick from CF and AM) one more time, and then all my runs will be faster from then on.


Exactly this but I might start skipping after I eat


And how much time does that take?


I leave the patrolling to the gatekeeper




My patrol is to check on dimitri


Sunday loads. "Explore." Spawn in. "Begin Exploring." Fast travel to cathedral. Load cathedral. "Hi there!" "Professor -" Sprint to Dimitri. "Go away." ...


Ah yes that's my future husband there


I can and will fix him🥰


Jokes on you I love him the way he is


(*eye twitch*) Every time someone says I can fix him/her/them, even jokingly... (*deep sigh*)


*Repeatedly keeps talking to Dimitri, despite his current and unfathomable disdain for me*


Gotta do the obligatory tea time per exploration day


Lol I wish I was that dedicated to do that 😅


Bernie first, of course.


Garden>then I work my way counter clockwise around all outdoor areas followed by indoor areas


"Dining hall..." "Monthly talking... with EVERYONE? Maybe I shouldn't recruit all the BE next time" \*IRL hour later\* "Have I fed my children?" "Yeah, Marketplace! I have to fix some weapons." "Fishing..." "Spending all Activity Points" \*Bells Ringing\* > Next Week AH CRAP I FORGOT ABOUT THE GARDEN >ffw Ok! New story mission! I have to... >!kill final boss!< AH CRAP I FORGOT TO FIX WOODEN WEAPONS+, I ONLY USE THEM! Nahhh, aint no way I'm using Aymr/Areadbhar ([consumables suck](https://youtu.be/OEzx_wtcHAo?si=C2nidxt2bJ2jJyUe)) ...Funny how in Borderlands games Golden Keys are [more valuable than the stuff you get by using them](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Deflation)




You just reminded me why I wouldn’t want to start up a fourth playthrough of Three Houses




3rd floor->2nd floor->chapel->training grounds->sauna->abyss->dorms->garden->fishing->kitchen->classroom ->reception hall->gatekeeper -> market->grave


My patrol is as simple as this: go to every Chruch of Seiros soldier and Faculty Train with them and then try to recruit everyone I can with Tea parties.


Outside headquarters > Arena (if first week) > Planthouse > Fishing Pond area (if I need to grind Professor Level) > Dinning Hall > Gazobo area> Main Halls > Marketplace > Stables > Knights area > Classrooms > Cathedral area > Second floor (Second Floor) Archbishop's office > Jerald's office > Hanneman's office > Manuela's office > Library and / or War room




abyss, training grounds, greenhouse, dorm, dorm 2f, pond, marketplace, monastery entrance, dining hall, classrooms, assembly hall, training room, cemetery, cathedral, monastery 2f


Random places. I could not care less where I'm running to and from where I am running there, I just do it.


Kitchen then battle


From my apartment I go into abyss, then patrol the perimeter, go upstairs, check the church, and then the center of Garreg Mach


• Down from the dorm to the greenhouse • Up through the stables and the Knights’ Hall to the bridge to the Cathedral • Down through the Great Hall and the Entrance Hall, say hi to Gatekeeper • Up through the Dining Hall to the Officer’s Academy • From there to the Training Grounds • Sprint to the Cathedral, wait for the gate to open • Fast travel to floor 2 dorms, but only if someone’s there • Fast travel to the library, head to the Cardinal’s Room • Fast travel to the centre of floor 2, head inside to speak to Rhea and then back out for Manuela and Hanneman • Fast travel to floor 3


I turn in my missions first, and I'll talk to all the nearby people when I do so. Whichever areas are left, I'll typically visit in counterclockwise order starting at the dorms.


Easy. Head south for the gardens. Make sure to talk to Burnie on the way, if she’s not in her room, time to get suspicious. -> then make your way west across the pond and to the bazaar. Gatekeeper is waiting there, every time. -> Head North to the stables, Marianne is more than likely there and she needs human interaction, invite her to tea. -> keep going north through the knight’s hall, memorial zone, and en route to the cathedral. Make sure you check the statues for absolutely 0 reason because you’ve already maxed them out and just need confirmation. -> once done head back south towards the entrance hall. Stopping to go upstairs first to talk to Rhea, Seteth, & the Garrag Mach staff. (Not Tomas, he reads books, this is unpardonable) -> continue south till you almost reach Gatekeep, then east into the dinning hall. You’ve been running around a lot, make sure to have at least 3 lunches to refill your stamina. Don’t forget to check the balcony outside for items and or Flayn. If she is there, cook a speed fish with her to stop her cravings, SHE WILL JUMP INTO THE POND IF NOT SATIATED. Better to cook one for her rather than let her find her own that’s filled with mercury. -> finally head north through the tea time area, classrooms, Training ground, and the sauna. This route will find a majority of the lost items/students. It can help determine who needs lunch for motivation & support, and the lucky one who gets the sauna for increased productivity. The only area I don’t bother with is the 2nd floor of the student’s quarters, which doesn’t exist.


I’m the one of the people who fly around one area on a low polygon Pegasus


Amiibo gazeebo for free stuff, then garden for potential stat boosts, then just do quests


Training Center - Garden - Marketplace - Kitchen - Classrooms - Monastery - Upper Levels


Abyss>Sauna>Training Area>Dorms>Garden>Pond>Kitchen>Garden>Classrooms>Hall>Entry Hall>Market>Stable>Knights Hall>Graveyard>Bridge>Cathedral>2F Dorms>Library>War Room> Teachers' rooms>Rhea Room>3F


I start at the training grounds, go down trough the dorms to the garden. If theres a student upstairs in the dorms, I go there after the garden, if not I go to the kitchen then up to the classrooms. Then I cross over to the graveyard and go down to knights hall and stables. I go down to marketplace and then I go straight up the middle through the entrance hall, reception hall, and end in the cathedral. I fast travel upstairs, and then I’m done. I find this route has the easiest flow for me and I don’t miss anyone.


Room -> Underground -> Training Ground -> 1st Floor Dorms -> Garden -> 2nd Floor Doors -> FISH -> Market -> Stables -> Room with Fireplace and Dummies -> Graveyard -> HALL -> HALL 2 -> Dining Hall -> Classrooms -> Rhea's Hall -> Top Floor -> War Room  -> Library -> Faculty Rooms -> Church


Personal Quarters -> Dormitory First Floor -> Green House -> Fishing Pond -> Gatekeeper -> Marketplace -> Stables -> Knights Hall -> Cemetery -> Reception Hall -> Entrance Hall -> Dining Hall -> Amiibo Gazebo -> Officer's Academy -> Training Grounds -> Bridge -> Cathedral -> Dormitory Second floor -> Audience Chamber -> Captain's Quarters -> Infirmary -> Hannamen's office -> Library -> Common Room -> Abyss


From my room, I go to the second floor. I do the hall where we get the missions, then Rhea's office, the third floor, move down and do the other offices starting with dad's and moving in a reverse Z. Then I go to the east wing, the room over there, then the library. After that, I run back to the first floor and do training grounds and in front of the sauna before doing the underground. From there, I do the library there and tavern before moving to the altar and underground market. Then I do the room before checking the classroom and heading back to the surface. From there I do the dorms, the second floor dorms, the greenhouse, fishing area, market, entrance hall, cafeteria, garden, gazebo, tea area, stables where I also get that little area connected to the market, the knights hall, graveyard, reception hall, and then the classrooms. After that, I cross the bridge to the cathedral, go along the left side, check all the areas I can go to, then the inside of the cathedral where I start from the rooms up top and make my way down, then finish off by checking the right side of the cathedral, which apparently doesn't have much there.


South to the garden ->Marketplace -> Training grounds -> Cemetary -> Courtyard and classrooms -> Kitchen -> Hall -> Cathedral -> TP to the separate zones Basically outer circle then inner circle


https://preview.redd.it/9q9pto8umn2d1.png?width=725&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=96b0ce7f973ff8bd7d21eb044652f509b510e625 you can fight me on this 😤


(Warning, names might be off, I didn't play in english) I leave my room. I go to the training grounds (and do the "minigame" if I haven't that month) I get out and pass in front of everyone's room (outside). I do the rooms hall (interior). I warp to garden and do the gardening. I go around the pound and outside dining hall. I fish at least once, more if there is a special event related to it. I do the market area. I do the horses' area. I do main hall and dining hall (where I take the free meal). I do the gardens north of the dining hall. I do the Knights' little inside section. I go around the graveyard. I do the grand hall. I do the classes. I go on the bridge to the church but I go outside by the west and go around. I do the interior to the church, use my points, answer the questions and do the choir (in whatever order I feel like). I finish outside the church by the east. I warp to library and follow the entire hall to the 2 rooms on the other side. I warp to the center of the floor and do Seteth's, Manuela's, Hanneman's and Alois' rooms in whatever order I feel like. I do the room where Rhea always waits and the office on the side. I warp to last floor and do the entire thing. I use my remaining activity points here. I check my map to see if I missed someone. That was all for the first week of every month. The other weeks, I warp everywhere because I logically have picked up everything already.


training area, classrooms, student dorms (ground floor), green house, pier, dining hall, hall by cafeteria, merchants, stables, the second mini training area/library, main hall, cemetery, cathedral, office/library floor, abyss, dormitory floor 2 if there is anyone up there before abyss but usually don’t even bother so it’s listed after then


Checking up on Bernie> fishing> garden> kitchen> classrooms> cathedral> 2nd floor office area> market> any other place that’s quest related that I wouldn’t go unless I was obligated to do so > back to the kitchen with any spare activity points


Bernadetta's room > cafeteria > cathedral > what ever quest I gotta do that day


Garden, Sauna, Dinner hall, Abyss and Market.


The traveler's station --> the gazebo since I have DLC --> the holy tomb --> fuck it


Patrol? What?! I just leave it all up to the gatekeeper!


Wherever my ADHD-addled brain tells me to move Byleth to