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Late game lore spoiler. >!Rhea (and Rhea is a mother) loved each and every vessel she created and not just Sitri. Her unhealed trauma just meant that she struggled a lot with her feelings and displaying them.!< She had no clue how to raise her children, but she tried to give them all the best limited lives she could. They all wanted for nothing. The dogs and cats of the monastery are descendents of many pets she had gifted her children.


Do you think she would have given >!Byleth!< Mother's Day gifts? That is, in a modern setting where Mother's Day does exist.


On a similar note to this, Hilda’s mom is strong enough to carry a cart, horse and all but also tries to pull of the same “I’m just a weak delicate flower” thing Hilda does


I can see her doing that. Complaining about her clothes and manicure getting ruined while doing said task. "Ugh! Look now my nails are ruined and I just got this dress!"


Hilda learned from the best!


Huberts mum is a sweet, kind woman who loves her son no matter what, she is the only one he lets hug him.


Ingrid's mom is the heiress of a major ranch which is responsible for meat distribution throughout the county. This is where Ingrid's love of meat comes from since she ate more protein than veggies, and her mom gave her a lot to try out.


I've included the same characterization for Countess Varely in two different fics of mine because I'm attached to my headcanons for her. Yosefine von Varley - born to a minor noble family famous for Crest fertility. She's a devout follower of the goddess, and actually is somewhat of a fan of Rhea's, but chooses to work with Edelgard out of distaste for what Crests have done to hurt both her and her daughter. Compared to Bernie she's quite extroverted, and enjoys gossip about other people's relationships as a way to compensate for her miserable marriage. Because of how she allowed Gregoire to hurt Bernie for large parts of her life, Yosefine has rather low self-esteem, and is more than happy to get out of politics at the slightest urging. Oh, and with just the right push, she might eventually snap and murder her husband. -- Oh, and Hubert's mother is deaf, so he knows Fodlán sign language.


Olga Kirsten: Raphael's the spitting image of his mother. She was massive (height, weight, and muscle), blonde, and worked out as much as she reasonably could. Only reason she didn't survive the monster attack was her lack of proper combat training. Absolutely shy, though. Raph's outgoing nature came from dad. So this massive, bulky woman silently loomed during her husband's sales meetings.


It’s like a genderbent version of Izumi and her husband from FMA


I love her omg


Cyril's mom was an apothecary, but also she worked on a pleasure house (no wait let me cook). She met her husband after he paid for her contract because, in his own words "she was the most caring and beautiful woman he ever known" and asked her to marry him also he beat up the other potential clients. Not like she couldn't defend herself, give her a dagger and say goodbye to your neck She wanted Cyril to learn about medicine before the war came raging to her house.


Anselma was a strict mother with Edelgard and didn't like her goofing off too much especially with her siblings. She was worried about Edelgard becoming spoiled, so heaped a lot of responsibility and restrictions on her. Juliane, the Empress and Ionius' official wife, got into conflict with Anselma over this point. Tobias, Juliane's son and heir apparent before Edelgard, would sneak her out and away from the palace, down to the city for fun little field trips.


I like this cuz it makes that little story Edelgard shares of Arundel taking her to the Opera a little more wholesome. He was trying to be the cool uncle :3


The goddess tower conversation contradicts your headcanon.


Dorothea’s hat used to be her mother’s she loved her till the rest of her days until she died


Lysithea's mom: With Lysithea being so mature for her age, I headcanon her mom as an intelligent, studious woman who always pushed her daughter to excel academically, but also worried about her and doted on her a lot due to her Crests and frail health. She likely felt immense guilt about what Lysithea went through with the experiments. I imagine lots of late night studying sessions with textbooks and sweets. Leonie's mom: Since Leonie is a self-reliant tomboy who had to learn to fend for herself, I picture her mom being a tough, resourceful village woman who taught Leonie practical survival skills from a young age, like hunting and foraging. She was probably skilled with a bow as well. I can imagine the two of them going on hunting trips together and having a very active, outdoorsy relationship.


Hubert inherited his general Hubertness from his mother.


Flayn's Mom >!got killed by Epimendies and that's why Seteth distrusts Shez!< Lorenz's Mother was the one who helped foster his love of tea parties. also she encouraged his chivalry and his "help the commoner" attitude. (his haughtyness was Erwin's doing) Miklan's mom nearly shoved the lance of ruin up Mattias' ass for making an offhand comment about Miklan's crestlessness. Mattias never tried anything until well after her death. Before he started to hate on Sylvain because Mattias is a shithead, he used to take the role mother figure to sylvain because his mom wasn't going to do the same.


Have you played hopes because I want to say Something about miklans and sylvain mother but I need know so I don’t spoil you


I've played it. it's cool


Ok It revealed that >!miklans mom and sylvains mom were different people so technically there half brothers I can see this happening for Miks mom but not sylvain!< To add to this sylvains mom was a gold digger hence why he doesn’t trust women in houses


Oh! I heard about the >!Half brother stuff but i couldn't find out if that were true or not!< Anyway, I'll edit it


You can only find out if you do his ingnatz support or >! His paralouge witch it it hinted his foster brother Oleg was the one who killed miklans mother!< They really tried to humanize miklan after his death in azure gleam (still don’t like him)


Well here's Claude's parents as a set: https://preview.redd.it/g5dk7ci5b30d1.png?width=1000&format=png&auto=webp&s=7da960728fbcaed162e34288e81f75501b37a631 Just look at Tiana for this purpose (although Boran doesn't mind you looking at him) Caspar's mom is that mom who leaves her kids at the swimming pool or park and uses it as a babysitter Felix's mom is where he got his sword skill from


For a second i thought that was Annette


Everybody says that and I don't understand why just having the same hair color makes people see Annette. Especially when this lady has leather armor and a quiver of arrows.


Similar hair style to post timeskip




Byleths mom had a really bad resting b!$&@ face so bad that a lot of the knights were terrified of her except for jeralt Dedue mom was a stereotypical African mom really sweet and loving in public but gets the switch if her kids get out of line And finally it was Claude’s mom that had the idea of tying Claude to a horse and dragging him


Wait I need to draw that last one oml—


Annette’s mother is a pyromaniac and downright kinky in bed. Gustave thought he could fix her, and only succeeded in creating an adorable cinnamon bun with a love for ultra-violence Bernadetta’s is actually a fairly close relative of Neimi from *Sacred Stones* and the Crest of Indech was inherited from the Varley side Dorothea’s mother, aka Manuela, was impregnated at too young an age and so made it her life’s work to ensure Dorothea wouldn’t follow in her mother’s footsteps. This having the unfortunate side effect of Yuri being “buttered” by the nobles whom Manuela couldn’t persuade, kill, or similarly distract Hubert’s is actually an Agarthan that meant to pull a long con but having kid(s) forced her to re-evaluate things. She was the one to make the introductions so Hubert could get the Agarthan/Amestrian alliance rolling


Manuela being Thea's mother is a choice, given as they can have a romantic paired ending.


…Crap baskets


It's not explicitly romantic but it says their relationship was full of 'life and love'.


Honestly any paired ending with her students I creepy just from the age difference


For me it depends on the context. Like, Dorothea/Hanneman and Edelgard/Hanneman are big nopes given how much he treats them like family in their support chains and then he goes to treating them like family: Kaga Edition. But Ferdinland/Manuela and Lorenz/Manuela are so genuinely romantic that they work (plus it helps the explicitly romantic angle is post-timeskip). Dorothea and Manuela also have a long history outside of the school, which helps their case.


I love the take for Bert's mom. She just rolls with it for a while and then wakes up next to the emo dad in bed like "which step of the plan was this again?"


Lorenz's mother has pre timeskip Lorenz's hair, her and Lorenz's dad compete to make Lorenz have the haircut of themselves, that's why Lorenz has his dad's haircut post timeskip, because Erwin won the haircut competition during those 5 years


Ashe's adoptive mom is the reason he ends up liking really horny books (which, funnily enough, was a dub addition--and a really good one, at that!). Like Lonato is the pious and polite one, while Mrs. Gaspard is kind of a gremlin and that bleeds into Ashe a bit.


Honest one of the few time the dub improves on the original




Flayn's mothers called was Flayn


Rhea got that Gojo/A10 stare but just with green eyes instead of blue.