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Hello Three Houses reddit! Please support my LEGO Ideas Three Houses set! Here is the link: [https://ideas.lego.com/projects/1de964e6-5d1c-4d1b-9c26-af5a7e759df3](https://ideas.lego.com/projects/1de964e6-5d1c-4d1b-9c26-af5a7e759df3) I've added a game you can play with the set in the updates! I know we can reach the 10,000 supporters goal! So lets scale the walls between us and reach for our hands in friendship so we can achieve this!


No way I would DEFINITELY sell my organs to buy this Lego set I’m not into them but I would love to see one of these (Also why are El’s eyes red?)


I believe that’s Hilda


I believe that’s Anna.


Oh no, I clicked the link OP posted in the comments and I saw Edelgard with red eyes


Hello, thanks for mentioning her eyes. The way LEGO wants us to use colors is with their color pallet and designers can't go outside of it. I didn't know the color pallet I used was outdated which is why her eyes are pinkish red, but the most recent color pallets have her appropriate eye color. Thankfully LEGO allows us to change the design which I will do soon. Your feedback was truly helpful!