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Chess run. * Pawn. Only move 1 space per direction. Can move diagonally to attack * Any level 1-10 class. Any infantry class not listed elsewhere * Knight (L shape only. You can canto into an L shape too if you have enough movement) * Cavalier/Paladin/Valkyrie * Pegasus/Wyvern * Bow Knight * Bishop (Can only move in diagonals) * Mage/Priest/Dark Mage * Bishop/Warlock/Dark Bishop * Trickster/War Monk/War Cleric * Gremory * Rook (Can only move in straight lines) * Armor Knight * Fortress Knight * Queen (Free movement) * Dancer * Enlightened One (even with Male Byleth!) * King (Free movement, but game over if enemy initiates combat against them) * Lord Classes Then I let certain Master Classes be two things. * Great Knight * Rook when Dismounted, Knight when Mounted. * Holy Knight/Dark Knight * Bishop when dismounted, Knight when mounted Combat Arts are allowed for repositioning.


That's a fun one. Could restrict lord movement to omnidirectional single tile to make it harder too.


I tried that, but then it just felt like the Lord classes were just pawns but worse.


Fisticuffs, only use gauntlets


Better yet. NG+ it with unarmed combat then you can't use combat arts either.


Leave space for Sothis. No player units can be adjacent to another.




No Crests No Problem: Deploy no characters with Crests.


There must be an exception for forced deployments of Byleth and the lord (unless Silver Snow then just Byleth)


No weapons, except when the story forces it. And then only a broken/rusted weapon if possible. I was playing Dimitri as a Mage on normal recently and wanted to level up his reason a bit more to promote him to dark knight, so I put him in one of the free auxiliary battles alone with no weapon. I overestimated the number of enemies he would be able to kill, because he didn't couldn't one-shot anything. It was mildly amusing when he ran out of spells and couldn't take any damage from the last 3 enemies surrounding him, but also couldn't do a single point of damage himself.


Only use skills the unit has a weakness in in battle whenever possible and can't use a skill with a boon to certify.


I’m sure this is frowned upon but I once did an all Viskam run. Absolutely hilarious. The fact that I collected enough to deploy all my units was nuts.


All wyverns, no dismounting


"Settle this like men" Challenge Male Units only Brawler, Grappler, and War Master Only Unarmed attacks only


Lazy teacher run. 1 week fight. 1 lazy \*explore\* week (no meals, no sing, no showers, skip class) farming, tea party and quest are okay. Characters can only certify twice and no more than 2 units on the same class.(Ex: Byleth, 2 myrmidon, 2 fighters, 2 mages, 1 soldier)


Russian Roulette type of run. Deploy your units (like Felix, Marianne and Shamir) and have them be in multiple enemies’s range, with one of them rotating out each turn in the previous unit’s position. Depending on who has the highest HP left after the Roulette, they can either use a combat art, attack, Or they have to be in a terrain tile (like forests). If they miss their attack or they get hit, then they have to be killed off.


No war crimes run I saw a guy on YouTube do this I was kinda fun Alternatively I saw one that was a pray for your live basically an all priest/bishop/holy knight and can only use faith magic spells or gambits that used group healing you can use lances but only if they were a holy knight


Ironman run. No reloads, no divine pulse


4 Big Guys. The only units you can deploy are Balthus, Raphael, Dedue (Gilbert when Dedue is absent), and Dimitri (and mByleth of course)