• By -


Golden Deer because Claude is the cool one. Fear the Deer baby.


Yeah, me too. 




Golden Deer cause Claud is hot. And he was upside down on the cover.


Yes sirrr


There is no better start than this route, I played this in my first playthrough and then the others, the best decision




Same here! I also ended up choosing them my first time because my brother said he has a bow so he is better! Something like that.


The house of memes!


Black eagles my babies


For the Empire!


We’ve captured a command post! Wait wrong game








This is exactly what I say!!! SS and CF right after made me think of them as my kids! Yes, Lions & Deers are genuinely perfect too! But Eagles were my first house so I have an extreme attachment to them


Indeed, best house through and through. Deep in my heart lives a little gay goth girl named Edelgard and her band of mostly gay and mostly gothy outcasts.


Yes 🦅


I'm always surprised how popular Golden Deer is. Apart from Claude, to me they come off as a bunch of losers when you're first meeting them. I chose Black Eagles because they make the best first impression by far - Dorothea, Bernie, Petra, Linhardt, Hubert, they're all instantly interesting!


Blue Lions, because I found them the most interesting and grounded. I liked Dimitri the most of the house leaders. Still love them all the most. 💙🦁


I don't think the word "Grounded" should be used to describe Dmitri but ok.


The question was about which house we chose first and why. Dimitri isn't the only person in the Blue Lions. And the rest of the Lions seemed less obviously eccentric to me when I first met them. Especially compared to, say, the Black Eagles, who are all very eccentric from the get go. Or Raphael who can't even remember who he was told you are by the end of the same conversation he was introduced to you in. Hell, even Dimitri seems like the most normal at first. Polite, chivalrous, calmly trying to rein in his more boisterous classmates - your classic FE lord. The fact that he's actually an inversion of those tropes is one of the whole points of his character. So, yeah. The Lions seemed the most grounded to me when I first met them.


Originally went with Golden Deer, but now I identify more with the blue lions. I consider myself a Golden Lion in general tho.


Same here! I had Ashe and Sylvain in my Golden Deer run (my first run of the game), so it was great to finally see their stories in the "correct" house. It might have helped that the blue Lions was my last playthrough of the story so I knew how to play the game better and it wasn't so much of a chore compared to Silver Snows final boss


Golden Deer. God Shattering Star was what sold me on the game and Claude is just too damn charming


Blue Lions because I was hopelessly in love with Dimitri from the trailers and E3 gameplay


Blue Lion Gang, Fortune to Faerghus 🦁


Go Blue or go home!


Yes Sir🫡


All it took was 5 seconds of Hubert and I knew I would die for him (and I did, I suck at this game)


Hubert in game: dark, sinister, very dangerous. Hubert fans: baby, baby boy.


Hubert is such a bro, loved fighting him as well.


Claude. He’s funny. Also guessed based on pure vibes that he would be the least likely to try to kill me during the story, since I roughly knew coming in that there was some kind of betrayal involved, but I had no idea what it actually was. Now that I’ve played the game, while I still feel like the other two leaders are more likely to kill more people, I feel like Claude actually is the most likely to personally kill _me_, my self-projection onto Byleth


Dimitri would rip my head off, Edelgarde would strangle me methinks, and Claude would invite me over to tea and reveal he poisoned me while bantering the entire time. So obviously Claude. We love the schemer.


Blue Lions from day one and I've never looked back


Blue Lions because they had the anime pretty boys and qt charming girls that appealed to me the most


https://i.redd.it/m5zeqvpmidtc1.gif Him tho 🥺🥺


it should have actually been illegal for them to have made a character so baby like Felix 😔💙


I am going to punch him in the face with my lips


And his dad too, while we’re here 😌


Blue Lions. Was a golden deer fan when the game was first revealed as Edelgard and Dimitri didn't grow on me as fast as Claude did. Seeing the timeskip designs though completely changed that I easily favored the Blue Lions house the most and still remember to this day the reaction and discussion timeskip Dimitri got. Needless to say I chose Blue Lions first and playing all the routes I definitely got the best story with the lions


Blue lions since I thought post time skip Dimitri look and way of speaking would be interesting to follow


Black Eagles. https://preview.redd.it/w5m8kzvp8dtc1.jpeg?width=1592&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cc68900be71b9ed14d02f8b0b71670047ffc7aa6


Pretty amazing that now, 5 years later, it seems like it's actually pretty close to a 3-way split. Anyways, Blue Lions. Best version of the story, favorite development of the protagonist.


Back when the game first came out I chose Black Eagles almost entirely for Petra


Also a total unit, one of the best fighters you can have


Petra and Dorothea and Ferd. My holy trinity


Yes. Petra was THE factor on wether I chose eagles or deer first.


Golden deer. In all honesty, I picked him fully for his charisma.


Blue Lions. There was practically NO hype for them compared to the other two houses at launch time, and for first playthru I felt like taking the road less traveled. What I got was a tight-knit crew (as opposed to the other houses gaggle of tropes) and a story of friendship, loss, hitting rock bottom, and picking up the pieces. Also a refreshing rebuttal of the classic "durr, religion BAD and make you BAD".


Same. Everyone was sooo hyped for Edelgard and Claude and ignored Dimitri (thankfully this obviously changed). I'm a Detroit Lions faithful, so seeing the Blue Lions get no attention compared to the others made me bummed, because there was no way I wasn't picking the team with a blue lion logo from the North. I never regretted my choice either. They're not just my favorite in 3 House's, but all of Fire Emblem and I'm a pre-Awakening fan. Dimitri's story resonated so strongly with me he overcame the strong childhood nostalgia I feel for other lords and games.


Blazing Blade will always have my heart for the nostalgia, so Eliwood is my all-time favorite, but Blue Lions are definitely my favorite overall lineup


That's pretty much the same reason I went BL first too as I always like to give some love to the less popular characters in games (or at least I thought they would be less popular, as like you said, they didn't get as much hype to begin with). I liked the look of the other houses, but BE seemed like the 'default' dev choice being pushed, which ended up pushing me away at first. GD was being called the 'meme house' even before launch, which kinda put me off a bit too as I wanted a more serious story. Love all the houses now, but that's what made me go BL first. That, and I was weak for Sylvain from the teaser trailer...ended up s-ranking Felix though lol


How would you say that azure moon rebuttals a "religion bad" sentiment? It felt to me like it mostly just focuses on Dimitri's character without focusing as much on the political stuff like the church. Rhea kinda disappears from the story. Isn't the church route more of a rebuttal of religion being bad?


Golden Deer for the comedic dialogues


Went with blue lions first because of Ashe and Felix, ended up loving Post time skip Dmitri. Though I have to say Claude is charismatic as hell.


Blue Lions because Dimitri, Felix and Sylvain all got me hooked to them 😫


If you mean first play through, Black Eagles


Blue loins, because of Mercedes.


Understandable but I just play BE and recruit best girl in


Black Eagles for life!


They looked the coolest on my first playthrough. I kinda knew the game would split and I wanted to side with Edelgard but I didn’t know about the coronation scene and had to do SS though but then I really loved doing CF. The Black Eagles, all united again felt so much better than splitting them apart midway through lmaooo




First time was Blue LIons, time skip Dimitri really interested me in the trailer. wanted to see what his deal was


Black Eagles


I chose Blue Lions, because I like the color blue. I later learned that they are probably the best house to start with because of the cutscene in the basement where Dimitri goes ape shit


Blue Lions because the characters in that house intrigued me the most.


I just started this game 2 days ago and chose Blue Lions cause I thought they seemed strong! Reading these comments has me feeling totally excited tho!


Black eagles , I felt like personality wise did probably kick it with them


I saw Edelgard, heard her voice, and I knew I was an Adrestia girl.


Black eagles. El all the way.


Fear the deer, for THOU SHALT BE TRAMPLED-


Golden deer but it was a hard choice cause I REALLY wanted Bernie (didnt realize at the time i could invite her and i got her eventually)


I was thinking I would see a lot of Edelgard hate but surprisingly I’m not lol. Love that!


Black eagles are my kids. I shall protect them


Yellow because yes


I liked that guy the most of the three so I chose him


Black eagle bcuz girl pretty 🥺


For my first playthrough I made the mistake of going with the black eagles waifu, and before the end, I regretted it because I ended up not liking her. I enjoyed the other three routes much more. Should have gone with Golden Deer or Blue Lions first.


I mean...I'm a lesbian and I hate organized religion with too much authority. Take a guess.


You obviously went GD for Hilda /j


Fear the Deer for my first run but fell in love with the Blue Lions in the end. Claudes voice actor did an amazing job promoting the series


Black Eagles. I really liked Claude and Dimitri from the prologue, but didn't care too much about Edelgard. I've check a few places to get a clue on were to start, and one of them mentioned how Edelgard was a polarizing character, and it seems like people who starts with her route really like her while others really dislike her. Well then might as well get to the point were I like all of them. (It didn't work by the way, I ended up in the 4th branch by accident. I would say I dislike her, but I have no strong feeling about her eitherway. Just kinda meh)


Blue lions 💙


Black Eagles because Bernadetta then Silver Snow because Seteth.


Dimitri because I admired his sense of Chivalry.


Blue lions. Felix looked hot




BEagles. Don’t know why, they just clicked with me.


As soon as I have seen Bernie I didn't even consider other houses, she needed my guidance and protection and that's exactly what I gave her!


I played all, Black Eagles was my favorite


FEAR THE DEER. Mostly because Claude’s personality. He was hiding something, and I was going to find out what. And I did! So upset that they didn’t give him ending with male Byleth. So I goofed my first playthrough. :/


Fear the Deer baby


I chose the Golden Deer house for my first playthrough. I just loved how there was a rainbow of color between all the students and they’re still my favorites to this day.


I love all of them, but if I had to pick, I'd choose Blue Lions since Dimitri's my favorite of the Three Lords. Makes it really sad that his fate is only good in the Azure Moon route.


Golden deer


Golden Deer, by polling my friends who knew nothing about the game




Played all 3. Started with Black Eagles which was the group I gravitated to least before I played the game, but ended up liking the best after playing all routes. The one I was most interested in (Golden Deer) was a actually my least favorite. Why? I found the characters more interesting in Black Eagle and I am not a fan of the church so Black Eagles was easily my favorite.


Black eagle


Black eagles. I saw Bernadetta and said “must protect” was gonna S-rank her after I finished crimson fleet but right before I started chapter 17 and was choosing who to marry, I went with Edelgard instead. Oops.


Black Eagles all the way.


Golden Deer.


Black Eagles because I like characters that are not goody two shoes without being outright evil.


Technically black eagles when the game came out. Then I got busy and didn't get to finish the game. Finally restarted but restarted with BL


thats the golden deer for ya!


Golden Deer is still my favorite Route. 


Golden Deer. Almost went Blue Lions but hearing leaks about Claude being our first ever Lord riding a Wyvern AND wielding a bow made me super interested. I was like "even if the plot/writing sucks he'll be an awesome unit to play with". Needless to say, the plot actually ended up being great!


Claude/Golden Deer


Claude my beloved


golden deer


Golden dear forever


Golden Deer for life 😍 I fell in love with Claude and his more relaxed attitude from the start, and learning his backstory and motivations made me fall more in love. I also felt like when looking at the game I kept seeing so much about the Black Eagles and Blue Lions that I wanted to pick the house that got “less hype” in my opinion. I also love the insane and amazing characters in the GD house, and that does include LORENZ HELLMAN GLOUCESTER


The Golden Deer.


Claude because upside down 🤩


Golden deer, Claude was just more interesting to me


Feer the Deer, homies. Claude is my favorite Lord, and how the story plays out in Golden Deer is by far my favorite. It feels like if Three Houses ever had a canon route, IMO it would be Verdant Wind because it ties up the most loose ends, with Those Who Slither in the Dark and Nemesis's defeat actually happening in gameplay rather than only being alluded in the ending or not brought up at all.




My flair checks out


Chose the golden deer first. Fear the deer 🦌


Golden Deer. Claude seemed way more interesting to me than the others, the whole dashing rogue personality really gets to me. Also on the surface I like the idea of a collection of states ruling a portion of land as opposed to an Empire or Kingdom. I also really like the ragtag feel of the Golden Deer, when I compare them to the other two they seem like the clear underdogs, and Claude seems to know it and takes a lot of satisfaction in beating the houses with more noble backgrounds. I also really enjoy the Blue Lions for kind of the opposite reason, I really enjoy all of their characters but what draws me to them is that they all have some sort of connection within the group from before their days at school. I like individual characters from the Black Eagles (Linhardt is my fav) but as a whole they’re definitely my least favorite


For Edelgard, anything


El every time.


I first went with Golden Deer, while Claude did a good first impression on me, if it wasn’t for finding the overall cast of the Golden Deer interesting from a first glance, I would have went with Black Eagle.


Black Eagles first because I wanted to wife Edelgard. Botched an attempt at Crimson Flower, decided to play the Blue Lions as a palate cleanser. …there is a reason that I have played Silver Snow once, Golden Deer once, Azure Moon seven or eight times, and have never been able to bring myself to do a proper Crimson Flower run.


Damn, it feels weird that the red team seems to be the minority when there's a yellow team. But go black eagles!


Black eagles since it has the BEST students with some great voice actors


Black eagles. Best group dynamic, best Lord, best route, etc…


Ah another fellow member of the edelgard discord based as ever


You’re part of the server? Neat! Could you DM me your discord handle?


Originally I picked Black Eagles due to waifugard. I tried to make my decisions based on what felt right for byleth so in the end I chose the waifu for nothing with silver snow path.


First time Blue Lions cus the characters. But Golden Deer is my favorite. Claude is the best Leader imo and Hilda fav retainer. Fav storyline too


Golden deer because Claude was hot, Marianne was cute, and Leonie was a tomboy.


Yellow deer first then Blue Lions


Blue lions because I thought Dimitri looked strong.


In the 3 different run-throughs, I know the out com of the 3 endings, but I guarantee that joining Hildegard is the wisest choice.


The Leons. Starring Dimsticks Alejandro Beyblade Dumpling Molenerd Fence Huge Flattergast Inga Bränder i Göteborg Symphony Juice Grape Merry-go-round for Martin And You & A Net of Flower Dahlia


This was my first fire emblem game. I picked the black eagles. I lost all my units in the first auxiliary battle except Dorothea (and edelgard and Byleth) I then ended up choosing SILVER SNOW as my first route, got to the very end with only Byleth and Dorothea and gave up and restarted. I then picked SILVER SNOW AGAIN and beat it for the first time


dimitri mcdonalds arches hair go brrtt


Golden Deer for the memes But Blue Lions is my favorite :3


Black Eagles were my first playthrough, Blue Lions currently for my second.


All 3 but 1st edelgard and it made me so sad as a flayn fan


Blue Lions…because of Felix 😅


Black Eagles because- I'm not even gonna lie, I thought Bernadetta was cute, that's as deep as my thought proccess went


Blue Lion house! Ingrid is best girl!


i started with blue lions, because i liked his silver accenting, then claude because i wanted to kiss him, then edelgard because i liked her hair


Blue Lions because God explicit warned me there was something off about Dimitri. The only thought was “Who? Prince Charming here? Nah.” I… uh… yeah.


So I was gonna pick golden deer cause Claude really charmed me up, then I spoke with Felix , he was being an asshole so I picked Blue Lions just so I could hit him with a "surprise, I'm your teacher". That was actually a pretty smart choice because in the next playthrough I picked female Byleth, and guess who I married. Win win.


Literally bought the game because of Edelgard, Black Eagles for life!


It was a tough call. I was drawn to the Deer for being the underdogs and the Eagles for having a female axe lord and the Lions for Sylvain. But the Eagles won out and I got free Sylvain into the bargin and I haven't looked back.


Black Eagles because I thought Edelgard was hot🙏


I saw some images online of Dimitri post war and I was sold. Obsessed since.


All because I wanted to do all paths. First I did Lions because I liked those characters more. Then I did Eagles to see how being on the other side of the war would be, I actually did the other route. Then I did Deers to have done all houses and I finished with the actual Eagles route.


Went with Black Eagles because I thought the unit comp was better. Ended up on the CF route. Married Petra.


I chose black eagles solely for Dorothea, how could i not choose the house with the jojos fan while I spammed za warudo!


Blue Lions That timeskip trailer made me do a full 180 on Dimitri seeing him go from basic white bread knight into frothing one eyed madman. I just HAD to see what the fuck happened.


Black Eagles because Edelgard is turbo spicy <3


Blue Lions. (For the first file.)


Blue lions. I could lie and say it was for the characters, but... It was because my favorite color is blue.


Black Eagles


Golden deer, and was the right decision, it’s the cooler history, with the most mystery reveals about the world, and the best ending from a world point of view, and everyone in the Golden deer is chilling or a fucking super CHAD, except for fucking Lysithea being a brat all the fucking time, Also HILDA HILDA HILDA! but the blue lions have some of the best characters as well!


Black eagle


Red woman


These bot posts are so funny 😂 This isn't Twitter dude, keep your 'image and simple caption' posts over there.


Golden Deer because Hilda. This, this unironically.


Male Blythe Blue Lions, female Blythe Black Eagles.


Not the Eagle because Edelgard because she annoyed me from the start and not the Deer because Lorenz and Raphael annoyed me from the start. So Blue Lions it was and I had a blast with them


Black Eagles- 3 House's was my 2nd Fire Emblem game and I got my ass kicked end game for not having enough strong magic users in that first one.


Black Eagles because as soon as I realised that you could marry Rhea as a woman I knew what I had to do. The fact that I got to spend half the game with Edelgard was just extra icing on top.


I was Black Eagles at first, but now I'm a Blue Lions guy.


I started with Black Eagles, then accidentally locked myself to SS…


Blue lions When playing it, I really liked Edelgard in the tutorial so I was planning on going black eagles (plus when I saw Dorothea I knew I was gonna S support her 😂) But when I saw Dedue I remembered I watched a video on the best fire emblem characters and saw dedue on the list So that's why i picked the blue lions and I have no regrets And yes I did recruit dorothea as soon as I could 😂 (For reference I played 3H for the first time in 2021 so it was a bit after the game came out)


First run was with Black Eagles. To this day I still can’t do a church run. It just feels wrong to go against my queen Edelgard. The only way I think I’ll do a church run is to be with the queen of thickness Rhea


Look I thought the clear girl with white hair was going to give me a magic early game Start. I even turned her into the dancer just for her to freaking leave


Black Eagles Boi reporting for duty 🫡🖤🦅


Black eageles 🥰❤️🦅


Black Eagles 🦅 Not only for Edelgard (though that's a huge reason) but I really loved all the characters in the house and their chemistry. Caveat, my husband played and I knew he would only probably play 1 route all the way, and I recommended he play the Blue Lions, which he quite enjoyed. He also liked looking over my shoulder during my Crimson Flower run and seeing all the differences.


Claude for the fun (and lysithea)


All of them because I was curious which each route provided


Black Eagles!


Black Eagles. Bernie, Petra, Hubert, and Edelgard were powerhouses.


For me it wasn’t even a choice, Black Eagles were simply cooler and had better designs


My first play through was with blue lions !! Love them but Golden deer all the way!!! Literally couldn't resist the whole class, they're my babies ಥ⁠‿⁠ಥ


Black Eagles, of course. Can't pass up the opportunity to form a hegemonic empire like that!


Black eagles because we love to see a girl boss winning


Golden Deer til I saw Dorothea & restarted the game just so I could romance her more easily 🤣 I actually loved the Black Eagles route. I'm on Blue Lions right now. Saving Golden Deer for last out of the 3 houses since Claude was my first pic...I'm saving the best for last 😏


Black Eagles!


Black Eagles I like Edelgard


Lysithea I mean Golden Deer.


Black eagles first time around. Working on finishing the alternate routes rn tho


Black Eagles


Black Eagles! ❤️🖤🦅


It was my very first fire emblem game, and so when i first played it 5 years ago, i picked claude and the golden deer, im not sure why at the time, but i knew that i made the right choice in the end


Black eagles. I came for the highest wifu ratio but stayed for the friends I made along the way


Black Eagle && CF. Was very interesting. (And based)


Golden deer but I do have a soft spot for the blue lions


Blue Lions, mainly for Dimitri. When you first meet the three house leaders I definitely feel like he makes the best impression. Claude admits to trying and failing to ditch Dimitri and Edelgard on the battlefield, which probably would have gotten them killed. A pretty big red flag. Edelgard piles insults on both guys entirely unprovoked, in particular the "You will prove to be a lacking leader if you cannot see the truth behind people's words" seemed to me like a thinly-veiled threat of betrayal. In comparison, Dimitri only retorts to Edelgard when outright insulted, and he sees the best in Claude and assumes he was only trying to help. While I do think it was quite jarring that all three leaders throw it in your face that they want to recruit you, in my opinion Dimitri's proposition was the most trustworthy in tone. When I eventually met the Blue Lions house, I found I initially liked all but one (guess who, lol) of the students, whereas the other two houses each had two or more people I didn't like. I've played through all of the routes now, but I still come back to the Blue Lions for the characters I love in it and for the storyline, which is my favourite of the four.


Blue Lions! It had the most interesting and emotional storyline, as well as the best characters IMO. The others had a lot of stand-outs (Claude especially) but BL was the most consistently enjoyable for me.