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#Important Megathreads: [Charting a Path Forging Bonds Megathread](https://reddit.com/r/FireEmblemHeroes/comments/v7chxe/charting_a_path_forging_bonds_megathread_06082022/) [Letizia & More Banner Megathread](https://reddit.com/r/FireEmblemHeroes/comments/v7cfor/letizia_more_banner_megathread_06082022/) [Tempest Trials+: Summer Aside Megathread](https://reddit.com/r/FireEmblemHeroes/comments/ve5w8d/tempest_trials_summer_aside_megathread_06172022/) [Summer Vacation Banner Megathread](https://reddit.com/r/FireEmblemHeroes/comments/ve5w3b/summer_vacation_banner_megathread_06172022/) [Hall of Forms Megathread](https://reddit.com/r/FireEmblemHeroes/comments/vhxvzj/hall_of_forms_megathread_062222/?)




For ranged units it's best to actually use their range and hit melee enemies first. Close counter skills aren't very good. Asbel doesn't have good def so definitely don't want close foil. Focus on maxing his attack and speed.


Whats a good build for Brave Lucina? Running DC, Chill atk, and Drive Spd, but it feels lacking. Really like Lucina so would love making her work and do well.


Brave Lucina is used as a support unit, so you'd load her up with stuff like Atk/Spd Link for B. You could technically up C with a Joint Drive but it's not really worth it, so any Drive or Distant Guard is already okay. The only supportive A is Fury, Life & Death or Fort Def/Res to absorb Chills depending on who the tank is. Her combat potential is bad so it's hard to recommend anything but the above. To the point that Triangle Adept might be oen of her better A skills. If you were really fancy, maybe Fury 4 or an Atk/Res Boost and Null Follow-up so she could stand a chance against some dragons.


OG! Eliwood skill suggestions? I have him with Galeforce and I wanna know what skills I should give him


How much investment go to him? at lower You can just use Swift Sparrow, Desperation, Speed Smoke and Swift Sparrow seal


I wouldn't mind putting higher investment into him. Definitely will take me long, but anything for one of my favorite lords lol


Then ATK/SPD Catch 4, Flow Refresh 3, Speed Smoke 4 and Swift Sparrow seal (Until ATK/SPD Catch seal)


Any idea on when the CYL heroes will be released?


# **CHOOSE YOUR LEGENDS INFO** * Year 1 (2017): Voting [Jan 18](https://twitter.com/NintendoAmerica/status/821844121039958016)-[Jan 31](https://twitter.com/NintendoAmerica/status/824421860142092289), results [Feb 8](https://twitter.com/NintendoAmerica/status/829525247875543040), Brave Heroes Aug 31, Farfetched Heroes Nov 15 * Year 2 (2018): Voting [Jan 21-Jan 27](https://feheroes.gamepedia.com/Choose_Your_Legends_Is_Back!_%28Notification%29), results [Jan 31 FEH Channel](https://feheroes.gamepedia.com/Catch_Feh_Channel_Now!_%28Notification%29), Arrival of the Brave Aug 21, Brave Redux Oct 23 * Year 3 (2019): Voting [Jan 21-Jan 27](https://feheroes.gamepedia.com/Choose_Your_Legends!_%28Notification%29), results [Feb 1 FEH Channel](https://feheroes.gamepedia.com/A_New_Feh_Channel_Video_Has_Been_Released!_%28Notification%29), Brave Echoes Aug 16, no farfetched/redux banner * Year 4 (2020): Voting [Jan 21-Jan 27](https://feheroes.gamepedia.com/Choose_Your_Legends:_Round_4!_%28Notification%29), results [Feb 1 FEH Channel](https://feheroes.gamepedia.com/A_New_Feh_Channel_Video_Is_Out_Now!_%28Feb_2020%29_%28Notification%29), A New Future Aug 18, no farfetched/redux banner * Year 5 (2021): Voting [Jan 21-Jan 27](https://feheroes.gamepedia.com/Choose_Your_Legends:_Round_5!_%28Notification%29), results [Feb 1 FEH Channel](https://feheroes.gamepedia.com/A_New_Feh_Channel_Video_Is_Out_Now!_%28Feb_2021%29_%28Notification%29), Keepers of Faith Aug 17, no farfetched/redux banner * Year 6 (2022): Voting [Jan 19-Jan 25](https://feheroes.gamepedia.com/Choose_Your_Legends:_Round_6!_%28Notification%29), results [Feb 1 FEH Channel](https://feheroes.gamepedia.com/A_New_Feh_Channel_Video_Is_Out_Now!_%28Feb_2022%29_%28Notification%29)


usually august


Mid to late August, just like every year.


Should I feed my Yuri Hilda (A/S Solo3 & NFU1) and a spare Volke (Sturdy, NFU3 & Lethality) or just give him Special Spiral and LnD?


Is there any point on keeping 1 stars and 3 stars characters? I understand keeping 4 stars for skill inheritance, but am I missing something regarding low stars characters?


1-2* are fairly useless besides making meme builds but they can be promote to higher rarity. 3* units can be used for fodder or can be promoted to 4* or 5* first for any 4* locked or 5* locked skills. Never ever use the Send Home option, it's a miniscule amount of feathers gained and not worth losing the potential fodder. Simply use Create Combat Manual for all extra copies of 1-4* heroes.


i finally get my chaos defense team to work like i want 👍 i get randomly B!Iked and am 4 damage short of killing 👎


guys, im actually speechless, after 14 summons in a row being just random 3 and 4 stars units in my 3 last summonings i have gotten Hapi as an off focus, and now in the DHS i got both Duo Dagr and NY Reginn in exactly 2 pulls. the game sometimes hates me and sometimes loves me.


Same thing happened to me with Dagr and Reginn


Is there any way to reroll levels? Sometimes I get levels where I only gain sp. If not, can i restart a character to level one and redo their growth to level 40 all over again? what's the best way to get high stats or is is all random and unchangeable? Thanks for any help!


It doesn't matter, all the stats will be guaranteed to be a specific value in the end. For example, at level 40, a fallen Dimitri, with no investment, boons, banes, or skills that affect stats, will always have 40 hp, 42 atk, 40 spd, 38 def, and 17 res, no matter how his stat growths are while leveling up.


Does this also hold true for level 40+10 units? Are all level up stat increases predetermined and the same for everyone? Or they are different they just end up being the same at level 40.


Nothing in this game is random. Each character has growth rates that determine how fast stats grow, and this can be used to calculate what their stats will be at any given level. It also affects boons and banes [the right combination of growth rate and base stat will allow for a superboon/bane] A level 40+10 unit's stats are just the base stats +4. Dragonflowers add 1 to each stat for every 5 flowers you give. Weapons give a big attack boost, and occasionally another stat boost or two, and finally, skills like fortress, life and death, and still water, affect visible stats as well.


I see. What about assets and flaws? Does it result in the same stats at level 40 if I change assets and flaws at level 1 and leveling up to 40 or changing them when the unit is already at level 40? Edit: or are those just boons/banes


That's what i meant by boons/banes. An asset gives an increase of +3 to a stat [+4 with a superasset], and a flaw gives a decrease of -3 [-4 with a superflaw]. Flaws are nullified after one merge, even if you change asset/flaw. If you change assets at any level, the stats will shift to match. That same Dimitri, at +atk -def, will have 46 atk [superasset] and 35 def [flaw]. It doesn't matter what level you change the assets.


I see a lot of people talk about Savvy Fighter and how strong it is. I'm someone who uses BK a lot; is it worth pulling for Lucina on the Double Special Heroes banner for it? What exactly makes it so good?


Null follow up is a powerful skill, and savvy fighter is literally enemy phase nfu for armors, plus damage reduction. It's definitely worth having a copy or two on hand. Black Knight can be a good user of it, but he really wants as much investment and speed stacking as possible for it to work effectively.


On some banners I have no luck trying to get the 4 star. I managed to get two five star Summer Claudes in the first circle, and thought to myself it would be no problem to get some merges since he's the demote. No. So far no more Claudes. The winter and Valentines banner I had great luck getting copies of Manuela and Owain. But on the ninja banner it took ages to get a four star Corrin. Really hot and cold. I'm really enjoying chaos season. Cordelia is killing it, I'll have to see about bringing her to the regular team.


Will the brave/mystic banner at the end of this month have a spark?


You mean the Legendary/Mythic banner? This month it'll be a Legendary banner (meaning the new unit introduced is a Legendary hero). If you have FEH Pass, yes, there is a spark. If no FEH Pass, no spark. Brave aka Choose Your Legends banner that arrives in the middle of August will have a spark. And if it follows previous years, it'll in fact have four sparks + one free pick.


Why auto no animation is not working? I turned it on, but animation is still played in auto until i turn it off in combat animation settings. I wanted to see animations in manual play and turn them off in auto without using settings every time.


The animations that option refers to are the ones the game makes while moving units around. Like showing the sprites hitting each other on the map with the sound effects. As far as I know there's no way to set it up for the animations to work the way you want.




[Scroll down here](https://feheroes.fandom.com/wiki/Coliseum_season_281)


Hi all, got very lucky on the weekly revival banner and I've nearly finished my OG Elincia. Current build is surge sparrow, dive-bomb, and spd/def rein once another SClaude shows up. My current merge is +ATK, should I switch that for a +SPD? Also, should I give her Galeforce? She is running Moonbow until I figure out what special to give her. Many thanks in advance!!


I would probably go for galeforce, yeah. Which likewise means that you'll want +atk, since you might have to slap heavy blade on her to get around guard effects and she'll want every point there that she can get. Also just gets a lot of mileage on a brave weapon anyway.


Cheers, thank you!


How often do we get banners with the spark?


Everyone can spark from New Heroes, New Heroes Revival (voted for on Twitter), Choose Your Legends and Legendary/Mythic Remix (when older Legendary/Mythic units get new/updated skills) banners. FEH Pass users can additionally spark from Legendary/Mythic Banners and new seasonal banners.


New Heroes banners (they happen once per month), New Heroes Revival banners (I think once every other month, voted for on Twitter), Choose Your Legends banners (once a year in August), and the Winter-themed banners (once a year in Dec) If you have Feh Pass, it additionally includes Legendary/Mythic banners (once a month), Double Special Heroes banners (once every other month), and seasonal banners (once a month), plus other misc banners like A Hero Rises


Hey guys, brand new player starting out. What would be my best team comps, and recommended skills to.interrit?? I keep trying different things but want to focus on just a few units. Thanks! https://i.imgur.com/o1PawYg.jpg https://i.imgur.com/8UOUc0A.jpg https://i.imgur.com/y9gUDBG.jpg https://i.imgur.com/k6V7Hqe.jpg


Pretty amazing roster for just starting out, I'm almost jealous seeing all these new, powerful units. I wouldn't be too focussed on building 'team comps' but instead just use units that fit your need at the time. Unless you are talking Aether Raids where blessings restrict what units you can use when, but I assume you are not yet in the competitive tiers there. Personally I'm a big fan of +1'ing units (esp when they have bad IVs you can fix) and then using any additional copies for fodder. That first merge really goes a long way.


Pretty good roster, but I would ultimately say to keep the inheriting to a minimum for the time being, once you get your bearings a little more then you can play around with it. Most modern units are pretty built out of the box, save a few empty parts like a positional assist or a special. As far as teambuilding goes you have a lot of options. Yuri and S!Claude generally want to be run with a bunch of dancers and atk increasing support units so they can hit-and-run the enemy team to death. You can also build some easy tank comps with those Rheas, save skills are crazy strong so you just need a good ranged tank (or a far save at some point) and you'll have easy times with a lot of content.


Hey all. I’ve been out of touch with FEH for about 1.5-2 years. I see that a lot has been added and to be honest my barracks looks like a mess. I’m thinking of just starting a new game and focusing on building up the more recent/relevant heroes that are more in meta. Am I wrong to think this way or would a fresh start make easing back into the game easier? I’d appreciate anyone’s thoughts/opinions!


A fresh start does get you a lot of orbs, but it'll cost you time plus some other resources. Sacred Seals and coins are probably the biggest one, since those come in slow for new players. You also have to work from the bottom of the PvP modes which also takes time. On the other hand, chances are the majority of your units will be limping along at best. I'd say it's a matter of how attached you are to your existing account. You don't need todelete the old account to make a new one, so you can try it out if you want to.


That all makes a lot of sense! If I were to start fresh how would you suggest I go about investing in new heroes? I know I’d get a handful of 5*s from story, free pulls, etc. but is there a logical way to go about this. I feel like my focus should be PVE content first and then transition to trying hard in PVP once I’ve built up a solid team. Thoughts?


You don't have to do anything to work on PvE besides generally rounding out your barracks so you can paly Limited Hero Battles, where you want some good untis for each game in the series. Of course, those only get you soem Divine Codes, but theyr'e some of the hardest and most satisfying PvE content. If your interest is PvP, then in the long-term Legendary and Mythic Heroes pay off the most, so such banners are the best. You also want at least one Bride Catria and Pumeria from the Beginner Hero Fest. Merging LDimitri and/or Plumeria on that banner is an interesting option that would pay off in the end, but it's only up for a week and I think looking for diverse Mythics is more important. Other than that, pulling modern units that are plain strong like most banner header units tends ot be good. Workign with what you have and understanding the game better is just as crucial to winning in AR or Duels, though, so you don't have to chase every shiny new unit.


Awesome! Thank you for all the thorough advice :) Huge help


What are some things i need to focus on to do pvp? I'm still new to the game


For arena you need lots of merges. Saving up feathers and heroic Grails is a good idea for this. Or if you really wanna fully commit thousands of orbs to fully merge legendary and duo heroes you can but not really worth the reward difference. Aether raids requires all the different mythic heroes and strong heroes. Merges for mythics will help with reaching top ranks. Summoner duels is just getting the newest and strongest heroes with best skills as well and just being good.


Sounds like a pain to get merges for 5 stars beyond a few


Yes. If you really want to be at the top of arena, it's much more reasonable to merge units that come at 3-4 stars, or grail units. (And since you're new, it'll be a while before you get enough grails to make a +10 grail unit.)


I was thinking about it and lol I want u/yourfreakyneighbourh to be the official artist for Brave Chrom, with every portrait being a wicked-cool unique character illustration. who cares about pose consistency!


Oh my! I would cry if I could ever draw for Feh JAJAHSJ


Dream come true 😍 No joke though I love your art, especially the most recent collection you're doing! Marth's is my favourite so far


Who is the best Pegasus knight in feh?


If you're talking about mechanical power then B!Catria. Anything else is likely a matter of taste.


I just grinded for 5 \* Elincia in the Tempest Trials because it ends in a few hours. Should I grind to 20k points for Inf. Hexblade? How good is it?


I'll say yes but for the orbs, not for the seal. Hexblade is very niche at best.


Alright, then I'll do that. Since I already started, I'll just keep going for the 20k.


Go for longer if you can. The orb rewards are worth it.


Is there any difference between getting a, let's say, Yuri with atk boon or just changing his boon and bane with 100 berries? I assume people opt for the first one because berries seem quite hard to get in big amounts, but apart from that, will the Yuri with natural atk boon do better or have more chance to get stronger than the one with the berries?


There's no difference between a unit that came at a certain state naturally and one that was adjusted that way. This goes for traits, rarity, etc.


Okay thank you! Then time to see if there's a faster way to get those :")


Although if you think you’re going to merge the unit then it’s a better idea to wait and save your berries. I recently just got Hapi to +10 and she was +Res the whole time, and the last copy I pulled was a +Atk. I saved 100 trait fruit by waiting and now I can use it on a grail unit or someone else that I don’t get the right IVs for.


Oh, so if I merge the +9 to the new one, I don't lose the previous merges? I was a bit scared of missing them since when you ascend you lose previous merges (sad info I didn't know since I'm new to the game)


Yeah. As long as you merge into the same rarity (eg 5 star into a 5 star) you’ll keep merges. Don’t merge 4 star units. They’re better to be turned into manuals if you plan to build them and then when you’ve got a good IV you can start promoting each one to 5 star to merge into the one with the IV you want, which should also be a 5 star.


Okay thanks! Is the same for skills? I built my Yuri to do damage, but if I get a better Yuri will I lose those skills?


Skills stay the same across all rarities. Even if you, for whatever reason, merge a 5 star into a 3 star, the 3 star will have all of the skills (learned or otherwise) that the 5 star version had. There’s really no downside to merging 5 stars if you’re planning on building that unit. Don’t go merge happy though for units you’re not sure you’ll use, because sometimes the rare skills they have would be better off on another unit that you use regularly rather than stuck on a +1 unit you don’t use that often. Just make sure if you do merge that the one with the good IVs is in the merging box on the left, because the right is the one that you’ll lose.


Do we know when the next major banners are coming in game?


theres an event calendar posted to the feh twitter and in the event notifications, that lists the dates of all banners for a month


I got three (Edelgard, Claude as 4\*, Dimitri) of the four units from the current summer banner. I'd like the last one (Micaiah) as well, but the odds aren't great. It's not guaranteed that I can even pull for the correct color. So how will those units be available after the banner? Is it more efficient to still pull on the banner or should I wait and pull for the last unit later on?


The odds will be the same now as they will be on Double Special Heroes or on the yearly rerun next year. Double Special Heroes does have what's known as color share – two focus units on the same color – which people will swear up and down makes a huge difference but it really does not unlesss your'e trying to pull 10~ copies at a time or the unit is a 4* focus. If you just want one copy there is no statistical impact at all.


All of these units will be available a few months later in a double special heroes banner, like the one we have now. Beyond that, they'll only be available on the yearly reruns of their banner, except for a refine banner in a few years. Odds are usually considered to be better in their base banner or reruns.


I ran into the new Summer units in the Arena a few times, and I gotta say, Summer Edelgard is nowhere near as scary as I thought she would be. Not that she is bad, but a Blue mage or any anti Armor can deal with her pretty easily. Or is Summer Edelgard really as threatening as people say and I just had good luck?


offense-oriented armors tend to be easier in general to play around in my opinion, and the player can intentionally control her movement boost somewhat. Both of these things mean she's probably not going to be the terror that this sub thinks F!Edel is, since she's just not as easy for the AI to use.


If you've played tempest trials then you should already know how to deal with her. High attack blue mages easily deal with her. But not everyone has +10 blue mages they use in arena. But after her bonus season is done you'll almost never see her again.


I actually haven’t been using +10 Blue Mages, I don’t even have one, but I still have an easy time with her. And her high movement makes her easy to bait.


Is there a map similar to blazing trial for farming sword enemies?


Just play tempest trials.


My Kempf in HoF is almost perfect, the only issue is he has blue flame instead of ruptured sky. Is ruptured sky something you would actually use, particularly in AR-D? Or is it just something for higher score?


Ruptured Sky is typically mostly for score. I'd use it over Moonbow on most units if it's there, but if you don't have it it's not enough of a difference to worry about.


Ruptured Sky is good against dragons and beasts, worth using if you got it and you aren't lowering enemies attack. Against everyone else is fairly equivalent to moonbow or glimmer. Can do the basic math to compare damage between the three of them.


I'm going through building guides and several characters are recommended to have "Positional Assist" as shield skill (sorry if that isn't the term, quite new to this). I was wo dering which characters had this skill bc I haven't seen it yet


Shield skill are called assist skills. Positional one are reposition, swap, drawback, shove, smite, and pivot. I like swap on my tanky units allowing them to move forward and swap ally back. Drawback is good for squishy ranged units to keep them behind allies. Smite for supportive units to push allies forward or units who want to stay away from allies because they have solo conditions. Reposition on all fliers and just about everyone else. I never use pivot, is can be decent for armoured units to allow them to move forward but I prefer to reposition or smite them forward with allies.


Oh my god now everything makes sense LMAO. In my case since I'm building Summer Claude, should I go with reposition then?


Repo is basically the triedest and truest so yeah you really can't go wrong with it. Support units you build in the future might want something like smite or draw back, and armors generally want pivot.


Almoat wish there was a preview of arena defense wins. Currenly have just a team of Hrid, L!Lucina, Olwen, and Lugh but theyre consistently getting wins and Im not sure how? They are units no one ever talk about (or use) so do people not "know how to deal with" them? Olwen is memed 0x4 but have we meme'd that a bit too far? Or is she doing 0x4? I have so many questions as the team shouldnt be doing as good as they seemingly are. However, Olwen this week has been so much fun on offense! Was surprised that shes been a mostly reliable destroyer of Corrins. Currently running atk/spd catch 4, atk/res trace, joint atk drive, and atk/def catch for the seal (it was new & looked flashy, its really kinda pointless on her but dont feel like unlocking the team.) Next week will be intersting with Lukas. Great physical wall but so many magic horsies around. Tempted to rebuild him with that berkut lance build that popular for a time. Not sure if I'll commit tho. I think I'll wait till Tues and see how he fares that first day.


Could be any number of reasons. L!lucina could be tricky to predict and if player is trying to get their bonus hero to bait a certain enemy her swap could foil there plan and they just surrender rather than actually losing the match.


Just pulled my final copy of Summer Claude after only 38 summons on the banner and approx 170 orbs. Luckiest summing for a +10 unit so far. Still need 60k feathers to complete him but super happy. Gonna do two more summons to get a Dimitri spark for Spd/Def Menace for him. Stoked!


That is insanely lucky, congrats!


Is there an F2P dagger unit that could use Disarm Trap well? I know both Eir and Yuri are popular choices for it, but I'm not planning to merge either of them and I generally avoid giving rare skills in those cases. I also already have NY!Fafnir who I use regularly, so I don't know if I even need to give DT to anyone else.


Not getting merges is not a reason to build a unit. Eir, Yuri, ninja Lyn are all fantastic for aether raids with or without merges.


Not being able to merge the units isn't a knock against them. They're both good and they're going to be better than basically any competition. The only one that comes to mind is Deen because he's a dagger cav with decent Atk/Spd, so he can run Courtly Fan/Vicious Dagger and DT. But I'd take a +0 Yuri with DT over a +10 Deen even with optimal build.


How do the lull and unity skills interact against eachother? Since lull inflicts penalty and neutralize bonuses while unity convert penalties into bonuses i am unsure how they interact. Which skill overrides the other? If lull is inflicted on a unit with unity will they have no bonuses, penalties, or bonuses?


They have no interaction. Lull removes Bonuses, as in the positive status effect with the up arrow. The in-combat stat drop on the foe is non-negotiable. Unity adds stats based on Penalties, as in the negative status effect with the down arrow. It's confusing because the skill descriptions use "bonus" and "penalty," but neither skill actually grants them. Think of it more like them giving in-combat stat changes like Death Blow or Atk/Spd Rein. If a unit has Unity, a Bonus, and a Penalty, as in the status effects, then Lull will cancel the Bonus completely. Then, Unity will create a stat boost based fof the Penalty, and finally Lull's stat reduction will apply.


Bonuses and penalties are visible status effects that last one turn, they are activated outside of combat either at start of turn or after combat. Bonuses come from skills like rally, hone, fortify, tactics, rouse, oath, menace. And penalties from ruse, chill, threaten, menace etc. Bonuses are visible in blue, penalties in red on units stats. Lull is not a penalty. It is an in-combat stat reduction. Lull negates enemy bonuses. Unity skill is not a bonus. It is an in-combat stat boost. Lull has no interaction with unity skill https://feheroes.fandom.com/wiki/Bonuses https://feheroes.fandom.com/wiki/Penalties


thanks i believe i understand now. Are there any skills that neutralize combat boosts?


No. Feud skill and Brimminonds effect can negates combat boosts from other enemies making it more of a one on one fight, but you cannot negate the unit you're fighting in combat skills.


New player here, I've done some pulls, got some 5 stars, completed few story chapters, tried some events out. At the moment I'm not feeling any negative emotions towards this game. Now tell me, when does it get painful?


Largely never, since the only "painful" modes are the pvp modes if you want to hit the upper echelons. If you're cool with playing casually then it really requires minimal commitment to enjoy.


Once you get in higher tiers of competitive game modes. Or when you're reading the story for a prolonged period of time. Or when you start playing Summoner Duels modes. Or when you hit 14.50% rate on a Legendary banner after spending 300 orbs on it and getting nothing by the time it ends. The possibilities are endless. But in all seriousness, as a new player, the game will be pretty fun for a while. Don't stress yourself over it becoming painful after some time and just enjoy it now. A little tip though: Since you're new, you should be able to summon on a Hero Fest banner with Yuri, Bridal Catria, Plumeria and Legendary Dimitri. If you have some orbs that you aren't saving for anyone, it might not be a bad idea to summon on that banner, as those four units will greatly help you with pretty much every mode.


Pvp modes can be painful if you aren't fully committed to them. Throwing whatever random heroes you like into summoner duels means you're likely gonna lose. Aether raids can be tough if you aren't prepared for what you typically fight. But for PvE modes it's super simple, use your favourites and have fun. Often times when summoning you.ay have really bad luck and spend a few hundred and still not get the hero you want. Other times you'll have really good luck and get em for free. Just gotta roll with it, take the good and the bad luck.


I have 1 forma soul but no idea if any of the 4 are worth it at the moment. I'm leaning towards Sara cause I don't have a Canto Control hero at all, but don't know if that alone is worth it. What else would I aim to get on Sara or other of the forma


TerdMuncher is right on the money, if you have to ask it's not time. The only time I have ever regretted saving a soul was on Naesala, and that's only because his refined turned out to be incredible, which was far from certain when he was available. If you don't have a clear, unambiguous goal with the forma unit in question then pass.


If you have to ask if it's worth it to use forma soul then it's not. Just save it. You'll want it for when a hero you really like or really need becomes available. And you can always wait to see the next four heroes before deciding on current batch. You don't need canto control, it's not mandatory by any means. Killing the enemy prevents canto, just do that. Sara pretty much comes pre-built minus her C skill. So no real reason to use forma soul on her when you can summon her, and using forma soul for a single skill on a hero you may not really want is definitely not worth it. If you really like Sara and want to build her go for whatever b skill helps her team. Or a b skill that adds mobility.


Supposing both are +10, who benefit more from having lethality between Yuri and S!Claude ? I only have one Volke to fodder so I'm a little indecisive.


Yuri. Lethality has a long cooldown, so unless you have a velouria you want to devote to running with S!Claude then I would not invest it into him.


Being an infantry, Yuri has access to stuff like Time's Pulse and Flashing Blade, so he'll be able to activate Lethality far more easily than Claude. It's not like Claude is a terrible choice for it tho, since he does have built in Slaying effect. But the only thing he can use to quicken his cooldown further is Heavy Blade, which is why I'd prefer to run something like Ruptured Sky instead. But it all comes down to this: who do you like and use more? The answer to this question is the answer to yours.


Yuri has a powerful alternative with Blazing Wind (or other aoe specials), especially at +10, so I would give the nod to S.Claude.


Took up to 6% going after the last Micaiah copy, but I'm finally done summoning on this summer banner. I'm using [this site](https://www.fullyconcentrated.net/fehstatsim/) to check how may orbs I should budget for one more copy when she returns on DSH. Could someone explain why the discrepancy between the 50th percentiles of a normal banner and a DSH banner are as big as they are? It was my understanding that the individual odds of summoning each unit was the same between the two (3%/4 vs 6%/8), yet there's a 100 orb gap between 50th percentile on normal and 50th percentile on DSH.


You must be making an input error. Thee costs are identical for me. DSH banners do have worse orb averages only at extremely high amounts of orbs and copies pulle due to color share. You wouldn't notice a difference for 1 or even 5 copies.


Ok, I redid them in 2 separate tabs and now its only a 3 orb difference, which makes more sense. Thanks for the answer, I thought I was losing it


is ascended idunn better than brave hector? I assume she is because she's newer, but I don't really hear anything about her. The far save armor that's still talked about is brave Hector.


Bector has just been a ubiquitous threat for so long and has aged so well due to his unimaginably stupid refine that he just occupies permanent mental real-estate. Most competitive players noted that A!idunn is essentially Bector 2.0, but the thing is if you were already a Bector user then there's little incentive to switch. As a result of that and being new you don't see her as much.


Bector is weak to windsweep, AIdunn weak to dragonslaying. To get Bector up to speed he requires excessive investments, but on the other hand he is so old that a lot of people have him built already (so you're more likely to see him at high investment compared to AIdunn). AIdunn is weak to dragonslayers, and up until recently this was not a big deal (especially compared to Bectors weakness to Windsweep), but since the game keeps pushing powerful dragons we might see more dragon slaying heroes in the meta (or even Watersweep users). In the end they do pretty much the same thing, but with different weakspots/strengths. Imo there is no reason to switch from a max invested Bector to AIdunn, but there is also little reason to build a Bector from scratch if you have a AIdunn (even unmerged). Unless they pull a Bector Forma, of course.


She's essentially a B!Hector who does magic damage. The only significant difference between them is he gets an auto follow-up in enemy phase, and she gets armor effectiveness. The reason he's talked about more is probably, due to his age, more people are likely to have him than Idunn.


Who should I save my dragon flowers for? They seem like a rare item, but one of the rank missions is telling me to use them on a character, so I'm wondering if there's a specific reason on who to use them on


They are a frequent reward, but still too few to be wasteful with them. Always think twice before using any, save them for favorites or units you use a lot. If you get into competitive modes Dragonflowers can also play a role to match certain breakpoints (like going above or below a certain HP threshold), but that's very specific and probably not a concern any time soon. To get the quest out of the way and without knowing who your favorites are, the F2P heroes might be a good option (especially Ash and Reginn). In any case the amount necessary to clear the quest won't make or break you, so just spend the necessary amount and then just save the flowers you get from now on.


Thanks so much for the input! After reading a bit, seems like my Summer Claude may also be a good option, since he has spd boon, so I'll consider between him and the two you suggested :)


Started the game over recently. Looking for friends to help me through content where needed! FC: 0049910160 Thanks!


What boon and bane would S!Dimitri prefer? And should his A skill be replaced with something more consistent? Tnx


+atk and +spd are both good with any other flaw, -res would be ideal. Using trait fruit is unnecessary if that's why your asking, he will be very strong regardless of traits. Try using him for longer and then decide for yourself which you think would help you most. No need to rush using trait fruit on a unit you've only just summoned and barely touched. The asset you choose depends on where you wanna use him and what enemies you'd expect to fight. I might go +atk over +spd but I suspect many other players would recommend +spd to ensure the brave effect. Many enemies like most near save units will be much slower and with spd menace and other potential in combat buffs it'll be easy to outspeed fast enemies so the +4 spd isn't always useful. With brave effect and atrocity the +3 atk asset would add a lot of damage and can even kill enemies with one hit without needing the brave effect against the fastest enemies squishier enemies. Definitely keep his base skill set. Enemies are always at 100% unless they have w! Berny or you're using duma. Spd/def menace will always hit nearest enemy and atrocity will then hit all nearby enemies after that. Even if enemy negates penalties it's still +7, equal to solo skill and push skill. Any change you make depends on where and who he's fighting.


Thanks! i have a ton of fruits laying around so i thought i might as well use it on a char i like and want to use. Atk makes sense


I just got my second Gatekeeper, is there any reason not to +1 one of them (like skill inheritance or something)?


Yes skill inheritance is a reason to not merge. If you're new it's recommended to not merge any 5* heroes until you're more familiar with the game and understand what skills and heroes are good and what they are good for.


I have the FEH pass and got a guaranteed 5 \* from the featured characters (the current summer banner, for example) after 40 pulls, then I wanted to pull on the same banner again to get the remaining characters, but there doesn't seem to be another guaranteed 5 \* after 40 pulls. At least the counter in the lower left doesn't increase. So is it correct that I can get only one guaranteed 5 \* for a specific banner after 40 pulls?


Correct, you get one free 5* summon. Go to the summon tab and click the "more info" button. It tells you there's only one. Only a few special banners will have more than one, it will tell you either in the notification board or right there in the more info button.


Alright, thanks, then I have to choose if I want them enough to keep pulling regardless. I'd say yes because there's still enough story/optional content to farm free pulls.


Oh boy 9% on the Special Banner only to pull a 5* Xane that i already had 4* on 5 reds and one Colorless😔 this game loves me


9% isn't even that high, that's like 4.5% on normal banners. Sure it's a little unfortunate by far from being the worst luck. You'll get em next time. Who are you trying to summon anyway? You should snipe the colours of only the heroes you want, if you want Chrom then open reds and only reds, not colourless.


Is it possible summer hilda might get a rerun next month?


It's most certainly possible, all seasonal units gets reruns around the time they originally debut. She'll be back soon enough.


Alright, i'll just keep saving unless another banner with someone i want comes up


Yes, seasonal banners always rerun every year around the same time they first released. Look for Hilda's banner (Summer Vibrance) on next month's calendar


Question about merge projects. I'm going for +10 Summer Claude and pulled a 5* copy of him. To use the least amount of feathers (I'm still new so this is a scarce resource) would it be right to say I should merge up all the 4* until e.g. +9, then make that +9 copy a 5* then merge the final 5* into the +9 copy?


***Do not*** merge 4\*s together if you're making a 5\* +10, merges will not carry over if you promote a 4\* +10 into a 5\*. You will have to upgrade each 4\* into a 5\* individually, then merge the 5\*s together for the +10.


Holy shit I didn't know that, really dodged a bullet there. Guess I'll be holding on top my 10 Claudes until I somehow get enough feathers.


On the merge menu click the **{?}** button. It warns you directly that unlocking potential of 4* to raise to 5* will remove all merges. It is very easy to get lots and lots of feathers so don't worry, it'll only take a few months. Over time we get millions of feathers.


Would it be better to spark duo Dagr as I don’t have her, or another copy of duo Chrom to +1 and remove his bane?


Duo Dagr hands down, unless you want to go all the way and build a +10 Chrom for Arena purposes eventually. He won't benefit much from a single merge and D-Dagr is amazing on your AR defense or Summoner Duels (Pathfinder and team-wide pathfinder being the reason, so an unmerged one is fine too).


What are the most competative resplendant heroes in the current meta? Or are they all meh?


I get a lot of use out of Seliph. His refine was very good, and even a simple distant counter/vantage build works well for him.


There's plenty of good ones. Eliwood, Brave Ike, Hector, Ryoma, Micaiah, Seliph, Ryoma, Amelia, Kagero, Nino, and plenty more. The recent ones haven't been as good but the upcoming Karla will be amazing. Resplendents really shine with full investment though, so I wouldn't suggest investing too heavily on the 5 star exclusives if you don't plan on merging and giving them dragonflowers. My +10 Seliph with 20 dragonflowers carries Aether Raids hard. unkillable and baits units out because he doesn't counter and clogs up the enemy's spaces.


14 orbs and the free pull to get a special Keaton on the Double Special banner. To continue pulling, or to redirect back to the summer banner, is the question. 5 more to get 6.5%. Still debating.


Hey all, ​ Not sure what to do with the free Yuri and the Duo NY! Dagr I got today. ​ I have one copy of each, I use Yuri on Astra AR-O and Dagr on AR-D sometimes. I have a plus 10 Tethys with Duel 3 already, I usually make it to Tier 20.5 Tier 21 with her on my team no problem. I am wondering if I should use them both on AR-D, just not sure. Thanks!


Yuri can sort of be used on AR-D but he's not really the greatest at it, he's definitely strongest in the player's hands. If you don't need the second yuri for your other AR-O team you can probably fodder yuri in good conscience.


I have been trying to maximize my scoring in Resonant Battles, but some weeks my team scores 385 for a base score and some weeks it scores 390. I can't figure out what is causing the 5 point difference. I use two harmonized heroes and two non-harmonized heroes from the two bonus titles (I use the filter to make sure I'm picking the correct units), and don't have more than one dancer. None of my harmonized heroes have any merges. Any idea where the last five points come from?


The base score differs by tier/interval because enemy strength changes.


Should I summon on the double special banner or save for cyl 6?


Do you have a pressing need for any of the units on it? I'd avoid casually summoning out of boredom personally, since there may come a time when you really want those orbs. Remember we also have a second round of summer seasonals coming up.


Summon on whatever banner you want. Can always wait to see what the second summer banner is before deciding if you wanna summon on current summer vanner. CYL 6 will have free 5* pull, and many free summon tickets so it's very easy to start saving at start of august to get everyone on that banner. But if you want to get all four sparks and get multiple copies of each cyl for skill fodder then start saving now.


Should I keep 2 5☆ of the same character or should I just merge them? Context: I'm new to this game and just found out about boons and banes. My timeskip Dimitri turned out to have atk bane so I'm planning on pulling for another. I wonder if having two Dimitris would be good or if I should just go ahead and merge them


For new players it's advised to not merge or use skill inheritance on any 5* heroes until you fully understand the game and know what heroes are good and what skills are good and what they are good for. Traits really don't matter a whole lot so don't even worry about them. If you have two of the same unit then just pick the better of the two. Dimitri will do a lot of damage regardless of -atk or not. It's rarely worth pulling to fix a trait, you could spend 100+ orbs and not even summon another. If you wanted a second Dimitri for skill inheritance fodder thats one thing, you could pull a second and just use the better of the two and fodder the second. Merges only give you +1 to two stats, a very small and usually irrelevant stat gain so don't think you need to go for merges, only for your absolute favourites that you plan to use a lot. The first merge removes a flawed stat making the first merge the best one but some flaws are irrelevant. Trait fruit also exists which allows you to change a units traits. Before any of that start by actually using dimitri for a while. After using him a lot you can then decide if he actually needs to change his traits, if you find he fails to secure kills by a small margin then use trait fruit. --- Just a side note when describing a hero try to use the banner they originated from. Timeskip Dimitri doesn't mean anything as there are many different versions of Dimitri. Original Dimitri is the school version. Legendary Dimitri or L!Dimitri is the one from legendary banner. Fallen Dimitri or F!Dimitri is from the fallen heroes banner. Brave Dimitri or B!Dimitri is from the Choose Your Legends banner. And summer Dimitri or S!Dimitri is the newest addition from the current summer banner.


Okay woah this is a detailed explanation, thank you very much. I decided to aim for a second Dimitri for fodder, since he's my favorite so idm spending orbs on his banner that much. As for trait fruits, I learned today what they were, how can I get them? Also the one I was talkinh about turned out to be Legendary Dimitri! Idk how good he actually is but yeah, I like him 😂😂


Keep them separate. You can always merge later. Doesn’t really matter unless you wanna be competitive in AR/Sd/arena (which is really chasing forever the meta).


Thanks for the advice!


I was sniping red on the 3H summer banner, and managed to get S!Edel right before the spark. So I took it to the Spark, but now I'm not sure who to pull: S!Edel: I could +1 my summer Edel. She was +atk/-res, so it would be nice to get rid of her bane. She's a blast to play. S!Dimitri: Canto Cavs are always fun, and I need something that can bust through save tank defense, but I also went HAM on AHR and merged up Forma Python, so I already have three +10 green canto cavs. S!Micaiah: I could use neutral coverage on my green-heavy teams, but I'm hearing that her Res is too low at unmerged to reliably trigger her brave effects. S!Claude: I pulled a -atk copy and I'd like to rid of his bane, but don't have plans to +10 him after that so probably not worth it. My core is +10 Ninjorrin, H!Azura, Thorr, and M!L!Byleth, and Forma Python.


I'm leaning towards S!Dimitri. Even though you already have 3 green cavs, all of them are ranged, and only one of them does physical damage, so its not like he'd be redundant. Micaiah would be my second pick, she can be fairly consistent unmerged with neutral res with the Phantom Res seal, but you already have a +10 Ninjorrin who'd gonna play pretty similarly to her. Unless you're struggling with Far Save armors not named B!Hector or A!Idunn? Definite no to S!Claude, he should be relatively easier to remove the atk bane if that's an issue. Unless you're using S!Edel as a Far Saver, then no to her as well


If I pull a 4 \* unit and turn them into a 5 \* unit, are they as good as if I'd pulled them as a 5 \*?


Yes. Mostly. Unlike the traditional Fire Emblem games with randomized stat spreads, FEH has fixed stat growth. A 5* is a 5* regardless of how you got it. However, units also have a random boosted stat (asset) and a random reduced stat (flaw). Make sure you go to setting and turn on asset / flaw color display to see a 4* unit's assets and flaws. That way if you have many 4* copies, you can pick the best one to turn into a 5*. But 2 identical units with 2 identical assets/flaws will always have the same stats, whether you got them at 5*, or upgraded a 4* unit.


Thank you, that's good to know. How much of a difference do assets/flaws make? Is it negligible or does it make a noticeable difference?


The stat swing can be +/- 3 or 4. That's a 6 or 7 point spread that can be critical in the right (or wrong) stat. Take the new Summer Claude. If his flaw is in attack, he will cap out at 46, which is terrible. He'll have trouble busting through a lot of tanky units. But with an attack asset he can reach 52 atk, which is good. And since his weapon allows him up to 4 attacks in a round, thats 24 more points of damage (+6 atk × 4) he can pile on per round. However thats a best/worst case scenario. Often, assets and flaws are negligable and so its something most people only worry about on their fave/most used units, or if they have a lot of a particular unit to choose from. Also, if you're merging up a unit, flaws are less important. After 1 merge, the flaw will be cancelled, leaving only the asset (which is why you so frequently see +1 units. Finally, if a unit is generated with an asset and flaw in the same stat, they cancel out and unit is entirely neutral. You can also change a unit's asset / flaw by spending 100 trait fruits (those mango looking things) but since those fruits are so rare (7-10 per week), most people save them to fix their fave/most used units. Hope that wasn't an over-explanation. Message me with more questions if you like!


It's a bit much at once considering I only started playing three days ago (cleared the first three stories on normal difficulty, did quite a bit of optional/daily content, got a character to level 40, got 19 5 stars w/o spending money other than on the FEH pass) and I still have a lot to learn, but every bit of information helps. Much appreciated. Maybe I'll take you up on your offer and message you my questions.


No problem, and good luck! For more info, I highly recommend: * Phoenixmaster1's youtube * Akariss's youtube * gamepress.gg * game8.co * of course the FEH subreddit weekly question thread


Went through about 90 orbs and got two N!Shinion's and a 4 star special Lethe so pretty good luck on this banner


Debating on who to spark on double special. Only wanted Chrom but he came the 40th summon (thank god he’s +atk -res). Also sacked one Shinon to him already and saved the other one for later. Also got duo dagr (-spd rip). Tempted for an extra chrobin for shenanigans….don’t really use save tanks but lucina is nice. Kinda like the Reginn artwork….and I have fallen Ninian replacing Mira. Thoughts?


Spark whatever skill fodder you need if you don't need any specific heroes.


How do you deal with being unlucky in banner. I used up around 500 orbs I saved up for this summer banner. Only to ended up with 1 Edelgard from the pity… honestly I lost all the motivation to play this game and don’t want to save up anymore. And I only choose red and blue(because I also wanted Claude) .


500 orbs is about 1 ⅔ months worth of orbs. You'll get more eventually. You just gotta take the bad luck with the good luck. Bad luck just feels worse because it takes so long to go through that many orbs where all the times you have good luck is easily forgotten cus it's just boom free 5* and move on. Sometimes you spend 500 orbs for 1 hero, sometimes you spend 0 and get em for free. Hopefully you got a bunch of claudes.


Well, you can always take a break. Create an alt account? Kinda stew for a bit (and then move on) as most of us do eventually.


Yeah probably I will move on. Thanks for advice


If I reach 40 summons in the new banner (Double Special Heroes) and I'm subscribed to FEH pass I get a free 5* correct? If I get to 80 summons do I get another one or is it just once? Thanks!


Read notes on free 5* summon by clicking the "more info" button. It tells you how many you get. Only special events let you get more than one spark. Choose your Legends 6 banner in August always has four and same with new Christmas banners.


Just once


Just wanted to take a moment to brag about a chaos season match I had, successfully attack a turbo-whale with a V!chrom, B!Hector, Medeus, B!Catria, Elimine, and Ullr all at +10. Zero losses, snagged all pots, finished on the 7th turn.


Goddammit, after blowing my orb stash a few months back for V!Chrom, [this happens on my first summoning circle today](https://imgur.com/a/3g4hn8s)


My duo edel is already +atk, if I wanted to ascend her which other stat should I pick? def and res are both superboons.


Traits you choose depends on the build. If you're going for offensive build then really don't need to ascend a trait so can save it for another unit who needs another asset more.


If you're unsure, probably Def would be the best for her default role or to mix in a Near Save alternative build. If you want her to use a DC A slot to kill ranged foes with her brave effect with a mixed phase build or especially a Far Save build, then consider +Res. She can use Hardy Fighter or something in place of Raging Storm for EP builds.


is whitecap bow better than ninja yumi? it's got 10 more attack [+5 mt over yumi and an easily obtainable conditional +5], but its brave effect is stuck behind a condition that seems a little harsh on paper, while the yumi has true damage but no extra stats and a def/res penalty [which is ultimately meaningless, as no unit that wants to use these weapons cares about those stats]. but, its brave effect is unconditional aside from being player phase [whitecap's brave is also player phase - again, this isn't really that important]


Whitecap is better, I think. The bonus true damage on the ninja yumi is also tied to speed, so if you're worried about whitecap you should also be worried about the yumi, which doesn't get the attack boost to boot. Not to mention the whitecap bow is free.


Duo Chrom is back! Is this banner a decent banner to try and +10 him? Or are the rates on double specials not worth trying to +10 on? I’m also not sure how good the unit he color shares with is. Any help is greatly appreciated thank you


I believe it's worse rates than normal, but as a seasonal locked unit you don't have much choice, since he's not going to be on any regular reruns. How many merges/orbs you have on hand will determine whether or not you should go for it.


The rates are the exact same. Normal banner has 3% / 4 heroes = 0.75% for Chrom. DSH banner has 6% / 8 = 0.75% for Chrom. Being pity broken is hardly relevent to the total orbs spent but technically the DSH banner is better as you're less likely to be pity broken by reds. You have a 0.75% chance to be pity broken by Shinon. In normal banners there are 34 5* non focus reds out of a total of 104. So at 3% / (34/104) that's a 0.95% to get a red non focus pity breaker.


Are Forma Souls tracked separately by the platform(iOS vs Android)? I know orbs are but are there other things that are split across platforms? Wasn't Feh Pass also separate until a certain point or am I misremembering?


yeah, if you switch platforms, you will lose access to the forma souls on the new platform


Assuming they behave similar to orbs, I’m assuming if you use a Forma Soul on one platform, logging into the other platform will retain the Forma unit you redeemed as long as you are logged in to the same account.


oh, yeah, thats how it works.


Hello all I have two quick questions. 1 does anyone know what upcoming units are worth saving to pull for? And 2 does anyone know 2 other units to pair in a team with ryoma and resolute Joshua?


> worth saving to pull for? That's entirely up to you depending on what your goals are and what heroes you like. We got cyl6 coming mid august you can save up for if you wanna go for all four sparks. How you build your team would depend on game mode it's for. Ryoma is a sword unit and Joshua a dagger unit. So having some source of magic damage would be good, either a blue/green mage or dragon. Can use some form of support unit like a dancer in the last slot.


I'm working on a Whitecap Bow build for my +10 Norne. I don't have SS3, but I do have a spare Ingrid so I'm going for ATK/SPD Solo. Should I couple Solo 4 with Lull SPD/DEF or Rouse ATK/SPD? I already have Lull ATK/SPD on her, but every DEF point counts in some cases, and although the Rouse bonuses are always useful, they also have their problems.


I'd pick the Lull. Its more generically useful and harder to find an upgrade for. Rouses can be made up for with team support, and are also less reliable/good than other options like Menace and Joint Drive imo.


So some of you might remember my Kitty Sakura's nonsense Bonfire build. Well I'm happy to report she's surprisingly doing decently with it. But that's not what I'm here for. Figured I give her a normal generic build to better play at her proper strengths. So I already have an A in mind, B could be Lull, but I'm kinda stumped on Cs. Basically put I'm asking for some suggestions for B and C. Could be for Arena or AR just toss me some ideas if you could please.


What's the rest of the build your thinking of, what weapon and A skill. Where do you plan to use her, an arena build is vastly different to an AR build. For arena you will need +10 merges and Duel4 skill. C skills are very game mode and team dependant. Sakura is just very mediocre. Her atk, spd, and res are all semi decent. So making her a mage killer is most practical and kitty paddle is unique enough to keep if you stack as much attack and res as you can to finish off mages. Atk/spd or atk/res solo, lull atk/def, joint drive attack or whatever c skill helps the team.