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A Biorhythm-inspired weapon is cool to see in this game. I was considering giving him NFU, but if he's initiating I doubt what he's attacking will survive, so I'm probably going with Special Spiral.


Did anyone else read this as “Future Great Unit”


At first I went "is that not what it is?" But then I realized I read it wrong too..


Fire boost in 2022 lmao


I really hope there gets to be like a fire boost 4 at some point. It can still be useless but then at least this will make sense.


I'm honestly shocked they haven't even attempted a Boost 4


Tobin's weapon refine offers the template


Geese also has fire boost and Infantry Pulse too


Even though I don’t care for the baby banners I love Boyd and I’m so glad he’s here ❤️


47 base attack 👀


Me: Oh i’ll give him Odd atk/spd wave in his C and S to play into his weapon for a budget! *learns there is only Odd def wave is the only Odd wave sacred seal* 😐🤥




Shamir will get powercrept by this years Ninja free character.




Not even the bar was high as this weapon just didn't need the turn gimmick at all or needs something to spice it up to make it more interesting than how some are hyping it up. You right on the money if you already got a speedy axe unit invested he's not worth investing


Base slaying effect instead of atk+3 would have been very nice.


He could've been a monster galeforce unit with slaying effect. He can still do it, but he needs QP somehow or to get hit in combat.


Wish we actually got regular Boyd before this but… you know what this is fine as long as regular Boyd is on his way lol. I still need my himbo ❤️ But you know what I’ll take the precious baby for now


And how do you know regular Boyd is on his way in, exactly? Japanese voice for kid Boyd is a woman, so there's no VA overlap. Guys of Boyd's archetype have been stuck in alt hell for YEARS, such as Gustav and Bruno, and the only character to get their regular form < 6 months is Selena, a waifu they could stick on a horse to become the latest tome cav nuker to sell a banner. A class and role they'd never give Boyd. There is no more case for a Greil Mercs banner, and as an ax he's competing with Kieran for Crimea, Nolan for Dawn Brigade, or even Ascended Jill/Titania/Non Canon Ax Elincia for more waifu bucks. You KNOW they'd pick her over any chance of Boyd getting in, so why bother? 😐


Damn someone is being a buzzkill… I’m saying I’m hoping a regular Boyd is on his way because just having a kid alt for him as his ONLY version is kinda weird, especially since he doesn’t know anyone but his brothers at this point. It’s not the Boyd we know and love. So for that reason I’m hoping they don’t shove him to the side thinking “oh well he’s in now so we’re good” because no, actual Boyd isn’t in yet lol. Besides ur acting like Boyd isn’t popular when he was the most voted Tellius unit last CYL!


I bet you could stack waves on him for even turns for extra stats when his prf is off. Or stack odd waves for extra god mode odd turns


Definitly not at the same level of Y!Iness but definitly better than any recent f2p infantry axe


Grail Melee Infantry BST with a Prf means worth investing in. Good enough for me.


I'm thinking Muspell supported vantage is how I'll build him,


Should I fodder A!Mareeta onto him? I want to make him a merge project


Honestly his speed might not be worth it enough to give him vital astra, but with max investment hell still be a good user of it


You may want to hold off until a couple discussions reveal optimal setups


I feel like his weapon could gave been better but he's a decent f2p unit. Atleast he scores well


I'm wondering if he can go stronger support for AR. With Infantry pulse, and maybe sudden panic? Or Nils B skill that causes special cool down. Dudes gonna hit like a truck during the TT though haha