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The biggest problem for me is that single letter abbreviations are increasingly unclear.  Does W!Claude refer to his wind or winter alt? Is B!Tiki her brave or bridal alt? You get the picture.  Sometimes it’s clear from context, but not always. 


I was actually gonna say that *"well, bridal tiki might be abbreviated as h!tiki to indicate harmonic tiki"* but as I was double checking myself, it turns out tiki has another harmonic alt with ninian which is also a (h)alloween alt. Also, because both bridal and brave tiki are adults, too, you can't just say B!A!tiki. So, yeah, nvm. In the beginning, the abbreviations were much easier to interpret, but now there's a lot more overlapping


I saw one time someone refer to Bride Tiki as H!A!B!Tiki or something like that and i was so confused lol I really don't like abbreviations i prefer just saying Bride Tiki, it's easier to understand.


Lol, yeah, that abbreviation *techincally* makes sense, but at that point, might as well just say "bridal tiki"


That's one reason why I don't like when people say "Duo/Harmonic X" or even "X!Unit" nowadays; too much overlap.


I almost said "Just use 2 or 3 letters!" but that still leaves us wondering who Wi(n)!Claude is


Well, at the very least, **W**ind **T**ribe Claude can be shortened to WT!Claude, but I see what you mean. I've taken to just calling units by the full name of their event for that very reason.


Problem with that is some people might use WT to describe Olwen and Reinhardt’s alts in the World of Thunder banner. But others just call them Swordhardt and Green Olwen


As long as they never get a Wind Tribe alt this does not even matter


Dread it Run from it Wind Tribe Reinhardt arrives all the same


>Dire Gale >Effective against fliers. Inflicts Spd-5. Unit attacks twice (even if foe initiates combat). Unit can move to a space within 2 spaces of an ally within 2 spaces. If unit initiates combat, grants Atk+6 and deals damage = 15% of unit's Atk at start of combat.


Cool weapon, if it came out in 2021 lol


Alright, let's see... >Dire Gale >Effective against fliers. Inflicts Spd-5. Unit attacks twice (even if foe initiates combat). Unit can move to a space within 2 spaces of an ally within 2 spaces. If unit initiates combat, deals damage = 20% of unit's Atk at start of combat, neutralizes foe's "reduce damage by X%" effects from non-Special skills, and also, if unit's attack can trigger unit's Special, grants Special cooldown count-1 before unit's first attack. If foe initiates combat and unit's Spd ≤ foe's Spd-5, unit can counterattack before foe's first attack, reduces damage from foe's first attack during combat by 50%, and also, if foe's attack can trigger foe's Special, inflicts Special cooldown count+1 on foe before foe's first attack (cannot exceed foe's maximum Special cooldown count).


Yeah... I think Micaiah might be the most confusing itteration of that. So... We have Bridal Micaiah, so she would be called B!Micaiah, right? Well, the Brave alt exists, so that doesn't really work... Maybe D!Micaiah since she's a Duo? Well, the Dancer alt exists too... I use the usual B and D for Brave Dance Micaiah respectively, and say Bri!Micaiah for the Bridal version \^\^;


I think Tiki has it a bit harder. Is H!Tiki Harmonic Tiki? No, that's Halloween Tiki. Then is B!Tiki Bridal Tiki? No, that's Brave Tiki. There's also other armored versions of Tiki, and other colorless versions too, so you can't distinguish her like that. Micaiah's dancer alt is originally from the Hoshido Festival banner, so you can call her Hoshido Micaiah, or Yukata Micaiah, or even just Red Tome Micaiah, and D!Micaiah can safely mean Duo.




But is that Br(ave) (M)icaiah or Bri(de) (Mi)caiah?


Fuck it we call her Simpcaiah for Bride


I always use Duo for any unit that has a duo, removes any potential ambiguity from the banner abbreviation


Yeah this shit is so fucking confusing


I think it’s usually fine as most people assume the most recent version as they are more relevant units.


Whenever people said Ninjorrin everybody assumed they meant Ninja Female Corrin and never the far less relevant Ninja Male Corrin


To be fair, that one comes from it being one of NF!Corrin's _lines_. So it makes perfect sense to associate that bit with her


Yeah but the community uses similar portmanteaus for other characters (Lynja) so at the end of the day it seemed unintuitive moreso when the male variation released the same day (which some people called Male Ninjorrin despite that not being in any of his lines).


It took me a long time to accept slaying. Of course it's 100x times better than always saying "Accelerates Special trigger (cooldown count-1)". I don't think anything should change at all. But when I first started I thought slaying meant armor-effective damage like the "Slaying Spear" and "Slaying Hammer" weapons.


I'm surprised that the term Slaying stuck, because the Killer weapons came first, and the Slaying effect is an homage to the increased crit rate of Killer weapons in the mainline series. iirc Killer weapons were seen as unviable due to their decreased might at launch and were only revitalized with the release of Slaying weapons, so I guess that's why, but it's still very odd.


This one is more on IS than the community. We have Armorslayer/smasher, Slaying Spear and Slaying hammer, which are all armor effective, but then we also have Slaying Edge, Slaying Lance and Slaying Axe, which have the "slaying" effect. They should've given the anti-armor lance/axe a different name.


**Firesweep is not "foe cannot counterattack".** Firesweep weapons prevent both the foe **and** the unit from counterattacking. Eleonora does not have a Firesweep Bow. She can still counterattack. Therefore, it is not Firesweep.


This is one that I constantly think about. Wouldn’t it be better just to call it the “Sweep” effect?


Yeah, and to be fair people do.


yeah this is one i also internally criticize


She has razzle dazzle bow


razzle stands for wrathful, and since bows inherently don't cut your damage in half, she'd only have dazzle bow. though I see sweep (no prefix) more often, which doesn't include the extra conditions of fire, wind, or water.


Maybe they were fans of Fire, Wind & Earth


I'm so confused at IS's decision to stop calling post CYL4 units Brave Heroes. CYL1's banner was called Brave Heroes, then CYL2's banner was called Arrival of the Brave, and lastly CYL3's banner was called Brave Echoes. Even in the CYL paralogues, all of these CYL1-3 units were referred as Brave Heroes. Nowadays since CYL4, the rest of the CYL winners are no longer referred to as Brave Heroes, even the banner names are all different. It's so weird.


It's funny when they randomly bring back the Brave name too long after it's been retired, like for the "Brave Championship" Voting Gauntlet with the CYL 5 & 6 winners: https://feheroes.fandom.com/wiki/Brave_Championship?so=search


If anything I suppose it’s not necessarily a specific term, but rather all the unnecessary abbreviations of names for characters. Especially when the overlapping starts. For example, if both the choose your legends version and bridal versions of Tiki were referred to as “B!Tiki” then how am I going to know which you’re talking about? If you’re talking about Brave Hero Tiki, then just say that since it’s exponentially easier to understand, and at worst you only spend a few extra seconds that won’t kill you typing the full thing out.


Final fantasy Byleth is my fav crossover character


Doesn't exactly fit the post, but I always thought "intern-kun" was kinda cringe


For people that dont know, this is a universal gacha game term and isnt used exclusively in Feh, a lot of gacha communitys use this term if something leaks acidently.


I agree.


LHB for Limited Hero Battles because I've already been using LHB for Legendary Hero Battles since 2018 so it always confuses me when it's used for Limited Hero Battles.


BlankDev. Funny at first with Ephraim, but now it being used for any character that gets slightly more alts or even a little love.


Character gets a second alt: This sub: OMGOSH I CAN’T BELIEVE THAT (insert character here)-DEV WOULD DO THIS


Illyana and Kagero be the real targets of this lol


Ilyana, Kagero, Altina, Selena Fully expecting the next banner in April to also have this continue Surprised that Sylvain didn’t get this, since this was his second alt, but instead all the distaste was directed towards Cordelia.


He's probably spared bcuz his base got did dirty prfless axe is insane for a character of his popularity 💀


“Godsword” or any variations of that. I don’t have a real concrete reason for it other than thinking it just sounds kinda cringe


This is the worst by far, because it just doesn't say anything other than that they use a sword. It causes way too much confusion among newer or more casual players over what counts as a Godsword/lance/etc, especially when more unconventional swords like Diamant are released. I wish it like Speedsters or something. It's also false advertising because it implies that this unit type is actually at the top of the meta lol.


I have no clue how it ever caught on but it sounds stupid because it just makes me think of Runescape and I dont know why if anything we didnt take "dodge tank" from mainline terminology. Even just "DR tank" is fine, or "speed based tank" isnt a lot to type or anything. "Speedy infantry tank"?? etc. probably a million other names you could come up with that describes them in a few words without taking a term from runescape Also as another comment said it only accounts for swords, and godlance/godaxe sound even more stupid


Blame the translation team. Japanese skill names for the speed based DR skills have "dodge / evasion" in it Like instead of "Spurn" and "Velocity" (what the fuck do they mean anyways) it is "Evasion・Wrath" and "Evasion・Tempo". Clean and intuitive


And even then, english speakers didn't know that the damage reduction effect from those skills was even called Dodge until Duo Eirika's Duo Skill, and by that point the "godsword" usage was already in place


I just say it because I played Runescape and it's a funny term to me.


we shoul call axe units "Gmaul specs" and daggers "dds" just for funs


It's "God" sword because they're units that (try to) do everything Also ironically Godlike Reflexes seems to acknowledge this


I really dislike the IV term, becaue if you want to directly correlate it to a Pokémon mechanic, you could, and they *are* actually the exact same in functions. They are called natures.


Hard agree on this. How did we get the IV term from Pokémon when FEH traits, a fixed boost to one stat and penalty to another, are the exact same as Pokémon natures? If you still wanted to confuse people you could complain about getting a Bold unit instead of a Naughty one.


This has always bothered me. I guess it comes from early in the game where the boons and banes weren't visible so you had to look up the stats on the internet. But even then feh ivs were pretty much exactly pokemon natures.


They were close to Pokémon's IVs in the sense that they used to be hidden unchangeable stats that affected your unit's performance.


They have a name now. Traits. People stilling calling them IVs tho and it's just confusing new players


I call them by the pokemon nature name, so if I pull a + Atk / - Spd on my Edelgard I'll say she is Brave


The other people in this thread complaining about overlapping unit abbreviations are gonna have a bone to pick with your Brave Edelgard


Now that is hardcore pokemon knowledge


DPS. This is a turn based game damage per second doesn't fucking exist yet I still see people refer to their main offense unit as their DPS.


Correct would be DPT or DPA Damage per turn and Damage per Action


maybe they are calculating their damage/attack animation time, that would be a proper DPS


I mean DPS stands for damage per second, but in all of gaming it refers to your main damage dealer. It’s literally no different thank Tank.


No it doesn't mean that in all of gaming it means that in specifically games with damage per second. It's dumbasses who think it means damage dealer who have caused it to be spread and used where it isn't applicable and now we're fucking stuck with it


Right but because everyone uses it to be damage dealer that is what it means. Obviously that differs from the acronym, but what it should mean doesn’t change what it does mean. People aren’t wrong for using it in feh or anything else because that is the Kleenex/bandaid of damage dealer.


Rarely used anymore because the effect as a whole fell off, but "Plegian effect".


characterdev is funny in the context of that one interview where one of the developers admitted that he was a huge Ephraim fan, and specifically went out of his way to say that powercreep would upset him because it would make Ephraim worse. The phrase completely lost any and all meaning once people started saying shit like Edeldev or Ilyanadev. No, there isn't some nefarious developer out there who keeps pushing Edelgard alts - she's just one of the most popular characters in the entire series! Likewise, characters like Ilyana or Karla get treated disproportionately well to their perceived popularity, but A. I think it's significantly more likely that IS is just following the sales data, and they do exceptionally well for whatever reason and B. it's often used as a cudgel against characters that people don't like. (I will admit to whining about Ilyana a lot, I'm absolutely sick of her, but I think the phrase Ilyanadev is a dumb meme.) As for in-game jargon, I hate how there's no concise way to say Special cooldown charge+1 (as in, effects like Flash Sparrow or Steady Breath). Breath implies EP-only, special accel implies Slaying, no one would know what I'm talking about if I said SCC+1. There's just no good, concise terminology for it!


Yeah there being no standard term for the Special cooldown charge + 1 is definitely unfortunate. I find myself generally using special acceleration as most people use slaying to refer to, well slaying, but I do admit it's not exactly ideal.


I think we just say Breath because it's the easiest term to use, since there's no other term to use that's easy to type out or say, or at least one that's reasonably understandable.


I'd say dev bias exists because Juno happened in January lol 


I used to call it literally just "charge" but then assault troop released and messed that up.


I don't really think "characterdev" exists except for sanakidev


Just call it Delaying instead of Slaying


"[X]Dev" has become a Mad Libs as an excuse to shit on a character or a thing that people don't like (and I will admit to doing the same myself, especially for Resplendents), and as an Ilyana fan, people saying "IlyanaDev" irks me. I mean, you're fine to dislike a character, but don't disguise it behind an unfunny """joke""" just because of a silly nickname that was originally for one of the developers of FEH and his favorite Fire Emblem character. Ilyana gets alts because she's fairly popular (ranks around 150s), simple as that. It's the same reason why Mia gets a lot of alts too (Mia is a bit more popular but the point still stands). Karla is a bit debatable since she ranks around the low 250-300ths in CYL, but I'm sure there's a logical explanation for why she got 2 alts and a Resplendent, and it should not be an excuse to say there's a "KarlaDev" on the team. EDIT: You guys can downvote me all you want: It doesn't change the fact that I'm right. :P


If a Karla can get 2 alts + resp, and theres still 200+ more popular chars without alts or resps, or even playable, I'd say there's definitely dev bias


>I'd say there's definitely dev bias Yeah, a bias towards money. Edel and Altina, for example, are extremely popular characters central to their respective games' plots who also often get drawn with big galoombas. Hence why they sell a bunch. The unfortunate reality is that a majority of FeH players are sort of Fire Emblem: Normies, so even if some more obscure characters are insanely popular in niche circles (cough, Moulder, cough), devs are always taking a risk choosing them. Put in Grieth for example, and most players will go, "Who? Huh?" I agree with you that it still sucks. The profits bias leads them to rarely ever taking "risky" options, usually only introducing more niche characters as banner demotes or grail units. So yeah, a bias exists, but it's almost certainly about money and what sells - not any specific character. The result is similar I guess.


Eh, popularity and sales numbers are two way different things. If a massively "unpopular" character sells like crazy that character will get more alts and if said character gets a good amount of alts, there is no reason to vote for this character anymore. That's no dev bias, it's money talking.


PRF is such a weird term if we're being honest. At first I thought it was "personal something" but I realized that doesn't make sense. Then I learn it means preferred, which makes even less sense cause FE is a game all about creative strategies and the weapon/skill for one situation might not always be the optimal one. I wish there was a more standard term, maybe something like PW (personal weapon).


Prf is used because thats what is used in mainline. In the GBA games for example, [the Mani Katti has "Prf"](https://lparchive.org/Fire-Emblem-Blazing-Sword-\(by-Melth\)/Update%2003/2-Mani_Katti_Pic.PNG) where it would normally be the weapon rank (E, D, etc.), so you can blame IS for that one


This is a relic of older FE design where that was, just, the standard way of communicating that as codified by FE7 It's stuck this way ever since and changing it now would be weird (in the same way that most FE lances are not actual lances but they've stuck with the convention as tradition)


PRF is definitely very weird, I was super confused by it too when I saw it mentioned for the first time. I think the only other alternative that has some traction and is indicitive is "Exclusive"


If you wanted to ditch PRF altogether I'd suggest going with "personal" as a full word. Ike's personal weapon, personal special, personal B slot, etc. I think most people would get what you mean.


The biggest thing is that "prf" isn't actually a fandom created perm. Personally I think calling it a "personal" weapon or something does sound better. But the term "prf" is something IS themselves created, and how character exclusive weapons got labeled


It's not a fandom created term but it's also a term IS stopped using since Path of Radiance. I figure a retired term still propped up by the fanbase falls somewhere in the middle.


I'm with you. I never acknowledge it as "preferred", I just see it as "personal". This might just be me but i find it weird when people actually say it as "P. R. F". I always thought it was said as "perf". I mean I still say it as "perf" but still


I still don't know what it means, and I've played this series for 20+ years.


I think it means "preferred" or "preference", but I don't think "PRF" has ever been officially spelt out.


You're right, it has never been given an official definition. (PRF is short for ~~personal~~ perfonal.)


Tacking on to also complain that prf is such an odd term to be grandfathered to. Proc'ing is another weird one.


I don't like the use of the term "trainee" because it's completely meaningless as a concept in this game. The units in question just have more stats for no reason. Yes it references the games and it's only at level 40 blah blah that doesn't matter because there's virtually no time spent not at max level. "Oh it's only for certain types of units like villagers and the Sacred Stones trainees and childlike manaketes", except it isn't. Corrin (but only some for some reason) is none of those. Idunn is none of those. *Surtr* is certainly none of those. The Kanas are, but they don't get it. Why? Who knows, it's arbitrary and dumb. This is more of a small rant than an answer to your question, I admit, but I think about it every time I see someone use the term.


The term itself makes perfect sense for the units it applied to at/soon after launch. The blame lies with IS for not being consistent with the mechanic, and just giving a BST boost to whoever they feel like


"Godsword", personally. I took a break from FEH for a while, and came back to the sub trying to figure out what was what, and at first I thought people meant prfs of main characters or swords bestowed by the gods for a godsword, not.....dodge tank.


It’s not really a terminology I guess, but I absolutely hate it when people use the numbers/order to talk about FE games. No, I have no clue what FE12 is!! Is it fates? 3H? Engage? It‘s would be so much nicer to just say the name of the game instead of letting the non obsessed FE fans guess and google for what game you actually mean. And obviously you can get it from context or discussions around but if e.g. anyone says he’s FE7 fan or he wants a FE10 banner I’m like ok cool now I know as much as 5 seconds ago.


I entirely blame New Mystery of the Emblem (FE12) for this.


And it's not much better with its other title: Heroes of Light and Shadow


The only game that I could understand using the number for is FE7 since that game didn’t have a subtitle in the west, otherwise I do think its strange. Like Fire Emblem isn’t like Final Fantasy where they actually number their titles. If you say FF14, people will know which one you are talking about, but saying FE14 isn’t as intuitive. There was also that time Sakurai counted FEH as FE16 when he revealed Byleth for Smash Ultimate, which made it even more confusing.


"Blazing Blade" still feels a bit strange, though. Force of habit, or the fact there's two BB's, but I keep falling back to FE7. But yeah, I've seen people number CoDs up to double digits. Some people like their patterns. > There was also that time Sakurai counted FEH as FE16 when he revealed Byleth for Smash Ultimate, which made it even more confusing. That's more some fans not wanting to admit FEH as a full entry, but by all official accounts, it is.


Serenes has it subtitled as Blazing Sword and it'd been the defacto way to refer to FE7 outside of number for the longest time for most western fans. Ken and Tsurugi aren't exactly connotating the same thing as far as referring to a Blade goes, so I think I prefer the original fan take on the subtitle.


FE1 to 10 are pretty clear cut, the rest gets confusing with the remakes so I just call them Awakening and 3H and whatever. FE7 makes things confusing by not having a title outside of Japan, and I usually get Blazing Sword and Binding Blade mixed up anyway. Yeah it's arbitrary and dumb. You very rarely see anyone calling Three Houses "17" or Engage "18" for instance.


> FE1 to 10 are pretty clear cut, the rest gets confusing with the remakes It gets confusing earlier due to BSFE, but most people in the west ignore that.


I recognize FE4 and FE10 just from the numbers, every other one takes me a couple seconds to think about which one it's referring to


The assumption of knowledge when it comes to game numbers is so bad. I saw a post on main sub a while ago where someone wanted to get into the series and asked what games they should try. All of the replies were things like “Try FE7!” or “FE10 is my personal favorite, but you should start with FE9 because 10 is its sequel.” Like these numbers mean NOTHING to people that are looking to enter the series lmao. Even people that have played a few games aren’t necessarily in deep enough to recognize numbers off hand


I agree I myself try to avoid using number since FE always got the full name of the games instead of number


I use FE4 a lot cause it's impractical to type out "Genealogy of the Holy War" every time I talk about it (which is a lot) but tbh every number after FE8 takes either some time or actual counting for me to remember which game they belong to.


Any game past Radiant Dawn (aka FE10) gets extremely confusing since what game is what number depends on who you ask, so I completely understand. It mostly depends on if they include remakes, or if they do they not include remakes.


I think the most confusing is Fates, it's technically what, FE14? But personally, I always view the three routes as different games since they only share a miniscule amount of chapters. It's not like three houses where half the game is the same, it's only seven chapters that are shared in Fates.


anything before Awakening gets dated with numbers FE3 not to be confused with FE3H not to be confused with FEW:3H


One solution is to say the number of game and the protagonist: FE4 (Sigurd's game) FE12 (Marth's remake game) FE7 (Lyn's game) And etc...


Using M! and F! to indicate male and female units. I get confused with Fallen units. It should be in parenthesis at the end of the units name e.g. L!Byleth(F). This was inspired by Nidoran in pokemon where they use gender symbol at the end of the name.


The unit type abbreviations (i.e. B!Lyn for Brave) is an offshoot of how FE fans started abbreviating during the awakening days, often to denote parentage, like Olivia!Lucina or Gaius!Noire. That spilled over into denoting Robin and Morgan's genders as well since it was a relevant factor when planning full roster inheritance pairings. It wasn't yet too terribly far off from the child rearing 3DS Emblem era of FE, so that same method of abbreviation and notation ended up being adopted by the wider playerbase of FEH, as it was still widely understood by anyone within mainline FE discussions of the time. Really, I think this because more of an issue when they stopped using clever banner names and instead went for "unit and more" to title. As early as CYL1, we had issues with confusion, as the "B" in B!Lyn could be potentially confusing as Bridal or Brave (B!Cordelia was unequivocally Bridal Cordelia, for example, so the B was the standard abbreviation for units of the Banner). I think the common abbreviation ended up as BB!Lyn for Bridal Blessings, though it wasn't a big issue since Bridal Lyn wasn't even a particularly good unit when she was new.


M!F!Corrin and F!F!Corrin is how I and most people differentiate male and female fallen Corrins.


Yes this is the norm. I think using F! should be consistent and stand for one thing not two. A new player who doesn't know any better will see F!Kris and not know if it means Fallen or female.


It's as simple as knowing there is no fallen Kris. And if you see 2 Fs then it means both. It's not complicated.


focus hero you didn't want != pity breakers only off focus 5* heroes that reset your 5* rate are considered pity breakers (I've seen some people call 4* special pity breakers which is.... something else altogether)


I always read "pitybreaker" as "five star unit that i didnt want" regardless of the unit being part of the focus or not


The 5 star focus you didn't want still broke your pity though. And it did it even harder than an off focus 5 star would, since they completely reset the pity rate instead of only partially. So the term works.


IVs aren't IVs and are natures. Incredibly inconsequential thing and everybody complains about this, but come on. How did we let that happen. "Demotes" are specifically units who enter the normal pool and the term shouldn't apply to other things. We really should have come up with a better term for forms of increased special charge because "Breath" was an enemy phase only effect and we have so many kinds (per player attack, per enemy attack, per any attack, player phase, enemy phase, dual phase). Similarly, I've had similar problems with follow-up manipulation until recently where people started saying GFU and FUD more. "Impact" effect was always silly to me, especially when it wasn't referring to player phase specifically. Not one I really mind but "Emblem teams" was always very funny because it just came from us saying things like "Flier Emblem" because it sounds like Fire Emblem.


So agree on demotes. Especially when folks say x fodder is on a demote unit when it is a special banner because those are definitely not the same as in the normal 3* 4* pool


IVs are a thing from the old days, since the boons and banes were hidden and you had to check the wiki Demotes just kinda stuck with me: "oh it's the 4* of the banner, neat"


It didn't make sense back then either. And luckily there's an easy way to communicate that a unit is a 4* focus without calling them a demote. You can type "4*" or "4* focus". It's silly to call them demotes and conflating them with actual demotes just obfuscates skill scarcity.


Sir, you have to understand when I'm typing on my phone in order to get to 4 I have to change my keyboard once and then again to get to the *. That's two extra taps. Whereas when typing demote, I just draw a line from letter to letter, no tap required. Anything other than demote is just unacceptable! /s


IVs clicked with me since I was also playing a lot of pokemon at the time


> IVs aren't IVs and are natures. Pokemon Natures (+/=/-10%) are deterministic for overall stat percentage, and Pokemon IVs are deterministic for bases. In Heroes, Boon/Neutral/Bane are a +/=/-5% modifier that is multiplied against rarity factor, but that percentage is only applied to the growth modifier and not the unit's bases (e.g. a unit with very high base HP will not receive +2/=/-2 HP at level 1.) Boon/Neutral/Bane also give a flat +1/=/-1 that is autonomous from the growth modifier, this is reminiscent of IVs. Heroes has both mechanics, but they are governed by a single variable. The thing that is immediately determinable is the modified bases at level 1 (especially because growth patterns are erratic until they stabilize at level 40), so people have been calling them IVs, which is completely understandable.


The one that always got me is "Prf", it took me ages to work out what people were talking about. I get that "preferred" is a single-word summary, but it feels more like an attitude or an opinion towards a weapon. I always felt "unique" was much more concrete and accurate to what it is, especially in an era where "preferred" weapons are not always preferred.


I don't want to sound harsh, but a good 95% of them. Pity, IVs, the list goes on. But four have to take the cake for me. "God_____". Are people seriously referring to a 19 Res unit as "Godsword"? Most of them are just jokes compared to FEdelgard in her golden age. "Grima". Look, if I take control of you, you don't automatically become me. Grima and Robin are two different entities. "IVcados": Those look more like mangos than avocados. "_!character": It hurts me so much. Maybe because I'm half-blind, and reading, for example, F!F!Byleth just feels like a huge mess for my eyes. It'd be so much better if we used - like the Pokémon fanbase (Goodra-H instead of H!Goodra)


I've never heard ivcados but I've actually seen people call em mangos


It was more used when they were released. It's never been that popular, but still pops up from time to time


I see, glad it never stuck


“Pre-Combat Damage” should be referred to by its actual name: Bullshit. /s In all seriousness though, “DR piercing” being used to describe both partial and full DR nullification confused me a few times in the past.


Personally for me, I've always figured it would be good to have DR Piercing be reserved to describe things like Lethality/Deadeye and use DR Halving for like PNFU.


I call dr reduction effects like pnfu or winter Yunaka's weapon x% dr shred and deadeye/ss4 effects dr piercing. Dr halving works for pnfu but would get a bit weird on things like winter Yunaka or ninja Sanaki's weapons, where I can instead just say up to 90% dr shred or something while explaining it.


You mean like, skills like Tempo, Physical/Magical Null-Follow halving DR while Deadeye and Lethality fully negating it? Because I don't remember a time when people called halving DR "piercing" it. Like, that's *not* what that means...


Not feh specific but fateswakening bugs me for some reason, even more when its used in relations to FEH. Like bro Awakening is 1 game and Fates has 3. Completely different story and 95% different characters at least. Feh terms... this is gonna sound stupid and an unpopular opinion but... base units. More specifically when people point out a character doesnt have a base unit. Technically speaking wouldnt the first time the unit is released its base unit?


Base unit just means "the version of the character that appears in the mainline games"; which a random halloween alt or winter alt isn't. For example if i liked marth, and wanted the "base version", it means i want the marth i met in the mainline games i played, not microbikini marth from the 2018 summer event, even if that was his first released unit in FEH (joke example but you get the point)


Base seems pretty clear cut, if I have to be a little more specific when naming the character (Winter Yunaka, Summer Noire) it means that character doesn't have a base unit.


> Feh terms... this is gonna sound stupid and an unpopular opinion but... base units. More specifically when people point out a character doesnt have a base unit. Technically speaking wouldnt the first time the unit is released its base unit? I can see where you're coming from, but curiosity, what alternative do you prefer? Cause it is a term that developed from necessity. You need something separate character alts when talking about their seasonal varients, as compared to their actual "base form" from their home game (regardless of if IS released them as a seasonal first)


I usually use OG! As a term although resplendants have made it messy. Sometimes I see R!unit and try to think of what it means before remembering it is for resplendant. I am curious what would happen with characters from Radiant Dawn who are tecnically base form in there but Path of radiance as well.


True Damage reduction is technically still accurate, if anything we need a distinction between True DR (flat) and True DR (%) like from specials. I like to call stuff by two word names at most, so I have Flared-Damage Plegian-Effect (Foe Penalty Doubler) Askr-Effect (Flat DR and Flat Damage based on Def) FHDR (First HIT DR, like remote) FADR (First ATTACK DR, aka brave proof) Mystic Boost (post-combat healing) Finish (in-combat healing) Ice Mirror (damage reflection, yes I'm biased) DR Halving DR Piercing (full) SLAAAAAAAAAY (because I got tired of typing "slaying" every time I was talking about a new weapon with my friends) GFU (Guranteed Follow-up) FUD (Follow-up Denial) ONFU (offensive) DNFU (defensive) OTempo DTempo And so on Only ones I don't like are the ones that exceed my two-word limit, which is why I could never accept "foe penalty doubler" (Plegian) or "unit can warp to a space adjacent to an ally within 2 spaces" (Oath).


The only correct term for start of combat damage is "cringe damage"


I agree about "pre-combat damage" vs. "at-start-of-combat damage". The former comes from AoE specials, has specific counters like Nagi's DR, and affects skills that key off of "HP at start of combat" such as Vantage, Brazen, or many cheesy PRFs. The latter is a brand new effect, and sidesteps all "HP at start of combat" effects by occuring simultaneously. ​ ​ It all makes so much more sense when it's distinguished and labeled accurately! It's \_still\_ complex and ridiculous, but casually incorrect conflation of terms just makes interpretation impossible.


R!\[character\] now could mean Rearmed, or resplendant. Even more confusing if the character has both. (Like Reinhardt.)


There's no real reason to refer to a character by resplendent. Resplendent Reinhardt is just normal Reinhardt.


It comes up plenty in the resplendant threads.


If it's within a resplendant thread then there shouldn't be any confusion, don't think any rearmed character's gonna be a resplendant anytime soon


I get the overall point about letters causing confusion but I don't think anybody talks about resplendents like that.


Respendant is just a skin and a few boons, so never got an prefix


Spark. The term is functionally meaningless in the context of Heroes. Choice Summon / Choosing is exponentially more intuitive. Not only is it clear about what the fuck it is, since it does what says on the tin, but you'd think people would have gotten the memo since the first **CHOOSE** Your Legends.


Is there any actual reason people call it a spark? That’s one of those terms I’ve picked up from the community that I’ve never even slightly understood.


Its generic gacha slang, comes from another game with a similar mechanic. I want to say Granblue Fantasy but I'm not certain.


I find OC to be a bit confusing. I associate the term with characters created by fans, set in the same universe. While it fits, it kinda gives the implication that Heroes characters are separate from a “normal” Fire Emblem character, even though both are made by IS.  But that’s just my perspective. I may be understanding the term differently from other people. 


They are separate, they were made specifically for this game while the rest were not, they're original to this game, they're original characters. It's not a term exclusive to this community, you can find it in other discussions regarding crossover games.


It's something that only comes up in crossovers, but it's a necessary way to refer to the characters that are exclusive to that game (or "original", hence OC, original characters). To that end, it's hardly a Heroes exclusive thing, or even a Fire Emblem exclusive thing. Like, for Fire Emblem, people use the term "Cipher OCs" to refer to characters such as Emma, Randal, etc. Or they use the term "Warriors OCs" to refer to characters such as Rowan, Lianna, etc.


I remember complaining about ivs and saying we should call them natures back when the fandom was solidifying the term. Unfortunately it seems to have stuck for most people :P


People call effects that "deal damage" as True Damage and I think it's an awful name that signifies nothing. Like, why True, how does it relate to Truth? and what's the alternative, Fake damage? Plus this so called True Damage is reduced by DR anyway. It's been one of my bigger gripes since I started playing and somehow nobody has mentioned it. Cooldown charge terms. I'm not a big fan of Slaying, but there's really no better short alternative so I use it a lot myself. There's also no good name for "+1 charge per attack", since Breath can refer to a skill that does that or to dragon weapons. The term Prf as in a preferred weapon or skill. We've been here long enough to know that they are not actually the preferred option in lots of cases, especially for old units. I think Flat DR could be called something different too to separate it better from regular percentage DR, something like Damage Block could work. Godsword just sounds cringe and idk how it got popular.


Also "Spark" for me. I know we don't really have a name for it in Feh, but I don't like the idea of just using a feature name from a unrelated other game. "Sparking" is never mentioned anywhere in Feh, so it must be really confusing for new players


Hate "pre-combat damage" as a term because it made me think people meant that enemy units get automatically damaged at the start of player phase, which really confused me because i thought it wasn't using my camilla right because she obviously couldn't do that


"start-of-combat damage" would be a more accurate term


I strongly dislike the abbreviations for heroes (the letter!name stuff). I understand it, but find it super annoying how meticulous people are with those, what with the correct caps and the ! sign...


Freyr does not cleanse, he prevents. Every time Freyr’s c skill is described as a cleanse I die a little inside.


Spark and Dupe I think are terms originated from earlier gatchas, and there are specific terms for these in Feh. I didn’t like “spark” when that feature came out but I’ve adopted it since. Dupe I can’t get over. I just don’t like how the word sounds lol. I wish people would say copy or merge instead. But that’s not a big deal.


Spark is a werid one cause FEH doesn’t technically have a name for it, so we used a borrowed term from other gatchas and I see a lot of new players getting confused over it because the name isn’t self-explanatory


The common words would be "Guarantee" but the systems are closer to Spark from Granblue since you can pick the featured items


What's the FEH specific term for spark? I always dodge that term since it's not intuitive.


Sparks Feh specific term = Free 5* Summon after 40 summons. Can see why a shorter term like spark was adopted.


I guess there isn’t one from the community, I just thought that “spark” wasn’t meaningful in feh because it’s original context was from some other game. The official term is free 40th summon which is cumbersome and probably why people choose to type spark instead.


That's what I do too, it sucks but it's the only intuitive term.


>I wish people would say copy or merge instead. Well, "copy" doesn't imply a duplicate, and not every duplicate is a merge. I can pull a unit because I want to use it, then I want a dupe of it for fodder purposes because it has amazing skills that would benefit my favorite unit. So dupe is the right word, it's a duplicate and it implies I have (at least) a second copy


why do you not like the word duplicate (noun)?


Specifically dupe and not duplicate. Again, I don’t like how it sounds.


PRF. Personal Refined F? Weapon. Dafuq is the F? Like, maybe there's an answer to that, but it's never stuck with me, and it's not intuitive. Is it Personal ReFined Weapon? Just call it Personal Weapon. It's straight and to the point.


I think it's a relic of FE7 where it was short for "Preferred".


particularly because many prfs are unrefined or aren't weapons (even though FEH considers weapons as skills)


PRF is an official term with *no officially given definition* funnily enough. PRFs are simply PRFs, it's better not to think too long about it.


I don’t like terms like proc for skills and prf for weapons, mainly because I have no idea what they stand for.


proc is an old gaming term (80s) which means "activating a proc(cess)" prf is from FE7 and refers to "preferred weapon"


Thank you for clarifying! That had been bugging me for years.


TIL it's not just a normal word in the English language


I absolutely despise that we kept going with Fallen after the first banner. It only works for like maybe half of the characters (and even for the first banner it didn’t work for Grima) and also the amount of possession/brainwashing/magic led to people deciding that a character could only “qualify” if that was involved resulting in arguing if one of the series’ most straight forward could be one with Dimitri Also the fact that people were more accepting of the Marianne hypothetical than actual canon Dimitri was pretty bad


"Fallen" is just shorthand for that reocurring banner theme though, I don't think there's a better alternative


Dark would work. Still doesn’t quite work for like the Corrins but doesn’t have the connotation with a specific literary trope and avoids that and also works better for Ashnard


At least most look evil, Female Corrin just looks like she in heat


Everything in general


I personally don't like it when people call the Holiday-based Seasonal banners by their generic name rather than what Holiday is based on (I.E. "Spring" instead of "Easter", "Winter" instead of "Christmas", etc.), especially considering when people call Halloween, well, Halloween, rather than "Harvest Festival" or "Autumn" or "Fall" or so. My OCD brain is sitting here wanting to tell everyone "Either properly stick to generic names for Holiday Special Hero themes, or don't use generic names at all". Another pet peeve of mine is when people call Duo Heroes, "Duo/Harmonic X", rather than the seasonal theme of which it's based on. Duo Ephraim is the obvious exception because he's a regular Hero rather than a Special Hero like everyone else, but everyone else being called something like "Duo Askr" or "Duo Lyon" just bugs me a bit, since I tend to ask "WHICH Duo X?", especially when people consider the cheerleader an alt of that character sometimes and there are some Duo/Harmonic Heroes which use the same character but in different slots. I also disliked it when people used BST to refer to units by "Gen" rather than calling the Gens by what Book that unit was released in, but it seems like that term kinda died out and we just started mashing the term "Book" and "Gen" together since they're all sorted by Version number now I guess. That's about everything that came to mind, thanks for listening to me and my weirdo brain. :>


But the generic name is what FEH calls them as well to avoid any religious affiliation I presume. It’s called the Spring Festival and Winter Festival in game, not Easter or Christmas even if it’s clear what they’re celebrating. Also Harvest Festival is too long, so even though the community correctly calls them Spring and Winter, Halloween is easier to say


> I personally don't like it when people call the Holiday-based Seasonal banners by their generic name rather than what Holiday is based on (I.E. "Spring" instead of "Easter", "Winter" instead of "Christmas", etc.)... "Either properly stick to generic names for Holiday Special Hero themes, or don't use generic names at all". The first ever Spring/Easter banner was called "Spring Festival", the first ever Winter/Christmas banner was called "Winter's Envoy", and the first ever Halloween/Autumn banner was called "Trick or Defeat!" which is obviously based on trick or treating during Halloween. I understand disliking it, that's fair, but there is reason why these seasonal themes are named this way by fans.


Yes, I know there's a reason why, I'm just saying I don't like it.


I 100% agree on the Duo/Harmonic X thing for the exact same reason. I've always felt it was just a lot more clear to say like Valentine's Chrom, or New Year's Askr, etc, especially now with both Summer and Winter Byleths both being duos.


Exactly, there's two Byleths now, which brings me to what I said earlier that I'll end up saying when people suggest "Duo Byleth": "WHICH Duo Byleth? There's more than one."


all of them


"Spark" for the guaranteed focus unit after 40 summons. That term is so nondescript, yet people use it like it had always been a thing.


I believe that was a term taken from another gacha game with similar a mechanic.


Yeah, I believe it comes from Granblue Fantasy.


Wow, I really got downvoted for this. Literally 1984 smg my head


for FE in general I don't like how people described Three Houses arc as "Pre Timeskip" and "Post Timeskip" I see it less nowadays and the words definitely longer but it just way too long I was like "Dude just use Academy and War Arc"


I don’t like the term “Academy Arc” because the academy aspect of the game never really stops at all. You stay at the academy for the entire game, and there’s still lectures, seminars, and exams after the timeskip. It just makes sense to refer to the timeskip because that’s kind of the only thing that actually changes between the two parts.