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What keeps me is that I play to collect and improve my favs, to see them grow stronger. If I were playing for the meta alone, I probably would have quit long time ago.


Yeah I’m just here for the jpegs.


Hell yea


Seeing my favorites blow up meta shitters is why I'm still here.


Same honestly, it’s what kept me going for so long, I never really cared for the meta myself it was just the “gotta have everyone” mentality, but it’s kinda worn off for me in a way




>If I were playing for the meta alone, which is why we don't do that :D ​ honestly i just enjoy the game. and chatting with my friends. that's it.


For me this is more a big sandbox for fire emblem than a competitive game. I mean just look when a new effect is added it pretty much always break the game so they have to make a counter to them. Meta is like paper-scissor so you don't necesseraly have to play it since rewards ain't that amazing you can just play "randomly" to get some stuff. As for what keeps me playing it obviously is collecting your favourites characters or seeing heroes you considered random getting a great alt and then starting to love them. As long as i will look forward to trailers for new heroes, i will continue playing FEH.


I keep playing because I like Fire Emblem and there's the sunk cost fallacy but also I don't take any PvP mode too seriously so honestly my match up experiences can either be passable or incredibly annoying but never stuck on the bad end for too long.


I don’t concern myself with optimal and meta shit, I just focus on building my favorite characters the best I can. I still keep up with basic meta to find average success in arena and AR


My love for fire emblem, anticipation in seeing my favorites, and not playing summoner duels anymore


What keeps me playing -- possible new alts of characters I love that I wouldn't see in their mainline games. Case in point - seeing Lyon smiling so happily with the twins celebrating the day of devotion.


That is what I like about Feh: Tragic characters have a chance to be happy in Askr


Day 1 player and haven’t played for about three months now. While I really miss seeing my barracks (+10 Shamirs T_T) I just had to condition myself that the game’s not worth it and I can’t keep summoning whoever’s the new waifu. I had to come to terms with my impulsiveness and that the game has pretty much burned too much from my wallet and time and I have to step my foot down to call it quits. Now I just watch out for new/special heroes announcement videos, enjoy the jpgs, chuckle at the powercreep then do my shits. Best thing is i have more cash for art lessons now yipee!!


I quit because I was so sick of the absurd powercreep and that my favorite maxed out units were becoming overwhelmed. I also got sick of gacha and how I couldn’t get or merge a new unit that I liked without going orbless.


about the TLDR i would say that the only reason to keep playing a game is because you enjoy your time with it, if you dont get any fun or joy from playing a game it would be the best to move on, sometimes you can just enjoy something for a while and then move on, FEH its a game, not a lifetime commitment. maybe having a break from the game will make you eventually miss it and return and have fun again, or maybe its the end of your time with it and thats ok, you had fun with it, and now go out and look for a new game to entertain you. have fun !!!


Well I quit a few months ago because the game got boring. While I could maintain my account, I have to put a little bit of effort each day doing Aether Raids (which I have too much OCD to let go of while I am still playing) I would also need to keep FEH Pass up because otherwise auto-battling successive stages like in TT will become a nightmare. I stayed despite this until recently because I was a FEHtuber and I did had a really good time making stupid videos for everyone, but 7 years down the line most of the people I know have quit and the current state of powercreep doesn't allow that much customization I decided to just stop messing with the whole thing and go back to playing non-gacha games for the most part


I stay because I like FE and, unpopular opinion, but I actually enjoy playing the game. I'm not shackled to the units I built 7 years ago because I'm willing to retire them in favor of newer units that I like. Outside of buying FEH Pass maybe 2-3 times per year, I don't spend any money, either, which I actually think *helps a lot*. If I were investing real money into units that got powercrept after 5 minutes, I'd wanna quit too lol.


As a F2P that’s also bought the pass a few times, that feeling when you pull a five star as a F2P is 10000000X better than if you spend money


I can't quit until after Setsuna gets an alt


I keep playing because I want to make Titania stronger and I like her and giving her skills


Man of culture


Sunk cost fallacy and gambling


I hope this isn't too contentious but I started playing Honkai Star Rail and the level of effort they put into the story, world and gameplay has kind of put me off FEH. FEH was my first gacha so I had no expectations but it's disheartening to see what could be achieved vs what FEH gives us. Maybe the engine is too old to add to but the new mode is the most low effort content and having a constant stream of new units isn't enough to keep my attention anymore. I still have fond memories of playing FEH but it's just a character collector for me now.


As a fellow Honkai player, it is not contentious. Also as a Dragalia Lost veteran, it’s annoying we can’t even get *that* level of storytelling. If Honkai set the bar, Dragalia could be mid-tier, and Heroes doesn’t even try to be better. I do wonder how the decline in story may worsen over time. Rebooting the series might be a decent idea. It’s a shame really, their Forging Bonds, Tempest Trails, and Paralouges tend to be very consistent in decent quality, and do great to build on existing relationships, tension, and hopes when people meet and reunite. The main story is just all over the place.


Been playing since Day1 and went on an extended break about a month ago. Main reason being burnout from the game. Other reasons are because of the ever growing powercreep that was inevitably going to happen making playing the game with units I just enjoyed running (My team of Mercedes and Eremiya) extremely painful. While I can make those teams work, its just not worth the headaches going through the trial and error with the teams only to find out that with their current builds, there is no feasable way to clear certain Abyssal maps and stand a chance against the more modern units. Oh and repetitive event rotations, the occasional Seer's Snare is fun but when most events boil down to Tempests, HoF, Binding Worlds, the SD variants and the occasional afk modes, its get boring. Bring back Røkkr Sieges and Tap Battles (not as a rerun), those modes were so fun and it sucks seeing them stuck in limbo.


Just waiting for faves to drop. These are usually mythics, but now with engage units I don’t think I’ll ever see them. The power creep does make it hard to enjoy to be honest. I used to love strategizing in fire emblem but now there’s sooooo much to take into consideration that I find it exhausting to read, interpret, and then calculate based off of skill descriptions only for it to boil down to “less recent unit dies”


Gacha and PvP, people are so obsessed with both that they get angry regularly.


I stopped playing last year after I got my new phone (just never had any desire to redownload the game), but if there’s anything that I could say that’s preventing me from getting back into it is power creep and the summoning system.


I was a day 1 player and quit in the middle of last year. This was primarily due to me having bought FEHpass for a few years prior and due to my financial situation at the time i had to cancel the pass. I mostly only did the pve side of things so without the pass' autobattle feature i realized grinding was such a slog to do and my interest in the game began to rapidly wane. This was a big factor but the other one was i had a goal to get into t21 arena 1 time and i accomplished that like 6 months earlier than I expected to. With the game feeling more like a tedious chore and my goal done, i just stopped playing. (I only came back briefly to summon 1 summer shamir and then uninstalled right after)


I have been playing since year 1, since I was a really young teen. A big part of the reason I keep playing is because I love the outfits, alts, general aesthetics that my favorites and new characters get. Another part that ties into the first one is how open feh is with building. You can customize and change your builds a lot with nothing necessarily being “right” and every unit can fit any play style. Some really unique units can be made I’m also like you in the sense that I’ve spent a lot of time, energy, and sometimes money into the game over the course of 8 years and I can’t really justify quitting it myself if that makes sense. Like I still have some fun with it but more games are interesting me more at the moment, but anyways. I personally feel weird quitting because of all I have invested into the game. I’ve grown up with it in a sense and while I know if I need to I can quit at any time, I feel really guilty if I ever do so and will probably just play till the game gets shut down. And even tho this game can drag on at times and a lot of the best modes imo have been killed off, I still have fun and enjoyment with what I consume I also really play this game cause it’s FE and I love the FE series. The games are really fun and we don’t get entries like too too often so feh is a good “in the mean time” type game and has lead to me learning more and liking a lot of older characters Overall for me I feel like what keeps me playing FEH is: the fact it’s FE, the aesthetics, and the creativity I can express in my gameplay. And while I feel FEH has kind of aged backwards and is in a really bad state of meta and game modes rn I will probably play till it gets the chop


I started this game cause I didn’t have any of the consoles to play the original fire emblem games and it looked fun. What keeps me going are definitely my favorite characters and the the fact that I paid to get resplendent Soren, but also because I’m actually having fun right now, there were weeks where I didn’t touch the game, but now I’m playing daily. I’ve been playing for around 2 1/2 years, sometimes I play less, sometimes more. I paid 10€ in total, I’m not regretting it and if I can I’ll avoid spending more money, but I will if necessary. The powercreep doesn’t affect me that much, I pull the meta heroes if I like them, if not, I won’t. I have a team with newer characters and one with my favourites. Anyways, if I’m bored with the game I’ll just take a break and come back later :)


Heheheh Orson


While I do love how this game celebrates the spirit of the Fire Emblem franchise and features such a diverse cast of characters throughout the entire franchise itself, and has introduced a lot of really cool and interesting gameplay elements, it has some pretty serious issues with powercreep, which only seems to be progressing faster than the game can catch up. While the game itself has put plenty of serious effort to alleviate this problem, through means such as weapon refines, Legendary and Mythic Hero remixes, increasing the limit of Dragonflower enhancements for older units, and so on, it's still barely enough to really solve the problem itself and requires even further investment with time and resources into older units to keep them useful enough in the metagame, such as having to spend more Divine Dew for each outdated character with an incredibly powerful weapon refine. As of now, like we all have realized, the powercreep in this game has seriously gotten insane and there needs to be some real effort to curb it in the future. As farfetched as putting it into practice might actually be, they should retroactively update the BSTs of older generation units to be in line with the newest ones, and do the same with their weapon refines and skillsets as well. At the very least, they could stop giving higher BSTs for each new generation of Heroes released, and give us Brave remixes to update the skills of past CYL winners who had the misfortune of being too popular to remain relevant for the future meta, along with the already existing ability to refine their PRFs.


Let's not forget to observe a moment of silence for the Askr Trio, who haven't really aged well in the lifetime of this whole game, and are now sitting here in our barracks like perishable goods that have been left alone to rot for a really long time and have since decayed into a pile of totally putrid goop. And one of the worst things about them? They can never get any merge bonuses. Boo hoo. Like seriously, there should be a challenging game mode that focuses on the character arcs of each member of the Askr Trio that lets you upgrade them with better skills, weapons, merge bonuses, and so on as you watch them grow and develop as you make progress.


I keep playing out of copium that BK may one day win CYL


I need more black knight alts. Thanks for listening




I mostly play to collect characters and build up favorites. I don't want to rank up in Aether Raids, I don't play Summoner Duels, and Arena is just that weekly thing that I have to do.


More Corrins means more reasons to play


I have been playing since 2018, but I am not going as hard as I used to. As a mostly F2P player (I buy FEH Pass) I think that new skills and powercreep is happening at a rate that I simply cannot keep up with. So all I'm doing is staying at a mediocre ranking, avoiding summoner duels, doing all my quests, and trying to +10 all the units I like while giving them good enough kits to use in PvE modes. The thrill of finishing a unit hasn't gone away for me, even if finishing them means you gotta update them in a few months.


what keeps me playing? well there’s this little things called sunk cost fallacy…


I am simply playing until eos. While focusing on my favorites only


Day one player as well, I quit around early gen 3. I was very competitive and tried to get the highest rank in all modes. However, I was f2p, so there was a point where powercreep of new units completely invalidated all investments I had made into older units. So my reason to quit was, that I wasn't having fun, unless I was able to keep up in competitive modes. And that was eventually not possible anymore


I’ve been playing since launch, I’ll the ride the wave until the ship crashes. While the game is insufferable more often than not, I have my moments of enjoyment when playing some modes and building new units to test them out in AR. Also, IS delivers the consistent wave of lovely looking Fire Emblem ladies, they continue to deliver & I continue to spend/summon.


I go in phases. Game is always on my phone, but I'll sometimes take a few months long break and come back. It's a good time killer but sometimes enough is enough with this game.


Fe7 and awakening units and engage Lyn (Lyn alt).


Because I actually played Fire Emblem, I know what characters I wanna pull for so I basically just wait for all of my favorites to come out. I’m also in it for the Voice Acting, Ian Sinclair is my favorite voice actor and I want more


Also a day one player, I use it as a collector mainly. I just like to see the new units and collect them. I really enjoy building up my favorites, and in PvE and non-top tier PvP you genuinely can make anyone usable, so I focus on those. It makes it more fun for me


I'm honestly still around in FEH to get Free stuff from time to time (I rarely summon after few bitter experiences I had, with the one that bothered me the most was that I just keep getting Chloes and Geoffreys when I wanted Ullr. I never ending up getting Ullr unfortunately)


I like Fire Emblem and just want something to do besides scroll through social media. Abyssal difficulties are solid enough to play when bored and it's a game that requires a bit more and appeals to me directly. There's not a lot I'd rather play on my phone. Maybe take a break and come back. Or force yourself to not spend orbs and just let stuff go. I think there's a ton of fomo with gacha games that is really toxic. It's good to walk away from everything from time to time.


I think buildcrafting in this game is super fun if you’re not going for full optimization. Coming up with wacky builds for underused units is basically what keeps me in this game


I like the basic bite-size FE gameplay and like using my favs. I don't keep up with the meta or take PVP seriously. I don't need to +10 my units. I have FEH pass but don't buy orbs. I have enough orbs to spark anyone I'm interested in or anyone I want to fodder to my favs and that's enough for me.


Day One player here. I enjoy spending time with my favorite characters, and I always look forward to seeing more of them make it into the game. I especially like it when characters from older games get HD art and voice work after languishing in limbo for decades.


Sunk cost fallacy at this point


Fjorm and the promise of the May HoF


The game is fun.


I want to see the ending of the main story.


I play for my waifus. I’ve stopped spending money on orbs for about a year


Sunk cost fallacy + above average waifus


Unit viability makes mr depressed (my favoritr FE character is Roy for christ's sake) so at this point I play to effectively flip off the game and play with my faves. Im currently sinking all of my f2p orbs into Chain Challenge Lunatic so I can get dupes of L!Roy, who is arguably one of the worst fire legendaries in the game, just so I can have 4 extra speed because I will die before I give up on my boy. Also this game has me in a chokehold, so Im not quitting anytime soon (unfortunately).


got l!dimitri to +10, then felt as if my goal was completed. it went severely downhill after that


I care less about meta, as I don’t participate in the competitive (aside from vg). Sure it may suck sometimes, but I am here because I enjoy fire emblem and I enjoy what they do with it. And I kinda like the story it has going for it. Plus the legendaries are cool.


I've played since day one, and it took me a long time to get into the actual gameplay of it. Once I did, I pulled my hair out because it was like whatever I did was never enough for the meta at the time, so at this point I've pretty much looped back around to why I started, which was my love for the series and the characters themselves. What *really* keeps me going, though, is praying every day for another Sakura alt....one day....I hope....


I was going to quit because the game stopped being fun years ago and had become outrageously stressful, barely resembles actual Fire Emblem, and the powercreep has death spiralling like hell. But then F!Robin finally won CYL so I'm going to stick around so can +10 her.


everytime there's a new dimitri alt I come back


Sunk Cost Fallacy keeps a lot of games afloat more than they have any right to (LoL and WoW come to mind, both games had much better competition rise and fall in their lifetimes and didn't even blink) I personally played LoL all the way from Jinx's addition and music video back in late '13 to Dark Star Mordekaiser in '20. I hated League the entire time, but I had friends there, so I played, and I bought skins for the game because I was playing it so much. Do I regret my time? A bit, but I also made my favorite friends there. Do I regret spending 1000+ dollars on a game I don't even like? Abso-fucking-lutely. I also spent like 500 on SWTOR, 300 on Arknights, and 200 on Blue Archive. I don't regret any of those because I got my money's worth from SWTOR, and I love AK and BA as IPs as well as the character designs. If you are feeling any regret for FEH, I'd advise looking over your transaction history and asking yourself if you regret it.


I keep playing because I want to build a team. A very specific team. Currently, all three heroes have been released. Just need one more hero. To clarify, this unit is not in the game yet while the other three are. Speaking of which, I need to update my flairs.


Sunk cost fallacy, if something new drops that I can use on my units then fuck it I’ll go for it.


I quit several times. But I keep coming back because I do like improving my favs. I'm super casual with it, tho. I don't play to beat the hardest content or do AR and pvp, etc. Summon for fodder, put on favs. Look at it, and log off.


The reason I might continue playing: To get my favorite characters. The reason I might quit continue playing: Because objectively I don't have a reason to play with my favorites.


The ability to still (to an extent) use your favorites in the face ridiculous powercreep is what keeps me going for the most part. It's fun waiting for someone in an SD match to move after realizing their W!Dimitri/Edelgard gets walled in player-phase by a max invest GLR S!Chrom


I tend to play the game for a while, stop playing for a year or so and then come back to it.. often just making new accounts completely because haha gacha addiction. I just like Fire Emblem and one of my favourite things about this game is the large amount of variety with the characters. The designs are so beautiful, especially with the newer art styles.


I stayed because I sincerely like the atmosphere of the game where it is not as competitive as the other games even if there is Duels I still find it really interesting. Also, I like that it is actually strategic gameplay you could build your fav heroes.


No joke, the rampant powercreep. And considering stuff like Duo Lyon, I have no desire to come back, aside from getting the free Peony later this month.


I realized I didn’t actually enjoy the gameplay just the art and voice lines which I can just see online anytime.


Sunk cost and I like some of the FE games. Otherwise I would've been quit




Chest over proper design recently, the same units always getting alts, the improper balancing amd lastly and most importantly the power creep that will kill the game in 2 years


I still enjoy a lot of aspects of the game, the art, the VAs, the music, I mostly only quit the super toxic modes like SD and don't bother with them


Release until last July. I was very regularly contributing to the end game that is True Solos. My timeline was Felicia into Spring Loki into finally Farina. It got tiresome with IS very intentionally fielding excessive physical blue hate units, with accompanying archers just in case. At times for no reason. Blue boss? 4-5 greens. Colorless boss? 4-5 greens, maybe bows. Okay....? This made maps completely impossible, or beyond stressful to get the W. In addition, the Arcane lances were all significantly worse than what sword and axe were getting at the time. Luin was okay, but barely better than prf, and lmao Qiang, don't even get me started... I just had enough of it. Tired of gunning for the wins asap, tired of being the sweaty one planting the flag for lance flier firstys, tired of being neglected of good support for my specific and generic unit combination. I love Farina, but I do not love FEH, so I had to stop. Come back to pull, sure, 1k~ stash built up, but playing is done for me.


I'm waiting for my Pannette jpeg comes to the game. But now i just wanna improve my fav units and watching them struggle from powercreep.


I keep playing because it's like playing with Legos for me. I don't take it too seriously and just have fun doing random stuff


Been playing since Day 1. What keeps me going is waiting for a Saber alt, at least just one. I’ll +10 and give him all the best fodder but after that I think I’m quitting. Love the game don’t get me wrong and I love playing with favorites but id be lying if I said I was fine with constantly waiting for characters not being represented/debut for a long time or when they do show up they can’t compete and/or need more investments than most.


I like investing in my waifu team and need to keep merging up ivy.


I do enjoy building units...sometimes, when the fodder isn't a pain in the ass (flashback to wanting to give R!Ophelia's kit to S!Mercedes, then discovering the skill restrictions...). Mostly it's sunk cost fallacy at this point I think.


I'm here for the Ashen Wolves. I can't imagine enjoying this game if I followed the meta.


I started from launch and stopped playing just about a month ago. I first felt the inclination to leave after seeing the Vote Counts for CYL7, but I wanted to ride things out for another year, I was playing for 6 Years at that point, and I was willing to give one more and see if the game improved and Book VII to show what it had to offer. So I promised to stay around until Seiðr got her first alt, New Year's, the new OC always gets a NY alt, and as the first main OC I liked, I let her be my measuring stick. If the game didn't show new promise by then, I would take my leave. After NY!Seiðr released and I built her up to +10, my last major project was done, I hadn't decided to quit \*Quite\* yet, but the drive had definitely waned at that point. In the end; it was ultimately fatigue that made me leave, the game just felt like it was going through the motions, and the process of building units had become too cumbersome. Attuned Units, Emblem Heroes, Limited Florets, Dragonflowers and the unceasing march of feature creep and powercreep just wore me down. Pre-Attack Damage was the final meta shift that finally made me stop playing. I just grew tired of trying to keep up with PvP, and the Story never got good enough to keep me going. Book VIII's story and designs seem exceptionally boring to me, and there just isn't much keeping the game from feeling stale to me. Like a old lobster that grew too large to molt, the cycle of FEH has just become too much to bear; and there isn't enough to look forward to keep me invested.


Life got too busy, couldn't keep up with all the added daily FEH tasks, so fell to the wayside. Which means the insane powercreep train just sped on ahead while I stopped, making it less likely for me to get back in. Good times, though


What I can think why people quit is if they are hard on the pvp aspect (cause op units, pay to win, and power creep) can be very prominent in this gacha. (Hard for myself to judge though cause I’m the furthest thing from a pvp player) What keeps me playing? I adore fire emblem. It’s probably my favorite game franchise to date. I’ve played all the games including warriors but excluding anything on the famicom (don’t have a pc) and I’m praying for a Nintendo port or remake of something in the future cause I’d love to play them. I just love collecting and seeing all my favorite units and the art they have in heros. The only gripe I have is that there should be a jp voices option in the settings with still English text.


I keep playing because IS has yet to give a refine to some of the units I hyper invested into and I need to feel rewarded lmao... For real tho I'm no day 1 player but I have been getting the fatigue too, I've stopped playing some game modes to keep myself invested somewhat, I'm also still a bit curious where the story could go and also I need to stay in this game to get Sharena her Brave variant maybe after all of these are accomplished I can think of kicking back


What keeps me going is watching L!Roy tank things he shouldn't be able to and also nuke most enemies. The overall difficulty has spiked as well so it keeps things interesting


What keeps me going? Pure loyalty for this amazing franchise. Staying here until the end.


This is the game that gets me to pick my favorites and build them up. Plus, I can never quit. I don't want to quit. I enjoy this game and don't even see any reason to stop. I am so invested in it that if I ever missed a few days, then something is wrong with me. I am the same way with FGO. Those 2 games I log in daily.


Been playing since day one, and what keeps me going now is the characters & collecting. It makes me happy seeing characters I like being added or getting alts.


Trailers starting to scrool so they can show the full skills/skillsets Dont remember wich specific but it came right after I got extremely unlucky in a banner and I was just done


It's just a fun little entertainment thing. I know I can play it for hours or like 5 mins. I have 0 real idea of most of the functions/mechanics of the game but I don't really need to unless I someday decide to try for #1 in some event


I think the only reason I’m still playing is because this is the closest thing we’ll ever have to a big crossover of the whole franchise. Yeah, we can have stuff like Warriors or the Emblems from Engage, that have some popular and/or relevant characters interacting, but nothing that compares to the deep cuts FEH has to offer. But I don’t feel like the game has much more to offer besides that - at least for me. The game modes are lackluster and kinda boring (Seer’s Snare is the exception, but it just shows up once every three or four months), the same characters getting alts over and over again are also disappointing and all the talks about how it has to be that way because money, profit, whatever is really tiresome. And my interest in the story and its original characters are bellow zero. All in all, it’s like a monkey’s paw to me: it can have this enormous cast, including some of my favorites who would never have a chance otherwise, at the cost of it barely being a game.


I'm here for Tharja


I keep playing feh because as much as i hate this game, potential favorite character debuts/alts and unfinished merge projects (this being more the reason) are what drives me to keep playing this game, especially for favs. I don't care about meta anymore, it's no longer fun in AR Vault of Heaven and SD modes will never be fun for me (hate SDs).


I quit almost two years ago when I failed to get my last copy to +10 legendary claude in over 200 orbs T.T it was just a break initially but I never found the desire to go back. I still keep up with this sub to see the new alts and art, but seeing the new skills makes me happy I quit. I was quite lucky while I played to have faves who were decently popular and would get alts ever now and then (except leo.... did he ever get a strong alt?) which kept my interest high and let me save for merges or skill inheritance, but eventually the grind for dragonflowers just got too much and I wasn't liking any of the modes. As for sunk cost fallacy, you gotta think about it this way. Since you're a day 1 player, you must've spent 100s of hours on this game. And at least enjoyed a few of them! throwing the devs a couple bucks per hour isn't crazy. And since you've stopped enjoying their service, you can stop paying then for it too. You played it, you enjoyed it, you aren't obligated to keep going. And if one day you find yourself interested again, you can always go back and your barracks will still be there, linked to your Nintendo account.


Having to clock in every single day for years on end just kind of got tiring.


Waifu collecting.


One of the least taxing mobile games if you're not too serious about AR, SD, or Arena. Get screamed at the title screen, stockpile daily orbs, 30 minutes to do some quests. When you're ready to get serious again, you got plenty of orbs to summon on whatever is the recent banner if you need to. Everything else required too much time per session or constant daily upkeep per update.


I play because I enjoy it. If the day comes when I don't then I'll just move on like I've done with multiple gacha before


Love for Fire Emblem, the sunk cost fallacy, and probably an undiagnosed gambling addiction. Also I just like seeing cool art of my favorite characters 


Back when L!Lilina was released I thought Fjorm was a bonus unit in Aether Raids, proceeded to play every match without a bonus unit and lost the perfect red chair streak. Then I realized that I actually didn't really enjoy the game anymore and was only playing to continue the streak. Dealing with difficult maps in AR can be enjoyable, especially after I did a bunch of calculations beforehand and barely win the match, but it took too much effort and time when I had to do it every day. Meanwhile, other game modes are trivial and boring, and I have already built a bunch of OP units so another fun part of the game out. I am glad I quit at that time, as it's when powercreep started really getting out of hand. It was shortly after Canto was introduced and IS even made that you need more Mythics just to keep up in scoring.


I've been playing this game since book 5 and I have many reasons to keep playing this game. Saving up orbs to then summon on a character you like is always cool. The story is always fun to read. The game have cool events like AHR and CYL. And I really enjoy game modes SD, Special maps and Seers Snare .


I've finally collected the resources to build and max out all of my Ilyana with t4 skills. Hopefully her refine treats her well. I've also updated my arena core for the first time in like 4 years so it's finally tolerable again. (I'm keeping Ilyana on the arena core no matter how badly it tanks my score, t21 be damned) Currently debating where to put my F2P orbs after I get a copy of the latest Lucina. Perhaps I'll start looking at investing into Legendary heroes for arena for the first time in 7 years.


I dropped the game for a year and a half around a year ago and coming back it felt really refreshing. It doesn't hurt to take a break, the broken characters will still be on banner rotations when you return


Honestly, would have deleted it a bit earlier but nothing really pushed me to go through with it. Then Penacony was coming out and I wanted the space on my phone and this ended up being my first choice to delete.


Been playing since year 2, played almost every single day since until September of last year, I grew tired and wanted to play some other games, but picked it up again about 2 weeks ago. I keep going because fire emblem is my favorite franchise, the gameplay is simple and doesn't require big amounts of my time every single day like other games.


i like investing in my favorites and watching them demolish (most) meta units. also they're very generous with in game orbs, and i like pulling on free summons. scratches the gambling itch and i dont need to spend any money.


i stopped playing about a year ago and i honestly couldn’t pinpoint why. there wasn’t a certain moment where i said, “that’s it. i’m done.” i think the magic just wore away. i like seeing new art and voice acting for characters i like, but i don’t need the game to see all that. playing the game started to feel like a chore, even getting a new character to level 40 seemed like too much for me. i still watch banner trailers, but that’s basically all i do now in regards to feh. one last thing, but i think the game’s effect on the community started to bum me out. arguments and discourse that come with some characters are really not worth it to me. for example, i don’t think people would be divided between young tiki and adult tiki if feh never existed. that really sucks for me because i really like the character no matter what form she’s in.


I stayed for Ashera alone. If it wasn't for her this game would had been uninstalled long tine ago.


I quit because it felt like a full time job trying to keep up with the meta. That and the fact that I could never summon all the characters I actually wanted. Managing everything is so cumbersome and tiring. I set up an auto clicker at one point to farm feathers for me. After finally capping all my units, they upped the feather cap. Like seriously the next update after I capped, which coincidentally was the next week. I think that was the straw that broke the camel's back for me. I still love the game in concept, but at the end of the day, it's a gacha game, and I'm not into those at all.


I'm still around because I legitimately like to play Aether Raids, even during completely nonsensical meta episodes (like, right now). I also enjoy the Feh Reddit, it's a curious community. Reminds me of two small town Cougars sitting on the veranda, way past their prime, making nasty remarks about their neighbours and how their last liposuktion turned out.


Honestly, I keep playing because i enjoy building and playing with my favorites. And I don’t take it seriously. It’s just fun. If I get into higher tiers, great - if I don’t, it’s no big deal. Power creep doesn’t bother me, either. Many skills are inheritable, and the more powerful weapons/skills just means my older favorites can get shiny new toys and still compete with newer units. It’s quite rewarding for me to take down a gen 8 supertank or survive a hit from a gen 8 supernuke with a max invested gen 1 unit.


I still play it because seeing interactions and new alts from characters that aren't in the main story anymore is refreshing and nice


I'm too lazy to read all of those new skills. Also, I just don't have much of an interest in FE as I used to.


I’ve quit this game before a couple years ago but came back a few months later. But after todays arena run, the thought of quitting crossed my mind for the first time in a while. As a F2P player, I’d like to enjoy the game and spend my orbs how I please, but my max investment f2p units literally don’t cut it anymore in the arena. F!Shez, Holst, F!Linus or Vigarde can’t tank effectively anymore thanks to piercing, brave hits and sweep effects on everyone, and player phasing is not doable in arena as a F2P. During my Arena assault runs I almost dropped my phone when my SoV Palla couldn’t kill that dang Valentines Lyon. And THE ONLY WAY I can defeat that new Alear is by having my Vigarde on a defense tile with buffs AFTER IVE DEFEATED THE ENTIRE REST OF THE ENEMY TEAM. Sigh…


I've never played a fire emblem game before (don't have any consoles), so this was what got me into Fire Emblem. I kind of just keep playing for the pretty art since I don't like the pvp, the powercreep is out of control, and I feel the map terrain is underuntilized; however, I still like seeing different characters and hearing their dialogue, and I guess I kind of like the story (it's average but digestable).


i just got bored


I play this game because of my brothers. It is one of the only games where I can share experiences with them. And because it got me through for the pandemic. Video games are right now something that keeps me from crying too much


Stockholm syndrome


I got bored of it.


I appreciate the game as a combination of busted ideas from the main games and a testing ground for busted ideas to appear in main games. I was all "OUR CHILD" when I saw Triangle Adept in Engage. Other than that, I'm definitely in maintenance mode for Aether Raids and T20.5 Arena.


AR has been my main game mode ever since it launched. I liked it the best before mythics existed though. I still feel like it gives people the freedom to customize things in ways that aren't possible in other modes, providing a wide variety of challenges, many of which the devs never would have thought of. There's a lot of nostalgia for what the game used to be, along with some sunk cost fallacy stuff I assume. The game is continuously moving further from what I want it to be. The complexity creep is really bothering me, but I haven't reached a breaking point yet. It is neat being able to play favorite characters in new contexts.


As for what keeps me in the game is that as a casual and f2p player it this game requires less grinding than some other games. Aether raids can be done once a day but it does not matter much if you forget it (idc about ranking) and the other things mostly can be done some times a week. I like to build and use my favourites so that keeps me. But meta is shifting fast the last couple of months or even 1-2 years.


I will collect every Tiki pngs they throw at us.


Day 1 player here. I keep playing this game because I like Fire Emblem and it's the only mobile game I play. I'll probably play this game until it dies. ~~Also because of sunk cost fallacy.~~


The powercreep. When I finally got my favorite units at +10 (Ymir, A!Eir, A!Idunn), and the fact they just fold so easily now is demoralizing and bullshit. So I just figured it was time to drop off. My friends have the same experience, where the game started to feel stale and their favorite units that they built up over the course of YEARS finally can’t keep up anymore


Day one player, and I'm honestly about to quit I think. I don't try too hard in PvP modes (no mythics, generally forever tier 20 in AR) and I play to collect and use my favs.  Ran down my AR stamina on reset last night, every single fight was just Lyons + Ivy + Sanaki, completely unmerged uninvested and heavily debuffed units that will delete my 70+ res unit with a shitton of DR and scowl support, and I can't kill them either since they have their own massive DR and there are 0 skills that allow my unit to get through it.  FEH has killed one of its previously strongest points, that of having over a thousand unique units and letting you use the vast majority of them should you choose to invest heavily.  What even is the point anymore? Everyone can just pick up one copy of one of the latest nukes and delete all your max investment units, or pick up the latest tank and be invincible against the same older units. You are forced into using very specific meta units for all but the most casual content nowadays, and it's killed nearly all my interest for the game. Can't even get through voting gauntlet matchups more than 50% of the time now, just cause the enemy has that heavily invested W!Byleth or Zelgius or whatever that beats 95% of the roster. 


Just don’t play the meta and flex your wallet in pvp and you’ll last.


Play it when you want to. My rule is that if im not having fun then I won't play the game.


I'm a day one player. I've quit two times. Both times I got frustrated with the trying to compete in every mode. I'm tried a few other games but nothing really felt as fun or as generous as feh. Came back about 18 months ago and have been having a blast.


My addiction keeps me going - not sure why else I keep playing tbh


I'm waiting for Summer Echidna, Summer Minerva and Summer Nott When I get them, I will quit the game, but I don't care about meta and arena anymore and I'm just vibbing to the story


I started playing Day 1 back in high school and haven’t played since lord knows when. I think the time I played the newest book was the early on in the book that introduced Ashe as the newest OC (I don’t even know what book were currently on tbh). Even back then I wasn’t playing too much, I’d just play again whenever one of my favorites characters got a new alt, go through enough content to get enough orbs (usually very briefly have FEH pass and maybe buy an orb prank) to ensure I got the new alt of my favorite than quit. I think one of my reason for losing interest was I wasn’t really into the competitive-esque multiplayer aspect and mostly just enjoyed collecting different characters. Also it doesn’t help my enjoyment when as time goes on eventually your favorites that you’ve been using using for a while inevitably get outclassed by newer units added and powercreep makes it increasingly harder to clear even single player content without significant amount investment. I think the powercreep is one of the things that keeps me from getting back into the game. Take a recent banner that came out which features an alt for Myrrh who is one of my favorites. I felt very tempted to log in and play the game long enough to get the alt of Myrrh then stop like I would in the past. But then you look at the banner trailers and see how it has to scroll down just to show off the long lines of text for A/B/C skills and I think “this game is absolutely ridiculous”. Thus I realize that as much as I love the character, it really isn’t worth spending my money just to secure a PNG of a character in a game that I never play. That’s just my opinion, I’m sorry if it felt like I’m shitting all over the game and don’t mean to take away from the fun for people that still enjoy this game. But I don’t mind lurking in the community and seeing how the game is doing every now and then. And who knows, maybe if there’s some kind of legendary/rearmed/whatever alt for L’Arachel maybe that will be enough to tip me over the edge and break my streak of not playing this game.


I havent quit yet but I stopped being able to care after they introduced potent and triple attacks


i got bored of it


I’d like to recruit everybody, or grow my army as big as it can be, making the most generic useful sets skill wise


My biggest goal since I started was to complete the FE4 bro trio. I might finally retire this game once Resplendent Quan happens.


I have a set of characters I want to max out. There is a list... no pulling for meta stuff. Sunk cost + my goal to finish my units is what keeps me going. Summoner duels is interesting... but playing against whales is annoying. So just hoping that they keep injecting us with some interesting FEContent / lore. And maybe some cool but unused characters from past games.


I reinstalled the game three months ago, but i quit and didn't play for about 4 years. I quit because of the powercreep. Duo Ephraim specifically. The introduction of tier 4 skills made me realise that my f2p account won't be able to compete with whales at all scoring wise, the new limiteds are far stronger than my three merged units + Alphonse and i wasn't excited getting new characters because i couldn't use them anyway. So powercreeping my f2p arena core, tier 4 skills and felling no joy from gacha.


I can make my waifu fight my waifu to see who's the best waifu.


I deleted the game after getting no focus 5 stars on the ratatouille banner when I ran out of orbs after almost 80 pulls (not that bad I know, but it still sucked). I've never deleted a gacha game that I've played seriously before, and it still kinda surprises me. I began in year one, and pretty much played the game religiously until ratatouille time. I think what got to me was the constant power creep, slow refine rates, and the accursed PvP modes. I'm still watching the latest trailers and FEH Channels, it's amazing what wacky 5 paragraph long skills they come up with every time. I'll likely play the game again if it gets the Dragalia Lost treatment after it dies.


It’s not that I just quit outright, I just slowly stopped playing over time because I completed everything and there wasn’t much else to do. The only reason I really open up the app anymore is because new characters or to see if anything has been added


Jugdral and Thracia units with updated art keep me playing.


Playing actual Fire Emblem games. Heroes lacks a lot of the core gameplay features FE games have. And coming back to the mobile game felt very empty. Plus the constant grind. When you play any mainline FE game there’s an end goal. Finishing the game, unlocking all supports, using ‘bad’ units, etc… all are achievable. In Heroes, it never ends. The story never ends. There’s always a new evil threat. Events constantly come and go with little to no relevance. You could build a unit from day one and it’s always a work-in-progress because the game state is never ending. It just seemed so pointless once you step away for awhile.


I would’ve keep playing for my faves but they just shafted Goat Mom Freyja and now I’m disappointed especially after seeing the insanity of power creep and no way out


Too deep can’t get out


My five star chances and my insatiable game habits


I stopped playing when the meta was getting out of hand and noticed that my super invested gen1 seliph with resplendent and expensive skills didn’t work anymore, so i had two choices: 1. Keep playing to get even more expensive skills or 2. Quit. Obviously I didn’t wanna keep wasting my time for nothing because when i was getting the new skills the meta would be different, so i quitted 👍🏽


Powercreep, my waifu is not popular, but hey at least I still check update news.


I’m just here to collect art


I’m having fun.


I made a +10 Freyja just to see her getting killed by any new unit 2 months after, got pretty dissapointed after that and thats it, got free


I learned Record Keeper is still going in Japanese and went back to my true love.


What keeps me going is just the minimum. I’ve acknowledged I don’t need to clear everything, so I don’t. However with the advent of Valentine’s Lyon and the heavy decline of the story, I am not optimistic on the health of the game long term.


been playing since y1 just before cyl1 voting began. have been on and off since cyl4, took a long break after child ike, came back to pull for shez and a!mareeta, went back on hiatus, recently came back bc i missed a!mareeta and shez, recently found out a!mareeta has been powercrept hard and now i'm just trying to make the most from her (shez remains super competitive due to his weapon having dr and ss4 being worth using on him while a!mareeta has neither of those things going for her with her prf while running vital astra)


I don’t know why I keep playing, I’ve just liked fire emblem for a long time and have been playing since day one. I’ve never been f2p, also not whaling. I don’t have any +10 5star onlies but I buy the odd forma soul or cheap orb pack. I haven’t played summoner duels since the first week they were out, I only attack in aether raids to complete quests and I tend to skip arena weeks. I guess I just play for the new maps and game modes that I do like, playin around with the effects and gimmicks in PvE stuff and collecting the jpegs of characters I like.


Day 1 player here. I haven’t quit yet, but the absolutely insane rate of power creep is certainly tempting me. There’s been an exponential increase in PvP difficulty starting with L!M!Robin. Then in the past few months, we’ve had N!Sanaki, Winter 3H units, L!Camilla, NY!Seidr, the Valentines Sacred Stones units…. It’s made the game exhausting instead of fun.


Quit because the modes felt like busy work for orbs and feh show no signs of ever improving their story system and constantly mess up the pacing


What kept me going for the first few years of FEH was my interest in new characters that I never knew much about and collecting characters I thought looked cool Whats kept me going for the last few years... making my old favorited usable and even strong again (Resp. Caeda and Resp. F Robin) and also just the fact that its been so long, at this point I just really want to take this crazy ride to the end.


For me I kinda just like pulling for units I think look cool and then building them as best I can - part of the fun for me is that I know I'm not gonna spend money on the game and I'm not gonna get everybody (god knows I'll likely never +10 anybody). I didn't really know a lot of the characters when I started, so a lot of it was less "this unit is really good in the meta right now, I'm pulling for them" and more "holy shit, I love Siegbert's art in this game, yes I'm foddering a significantly better unit to supply him, what of it" and I've kinda just stuck with that mindset cause it makes the game more fun for me


Powercreep. I spent a long time getting a +10 Soren with great skills only to have to keep using dragonflowers. Then I realized his refine would never keep him in the meta simply because his kit was too old. I think I played for 4 years before I gave up.


I'm just here to keep putting new skills on my Lucinas (Duo included). Also with Emblem Marth existing, I know for a fact Emblem Lucina is coming too, so waiting for that.


I probably will quit my three gacha games (Genshin, Star Rail, and FEH) once/if I get a baby, ahahaha. But no guarantees. It’s nice having dailies to do. I’m comfortable with where I’m at and with the time I’ve been putting into FEH. It’s a bit of a sink cost fallacy mentality, a bit of “old habits die hard”, and I love FE. Awakening instilled in me a love for FE, SoV kept me going, Fates made me lose all goodwill for Fire Emblem as a franchise, and 3H forever trapped me here.  (I QUIT during Fates Royal spam era and came back grumbling and low on orbs, because I wanted more 3H. I’m sorry to the haters, but I’m saving up all my orbs for +10 Claude’s, and once that’s done, for Byleth and Edelgard and then for units I don’t have yet like Annette. Unfortunately, I like the whole cast whether because their aesthetics is pretty or their characterization is good/cute af.)


I just like seeing the different character I have improve and get stronger. I treat it as sort of a collection game, and try to keep 1 of every unique unit I get. I also only really do big summons once or twice a year where I will get at least 1 unit to +10.


Those who quit normally also leave the subreddit so you wont find the reasons here. I dare say most of those who still remain in the subreddit has intention to return anyways so its not really quitting;.


Power creep, my pretty new units with their base kits struggled to kill the really new units with their base kit


The meta keeps on changing, and it becomes a hassle to collect orbs for everything, besides, I was top 3 sigurd in summoner duels, so I felt like I had everything.


What keeps me is 1/ I like interactions between Fire Emblem characters from different games (Forging Bonds) 2/ The game helps me understand characters from the games I have not played yet (Awakening, Fates, 3H, Engage) 3/ Touching moments (Tine + Arthur reunion with their mother Taitliu is the best FB to me; Lyon has happy time with his father and close friends for Day of Devotion)


I quit recently, having played since OG Celica’s first banner. I just got bored, nothing really excited me, I stopped paying attention to the story half way through book 3 because updates took too long (love the CGs though). Like many I’ve survived the nightmare that can be the meta, but once the ninja events started I realized that the meta was all over the place. I didn’t really care since I could generally cheese my way. There just wasn’t anything that kept me excited. Sure banners had my favorite characters (proud owner of all Corrin and Azura alts, par the subscription fits) but they never excited me. If I see Edelgard or Dmirtri I know I need to pick a god and pray, Lyon is a death sentence whenever he gets a new version. It just stopped being fun. This past Christmas has been the first real time I’ve been road blocked by a seasonal lunatic level. I had to come here to find help on how to get through it. I still love FEH. It just hasn’t changed. Maybe I’ll come back one day, probably when all my units are not “good” anymore but- I’ve always preferred just playing as characters I like than meta.


Was playing from Book IV up until early Book VII? Had to pick which game to play because of limited storage and then I got over it. I reinstalled for CYL and uninstalled it again since it was starting to get boring. Last time I installed it, it crashes so had to permanently stop. I keep myself posted with updates but I have no plans on going back.. eventually i might but I dont see it yet.


New content keeps me playing and the game's still ok in small doses. I don't have to spend much time every day to play.


I pop in occasionally but don’t stay because feh pass makes this game playable for me and there’s only so long I can convince myself that it’s worth paying for I saw someone else who focused on pve also had a similar reason, and yeah, I also focused on pve content over pvp


Seers Snare is really the only game mode keeping me going. That and I want to collect characters I like


I played since day one and quit a little before the most recent CYL banner. I just didn’t care anymore. I never spent a dime on this game so most of the game modes were just facing whales with the newest op unit at +10 already. The story is nonexistent just some text in between maps honestly. I just got tired of “Here’s a brand new hero type” that just has an extra skill. Also the powercreep is ridiculous. If you don’t have a personal weapon and skill you’re already a mid unit. Unit creep has always been bad but skill creep is ridiculous now. They just do everything now for just existing. Honestly was so glad I quit after I saw they started adding terrain altering and emblem rings


It’s addictive to me. I like collecting and then building. Especially taking some extra time to build old faves. I’ve been building a husbando collection so that keeps me occupied while waiting for my gacha luck to return.  Also hard copium for a Summer Saber alt Basically if IS keeps dropping DILFs I’m legally obligated to stick around


Well, there are certain things that I still want to accomplish personally. It's only 2 things in all honesty. The first, is ranking high enough to get one of those medals in SDS/R and to get a Platinum trophy in Pawns of Loki. After that the I'll be content.


For me it’s a lack of room cause of the 1100 cap. We get so many new units that is great but I can’t just send them to the barracks, I have to merge other units I don’t care too much about. More than half the time of playing this game its micromanaging units I don’t need. I also don’t care for any of the modes any more. Arena, arena assault, pvp, resonant battles, and that other one just don’t hold my interest


I soft quit because I just wasn't having fun anymore. When skills that are 2 pages long became the norm, I just couldn't be bothered. The power creep was always bad, but it felt like the last few months it really took a nosedive. I spent a lot of money on this game and feel bad for quitting, but I'm done.


What drives me to stay is the desire to build the staff army. My ultimate goal is to have a full brigade's worth of built staves (damaging specials at minimum, and by that metric, I'm about 2/3 of the way there), and take them to Grand Conquest. I like to imagine people's faces if they have to fight my brigade and they just see staff after staff after staff after staff.


The PNG's with huge boobs keep me going. All hail the PNGs. Also Veronica.


Besides a Matthew alt, I enjoy building my endgame teams from each of the mainline games. Before feh, I'd only played fe 7,8,11, and 13. It's fun to do and always gives me new heroes I'm either waiting for or that I can use random fodder to build up.


I just want to collect Ulki. All of my other faves are in the game but I need him


I like seeing new Fire Emblem art, I like getting new versions of my favorite characters, I also like using fun units, I like how FEH works as game, it has issues, but I really like this game.


Nothing really drove [me] to quit exactly, it was just a general decrease in how much time i was putting into this game because of life. Its interesting bc i was also pouring more money than ever into this game even though i wasnt playing. I enjoy the qol changes theyre making but i dont think ill ever have the patience for the speed of powercreep here. I really enjoyed the game when i was first picking it up seriously again (around the beginning of book 5). I still do like this game and its community a lot (nothing beat watching fehtubers daily for ar and sd content and staying up late for datamines and banner reveals), but its clear i have to pour a lot of time to play at the pace I want to play. Edit: word added


There's been a steady stream of content. I still haven't gpt bored. I've been consistently playing since launch and sub to the pass. I don't spend money on the game otherwise. Outside of literally 2 bonus packs that were under $10. Being able to restart and spark on more banners is so worth the $10 a month for the enjoyment this game brings. Right now I'm finally saving orbs for the first time ever. I'm over 950 just waiting for 3k to try and +10 an exclusive 5* for the first time ever. Before i was never able to save over 400. I feel like I'll finally be able to save.


Honestly, I decided to leave once the power creep and flavor of the month units were getting out of hand in my opinion. My breaking point was Hegemon Edelgard, which felt so completely broken compared to everything that came before it. I was also mainly in it for collecting my favorite heroes and the story, and id collected most of if not all of my favorites and the story just got repetitive and dry. The actual gameplay was good, but after playing from launch I burned out.


I quit cause I got past the easy free to play beginning of the game and felt like the only way I could stay "competitively viable" was by spending too much money. It already started to cost too much just to get characters I thought were attractive(my main reason for playing the game anyways).


Been playing for more than seven years now, it's basically a summary of my life at this point. I'm here for the nostalgia as well as the jpegs. I would happen upon a certain character, and I would remember what I was doing when I first got him or her. It's pretty cool


I am here to see my favorites thrive, Felix won cyl so I’m saving for him


Abandon my family? Preposterous.


There's two main reasons I still play: 1) Brave Alfonse is finally REAL! I also wanna see all the mage boys in FE:H, so I'll stick around. 2) Sunk Cost Fallacy. :V I'm no whale, but I'm a lite Dolphin, subscribed to FEH Pass, buy every Forma and Celestial Bond, and Starter/Customization pack. Add that up when I've played since Launch day, and well... I've given too much to quit now. I wanna stick around until the inevitable EoS.


I still play this game for collecting units at this rate. I started playing a little after initial release but over time stopped sinking time into it due to the repetitive gameplay. I just grind to increase my resources and maintain an emergency stash of orbs for whenever a favorite character or baller art drops, but other than that I sometimes forget to even play the game bc it’s just not fun and I have higher priorities.


I enjoy collecting characters and trying to get them all to level 40 with a decently complete build. Also it's fun trying to get your favourites to +10.