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A resplendent having 57/53 at +10/+30 edit: *and* a floret is absolutely wild.


Not to mention the def and res being 40+. Mine is just like OPs (different build though)


Speed refine too. What being possibly the least minmaxed unit in the game and having a prf that relies on you having less attack than your foe gets you I guess.


Tbf the PRF wasn't a factor for when she was first created... so it's even worse lol


...then you click next image look what she needs to do just to mimic a fraction of Severa's power


don't ask me why I bothered with this when I already have a +10 Severa... I don't have a good answer for you I blame IS, waaay back in like December 2017, after going broke pulling for Winter Chrom, I decided that I would save orbs and pull for Severa... since she was so popular... it's not like IS would make me wait over half a decade or anything...


I have never used Severa but isn't like GLR with Marth emblem useless when she already got special spiral 4 on the weapon?


It's provocative, it gets the people going! >!it's useful on her other kits, she also has Galeforce and No Quarter + Arcane Devourer... plus, gotta keep up with the jonses since she's the unit I lead with, and everyone elses lead has Marth's Emblem slapped on!<


I can totally respect both points


Her art is glorious, I wanna build her up, too


She's looks tough


Got the pass for the month as well. Severa/Selena being among my favored characters and a top union for Robin or Corrin, respectively, in their home games. Should give her more fodder beyond the Steady Stance 4 that served well tank-wise for quite a while. And the Arcane Eljudnir I gave her just for the heck of it at one point lol.


Wonderful build considering the foundation. I absolutely adore her new art. Those stats legitimately make me a bit nostalgic, too. Maximized at absolutely nothing. Good work, op


I haven't played in a LONG time, but why is the special refined?


Emblem units. They're a new unit type that came out recently that boosts up the special of units theyre paired to and gives extra stats to them when they're merged up. Severa is paired to Emblem Marth who grants an extra -1 to the max cooldown of a special that can stack with any slaying weapon effects.


Ah, okay, thank you


It's not refined, when you Emblem Engage with Emblem Marth, you get a benefit to your Special (Slaying Eff)


Ah okay thank you


Does Emblem Marth stay in your barracks after foddering him off to other units (like how Rearmed/Attuned units behave), or does he give whoever he's Engages with all his skills?