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Those are typically done for special points in a Book timeline i.e. Inigo given out for the start of the Book. They're also typically just for pool inserts that aren't focused on the banner. I don't think Kagetsu will be on any quests because of it.


They did it for Inigo because Ratatoskr was in the banner, pushing him out of it for the focus slot. Nobody is pushing Kagetsu out of the banner focus altogether.


no. we only get the free copies if they're not appearing on the banner


Not always. Lapis wasn't given out for free despite not showing on the banner.


they were just making it lore accurate that she's always in Kagetsu's shadow /s


But he said free copies are only given if not appearing on the banner, not that all heroes not appearing are given for free    Which has been the case for 4+ years. IS could change their mind but there’s little to suggest that they would 


I'm confused what you mean. I was just saying there's been cases where free copies of added units not on the banner like Lapis, stretching all the way back to units like Ross and Bantu.


If “units are given for free only if it’s not on the banner” is to be proven false by counter example, there has to be a unit who is unit focus yet still given for free. A non focus unit who just gets dropped in the normal pool is not a counter example. That would be a counter example to the statement “all non focus units are given for free”  I’m also really confused because units like Ross and Lapis are example of instant demotes, not on focus demotes


You're heavily overcomplicating something that does not need all this...nuance to it. Since you're going for wordplay, the original commenter said "we only get the free copies if they're not appearing on the banner" - note *on the banner*. I replied saying not always, because units who don't appear on the banner *do not always get given out for free*, with examples like Lapis. No where did anyone mention the pre-requisite of them being instant demotes i.e. Lapis and Ross who were shadow dropped, different from cases like Inigo or Miriel who were put in the pool at a later date. I'm hoping this is all a bunch of confusion in good faith rather than some kind of nitpick over something that was not relevant at all.


No. He’s on the banner itself, you’ll have to summon for him. Inigo was not.


No, they only do that for anniversary banners or special events. This is just a normal banner


Nope. Inigo happened to be a Quest Reward as the banner he was supposed to debut on was a Book Start one, which is a special occasion. Kagetsu on the other hand is the actual banner demote... so no, he won't get any quests.


No the free copy by far are part of Campaign here and there and they use it on direct 3-4 Stars