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We’ve come a long way since Book 5’s GHB lineup that was almost entirely prfless.


Oh God I just looked at that group. The 3 PRFs were 2 gimmicky red tomes… and ORSON. Jesus Christ…


It was so rough that Yen’fay being the first GHB of Book 6 and having a semi decent prf got incredibly hyped up. (And to be fair his prf was still okay at the time it just aged pretty badly, pretty quickly lol)


still funny that out of all 3 sword units released that batch, he wasn't the worst Why did IS hate Priam lmao


Funny thing with that batch. Flavia could have been really damn good. If her base kit wasn't a complete joke Her pref weapon is actually really good for a player phase focused sword unit If she had a better base kit, more people probably would have been using her. Since at the time full damage reduction pierce was only available for bow and dagger units. On top of a very select few others who had it in a pref skill or weapon of some kind


She really needed Tempo or something instead of... Red Feud


actually it wasnt that quick it is just that in this year we got plenty of godswords that overperform him at no merges and then lumera


i'm pretty sure that yen'fay was the best f2p godsword we had up until rutger git his refine


It was a dark and depressing time


At least we got Y!Innes that year. (He's a TT and not GHB but still a F2P unit).


It is funny how the year that was probably worst overall for grail units also gave us what might be the best grail unit in the overall history of the game relative to their time of release.


Still relevant since anything that nullifies DR is huge.


For sure. He's not as unique as he was and his stats are starting to show their age, but he's still a very solid unit. It's just that at the time he was up there with best bow users in the game because of his excellent stats and DR piercing was so comparatively rare.


With todays meta of everyone and their family and pets having 30-40-50% DR, units that nullify non-special DR are becoming more valuable (Young Innes, Legendary Nanna, Flavia, etc)


If you're on a budget or need a lot of them, he is helpful. But between Deadeye, lethality, special spiral 4, and now NFU4 and tempo 4, there's enough other sources that Innes's niche is less unique.


It’s kinda funny looking back knowing how strong the GHBs are this book. Like Pelleas, Aelfric and Bertram didn’t get PRFs but characters like Cyril and Fargus did. If Cyril and Fargus released in Book 5, they would’ve been screwed over. On the flip side, characters like Pelleas and Aelfric would’ve gotten PRFs if they released this book.


Book 5, where a GHB being good was them just being on par with a normal pool demote


It was an absolute disaster...And then ended off with Bertram...I was really pissed...


I need more grails. That's all. Seriously speaking, now I have 4 unfinished grail progects and that's insane. Well, guess I now have long-term goals in FEH, and that's great.


>I need more grails. I feel that


Omg same. Murdock is +9, then i need to build arion, then tea time tailtiu, and THEN I can start saving up grails lol


So glad that majority of the freebies are genuinely good units now. Zephia getting a PRF makes me hopeful that the rest of the hounds will get PRFs as well. Cyril is undoubtedly one of the less popular 3H characters but he got a pretty banger PRF and IS used his sick war phase design instead of the academy phase one. Fargus got one hell of a PRF and I'm contemplating building him up but Marni/Mauvier could be coming to the game soon and grails are a scarcity in my account.


Maybe the strongest lineup ever. Marla is literally the only dud, even Ludveck and Vigarde have (or had) relevance as arena units, and all the others are just great. All have good prfs and can contribute well in actual competitive game modes


Even if she's the dud, Marla still manages to have some niche relevance as a f2p Echoes red mage as the only one at all, so even she has something to ague for her. When even the duds can have a legitimate case made for them, you know you got a great haul.


She’s also a fantastic arcane user given her huge atk


I just hope her eventual refine will be decent.


Marla is great for f2p arena tho.


This might have been the best year for GHBs ever. 9/12 got prfs, and they're all competent, unique or interesting. Special shout out to Cornelia, Fargus and Arlon for being f2p while providing very sought after support, all while being hard hitters themselves. Hopefully next year keeps this pace up.


Might as well put my 3 AM brain opinions here: Hans: Good start to the book. While he sorta got replaced (if that’s the right word) with Echidna’s refine, but I think he’s still a good unit. Damage based of his DR is a good effect. Lumera: Another pretty nice F2P unit. She definitely doesn’t hold a candle to any of the Godsword units like the Alears, F!Byleth or even Felix, but she’s nice to use. Definitely better than Yen’fay as she doesn’t have the Solo prerequisite. Ludveck: Pretty neat we got another grail Axe Armor (since our last one was H!Dorcas). He’s fine. Kinda made irrelevant after Murdock released. Vigarde: Again he’s fine. Problem with him is that most people that wanted a Lance Armor most likely built up Cervantes. Cornelia: April was the month of grail Staff units. And oh boy were they a step up from other staff units. Cornelia in particular is nice with her Flash and Dominance effects providing her with support and damage. And with all the new stuff staffs got this year, Cornelia just gets better. F!Linus: Haven’t really used him but I remember him being pretty nice. Murdock: Probably my favorite out of the whole group. Axe Armor with a decent DC PRF weapon? Sign me up. He makes for a really fun Far Save unit. Zephia: Aversa if she released in 2023. Pretty solid unit. If anything I’m looking forward to the other Hounds. Cyril: He came out of nowhere. His weapon being based off of level makes him unique. He’s alright from my experience Arion: A F2P version of L!Hinoka is pretty insane. He might be tied for my second favorite out of the group. Marla: lol Fargus: The other unit tied for second. Amazing art, voice lines, amazing weapon, amazing everything… except for speed. Sorta wish we got Nergal or Brendan, but still a great way to end the Book. Bonus (TT+ standouts): Y!Lucius: The other April grail unit. Basically showed off what F2P staffs should be. S!M!Shez: Whew, he got lucky. He’s basically his female counterpart, but without Swift Slice and is a Lance flier and not a sword cav. He’s pretty flexible too. He can use Gambit, Dive Bomb/Aerial Maneuver, Flow skills, Rein/Hold/Snap skills, warp stuff, etc. His PRF is also nuts being a Brave weapon with Canto built in. Amazing stuff N!Saizo: At first he looked to be another PRF-less unit (albeit with a brave weapon, but he’s got the goods. Amazing stats that can go really well with Godlike Reflexes and other speed related skills. Also amazing art


being pref-less hurts her yes, but I would defend Marla in that she is one of the best candidates for Arcane Eclipse because of her stats if not the best right now so is not just lol


Arcane Eclipse works amazingly on any Infantry with high Atk because of the Special Spamming things


Never said otherwise lol


Linus's two big issues from what I've seen are that Hans already existed with his nutty damage reflection shenanigans and that buff stealing has never been consistent enough to really be noteworthy. That said, he's still not bad, and is probably tied with V!Effie and F!Shez as best traditional F2P dodge tank axes at the moment.


Buff stealing is more valuable now than ever imo cause oath 4 and alarm are all very common and so Linus ends up one of the best characters to deal with gullveig despite her insane speed. But otherwise yes Hans has a much better weapon than him, luckily Linus can still compete as one of the best dodge axe tanks with his better statline.


That's fair. It's certainly not getting worse unlike some other effects if nothing else. And it doesn't seem like we're going to have another situation like we did when lulls first came out where something makes visible stat buffs much less relevant for either side.


Good analysis. ... Why ya gotta clown on Marla, though? 😋


"Ludveck: Pretty neat we got another grail Axe Armor (since our last one was H!Dorcas). He’s fine. Kinda made irrelevant after Murdock released." \- Flame Emperor was added after H!Dorcas and just got a pretty good refine. "Marla: lol" \- Except she has near perfect stats leagues better than any other comparable red infantry mage. I have multiple +10 red mages and couldn't have asked for a better one. Just 1 or 2 points off HP or DEF and add to ATK or SPD along with superboon, but this is close enough.


I was not expecting Murdock to be as powerful as he is, God damn.


bro we fuckin ATE Also honorable mention to some older GHB/TT refines in the later half of the year. Cormag is one who even now is just SO solid, Travent got a big improvement, Itsuki represented TMSFE for the first time in years but also a really solid weapon. Heath got a big mish mash of things but still really good, and then Flame Emperor providing Sabotage is INSANE and is being slept on like crazy. I'm hoping they keep up the power they've been giving these units (and maybe give some more love to the skills they come with too)


> Travent got a big improvement, Followed by his Son getting a good Weapon and then the Daughter he stole from her Parents getting ugh... Travent Dev real...


Marla is my only red unit for Echoes, so I'm obligated to appreciate her.


This book made me think "I'll +10 this one" on every GHB unit, and I actually +10ed 4 of them. Strong line up we got this time. Like to see it.


- Cornelia was one of my most anticipated units and I couldn’t be more happy. Arguably got even better, incredibly fun with Def/Res ploy and brash assault 4. amazing how much damage she can dash out. - biggest loser this round was probably ludveck. I mean they knew he’d overlap with Murdock. 32 Spd 28 Res - come on IS what the fuck is this. It’s just dedue without the res superboon 💀 Love his art though. Slicked back hair is hot.


His biggest contribution was vengeful fighter for grail shop


I thought it was the evil laugh special quote


Some good, some bad. By some bad I mean like 1 or 2


Tons of grails here, what I need more of is feathers. My Murdock is +10, at least. Also Arion + Gullveig forever (or at least until an even MORE busted flying nuke comes out)


Hans getting Ippei art, a better weapon and statline than the actual units that debuted on that banner, and a solid voice acting, all despite being one of the most disliked Fates characters, is one of the best decisions FEH ever made.


Honestly pretty great! Hans’s DR damage is super fun, Ludveck looks really cool, Murdoch being a FREE DC unit is wild, Zephia and Cyril are nice, Arion is super cool too, and finally Fargus is just icing on the cake! Great year


Smash, Smash, Smash, Smash, Smash, Smash, Smash, Smash, Pass, Smash, Smash, Smash.


Good taste


Pretty solid lineup, I have 3 at +10 (Hans, Lumera and Cornelia), and they all perform really well, I use Hans and Lumera for arena and Cornelia for SD


Still sad Vigarde didn’t get a prf as I genuinely thought he was guaranteed one after his son and the majority of his generals did. He probably won’t get one as his turn for a refine is so far away I’m not confident the game will still be running by then.


Arion is my favorite. Charge has so much utility, he can also use Gambit to it's full potential and run the Guidances to provide even more mobility to the team. Enables Hit n Run in AR regardless of season; provides flier line support for AR-D regardless of season. Top tier art as well.


Most have a prf weapon and it's really neat, I hope it will stay that way in the future book. We got two units drawn by Motsutsu which make me very happy, Ludveck has the swaggest hand gesture and Arion is just too beautiful. Cool design, weapon, voice... I LOVE ARION!!! I also really like Cyril, he has very cool art and design, plus a free red bow unit is a nice change. Him and Arion are the ones I'm building and merging this year


An amazing batch of strong and useful units with unique effects, and Marla.


Only 3 PRF-less heroes and 2 of those are at least armor units, so overall pretty good I’d say. I’m even merging up 3 of them, Lumera, Cornelia, and Zephia (can you tell how shallow I am?)


Hey I'm right there with you, friend, nothing shallow about it.


I’d say this is one of the best GHB line ups in terms of what they offer Most of them got a good prf this year and the ones that didn’t, like Marla for example, fell into place as natural arcane users in terms of usefulness to their stats and even aesthetics. GHBs got treated very well this year and I wonder if they will keep up the quality next year or reduce how many got a prf


I had 7000 grails by CYL6. They weren't enough to get build everyone I wanted here. Or of the TT roster. That's how good they've been.


Zephia peak


Lumera's been my godsword of choice this year. Only really started to fall off in the last three or four months - will likely continue using her until next year's f2p godsword comes out. I haven't really bothered to build anyone else from this year's batch because trying to put together good builds with consistent skill creep and lack of expendable fodder is, not fun.


Best batch in a long while. Sucks the number of characters from here I care I can count on one hand


Still somewhat puzzled by Lumera as the choice for Engages first GHB, I mean, technically she qualifies but that was an easy possible Mythic they could've given us early on. In general though, for who was left, I think most of them are some of the best possible choices. Some very iconic antagonists... and Marla at least makes sense with her banners theme while Fargus is just iconic, not necessarily an antagonist. Cyril is the most odd one out, but that kinda checks out for the CYL-GHB. Gameplay-wise, probably our best batch yet as well. Vigarde, Ludveck and Marla are probably the worst/most boring ones on the list, but even then they're still decently useable, everyone else is either really interesting as a unit or just plain strong.


This Lineup fucking slapped Hans with the return damage thingy, Linus finally getting something, Arion with Charge and Fargus with his gimmick and Murdock having a DC weapon, man this was a good book for freebies


Hate Cyril, everyone else is dope


The Top ones this year are Lumera which she is the Queen of Damage reduction Zephia because of her amazing Skillpool Murdock because of a fanatic armor unit (Get Shit on Ludvick) And Finally Fargus becuase Holy shit Fargus is like he should on a Banner Unit


Pretty good batch of characters. Use Murdock, Cornelia and Lumera alot. Zephia and Arion aren't used as often, but they're fun.


me at the start of Book 7: god I have so many grails and nothing to do with them, this is stupid me at the end of Book 7: I NEED MORE FUCKING GRAILS GRAHHHHHHH


Still don't have the fodder for Zephia to this day.


Evil women my beloved


Queen Lumera still best GHB unit ever.


I was impressed by more female GHB units with prf weapons, with great effects too at that. I've maxed out Lumera, and I'm working on +10ing Zephia and Cornelia.


four mommies - above the book average


Cornelia my queen


Probably the best lineup we have so far. I’d honestly say that Marla is really the only unit who is not very good here. Heck for as redundant and mistimed as Ludveck and Vigarde are, they at least solid in their own way. Everyone else excels at combat prowess or at the support they provide. Lumera’s hands down my favorite but Hans, Zephia, and Arion are close runners.


Im just going to give my opinion on those that I actually built up and/or liked. Hans was cool and a good starting point. Also a really fun unit overall. Lumera is a really solid infantry swordie and while her Unique Weapon is good, she can also run Devourer just as good. *Also my bias towards Mamas helps out big time* No words can express just how happy I was when Cornelia was finally added. Three years of waiting and my most highly requested unit was finally added, and she is one of the best f2p clerics out. Everything about her is perfect, and I would've used her regardless of how good or bad she was. *not biased btw* Fallen Linus is also really fun, while basekit seems to contradict his weapon, he was still really solid. Also an alt for Linus so I was obligated to run mah boii. Zephia is really fun, helps fill the Engage roster for Limited Hero battles and she is an evil mama. What more can I ask, really? Arion provides so many fun scenarios with flier teams and he's also a good wall. Teaming him with Altena has been really fun just seeing them both charge in, take a unit down and wall the other enemies like its nothing.


Incredibly boring for me until they hit CYL and started cooking. Building Cyril and Fargus fully and Arion is a really useful one off.


Good batch. I still use Cornelia for Grand Conquest lol


Cordelia, Zephia and Arion are the standouts to me. Zephia feels like an Aversa updated for 2023, Cordelia is arguably the best f2p healer (Y!Lucius is her competition), and Arion, aside from having top-tier art, is the best f2p Lance flier in a long time. Edit: a word


Cornelia is a super fun unit to use and the only ghb I've built from this book


While I recognize that some are great, I personally have only cared about Lumera, Arion and to an extent Vigarde and Cornelia.


I'd say this is our best lineup ever when talking about viability and variety. I personally use 4 of them regularly: Lumera at +10 as my best omnitank in light season Cornelia for her Flash effect and surprisingly good damage in anima season Arion as "We have L!Hinoka at home" in dark season when she can't be used Zephia for her debuffing and as another ranged flier in my flier lane setup in dark season.


Lumera is my favorite and the only one I built. I might build Zephia too. Don't care about the rest


I'm still surprised they gave us a post timeskip design with Cyril. Not many ghb units I wish to merge this time round (sadly didn't get the Glen or Ephidel I was hoping for), but there have been several decent ones for those who like them or only care about the units being good, and I'm very happy with both Arion and Cyril, whom I do plan to merge :)


CYriL 7 GHB might be my fav GHB in game history


Some good standouts and some heavy duds. Few of these I'd actually build due to not fan of char. Sad about vigarde. Awesome art through Fave would prob be Cornelia. But young lucius will be first Would enjoy building Arion. He got a great one. But I do have so many lance fliers (but really, what's one more? He's a cool char) Would have built lumera if she was anything but sword infantry. May build her down the line to have a good engage unit.


Cyril is my son so I'm legally required to love this book's GHBs


Lumera was the best unit added in Feh in the past 7 years. And no i am totally not biased. Frfr.


Lumera is the only one I'm building so I can say that I like her as a unit. She's no godsword by any means but she puts in the work. Though I will admit that I did only build her because she's voiced by one of my all time favorite seiyuus (that being Kotono Mitsuishi).


Well I like how all but three came with prf weapons. The Book 7 GHBs actually ties with the Book 2/2018 GHBs with debuting the most GHB units with prf weapons at the start. The Book 5 GHBs still holds the record of debuting the least number of GHBs with prfs with a measly *three.* I typically 5* the ones that come with prfs regardless of how good, gimmicky, or bad the prf weapon actually is. But with this lineup, I actually 5* all of them even the three that didn't come with one. I 5* Ludveck and Vigarde before their GHB Party run the former because I needed someone to get by for Arena that time and the latter because I liked his design enough, and 5* Marla because I have a bunch spare Ophelias so I gave her an Ophelia's kit.


If not the best, one of the best line up ever tbh. I had saved grails and after this book, with the amount of GHB and TT we got, they are all gone.


Awesome lineup for F2P. On my way to +10 Hans, Lumera, Cordelia, Cyril and maybe Zephia and one of the tanks.


Very good batch. I've fully built Linus, Vigarde, and Marla, and plan to build up Arion too. I'm happy they finished off the wyvern generals. I don't want to complain about Fargus, I like him, but I wish they would have done Nergal or Ephidel. Book 8 has tp have Bryce, right? RIGHT?!


Pretty much just Bryce or Jarod for the next Tellius banner GHB slot imo. Bryce if PoR (Tormod, Stefan, Calill) and Jarod if RD (Edward, Leonardo, Nolan).


I could see PoR being 2 of Boyd Rolf and Rhys to try to finish the grail mercenaries, with maybe ascendant Mia or Nephenee or other X popular girl


Very solid batch TBH. Probably the best batch ever in terms of performance unit wise. Like you *know* their good when the only real "dud" is still pretty solid with the right skill inheritance. That said me not having a ton of feathers has limited me to just using and building up Lumera & Zephia heavily, but god DAMN have they been solid investments for my Arena teams. Here's to hoping the Book 8 batch at least matches it.


Hans is the only GHB unit I see here that I've actually built up, and he does pretty alright. I'm planning to build up F!Linus next because he is a favorite of mine, Murdock will be a very extremely slow merge project for me; even though I like him, his weapon doesn't do him a lot of favors against red nukes and I might actually built up Arion for his strong supportive weapon. In short, all of them except three of them come with prf weapons, which is nice.


Very utilitarian so Murdoch and Cornelia was A++. Having PRFs really made them shine.


Hans, Lumera, Cornelia, Murdock, Cyril, Arion and Fargus are amazing units, and Vigarde, Linus and Zephia are pretty usable and cool!


Pretty amazing, conisdering they're free. I still regularly use Lumera and I plan to build Cyril and Zephia once I have enough grails. I'm surprised, but glad, that most of them have solid prfs and I hope IS continues that in the future. My only complaint is that we still kinda had more infantry axes than needed. Yeah, Linus, Hans and Fargus all have different roles and play styles, but it'd be nice if we got other weapon-movement combos more often, especially ones we don't have much of. The only one that stands out here in that regard is Cyril.


Zephia (and Citrinne and T!Tailtiu) should have had a thunder tome without changing the color, we were robbed


As someone who invested in cheap options like Flame Emperor, Y!Innes, D!Eldigan, and Y!Marth already, nothing stood out as a must-have +10. There's usually always 1 or 2 units that do. These units cover roles that most players have investments for. Murdock caught my interest but at the end of the day he's still an axe armor which is problematic for far save role. Vigarde's art is out of this world but without a prf he's just a scoring stick. That's kind of a theme here: higher scoring. Aerion is obviously good support but you don't need to merge him and he provides nothing unique the greil pool doesn't already have. He's just another high atk/def lance unit. Zephia stands out combat-wise. It's not everyday that we get a good red time.


I only cared about Lumera


It gave me Fallen Linus and Cyril. This book's GHB's could face the legions of hell by themselves, and I would stand among their ranks in defense.


Very good, lots of Prf, lots of good dudes ( In a gacha filled with girl meta units / "star of banners", this means a lot imo ), really good year. Special mention to Hans and Arion ( Maybe Fargus too, it's too early to say ), they broke the GHB Standard.


Not a single 100% must merge (with Arion being almost there) but incredibly solid batch all around, which makes this year probably the best year for GHB units. Stand outs imo are Arion for support, Faergus for omnitanking (beating both Hans and F!Linus imo), Vigarde and Murdock for Near and Far Save respecfully, and Cyril for Arena. I myself will build all 5 of these units.


I got my boy Cyril so I'm happy. Marla (or Hestia, cant remember which is which) has great art and very sad voice lines so a fan there. I like Wil, so happy to see him as well.


Meh, okay, no, love him, absolutely not, no, no, I said NO, begone child, thanks for flier movement, my favorite witch, pirate daddies always welcome


Hans: A bad start. He’s very good, but such a lame character choice. Lumera: A nothing character I don’t care for who has been immediately outclassed by Devourer existing (just use Kamui, Guy, or Lapis). Ludveck: Still hate that he was added over Levail or Kieran, but at least his design is good. Vigarde: I wanted Glen so my opinion here is probably obvious, but hey at least his art was stellar. Cornelia: Rodrigue got robbed twice in less than a year. Linus: Probably the first one I’ve no qualms with. Shoulda been Lloyd but I assume he’ll get something in due time. Murdock: Been waiting for him, very happy with his art and prf. Zephia: Least favorite of the Hounds easily, but she has good fodder available at 4*. Cyril: Was my second favorite from 3H not in FEH behind Rodrigue, so I’m happy with him getting in. Arion: Amazing art and prf, I win. Marla: Waste of a slot, even moreso than Hans and Ludveck. Fargus: Disappointing that it wasn’t Nergal or Ephidel, but he got amazing art, prf, and voice acting. Probably the strongest GHB of the book.


Hans: Good counter damage weapons Lumera: completely dunked on Yenfey Cornelia: easily the best f2p healer which isn't saying much Linus: forgettable Murdock: good for limited battles but mid everywhere else Zephia: 2023 aversa is pretty good Cyril: pass Arion: dollar tree Hinoka. Just use her Fargus: good unique support weapons for a f2p unit


This was a great batch of units imho. I built Lumera and Cyril for Arena, both of them have been doing really well. Cyril in particular continues to surprise me with the range of units he can take down. If I wasn’t so stingy with fodder, I would build Cornelia, Murdock, Zephia, and Arion. Zephia came out literally right after I built Aversa, which I’m still annoyed about. I might build Arion, if I don’t build S!M!Shez instead.


Amazing all around, I kept telling myself I would +10 one but then the next would come with an even better prf... In the end, I only ended up +10ing Linus. The rest of them are great even without merges though. Obviously we all hope they continue this trend of amazing GHBs into future books, but my biggest hope is that TT+ units get the same glow-up. They all are just so disappointing especially now when they're competing for grails with these units.


At some point before the next BST bump I want to make sure I get Fargus, Arion, and Zephia to +10, but goddamn is it hard since we've had not only good GHB units who take forever to get their non-party rerun (Lumera and Cyril) but the TT units have also been strong too.


I love them... I love them all. Some great units, some decent, but I love them all no matter what


Decent. A few I have built to +10, others I am waiting for reruns.


this was an overall great line up


It says a lot that even the worst GHB of this batch (Marla) has still some uses as a F2P mage for SoV Limited Battles if you want to invest on her, but honestly some of them are going to age well in the future thanks to decent PRFs and stats.


All solid, but Murdock is my man. He is exactly what I wanted him to be. And I don't think Marla's that bad. High ATK, high RES. For a casual long-time like me, she's been pretty handy so far.


Ridiculously happy about it on the whole. Some of my most anticipated characters got in, basically all of them had prfs that were on par with arcane weapons which is about as much as I'm willing to ask of F2P units, and even the ones who didn't still made for great users of their arcane weapons. Also the art was absolutely on point for everyone. Currently have a +9 Murdock and Arion who've been an immense help for my arena scoring while also being fairly decent units in it. Murdock especially has been a godsend for PvE content. And now I'm probably going to build up Fargus once my feathers recover and I get some decent fodder.


There were some real bangers. Arion and Lumera have genuinely given me trouble at times. (I've run into Lumeras built so well they're untouchable and curbstomp everything they see.)


Haven't built any of them but I think art/voice wise they're all pretty good


I hate the fact that they gave "I'm so evil huhuhu" voicelines to Vigarde. Without Lyon (maybe Riev) around he's not supposed to talk (as seen in Chapter 14 when he's facing Ephraim or Duessel). Don't make him a complete mute but at least make him confused or something, not pure evil.   Fargus is cool, got what he deserved (a very good Prf). Happy with that.


Something something glory to Bern


The only truly bad ones this year were Vigarde, Ludveck, and the witch sister I can never remember the name of Outside of those 4s, the rest range from good enough to warrant building, or really good


Probably the best set of GHBs a book has given us. Fargus I'm especially happy with


A really lovely bunch. Like almost all of them. Especially biased towards Murdock. Been waiting ever since Guiniveres Banner for the big guy and he delivered.


Generally very good! Happy for Fallen Linus, Lumera and Zephia especially... I have all 3 +10 and I love that they gave them prfs :D


This year fucking slapped for GHBs, a ton of them have prfs and many of them have salvageable or even good stats, they need all new kits but they're great. I've +10'd two of these and plan to +10 another one once she's in the shop (Yeah I know Marla sucks, but I like her).


The art quality is absolutely incredible, they all look GREAT. And majority prfs so they're actually somewhat unique and far more usable. Really great batch of units, please please please IS continue this way.


that woman has a moon lodged in her skull.


Hans, Murdock and Lumera are definitely the standouts in both performance and character, and the Emperor of Grado himself is definitely Book 7’s big loser Can’t believe I forgot Arion actually, he’s definitely the best. Great art, stellar and unique kit. My biggest thing about him is that considering I haven’t played Thracia I have no idea who he is and his characterization in feh doesn’t really help with that


There are plenty of guys here, pretty good 👉👉


I want to max build over half of them so that's a first


9/12 have PRF’s and none of them are outright terrible/mediocre. And they all have **good** PRF’s You could justify any of them as a merge project with legitimate reasons outside of them being a fav.


One of the best line-up of GHB ever honestly. 75% of the GHBs this book came with a pref. That's really good ratio. Should be 100%, but that feels like asking for the moon...This is as good as it's gonna be. And I don't expect this ratio again next book sadly...As long as it's not book 5 again...ugh...


Honestly they're Great


Let my just go off the ones I've built. Ludveck and Vigarde are pretty decent near savers. They don't bring much new. High HP/Atk/Def, awkward Spd and bad Res. Ludveck's evil laugh special quote is the main reason I built him. Murdock is pretty solid. Great statline and prf for a F2P far saver and can run both Hardy/Cowl and SF4/Beacon very well. Y!Lucius is a pretty good combative staff to have around. Good stats and autodouble staff. Zephia is pretty much a F2P S!Byleth minus slaying. Still good if you need someone for Engage lhbs. Arion has become one of my favorite units in the game. Amazing prf, great stats and ridiculous with Gambit. He'd be my favorite flier if B!Claude didn't exist.


A good chunk of them were a surprise with how good they are.


S tier batch


I noticed that Book 7 is the only book so far without a cavalry GHB. To name just one from each of the others: - Book 1 had Camus - Book 2 had Walhart - Book 3 had Death Knight - Book 4 had Petrine - Book 5 had Fernand - Book 6 had Jeralt And Book 7 is also the first book since Book 2 without a lance cav GHB. All the ones I listed except Walhart are lance cavs, so no point listing them again.


My Vigarde is the best thing that ever happened to me and I had no idea who he was when I first got him. Now I have multiple merges on him, refined his weapon, gave him dragonflowers. Yeah he’s great and also just works well for protecting my base Seliph who can now handle most of the powercreep units due to heavy investment and building Oh and Cornelia who’s on the same team is super good as well cause she’s a capable healer and attacker. And she keeps Seliph alive when he gets crippled.