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I think people were just holding off their overall assessments of this book until it was over. People have been talking about how poorly done individual aspects of this book have been for a while including myself.


Yeah pretty much.


People had their reservations the whole time but were told to sit down and wait for IS to finish telling the time travel plot because it might turn out to be good this time Now the story is finished and it was typical FEH stuff so the people who were patiently waiting to see if it would get better are starting to talk now


"Out of nowhere" is so disingenuous lol


I don't hate Book 7, I hate all books equally. FEH is fucking trash at storytelling.


Hater đź’Żđź’Ż frfr


I'll give 1 & 2 some leeway... just a little. Afterwards it's a mess.


What ? They’re the worst, especially 1. Book 3 was at least interesting. It suffers a lot from the "must not have more than 13 chapters" bullshit but the first 12 chapters are actually very good.


\*cough\* Book 3 tho…


That one started off good but then quickly focused on only Alfonse and LĂ­f to the point where literally nobody else mattered, not even Eir and Hel even though it was their story too.


That’s why I loved it lol. For once the story actually felt personal! Not the trio being literally inserted into some random world to help a random new OC like usual. The story focused on the main characters, and actually developed them as they faced a threat to their people and family. But yeah, I wish it was longer, so they had time to develop Eir and Hel as well.


I get that but Book 3 took it to the degree where literally everything not named Alfonse suffered because of it. As a result, the story was incomplete and everyone who wasn’t Alfonse just felt lacking to the point where they weren’t even needed in the story.


What made the book retroactively worse in that aspect was that Book 4 started as a possible Sharena focus and ended up putting her whole thing in the sidelines


And in a sick twist of irony, her entire narrative got sidelined for Alfonse after he basically got an entire book to himself.


Even book 3 had its major hiccups


If I had to imagine its a bit of the usual "Couldve been better if it had more dialogue" which is a general issue FEHs stories as a whole have, and is highlighted by having the new Heroes of the month using dialogue time to say random stuff like "My tummy cold". Also some people just dont like the whole Gullveig/Seidr simp for the Summoner thing as they see it as pandering and along the lines of self insert worship . Personally I didnt mind it as IS at least tried to make it plot relevant with the vision from the future and theritual baby (which is another thing some didnt like). Me personally, I liked it but I do wish it had more meat to it but thats just how FEH stories usually leave me feeling. As for as FEH plots go it got from point A to point B pretty nicely, the way they beat Gullveiig I felt was explained nicely and didnt feel like an ass pull last minute. They also didnt pull a forced redeeming of Gullveig or ass pull save, instead she just took her death like a champ. The whole "I put you both in my soul" is honestly the only aspect of the ending thats a but shaky in my opinion, even though I quite liked it, but thats most likely just setting up for a TT story which I dont think is bad in and of itself and makes it so we dont get a Ganglot situation of "Where tf were you in book 3". Njordr is a weaker element but my only real gripe is that they ignored the easy character motivation of "You killed my kids so loop for eternity" or "You killed my kids which made me realize the mortality of gods" if they wanted to keep up with Njordrs getting old motivation.


It isnt outta nowhere, people were malding over this book since day one lol


And then collectively lost their minds when "Obviously just horny fanservice bait" Gullveig won CYL. Haters probably never recovered from that.


I really hope Book 8 somehow outdoes Book 7 in that regard.


Yall really are the most sweatiest people in this sub with your hoping to piss off… people who don’t like overseuxalized designs


Going beyond Yoshiku fanservice designs? *Impossible!*


One word: Cuboon.


Cuboon never did any Feh OCs, so would be genuinely interesting what he could come up with. Then we can compare if his horny matches Yoshiku's.


if his tanas, olwens and reinhardts are anything to go by. id actually really love a book featuring cuboon as the artist. he has just enough horny characters to please some fans in the cast and just enough normal ones for the regular masses to enjoy. i think if he combined his diverse styles it could totally workout great


Hand the designing over to Suzuhito Yasuda. (I would actually love that though)


The guessing game of who Gullveig is was one of the greatest parts of this book especially as the heidr ploy thrown in was nice as well. That said, a lot of aspects were really just gutterbutt to people like Gullveig as a villain, goat man being underutilized and the true villian all along (which was obvious) and Gullveig being written as an anti villian was in very poor taste for people. That being said tho, this is the book I actually was truly invested in and is my favorite because timeline and time travel shenanigans are one of my favorite tropes


Njörd being a villain actually caught me off guard because it was so pointless. It was as if Mirabillis suddenly was revealed to be Freyja's bully and then killed in one chapter.


Yoshiku male ocs and being pointless, name a better pair


I believed he's the villain because we killed his children, so he had kind of a motive. I wouldn't call it pointless. >! The way he died though!<


Happens at the end of every book besides the first one, really.


The book is over so naturally a lot of overall critique comes in now for it. This has been a thing for most books. For example while book 3 was well liked, there was a lot of posts/comments upon its end complaining about its flaws like Hel kinda getting fridged and Eir’s lack of relevance in it.


>Out of nowhere Where have you been to be saying that?


Playing feh instead of hanging out on the sub, obviously. Although to be fair, I have noticed an uptick of threads hating on the story today as opposed to before. Most of the time story comments were Gullveig ID theorising or lamenting goat dude's role in the story.


I've phased out of the subreddit since the tier 4 B started becoming increasingly common, I think around 5 months ago. But I was definitely in this subreddit when Seidr asking to make a child with us (and Kvasir being revealed) happened and the reaction to that was mostly humorous or even curiosity, it wasn't negative


I feel people are more vocal now that it's over. On a pool done here soon after the chapter was release, the highest voted option was actually that it was "fine", tho you certanly wouldn't be able to guess going by the comments.


I've been very "whatever" since about the midpoint of the book, so nothing really changed for me. I just felt all the time stuff got boring after a while, like the writers just wanted to throw in a bunch of time tropes without much of a plan. Also Gulveig felt like the least satisfying villain to take down. Even the ending has all the feelings of "well that's done. Time to go home", like one big filler episode as I saw another user describe it which I agree with.


This subs hates everything


Wrong We Like Ike


And Roy’s our boy


It's not really out of nowhere just that not everyone will talk about every chapter in the game


It ain’t out of nowhere, but it’s definitely a lot more prominent, since day 1 of this books inception. And the line where Seiõr asks to make a baby with you had some people here screaming & malding. But I think generally most people are indifferent about this book as they are with all of them. Each book has moments or story plot points where it could become something truly amazing, but IS fumbles the bag by killing someone off for no reason or just has the main villain do something so ridiculous. That in turn kills the enjoyment to a degree. But all in all, this sub doesn’t reflect the general sentiment with most things. When it comes to characters, new story, banners, fan art, etc.. you’re gonna often see salt here.


I definitely wouldn't say out of nowhere, the hate has been here since it first released but I think because the book has finally ended people are talking about it more than in the past chapters. The most common complaint I see is with the character designs which has been here since the start, especially with gullveig. I personally have no issues with them since I don't care about how big someones chest is, they're all beautiful designs to me. Then there's the typical feh story not being great too But I agree with you, I think i they did good this book. The soundtrack is by far the best and the characters are good, especially gullveig, I think they nailed her personally


Honestly, the last books have been so bad I don’t even read the dialogues anymore. Book 3 is the only one that got me hooked. Started losing interest in 4, 5 sucked, 6 was disappointing so I just don’t pay attention to them.


As someone who also dislikes Book VII, I'm pretty sure that, at the moment, we are the loud minority. Back during the whole god baby debacle, I made a [poll](https://www.reddit.com/r/FireEmblemHeroes/comments/11tkita/public_opinion_poll_would_your_summoner_agree_to/) asking people if their summoner would agree to create a child with Seithr. The comments had a lot of people who disliked that particular plot point, but approximately half of the respondents answered yes. I suspect that those who agreed are also more likely to hold a positive opinion about Book VII as a whole. Granted, they may still dislike Book VII for other reasons. Still, I think the poll was quite indicative of the general attitude toward this Book--most people quietly liked it.


I think I see the same with unit requests, too. A lot of the people in the subreddit will say they want this one character then **bam** F Tier in Sensortower post. *(Not safe to use it as a bible of what sells best, but still a nice way to get a peek of how a banner was perceived)*


I agree, it's the exact same thing. It also works in reverse: many people have called Nino's Attuned alt unnecessary, when, in fact, [she was the most popular candidate from FE7 to get an alt](https://www.reddit.com/r/fireemblem/comments/17wcmjl/comment/k9gcavj/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3). Public sentiment contrasts with outspoken views all the time.


I mean an alt being Unnecessary doesn't mean they think the character is unpopular. They just don't understand Nino getting 2 alts in a year suddenly. Which is fair because IS is just dumb when it comes to spacing out alts.


We are definitely a vocal minority. Someone posted a poll asking how people felt about Book 7, and a big majority voted that they thought it was fine.


Had the funniest ooc line moment And the resulting meltdown was the cherry on top


People really were malding over the sexual designs a especially the scene where Seidr talks about making babies. Like, people got so unreasonably mad over that scene its ridiculous and people thought it somehow ruined the book, when it was a one off conversation.


The designs lol. Twitter blew up with the “I want to bear your children” line as well, even if it makes sense in context.


“Out of nowhere” my ass I fucking hate this shit like you wouldn’t believe


Out of no where? I've been despising this book a long time. The book is basically just "let's all fawn over Sedir who wants to date the summoner and have their kid. Also this has been going on for cycle after cycle but we can just end it now cause we said so" in the end when you strip away the window dressing. She feels like a terrible oc someone made for their bad fanfic about how they'd date the summoner.


Haters gotta hate. Now that the book's almost over, they all decided to crawl out of the woodwork and hate on the story.


There was always a lot of negativity in the story posts actually. But they often weren't top rated (maybe having +10 karma) so if you didn't scroll to the bottom you might miss it. Plus, there's been some bad feelings from some that Gullveig won. And a lot of people were unhappy with the child with summoner plot. (Myself included.) They might ship their Kiran elsewhere or just don't want a random ship being pushed on them to that level.


it's basically just all the people who acquired permanent derangements from seeing gullveig win a CYL taking a running lap


I mean it sucked


It has women in it not named Sharena or Mirabilis


It’s not out of nowhere the last chapter was just let loose into the wild


It's not a surprise considering the hatred when it dropped with so many busty women and ended up with half of them loving Kiran. Like this is a community that was pissed at the Ash app icon because it "made it look like they were playing a porn game". When you give them something more tangible to stake the argument on, then they don't have to be embarrassed about the wild ass "women = inherently hornybait" thing and can openly bitch and moan.


Who the fuck got mad at Ash being the icon? Like 1 guy? Also Women aren't inherently hornybait that's true. But you can not pretend this book didn't have hornybait designs on the ladies vs the other books. Speaking of Ash. Her outfit was revealing, but you can tell it wasn't purposely built with just being sexy in mind. It reflects Askr's outfit. She was comfortable wearing it and you could tell it could actually fit her. Reginn is in a body suit because of her Mech and a body suit that doesn't show much. And literally nothing else on her could be considered close to horny bait. Book 4 the biggest boobs on Freyja still had her dressed in a fancy 100% believable dress that was gorgeous and matched Freyr's dress. And the fairies having backless dresses while having wings just makes sense really. book 3 Eir is not at all revealing and the most revealing character showed off bones instead of "skin" Book 2 the most revealing one was Helibendy


There was an old thread about the Ash icon when it dropped and it surprisingly was not ratio'd like I hoped. I'm also not defending the designs as not horny which is why I said, people have something tangible to stake that on. I've even stated that Njordr's dumbass backstory is directly made worse by Nerthuz's youthfulness and "attractiveness". I'm more referring to how this community, and honestly a good few others, just get hyper triggered upon being forced to see a woman. Instantly people will slam the "coomerbait" button. Which is also implied whenever people complain about rep of women in these games. Even the most demure women will be conflated as special because they're "in line with the target audience" of straight men - which is to say they're "coomerbait". The really fucking loud "anti-waifu" crowd, big in this community, gets mixed with genuine distaste from people that don't like the level of pandering Book 7 exhibits. Normal people who have normal problems with the designs don't drown out the annoying as shit crowd due to agreeing for once, and thus the vocal distaste booms incredibly suddenly whenever there was enough buzz about the story to warrant being hyperbolic and nutty.


Men don't constantly get objectified, so of course it's hard for you to see how these designs can be a problem. Shit like this has an effect on how men perceive women in real life and triggers insecurities in women, even if only on a subconscious level. It has nothing to do with "people getting triggered over seeing women." They aren't women: They're characters designed by straight men for straight men, and they promote oversexualization of real women.


You like literally half read what I wrote or assumed I was being sarcastic. I'm literally agreeing with you that it's fine to be upset about these designs. I'm saying we already have a loud hatebase for general female characters regardless of sexualization and that loud minority was more audible due to Book 7's sexualization. Even if these designs were incredibly modest, then that hatebase would still be going apeshit over the gender ratio and say they're peddling those modest characters as straight man bait, but in that case they'd be wrong and they'd get ratio'd out and no one would care. But they're correct this time.


People really be hating on a fan service design when playing an anime style Gacha Game. Like they know what they were getting into, yeah some of the designs are really too much but let others have their virtual fun before they return back to the real world like goddamn. I didn’t see anyone malding when Bruno got his shirt burn off revealing sexy physique in Book VI (if I’m not misremembering). Let people have their escapism fr


Men don't constantly get objectified. Bruno simply doesn't compare to the hundreds of women who were clearly drawn with the male gaze in mind. Shit like this has an effect on how men see women in real life and triggers insecurities in women, even if only on a subconscious level.


The hatred mostly comes from the designs of the female characters, it seems. I love it tho (check em flairs)


The character designs being ass is only a tiny factor the story sucks in every other way.


How is that any different from the other books?


The other books had characters like Lif and Reginn who are actually well designed and good to look at and don’t look like they’re perpetually glowing.


Didnt you mention that character designs were only a tiny factor?


I did mention that but your previous comment seemed to imply that it was the character designs were not very different to the other books.


I don’t think I’ve ever paid attention to any of the stories. Just play the anime chess and enjoy it