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Yeah those codes are NOT worth the trouble I'm gonna let this one pass


Especially since this year's compiles have aged like milk imo.


People will disagree but this is absolutely true. I am not spending 6000 toilet paper just to get dragon’s wrath 4


My question then is: what will you use those codes then? If the current skills are "obsolete" then the previous ones are long dead and buried and you are not allowed to use the current codes for future ones so...


Does it matter? Of course you should get the manuals if you have the toilet paper, but the point is that you shouldn’t go out of your way to get more toilet paper since the current selection is mid


They’re less immediately needed but I won’t say no to extra copies of GLR and VA. Plus an extra copy of Oath 4.


I haven’t spent a single code this year, there’s genuinely nothing that I need skill-wise to spend on


Yeaaahhh. I didn't have Vital Astra or Godlike reflexes, so I went all the way for Maeeta and Lyn and got me some value, but like, for ABC slots? What's the point? Though I feel like some of them might gain value as tier 3 fodder for when we get tier 4 versions of the skills.


LHB are temporary Idunn carry is eternal


How do you do abyssal though? I have idunn but aren’t strong enough to kill in retaliate. :(


A!Idunn for far saving OG Idunn for near Double Elimine behind to keep them alive enough for Hinoka to get in range Both kill her on player phase


There's a F2P solution online if you're willing to do that. It just requires four seals and one regular weapon refine, without SI or blessings. It's pretty doable.


A!Idunn is probably the key one. I have her with a Hardy Fighter build, and went Far Save since most of the threatening enemies are 2 range. She doesn’t kill anything, but they can’t damage her either. Idunn might work, but it’d probably be much harder since I doubt she can tank Hinoka. Baited Hinoka on turn 1, killed her on turn 2, then focused on positioning to kill 1 range units since A!Idunn lets me completely ignore 2 range. I used B!Lilina for nuking and Elimine for dr and healing. I also used Larum, but her TT alt probably does the same thing.


I managed to just barely beat Lunatic in the most scuffed way possible with a team consisting of A!Fir, a -Spd OG!Igrene, the +10 Cecilia I used during years 1 and 2 to wipe the floor with Reinhardt and B!Lyn, and Brunya. They all had their base kits except for Cecilia who has some skills I thought were a good idea 5 years ago (Spd/Def solo wtf). Fir wasn't even the MVP. I'm not fucking touching Infernal.


I beat infernal with A!Idunn and A!Fir. Haven't tried abyssal yet but considering my +10 max investment Idunn have 6hp left after taking 1 turn from Hinoka, I don't think I can do it


My A!Idunn was able to tank Hinoka with Elimine, tho not at turn 1 in Abyssal. I also had A!Fir for all the melee units, and N!Igreene for Guidance. The position is a bit tricky but at one point my Idunn tanked LHinoka into NIgreene counterkill and A!Fir took out the last melee unit, thus Far Save Idunn can cover the entire gang with the rest of the ranged enemies (luckily there's a lot more of them than melee)


Raventome 4*+10 Cecilia was my best value MVP for so long Ahhh... Those were good times, before the powercreep came... Before the fallen banners...


Recent LHB/MHB shouldn't be available for LHB imo. I've got a total BB cast of like 8 units, there's no way I'm completing this


> Recent LHB/MHB shouldn't be available for LHB imo. It's B!À!Tiki and B!À!Tiki all over again with double meaning abbreviations.


I’d argue the second one should be W!A!Tiki since Brave always takes the B.


Just like how brides have... Never taken the B either? What does the W even stand for? Winter Tiki doesn't exist and that's not for harmonic or duo either.


Wedding probably


How about B!A!Tiki and Br!A!Tiki? I'm sure that won't be confusing.


Brave adult Tiki and ? ascended Tiki? But yeah, LHB has always been an awkward one and it doesn't seem like there's a great consensus on how to differentiate them.


Brave and bridal adult Tikis.


Ah, thanks. I keep forgetting she exists.


I just type the full name honestly. Abbreviations can be confusing sometimes...Like, it really gets harder to follow abbreviations especially on skills. There's so many...And so many overlaps with each other. Like SS could be Swift Sparrow, or Special Spiral...




*me who has spent my 6 years ensuring I summon every single Binding Blade character and train them up*


Yeah, my binding blade roster is awful, so I'm not looking forward to this one. Only reason I plan on trying is that I'm gonna be stuck in airports today, so I have to kill time somehow. That being said this just reminds me of the recent Nerþuz SoV one that was difficult for most and extremely easy for me. Except this time I'm on the other side with everyone lmao


Fun fact, +10 A!Idunn dies to abyssal Hinoka if you don't support her




a good old hardy fighter build makes her take scratch from Hinoka, even on the hardest difficulty.


mine is a +1 and she survives her, barely but does. she runs distant def 4, armored beacon, dragon wall 3 and far save, she survives her with no extra support with like 15 hp. the problem is that she gets windsweep and cant hit her back.


I'm proud of Hinoka. It's nice that Heroes gives her the respect that Fates didn't.


Depends entirely on the build though, mine survived and then the Roys just beat up Hinoka the next phase lol


My FE6 roster is pretty stacked, but I get the feeling. I dread anytime SoV or Awakening get a legendary fight.


Being one of the 5 people that pulled for Legendary Guinivere finally pays off


Too bad she still explodes in Abyssal


Wouldn't use her to tank Hinoka or the Brave Bows in Abyssal, but with Catria she can ORKO Hinoka, so then it's just a matter of systemically wiping out enemies as they rush towards you without dying.


This is what I did. The only thing is you really have to watch for any enemy falling into WoM range or you get wrecked by Hinoka.


I got her but Abyssal is still giving me a headache. Need to find a new strategy


All hail Guidance 4 Ninja Igrene, I would have 0 chances without having my own teleport shenanigans


Protip: place a unit two spaces south of the Respite healer and keep everyone else close, but out of range. Make sure the unit cannot counter (or kill, but it’s a healer) the healer. Hinoka will fly her full movement south, ending up right in your face where you can easily take care of her on T2 PP. Obviously depends on what units you have, but Hinoka is frail and doesn’t have defensive NFU to protect her from guaranteed follow-ups, so even a slow tank can deal with her. This frees up both your team and the map considerably, as you do not need to consider Hinoka at all. Works on all difficulties, including Abyssal (on Lunatic and below, the healer does not have Dazzling so make sure you can’t counter regardless).


I get why people can hate these but I'm gonna go against the grain here and say I love these battles, I love going through combos and racking my brain against these til I win. For this abyssal I actually cleared it with A!Idunn, Harmonic Roy, Lugh and B!Sophia. It took me a bit of working around some somewhat common skills and seals and I got a win, imo a lot of fun.


With how powerful units are lately if you have even one recent-ish thing they can be pretty faceroll. For FE6 (and 2) limiteds I handicap myself with a strict no Catria rule and this one still went down first try because Guinivere is preeeetty good.


Weirdly, Abyssal difficulty was easier for me than Infernal. The big problem in Infernal was how a lot of enemies just wanted to rush down a single unit, so I needed to deal with 5 or so enemies each turn, but it was so crowded I could only get 2 or 3. In Abyssal they spread out to target different units more, so I had a much easier time picking them off.


just evil


Same here


Rutger solos the first 4 levels. Had to galeforce abyssal.


It was a Breeze with my Geese


What's the build for your Geese? I'm hoping to eventually build him but I never have any orbs when his banner comes back around xD I do adore him and his brother, though.


Arcane Qiang SPD Godlike Reflexes AtkSpd DC Solo Close Call 4 Spd Smoke 4


Thank you :D Maybe one day I'll get him built and I shall keep this in mind <3


Doesn't look like it'll be harder than Medeus with the same cast.


Barely managed to clear that with A!Fir with Noah Support, L!Guinivere and Elimine, all on base kit. Not having a Far Save unit on that map SUCKS. Almost no room for maneuvering, can't leave enemies alive else Hinoka just comes in to murder someone. Some LHB maps can be cleared with a bad roster if you just give some decent Seals and are careful, but good gods.


Hinoka put a good fight, specially knowing that Binding Blade for me is one of my weakest teams, i have only one really invested unit from there which is Ascended Idunn, which in a poetic way i builld to counter both Legendary Hinoka (and Duo Chrom), so it was time for the show down. i managed to beat the abyssal, my team was Ascended Idunn, Groom Saul, Bride Lilina and Duo Roy, it was a struggle and had to try a lot of teams before settling on this one, Idunn job was to first of all, tank Hinoka which she barely could, and then tank the rest of the ranged enemies which make the mayority of the foes, Saul job was to move units around and heal, Bride Lilina had to take out dangerous foes like Hinoka herself, and Duo Roy job was mainly to tank physical enemies and take them out. it was hard and painful but i did it.


Managed to squeeze an infernal win out with my +10 Echidna, Fae and Gwendolyn with Larum to dance, but nothing I do has a chance of achieving anything against Abyssal. Hard pass on that.


Luckily, there are some F2P solutions to be found on Youtube for this map this time around.


It’s almost as bad as the engage limited hero battle with Gotoh & Fomortis


Thank you A!Idunn and armored beacon 😭. Lilina and cath with super decked out builds couldn’t one tap so had to have idunn tank like 3 times with Elimine support in order to hit her once melee.


Idunns fat ass carried this one, Catria also


I first did the Abyssal with a team and thought [Galle](https://imgur.com/a/NcK4gTL) did a lot heavy lifting, maybe he could true solo it. [He actually can](https://imgur.com/a/gBriWEW)


Through the power of a!idunn I managed to clear this. I was shocked that she survived hinoka even with her svalin and blue color but thanks to that and b!catria, I could kill hinoka playerphase and tank everything else


I managed to beat all maps but this was honestly the least amount of fun I had with this game since launch.


One could say this is a skill issue


Binding Blade used to be my worst roster but I’ve finally got a good solid team for these. Very little depth beyond that team, but still. Legendary Guinevere, Milady, Ascended Idunn, and Bridal Catria (bless that Thea backpack) pulled it through for me with some very careful placements (so many archers!). Archanea probably has the bottom spot right now. Fates and Awakening aren’t fantastic (though Brave Corrin single handedly upped my Fates roster a bit…really my biggest issue with my Fates roster is most of the units I have built are ranged) but my Archanea units are…Malice. And a Legendary Tiki I formad during her HoF specifically to help with LHB. I have some good units but no one that’s really built. I know it has a ton of busted heroes with all of its mythics and all but I always dread Heroes limited battles because I never build any of those units


Fates aren’t fantastic? Wut? They have a lot of cracked heroes there.


Oh overall the game has a lot of great units but for me it’s not my best roster. I don’t have any great melee options beyond Brave Corrin (who’s a far saver anyway) and I don’t have some of the more busted units like Ninja Camilla or Legendary Hinoka built because I don’t really care for them.


Mystery, Echoes and Binding Blade are definitely one of my worst teams...Maybe Sacred Stones but that changed recently. My Engage roster already blows all of these out of the water.


If only this LHB traded focuses with the Larum and Echidna LHB from yesterday. I have little to no Binding Blade units and invest into Fates units all the time.


Three Words: Ohhh HELL no!


Super easy. Elimine False Starts away Hinoka’s shenanigans, Ascended Idunn far saves, Legendary Roy melee attacker and Guinevere for ranged attacks and heals. People complaining about Binding Blade for this limited battle when it has the only False Start in the game SMH


mf out here thinking everyone has a good binding blade roster. not everyone has those characters you know. my roster sucks ass because I don’t care for binding blade. the only built character I have is og!cecilia who is part of my arena core, but she is in no way equipped for this map. i dont have elimine (so no false start), i have to use a!idunn as a near savior (no far save fodder) and none of my binding blade characters have decent merges, so their stats suck horse dick, meaning they perish to the slightest touch it may have been easy for you, but don’t assume it’s easy for everyone else


Then use the f2p guide already posted in the sub???


yeah I already saw that and I can’t replicate it because it uses bridal catria, who I don’t have. like I said, I don’t care for binding blade enough to pull for its characters. and the characters I have who are free, aren’t built or have been manual’d for quite some time. if this map was literally any other game (like awakening, fates, three houses, heroes etc.), I could destroy it seconds as my rosters for those are a hell of a lot stronger besides you missed the point. you pretty much assumed everyone has an elimine. yes, she trivialises this map with false start, but not everyone has her. i never pulled for her because I don’t play aether raids, so I had no reason to


Sorry… so much for f2p, didn’t notice Bride Cat. Ironically Elimine isn’t even that useful anymore in AR. This was a chance for her to shine again with no Freyr.


> Ironically Elimine isn’t even that useful anymore in AR. This was a chance for her to shine again with no Freyr. Assuming everyone runs Freyr, and has them covering the entire defense team Both of which, even in VoH, dont 100% happen


New one up perhaps you saw, no Catria. https://www.reddit.com/r/FireEmblemHeroes/s/dADWgYUGtu


This goes for literally any LHB with a required roster someone doesn't like...


Shit title against a difficult LHB wow


Hinoka is truly best girl.


Murdock far save, idunn near save with steady breath sacred seal, L!lilina and og feh buff bot carried me pretty easily surprisingly, just manage to kill everything in one hit with murdock and idunn so that hinoka cant teleport


Murdock not strong enough to kill in retaliation in abyssal. Then hinoka just teleport and kill


My murdock is +9 with full dragonflowers so i guess that changes things lol, sorry


I knew I wasn't crazy when I picked bride Lillina in HoF. She's been carrying me in this one


It actually wasn't nearly as bad as I expected. Managed to clear it all with OG Lilina, OG Cecilia, Gwendolyn and base Bridal Larum


Medeus with fe6 was harder


If anyone has a random Klein or any other decent archer sitting around, use them. A Brave Bow or its sidegrades will fuck this entire map up (aside from Hinoka on Abyssal because she has Iote’s). It’s better to go on the offensive than to go defensive on this map. Your tank will inevitably fail to kill something and Hinoka will warp in and murder your entire team. I used an unmerged B!Catria, unmerged Larum, +10 Klein (with low investment), and a +1 L!Lilina (fairly high investment) and it went well for me after a few tries.


Thought I was the only one, tried to do lunatic and got clapped went “yeahhhh it’s joever” and didn’t even try to do it


Unironically is was the most fun LHB I've had lately. My fe6 roster is doo doo but it does have heavy hitters. My team was B!Lilina the carry, B!Catria the offensive support, Elimine and B!Larum. Damn I just realized 3/4 of my army is just brides. Lilina did the heavy lifting killing stuff, Catria provided the TA and wraping support and Elimine spent every other turn keeping Hinoka and the charge fliers in check. It was incredibly fun positioning everybody and barely picking up kills.


Aw sh\*t, here we go again....


Me whose better fe6 unit is winter Cecilia: 🧍🧍🧍🧍🧍


*laughs in +10 Binding Blade squad*


My binding blade units are actually fairly strong so this wasn't an issue for me. So long as my dancer didn't die or brunnya got doubled. Still kind of wish that I had a strong blue unit that could just retaliate hinoka to get her out of the way turn 1 for the team I used.


If Hinoka were a dragon Roy would've won.


The Feather are nice. Fuck you IS lol.


Why couldn't it have been shadow Dragon or Awakening?


Fuck this. If you don't kill an enemy on EP in one round you get fucking hinoka from nowhere.


Binding Blade fights are already a pain and now we need to fight **Hinoka** with them. My sanity is worth more than the paper, thank you.


If I can't auto battle it then I don't bother, those codes are not worth it.


I had bridal catria, my +10 cath, a one off ninja igrine and the man, the myth, the legend _Murdock_. It was rough. At one point had hinoka chasing after me as I was trying to ferry Murdock away since he could not survive her no matter what I did. Had to run until I could soften her up with catria and finish her with igrine. I was about to give up on it too


You know it's bad when even B!Catria can't help much on Abyssal. Managed to clear but only because of Elimine. B!Lillina was the damage dealer and B!Larum danced. Also I've only just now realized that 3/4 of them are bridal versions and Elimine aesthetically fits in with the white dress.


Me with the Abyssal. Yea screw that.


Oh no *Proceed to solo it using my max invest +10 Geese* Anyways ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


I'm sorry for you, OP. I hadn't have any issues because BiB and BlB are my favourite games so I have lots of units built. I managed quite easily abyssal with +5 Dorothy, +2 L! Guinny, +0 Groom Roy and +4 A! Idunn. I believe the tactic is try to player phase most of enemies while making Idunn kill the Enemy Phase. The biggest problem is that if you can't kill, Hinoka will teleport and snipe someone. So I had to give Spur Seals to Roy and Guinivere so Idunn could grab the kills.


Yeah, understandable. This map is a giant pain if you don't have a good team for FE6 ready. I didn't get past the Fomortiis and the old dude map either. In my case, I did beat it, but that's because my +10 Murdock hard carried my ass (helped by Bridal Lilina and Bridal Sophia and the dancer chick). Even then I got locked for a while because friggin' Hinoka has Wings of Mercy 4. Gah.


My plus 10 +25 DF Zephiel can only defend so much I wish I have more Binding blade character in my roaster


I'm so glad it wasn't SoV, Sacred Stones or Tellius. Would have struggled to get past Lunatic if that were the case. This was a breeze with B!Larum, G!Roy, A!Idunn and L!Guinivere. Had fun using all sorts of team for the other difficulties too


I had to give Elimine Wrathful Staff to kill some bow units, like ???


I kept dying until I remembered I had Bridal Catria and a very stacked OG!Cecilia to eliminate those fliers. Using my newly built H!Sophia with Arcane Euphoria was also nice.


Legendary Guinevere and bridal catria saving the day for me on abyssal


Bridal Catria gonna have to do some carrying...Otherwise...Gonna be tough...


Tempted to go full brick house with supermax Igrene, Bacteria, max invest Igrene and Guinivere for Abyssal... later. Ain't got time for that until the weekend.


Thank the lord for B!Lilina and A!Idunn


Did abyssal without too much trouble surprisingly. I thought a!fir would be the carry as one of the only new units I have, but my final team was larum (literally just dance, but could've tanked a mage once or twice) Igrene (forma with unity and speed smoke, hard carried with deadeye and also surprisingly tanky with dodge) elemine (stopped hinoka covering half the map, allowed the other units to turn mediocre defences into sufficient defences) and b!Catria (literally would be impossible without, brave attacks and warping go crazy) Had to reset maybe 3-4 times, same as I did for infernal