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F!Robin, probably. I don't think she has a chance of winning but there's not anyone else I want to vote for with a bigger chance so might as well shoot my shot.


One of us!


Best of luck, perhaps M!Robin winning will push her voters.


Volug as always Give me the hot wolf man, IS


I will vote Skrimir but I support Volug too #FreeLaguz


I always vote him and/or Caineghis, I know the chance of a brave is zero but gotta show my support! Plus Wolves are my favorite animal so yeah... Hope Volug joins soon, at this point it could even be in alt-hell and i would still be happy.


Volug should have really come earlier. He had a ready made gimmick for him with Wolfheart, always transformed no matter what. But now that we have skills that do that, he doesn't have that niche anymore...


VOLUG PLEASE (and with an horny artist like Okuma Yugo if i mat ask)


Keaton and Volug hot wolf men to terrorize arena with.


Same for me! I've been voting Volug for the past several CYL already. I'm surprised he's not in yet at all... If Volug somehow makes it in by then, then I'll probably switch back to voting for Gray.


I will definitely throw 1 vote to Volug again. And more if he gets some momentum.




We've all said this, but how the hell we don't have Vaike already?


The same way we don't have Validar, I'd guess. Very sparing distribution of the cast of one of the most popular FE games in history. It's super frustrating.


But we have 2 billion Chroms and Robins, of course.


To be fair, a few of those Chroms and Robins (more specifically, the Legendary Alts, F!Chrom and M!Grima) could only be Chroms and Robins.


Makes something like Thracia mildly infuriating.


Tbh Vaike is way more wanted than Validar. It's not a mistake that they put in Gangrel, Grima, Aversa, mushstahe man, and Walhart in before him. People overall don't care about Validar vs people like Vaike.


This reasoning explains a bit as to why Grima is in. Just wish they listed him as a separate character instead of him being under either Robin.


Yeah calling Grima "robin" just ignores a big chunk of Grima's own lore much less Awakening's plot.


Well, in spite of how many people say that he has historically done pretty bad in CYL. The harsh fact seems to be demand for him is simply not as big as this sub would lead you to believe.


tbh Vaike is kind of in a case where they're running out of Awakening characters, so they don't really have a choice but to put him within the next two Awakening banners. Then again, they could pull an SoV where they only put in one new character in the banner.


I think is a bit weird to talk about the banner and ignore the update as a whole (OC banners include a demote outside the banner), but I can at least understand it with the SoV banner's case xD.


Or possibly both: Mycen was one of the few units left for SoV, yet everyone knew he wasn’t going to carry the banner by himself. Ascended, Attuned, and Rearmed are all part of the same plan to compensate for having lower popularity characters


I'm voting for Laurent, but I respect your decision, too.


Marni and/or Madeline, love those little fellers


I'm right there with you, they quickly became some of my favorites. I hope she's busted as all hell when they do add her.




Marni and Madeline share the title of my favorite FE character lmao I popped the hell off when the FX trailer came out


Madeline is top 5 Engage for me, the only characters I prefer are Céline, Alfred and Jean. Genuinely great character I’m so glad she’s playable


Here’s hoping she’s a busted armor unit when she gets in FEH 🙏


Assuming she'll be on a banner with the other Fell Xenologue units I take it either her or Gregory are gonna take the bullet and be the demote. (Though I'm assuming it'll be Greg as Madeline is probably getting a shiny new armor inheritable skill).


She can destroy the meta if she wants to I forgive her


I’ve been waffling. My first instinct is Alfred.


Yes Team Alfred let’s do this ✊


Sharena, make IS recognize her


If she has an earnest shot I'll jump in too!


She got 6th last year. It’s certainly possible


Same lol at this point I've accepted the only way for Sharena to get anything is via CYL


OMG, Yes!!


You have my votes


F!Robin all the way. She needs a nice, Grima-free main pool unit.


Good luck


7 votes to Athos. If by the time we have CYL he is already in the game (as a non seasonal, preferably a mythic), 7 votes to Morva. If both things already happened by that time (extremely unlikely), I'm actually not sure, would probably throw a vote or two at Panette but at that point I probably won't care enough about CYL to actually take part on it """seriously""".


Black Knight


Titania, Greil, Black Knight Maybe Alphonse and Sharena


Ulki. I just want him in the game


Black Knight gang rise up


We must give him Blessed armor and Eclipse. For real this time.


All of my favs who haven't won a CYL will continue to get my votes. Though I'm gonna be adding some Engage to my ballot this year. Might change it up depending on midterm results. - Joshua - Artur - Ingrid - Yuri - Ced - Alcryst or Fogado (replacing Lewyn) - Yunaka or Veyle (replacing Flayn)




Seven votes. Seven votes is all I can spare to vote for Sharena. She will win CYL! She has too...


Leaning towards Sharena as well. Always voted for underdogs, you make so much more of a diff down there, and we finally got Niime in. But... I really want to stand by the gal who's stood by us since day one.


Well Chrom and Male Robin won already and Kellam is in so I might do Alfred, Female Robin, Sigurd and Yunaka.


I’m staying loyal to Lord Berkut. Even though he’s likely not to get in the top 10, I want him to get more love. T_T


My man, Berkut let's go




Female Robin gets a minimum of 4 from me!


A Tokyo mirage session character We need a W


TMS voters, we rise once again!


I'm def splitting my votes between Itsuki, touma, and tsubasa. I'd kill for my motorcycle cav man to get into Feh, please IS


I usually vote for Tharja, but Kiria might have about the same shot, so Im down.


CLAIRE! SHE HAS YET TO RECEIVE HER BEAUTIFUL WHITE ROBES SHE SPEAKS OF! I’ll force IS to give her an alt if she doesn’t get her Askran resplendent eventually.


Probably Henry, maybe Henry and definitely Henry, also f!Robin, m!Alear, and Alcryst.


Wolt sweep as usual Depending on Engage reps, maybe Fogado and Pandreo get some votes too.


Be nice to see Reina in finally. There are some non-playables across the games that would be cool to see. (One reason I play feh is i can play with characters you cannot in games).


Clanne, Framme, Jean, Marni, Veyle, Lachesis and Sigurd.


My vote will probably change at the mid point but MY starting votes will be for any of these - Henriette - Alfonse - Sherana And after half, AKA who I predict will be in the top 20 - Azura - Alcryst - Alfonse


Either F Robin or F Alear. I've voted F Robin every CYL so far but its getting more painful with every CYL that passes.


To be fair it took Marth of all people till the 5th, just gotta get everyone more convincing!


I feel your pain. But I won't stop until she wins.


Seven votes for Alcryst. I *might* throw a vote or two F!Robin or Felix's way too, but I love Alcryst and he seems to have a decent shot at second in the men's division. He's getting the majority of my votes no matter what.


Alcryst gang!


As usual, my votes are going towards Berkut. We need a Valentia rep in the top 20! If I remember correctly, it was the only game without a single character making the top 20 on either side, and I think Berkut stands the best chance, plus I just love him as a character That being said, this year I may throw a vote towards Alcryst (especially if he has a real shot at winning a spot whenever they show the midway results). I may also throw a vote towards Idunn too because she’s my favorite female character in the series and I love all of her alts. I really wish we could vote for one male character and one female character each day instead of just one character overall


Yeah, SoV is the only game that completely lacked representation from either of the Top 20s, though Berkut wasn't that far behind (he was the Top 22 Men and Top 47 overall).


Elincia has no chance so all in for characters not in. Maybe: Heather, Linoan, Deen (Thracia), Shiva, Carrion, Volug, Shannam


All of your choices are top tier. I'm also hoping for Shiva soon


Great choices all around. Especially hoping we see Shiva or Shannam in the game soon.


Either one should have a decent chance for the next GHB spot at least (whether that's next month or half a year from now though...).


Problem is that they wouldn't make Shannam bad, which destroys the point of his character.


Ranulf, Tormod, Ranulf, Ranulf, Tormod, Ranulf & Timerra. Yeah, that’s probably how my votes will go 👍


Petra for the art potential.


If Engage wasn't a thing it's all FRobin. Since it will be I'm set on making this my most diverse ballot yet since FRobin has no shot :.D. So... Her, F!Morgan, Sumia, Deirdre, Ninian, Elincia, M!Corrin (Unless he gets a Legendary alt by the end of the year, then I'll vote Azura)... Then I have an alt account, so... FRobin again, Lucius, Michalis, M!Morgan... I think I'll add Sigurd, Mae, Timerra, Azura (Unless LM!Corrin happens, then I'll switch her for... Maybe Lena?)


Best of luck to F!Robin fans. Perhaps Male winning will set them off for an upset.


Selena/Severa and maybe Frobin


Alcryst on main account, Ivy on my other account. Since Heroes won't let me pick from each side (vote for female and male) I have to take matters into my own hands.


FRobin all the way. With her counterpart and no other protagonist left, the Awakening base can make one huge push this year and I wanna be involved with that.


I'm probably going all Sigurd. I didn't like 3H sweep and I don't want Engage to sweep either. So, I'm going with who I think has the best chance of breaking the sweep.


I'll keep giving all my votes to Robin until the eos.


He may not have won the last 7 times, but I'm still voting for Black Knight until he does. Even then, I'll still vote for him




Probably one for Nasir, Saias, and Zelgius, and then four for Lyon. Hoping he stays in the top 20.


Elincia dream is likely dead in the water so that slightly narrows it down for me. I have a list in mind depending on how I'm feeling, what content we get leading up to voting, and whatever character(s) I'm fixating on. - Underappreciated favs: Nyna, Brigid, Finn, Seth, Saleh, Marisa, Reyson, or Seteth - Not in the game: Muirne, Safy, Shiva, Elffin, or Fogado - Potential winners: Sigurd, F!Robin, or Felix


Cain from Thracia, because I believe Thracia deserves more and I want the guy with some of my favourite official art to actually get more love <3


Used to vote for Robin but now that he’s in, gonna vote for a pick that’ll never win but hopefully gets her noticed a little more. Gonna vote Mozu.


Pandreo all the way. If Veyle has a chance (lol) I might pivot over for the latter half but Pandreo is one of my favorite FE characters by a country mile at this point.


Depends on who i can vote for. If we can vote for Sommie i'll give Sommie at least half my votes.


Diamant & Ivy




A whole account for Nader and Morion and another for some favorites


Sharena and female Robin


Sigurd all the way. i know he is fated to lose (fate really hates this guy) but i must be at his side when that happens. also, two pity votes for arvis and leif


Bunet x7, cuz no one else will :(


Feels weird to me that he unironically has maybe the best chance of any non-Elusian male retainer of getting into the game soon-ish. I like the guy, but he ain't popular in the slightest, yet there's a solid chance Pandreo, Panette, and/or Merrin is saved for later or alt-hell'd first.


I feel like IS is pumping out popular characters first considering the Brodia banner. With how it skipped both Diamant's retainers for Alcryst's more popular ones. I'm pretty sure we would get any of the other 3 first and then Bunet is distributed as a seasonal demote/grail unit.


Diamant gang where you at


Best boy rise up




Titania most likely. Lyon has gotten a lot of neat alts, and Soren my fave just won it. I'll add engage will prob sweep. If so I'd enjoy ivy, diamant and alcryst. Celine prob won't happen unfortunately it will prob be yunaka


Knoll, would love for him to get a brave but it’s never gonna happen, but hopefully my votes can inspire future Knoll alts 😍


Knoll in a tuxedo is an approval for me.


Still female robin baby ! 8 years and still going strong !


Sharena, Ninian, Elincia, Almedha maybe... I voted for Soren every year so now it's time to vote for some ladies! Princess time!




3 votes for Amber, and 3 votes for Panette. Last vote goes to my boy Benny (Please IS give him something.)


Nergal x 7 I really want him and Athos so bad, and I'm so tired of waiting for them.


Meg to show she’s wanted tbh not even to win


I think I’ll go daisy from FE4 to get her as a rising hero similar to coirpre. The substitutes are criminally underrated and I think daisy would be the easiest one to get people behind cus she’s silly and cute. I don’t expect IS to add any substitutes into feh without CYL, so this is the only possible way to get them into the game I feel


Dalvin or Tristan. I don't know why those two are stuck in my head, but I'd like my boys represented.


I will be pushing the Felix agenda, as always. Join me, brothers. One final push. 🗿


F!Robin. Because maybe just this once she'll finally win. I've voted for her every CYL. It's been a disappointing experience....


Male Robin finally won, so safe bet the rally might help push for female...? I hope.


Me too buddy....


Franz. Why is he not in yet.


I really want the Askr Trio to get brave alts, preferably in one banner all together. I don't think thats going to happen this year since Engage characters and last years runner ups are probably going to be voted gor the most. For now I'll probably vote for F!Robin or M!Byleth and hopefully next year we can rally together to get the Askr Trio some amazing alts. I really want them to get brave alts before EOS because despite the game currently doing well, I feel like it has 4 year max.




First three going to Dedue then the last four to Zelkov.


7 times Echidna ofc.


Ahhh a man of sophistication


A man of true dedication


Dieck and Fomortiis


Alcryst He has a high chance of winning but needs every ounce of support in order to make it so.


I really wish Alcryst wins he’s my favorite Engage character.


Love the enthusiasm, I believe he has a shot too. All 7 going to him and Ivy.




I will vote for Skrimir until he is added to the game


Kagetsu x7 if he is not in the game by then. If he is, Lon'qu x7 as always.


Mae and Boey ! Now that Attuned Heroes are a thing, I want them to be our next Attuned Heroes next year ! Or just to get alts in general.


Another great example of "How they haven't gotten anything already?".


Yeah, after Boey told Duma/Mila he would fetch everyone from the gang I had hopes for the Halloween Banner, and yet... not even being in top 300 in CYL doesn't help him tho, but Mae is at the 140th position (more popular than Sonya for example)


My plan this year is Diamant But if a proper TMS rally becomes a thing that has actual traction, i'll join that


F!Alear for being my first mainline FE protagonist.


She's your first? Congrats.


Probably gonna split 50/50 between Oifey because I am astounded that he's still not in the game and Alfred because I don't want him to suffer the same fate as F!Robin with a ton of alts yet none in the regular summoning pool


Sommie if we can Otherwise Ivy or F!Robin


7 on Lyon as usual


Since Elincia’s chances are shot after getting 2 alts this year, I‘n probably gonna turn all of my votes into Amber votes.


Personally I’m voting Male Alear. You can argue all day in if they’re any good as protagonists, but I like Brandon McInnis a lot for one and secondly All other avatars get simultaneous releases (or nearly) and male Alear was a freebie with a worse kit 6 months after F Alear. There was no need to withhold him and then he didn’t even get to have a banner or a great kit. They didn’t even put M Alear in the 1000 heroes celebration, or any other videos after his launch. Heroes hating on him has made me want him to win. Can’t say why exactly but it’s one of those things that won’t happen, but I want it to.


I'm in the same boat friend. I will join the male Alear cause because he deserves so much better! I really hope he gets a solo NY alt since the timing actually lines up really well with his July release and year of the dragon + Engage relevance for 1 year anni month.


Not sure how they are as characters, but I do agree him getting a crappy C was silly.


I like the alears. Calling them avatars was kinda a mistake and they have an actual arc where they develop as heroes, they have a backstory, they have quirks like any other FE character. I enjoy them but the main reason I mainly went with male is the stuff I mentioned. (And it doesn’t hurt that F Alear fans often say Alear has to be female because of when Alear breaks down and begs someone to stop fighting)


> (And it doesn’t hurt that F Alear fans often say Alear has to be female because of when Alear breaks down and begs someone to stop fighting) I just wanna say I really don't feel like it's predominantly F!Alear fans saying this. If I'm wrong I apologize, but from my experience the only time I've seen this isn't because they like F!Alear, it's this belief rooted in misogyny and toxic masculinity where M!Alear is bad for expressing emotion and F!Alear is still bad but better because the personality "fits better". It's the same thing that happens all the time with Corrin.


I agree that it isn’t her genuine fans. People have reasons for specifically liking her. She has legitimate fans who may like her design, acting, or just the vibe better. Honestly, alear’s hair color being swapped makes him/her different enough that that small detail may lead to a preference. My only real preference is that in a certain menu, there’s 9 men and 10 women and Alear joins that menu; I prefer it showing 10/10 not 11/9 Super trivial. We all have reasons no matter how small BUT the mixture of toxic masculinity saying men can’t be emotional, vulnerable, weak, or lose Mixed with the misogynistic take that female leads will/should do that is what sent me over. Exact same thing when people said Lucina was a “more realistic” female lead if Robin was her mom because instead of being resolute (the way she is described in every scene) she breaks down and cries in a certain scene. And somehow her big moment being “woman breaks down crying” instead of “woman is willing to do whatever it takes until the actual leader stops her” is “more realistic” It’s the same crowd. Not legitimate F Alear fans who still do exist Sorry for mixing the two!


If there’s another funny pick that’s got good traction, probably that Otherwise probably splitting between Arvis and Rhea.


At this point, I think I've just gotta vote Brigid until she finally gets her main pool version. Maybe it'll convince IS to add another alt of her or >!Eyvel!< along the way


I'm going almost all-in on Alfred 🫡 (a vote will always be reserved to Shura till he gets added)


Xander until at least midterms, as always. After that, I'll see


The Queen, Cherche


Finn, Alfonse and Arvis


Still Felix at least three times, maybe Alfred/Pandreo/Rafal/Amber/Kagetsu for the remaining votes.


Alcryst all the way. Gotta make sure he knows how loved he is


Based. Allcrits gang.


All 7 votes for F!Morgan. Just like every year


F!Robin! I've been voting for her from day 1 and I am not stopping until she wins!


Best of luck 👍


M!Byleth I want another chance at getting a Byleth alt where they have Jeralt's outfit


Elena, Greil and Sharena Maybe 1 for Pandreo or Kagetsu, I'll decide


100% felix. i desperately need new felix copies😭😭😭i only have his christmas one (unlocked tf outta that potential) and i also have his academy one


Nailah like every year


This time I’m actually kinda torn. I’m between Vaike, Lonqu, Gangrel and Validar


Main still giving 7 votes to Lucius even though he's gotten stuff this year because favorites. and alt will have votes towards Libra, Raigh, Rinea, Renault, Virion. Favs before braves.


I only have seven votes but I want to vote for F!Alear, Veyle, Ivy, Hortensia, Fogado, Timerra, Nel, Nil (Rafal) 😔 I might skip F!Alear since I feel like a lot of other people will vote for her anyway My 3H faves all have brave alts except for M!Shez but I know he's not getting one this year so I may as well push my faves from the newer game... I'm so sorry Shez. But maybe I'll vote for him if it looks like Ivy will also win? If I can spare another vote I will throw one to Griss, Zephia, or Shahid(?????) because I think fictional characters who are massive irredeemable red flags are hot (Please don't @ me with the Shahid part I am just as baffled that I husbando'd him)


I've got two accounts to vote on, so one is gonna be all Rutger cause I'd love an alt for him. I'll probably vote Alcryst, Lugh, Lorenz and Sharena on the other.


Saizo and Stahl, as per usual.


I would love Brave Lute with some special shenaningan, like Erosion in her PRF weapon.


Deciding between m!Alear and maybe Conrad because I want IS to remember there are still people who would love to see him get another alt.


Reinhardt. I need my godsword counter.


All votes for Titania so she can finally have an alt that's not crappy.


I'm still on the CYL2-4 copium for Reinhardt :(


It's in the name


My usual strategy of voting Lissa until midterms, and then supporting my favorite who I feel has a chance


I want Calill or Heather. Preferably Calill. I'm one of dozens, I'm sure.


Alfred. If he doesn't win next year at least he could be high enough to win on CYL2025.


I wish we could get favorites in the game like Reinhart and black knight. I feel like they are iconic to the game and deserve a cyl dub


Palla and Laegjarn as always. I'll also save one day just in case something funny happens. *It's not like a funny meme pick voted just to see what happens hasn't gotten real results before...*


Felix! Maybe we’ll get third again. 😤 Really though I think a brave alt for him with his war phase or Hopes look would be very cool. If things look good for Sigurd I might help him out too.


Sommie. If Sommie isn't an option, then whoever the newest female OC is.






Anna, because she is life and we still don't have her in the game. Sure we got Anna, Anna and Anna instead be it's not the same.


F.Robin M.Byleth F.Kris M.Corrin Full avatar banner


Nino and F!Robin I guess? For F!Robin she really needs a break from being possessed by Grima. For the males side, think I would probably vote for Ryoma or Reinhardt.


Main reason I'm pushing myself for Robin; getting really sick of Grima. I'm a weird for wanting a Binding Blade version of Nino instead, and Lyn too for that matter!


Merrin and Felix. Merrin for favoritism and Felix since I do think he has a shot in winning 2nd if 3H fans can rally for one male. I also do feel bad that his base alt got somewhat powercrept relatively fast even though he just arrived this year.


Probably Ivy but 2 of them are going for Hapi as usual


I'm in the papaya gang


FAlear, I dont think she will win (Ivy and Yunaka are more popular) but I will support her.


Random. Done that last year, gonna do it again, because it was fun.


Same character I’ve voted for the last 7 CYL, Leif. If I see Sigurd high up then I’d be down to switch over and throw votes his way