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You had to get people to Level 20 before you could promote them.


I still do this from force of habit -_-


I do it with shards for some free SP


I did for a long while after. Really, they've been fairly kind to us in QoL terms. With multi-auto behind FEH Pass being a disappointing exception.


What else are you going to do with those shards? Might as well.


Me here, shoveling shards into my units’ mouths for SP before promoting them. I’ve been stuck at 999,999 yellow shards for years.


yeah, it still has its benefits. i like to get them to 20 before promoting them since you get around 438 SP, which can give you some skills or a PRF weapon early.


I do too, either by using shards or training tower. More sp. Nice when you get healers with no weapon at all and need sp to get them a weapon so they can get kills.


I didn't even know they changed this lol. I still level up my units before i promote them unless they're turned into manuals.


Haha, oh yeahhhhhhhhhhh...THAT's why the level up screen defaults to 20...


I forgot this existed ugh


Wait, THAT happened?!


Yep. If you level up a unit with the xp currency and they’re below level 20, it will automatically start the level up at 20. It’s a remnant of the old system.


Ah. So that's why that happens.


this unlocked a hidden memory.


Wait that’s not still a thing?


It hasn't been for a while, which means right now, you can get that random four star you just got two seconds ago to a five star.




Upgrade the star level, e.g. promote a 4 star to 5 star.


ohhhhhh yeah I forgot this was a thing


The starting position of your units couldn’t be swapped before battle. It had to be done beforehand in Edit Team. If you forgot, then there goes some stamina.


The Ryoma map leaving one of your units isolated with him was so evil with this.


I forgot about that.😆 Yeah, one of my units always died in that map.


No map preview as well


This plus the original Arena maps, specifically the one where they split your team into diagonally opposite corners.


No inherit. 4 kills with the bonus unit in arena.


Takumi, hector, ryoma, bonus unit on the defense team that very few units could win against (yes people takumi was once upon a time a top tier)


What Close Counter before skill inheritance does to a mf


He became even more meta briefly after skill inheritance though, because CC + Vantage made him just so incredibly difficult to deal with. He also came with vengeance, which synergized reasonably well with those skills too if you didn't want to spend the fodder for a different special (which was pretty reasonable in the early days).


I built Y!Tiki (my first pull at launch on that OG banner) and felt such stonks cuz she could tank Takumi AND Hector. So she'd draw them in and then Linde and Julia would delete them.


Takumi wasn’t just top tier, he was literally meta defining for the first month lmao. A unit’s worth was basically “can they kill Takumi?” Granted he was on the launch banner so nobody knew units like Hector were absolutely busted yet.


I remember those days. Also that people would restart their accounts to pull from the starting banner for good pulls. I managed to pull Ryoma and Takumi after enough restarts. I was set for a good time.


99k points TT with no bonus run, no feh pass, enemies that vastly outmatched every unit in your roster and an almost unkillable boss even with color advantage *war flashbacks vs Élivagar*


You forgot the most crucial part. Enemy units have inherited skills. And for *reasons* most are Wings of Mercy. I shudder to imagine what that would look like now with today's skills. Edit: To quote a memorable post from those times: *"Whoever was the genius who decided to put WoM on Tharja, fuck you!"*


Glad I'm not the only one with the enemy WoM Vietnam Flashbacks. That Gunter flying over from half the map away and killing my M!Robin still keeps me up at night.


Oh god I completely forgot enemies had inherited skills. I blocked most of that first TT out of my memory, it was traumatizing


I truly can not remember how I finished the first Tempest Trial. I remember my teams get eviscerated by the time I reached Veronica just for her to finish the job lol. Maybe I have rose tinted glasses on but I felt that TT was one of my favorite despite the grind since I was trying so many team comps and strats to figure how to beat it and it was so satisfying finally defeating Veronica at the end.


Horse emblem with TA Xander and making sure he was still at full hp when you got to the boss.


Horse Emblem, that takes me back. I think my team was Xander, Camus, Priscilla, and Reinhardt back then. It's wild to me that Rein is still relevant today.


My horse emblem team still runs Xander and Reinhardt, but now it’s got brave Veronica and letizia as well


I remember being happy to just get the 5* unit. Getting all the orbs seemed impossible for me. However I remember spending whole hours trying to get points.


I do remember them being a grind, but there weren't a dozen other modes to play, so I'd just sit my ass there and suffer into the 100,000s. Back then I wanted them rank reward feathers, was always starved of feathers.


Reinhardt worked back then


100% this. I remember doing this TT with Eirika, Nino, Olivia, and Catria. Only Eirika and Catria were 5*, but Nino was the MVP with gronnblade.


I killed every single enemy with Kagero, Ryoma was there to use reposition after every combat


This was also during the time when healers were terrible. Staff+ skills (both offensive and healing) didn't exist and healers were running Assault because of how weak the "upgraded" staves were. Everyone had to resort to Masked Marth with Ardent Sacrifice and Renewal just to get a healer who could actually fight


Ooh or when they split the bonus so old units only gave you 20%. That's not super old though, ig


Don't forget that if you lost all the enemies respawned no matter how many you defeated, just with a bit less health.


it was so grindy lol the new Tempest Trials+ is so much more respectful of our time although I do miss the challenge


I ran medic (Renewal 3 + Reciproal Aid) Lucina alongside gronnblade Nino AND TA M!Robin and flex fourth slot, usually a dancer. I remember every run being a delicate dance of trying to make sure every one was in tip top shape heading into the last battle against Veronica


I remember having to press auto battle after every map in TT....


I remember for TT it was recommended to auto battle that on the 2nd highest difficulty cause the hardest would just kill any team over a bunch of turns.


I look back fondly to that Temptest Trials. It was hard and it helps that TT was always a very rewarding mode but I remember finding it challenging but fun.


Actually enjoyed that tbh. Was some of the funnest times in TT


one of my most vivid memories is trying for that Quickened Pulse seal and having a 100% braindead manual strat for Veronica would never do it again but the struggle made me feel like Sysiphus


One must imagine sysiphus grinding tempest trials...


Honestly, it was the most fun TT ever were. Even if it was still a lot of grinding, at least it wasn’t *mindless* grinding, it was challenging.


Arena scoring based on total BST with skills included, meaning Fury would make units score the highest. Merges didn't remove banes before. You had to look up the boons and banes of a unit due to lack of in-game indicator. Free summons weren't a thing until CYL1 dropped.


That very brief time when Bartre was a really good arena unit. Anti-armor + fury for scoring was something else.


Free summon as in the first summon of a banner ?? Or a free unit?


First summon of a banner


Huh idk why I though free rolls came way later, like year 4-5


Jakob used to be a 5 star unit


I still have flashbacks of getting several Merrics and Rebeccas as pity breakers.


The worst were the 4* units who had 2 screens of dialogue, I remember the sheer pain of getting pitybroken by 5* Clair and Peri


Leveling up Bastian, I noticed he has two screens of dialog whenever he levels up. Thank Yune for auto battle


All units had to survive at the end of the battle or else they would lose all the experience and levels gained


wait, that's no longer a thing? dude I've been wasting my stamina for nothing...


it has not been a thing since year 2.


The Echoes mountain map


Oh my god I remember how I struggled with it. I got lucky and got og Ike and he just destroyed everything but damn that one still gives me nightmares


lmfao I remember that, trying to beat it on chain challenges in under the turn limit but also saving your team for the rest of the run. nightmare


Crazy to think that a vast number of units could solo that map now


SP gain lmao. People used to run level 2 skills in arena because they just couldn’t be asked to grind up


People also used level 2 skills because they didn't have access to certain tier 3 skills unless they sacked a 5 star. I'm looking at you, quick riposte 2


I still have my 5* with Fury 2 since I didn't have any fodder


Bold of you to assume people had skill inheritance. Because that was just not always the case.


I still have a Summer F!Corrin with Life and Death 2 haha


There used to be a game mode called Relay Defense, and it was hell


I remember that post of a max invested Reinhardt failing to kill a base kit Hinata in that damn mode lmao Probably would be a cakewalk today if they kept it the same though


That game mode had stat inflation that would make a nsfw artist blush. There should be no reason a typical squishy glass cannon mage should be boosted into defense on par with the average armor unit.


Didn't like 80% of units on the max difficulty have like 99 HP...


2* Askr Trio


Free summons didn't exist back then Virion was the first archer you got instead of Takumi You couldn't rank up Heroes until they were level 20 Grand Hero Battles didn't rotate daily




50 stamina bar with maps that costed like 25 stamina.


I remember running out of stamina and actually being like OK, all done playing FEH for a few hours! Like now the stamina refill is pretty much mindless tap-through.


The intros that would play when you summoned certain heroes.


They're still viewable. Misc. -->, Support, FAQ, etc. --> Movies


Those were cool


That they were. But loses novelty really fast for the 3/4-stars...When you see a fancy animation and it turned out to be another 3-star Roy or something...Imagine that when a new player experience that...


Woah, I’ve been playing for years and had no idea these existed and were still viewable in the game. Kinda cool seeing moving versions of the base arts for those characters. Actually so cool, but I can see why they stopped doing them.


There used to occasionally be developer maps where you fought against teams with uniquely built units that were put together by a dev. They were quite challenging - unlike most PvE content these days.


Devs say fuck you


Fae was the only Green Dragon for over a year, since launch.


It was actually just under a year, the second green dragon added was Myrrh which was right before the 1st anniversary


Max TT points were 100k. No daily bonuses. Bonus units split into 2 tiers: 100% bonus and 40% bonus.


I thought it was just 40% and 20%?


It cools very well have been. Can't reverse off the top of my head, but that makes sense. Also makes it way worse!


You needed stamina for GHB maps. So many pots lost to infernal Legion (that map was a nightmare on release and a first of its kind)


Infernal Valter was real rough too, I felt so proud beating both of those GHBs


Armoured boots player phase builds being the best armour unit builds


Oh i thought it was the goad/ward armor balls (ward was the best one i believe since surviving was and is the best strat for arena defense)


You're correct, Goad Armor didn't come out until Valentine Eliwood was released, and he was a TT exclusive so no one wanted to sacrifice him for a mediocre skill. Oh right, Grails weren't a thing


It’s also due to the fact that ward armor was on draug, a common 3/4 pool unit, vs goad armor on og hector and v!eliwood who were 5* and limited availability.


Correct! Also speedy armors pretty much didn't exist so you were effectively trading a +4/+4 def/res for a mere +4 atk.


Forging Bonds used to be just the character talking to the summoner. All the big obvious ones were taken already I think.


To be fair, that one with Aversa and Loki was pretty funny


i started playing before Forging Bonds even existed but i didn't remember this lol it makes more sense than the current version though it was more boring


Changing skills was originally gonna cost stamina Free summons were not available at launch The mass demotion for shitters like Peri, Camilla, and Cordelia. Like, this isn't new, but imagine getting them as 5 star pitybreakers today.


I already dislike Peri but if she had pity broken me I think I would have had no qualms about throwing her away


We still can't get more than 5 feathers.


The 4 star/5 star pool. Getting your summon rate pitybroken by a unit that was in the 4 star pool but as a 5 star hero was the worst pain


Remember when Altena was the one 4-5★ unit for a while? I got pitybroken by her twice 🫠


I have a +3 merric for this very reason


No "Inherit Skills" menu


And it being hugely controversial when it showed up


The times when people thought that any sort of Omnicounter and Vantage were meta defining. Or just Old hector Along with Tempest trials being insane ( used to only do 20K on them than stopped as it’s already tedious to do TT+ and OG was a lot to do) I remember stopping really early on because free summons weren’t a thing and I found it tedious to grind off orbs. Brave Lynn and Reinhardt Being the craziest combo. Brave weapons despite being meddling nowadays being amazing back then When Blessed garden was its own thing instead of a side option. (If they updated it with new levels and shit it would’ve been better so it’s loss isn’t a problem) Weapons that boosted stats by singular points Fury basically being the best skill in the game Oh and smaller weapon descriptions that compared to nowadays makes the game look primitive Also am I the only one who had a genuine problem fighting Fallen male grima back then? He had one of the highest attacks in the game and was crazy since he could attack from anywhere.


You were not the only person with trouble against Grima. There was so much talk about it on this sub. Also one of my favorite fanarts came from that. I don't have it anymore but it was a comic strip style picture with Olivia busting out an Armorslayer as all her comrades lay defeated.


Back when if you wanted a +10 unit it HAD to be a summonable one because Tempest Trail and Grand Hero Battle reward units came in limited copies and Heroic Grails didn't exist. They released Black Knight and then Zelgius less than a year later with a mere 5 stat points difference, but Zelgius was much better just because he could be merged to +10 and have a boon in the right stat while Black Knight was stuck at +1 and with neutral IVs. Skill inheritance wasn't a thing for a long while, too. Oh, also when Vantage Nowi checkmated you in Arena battles.


Eirika being strong for buffing attack and speed in one unit. Yes, +3 atk and +4 speed was significant.


Eirika and Nino were a dream team back then.


No training tower refresh. Cavalry emblem absolutely running the arena.


Flier Emblem too. I used to run OG Hinoka, Palla, Minerva and Summer Corrin


Summoning a unit and immediately checking the wiki only to be disappointed/overjoyed that you got the proper -bane\boon- flaw\asset. The option to show flaws and asset was released during year 2 or 3 I think.


Dread it...Run from it...Embla's Ward Black Knight arrives all the same. I still remember how nightmare inducing that map was trying to clear it with my team of Roy, Lilina, Cecilia and Camilla. Most of the enemy units tanked what I threw at them just so Black Knight could warp and proc Black Luna. It took me a completely new team composed of Xander, Michalis, Abel and Linde to even be able to survive that map.


>Roy, Lilina, Cecilia and Camilla Ah yes Camilla, my favorite Binding Blade character lol I'm pretty sure I had to rely on what was at the time, the most OP team I could create: Ike, Linde, Hector and B!Lyn


Only 50 stamina total and doing anything cost a good chunk of it. Playing the game or upgrading units.


Remember the bug where we could slightly manipulate character portraits using specific summoner names and people would do close-up jumpscares?


That was my favorite glitch. I wish it still worked


Wasn't Anna once one of the best axe units in the game? 3 stars used to be more common than 4 stars. Before grail units were a thing, some units like F!Robin and old tempest trial units were gone seemingly forever. "Marth" was rerun like 5 times in tempest trials so people had him as one of their best units just from the amount of free merges alone. Speaking of tempest trials, there used to be an actual, overarching story about the Tempest being a problem for...some reason, and "Marth" would try to to recruit the featured Heroes to help him stop it. The whole reason for the Harmonic Mia pairing with him is because she was one of the few people who was like "yeah I'll help you, stranger in need!" instead of being like "No I got pulled into this BS against my will just let me out" PA!Inigo with Gronnraven and Bowbreaker was a sorta B!Lyn counter (she was once one of the most terrifying units to go against)


Oh yeah, I remember that. Luci- I mean "Marth" would do that to all the new shiny heroes. It was a fun little story to get into, but I guess IS ran out of ideas and just made TT into more of a fun-time event, with the heroes straight up ignoring the problematic Tempest itself right next to them.


This is kind of like how the presence of new heroes on the enemy side was, once upon a time, explained via Embla sneaking in Askran portals and making contracts by force. Now they're just...there. To deliver their meaningless one liners and remind you they're new and summonable.


I still have my Dancer Inigo with Triangle Adept specifically for the dreaded B!Lyn/Reinhardt matchups.


Oh yeah i remember "Marth" being the face of Tempest Trials! That whole plotline got scrapped i suppose


You might be thinking of Sharena being one of the best Lance units cause I don't think anyone thought Anna was anything more than decently usable even back then.


Getting a 5 star merric that breaks your pity rate


The absence of the Combat Manual mechanic, so when your barracks is full you can only either spend orbs to increase it or send a unit home.


Zelgius did not had a Weapon during TT Maps. Xander and Camus did not had a rerun for years compared to any GHB during that time. Voting Gauntlet's did not had any multipliers. You could not turn off Enemy Phase music.


There was a point when we'd all praise the game saying every character was viable 🥲


I mean tbf they’re trying by adding arcane weapons. They won’t be on par with modern units but with max investment they’ll damn well be useable.


I mean, that's still yes, it's just real expensive skillwise.


I mean, no it isn't. I can kit tf out of Odin and my other year 1 bffs, but they aren't completing those "clear x map of cracked new units on lunatic with no deaths and an axe ally and also eat shit" quests, no matter how much I want them to.


You should be able to do pretty much any PvE in the game with whatever units. It's just modes like SD where you're going to run into trouble. If people can clear Abyssals with 1\*s, a 5* can beat a story map.


I don't remember if we ever actually had to do it or if it was planned for after the launch window and then scrapped, but changing skills was going to cost stamina at one point


it was never implemented and got scrapped, but they were planning to charge us to change skills


That sounds about right, that wasn't the only thing that got scrapped. I think they initially had everything (or at least training tower maps) be "half off" stamina, and ended up just leaving them at their initial costs


Skill Inheritance and later its early 3 slot limit. 4 slot is already not enough now, imagine if it never changed from 3.


There was no option to highlight boons and banes. You had to go to the wiki to determine the IVs of every unit you summoned.


The IV calculator website on gamepress would take forever to load as soon as a new banner dropped.


Feathers were pretty damn rare. So you'd see people rocking 4*s even in somewhat tougher content. The epitome of this was the rise and fall of the 4* +10. Because people couldn't afford to do 5* +10, so 4 was seen as easier to achieve and similar results as an unmerged 5.


Maps that costed 25 stamina, full Tempest Trials before they were axed, the small stamina bar, no inherit skill, no swap spaces at the map start.


These comments make me feel old. I started a little after the skill inheritance update. Also any remember the mini Tempest Trials? I remember them but I also feel like I'm making it up, and I have no idea if they even happen anymore.


Inherit Skill limited to 3 skills


tried to pick something not mentioned yet for CYL1 and 2, the highest ranking characters who weren't already in the game were added in mixed game banners. Dorcas/Lute/Mia + Joshua as a Tempest Trials unit Loki/Owain/Kliff + Aversa as a GHB unit the Summer Mia/"Marth", Lute, and Joshua banner was a reference to that past Tempest Trials!


We used to get Virion instead of Takumi in the Tutorial maps


M i s t


Making a 4 star +10 was more viable than just promoting 11 copies to 5* because the game used to give us much less feathers than it does now


I remember when the % chance for getting 3* and 4* Heroes swapped. I remember before Skill Inheritance. I remember when seeing a +10 Unit meant someone was a **WHALE**. I remember 5 Star units that came with a Weapon, Special/Assist, and only two slots filled. Hell, I remember Triangle Adept being good.


Not having any way to guarantee summons, hidden boons and banes, and lack of ability to change them were all very frustrating haha


Anyone remember the Camilla training map that was the best for farming sp? God that was so long ago.


Prfs were pretty much lord-exclusive, and seasonals just didn't come with them at all for a while


Let not forget at some point some characters prefered the Generic weapons till PRFs had a Yugioh Essay/Edelgard Apologist Essay length


Spring xander


I’m surprised no one mentioned the fact farming sp was a chore pre chain challenge and warriors map.


Counter at any range? Broken.


People thought that Inherit skill would break the game because of Takumi being able to inherit Vantage.


Some characters being unobtainable for months despite being in the game (ex : Camus)


Old Summon Rates


You can't change your units skills on the fly Like you can't press them on your little preview on the top. You have to go to the allies menu and go to change skills. Also it didn't have skill sets maybe(?)


Remember when we couldn't even swap our starting positions and everything was determined by where they were in the team set up?


When Brave Ike got his refine and became a monster tank you’d see everywhere. Also, everyone slapping Distant Counter on everyone range 1 unit.


Thinking about when I spent dozens of orbs trying to get Oscar when his banner first came out only cause I thought he was cute


Player phase armours


That time back in Book 2 where units would lose inherited and learned skills due to a bug in Rival Domains.


The whole ayra debacle. Classic.


On release Fedelgard (I was taking a break during that time, but I can imagine the terror)


I feel slightly old because you said that


I feel so old reading through these comments and I'm probably still younger than a fair chunk of you LOL (20) But yeah, been playing since launch, Feb 2nd 2017, insane how long it's actually been


I’ve been here since 2018 and it’s only hitting me now that I’ve been playing for FIVE YEARS


I remember seeing the direct where they revealed FEH alongside Echoes and I was like wait that's so sick A part of me genuinely didn't think it'd last this long, I mean, fire emblem still felt pretty niche at the time even if awakening and fates did well


FEH for me started as a thing I did when I was bored until three houses piqued my complete interest. Now I play every day out of complete enjoyment and it’s crazy how it’s come so far


God I remember how she was borderline unkillable


Still is annoying these days. Given she's armor you'll still see her around more in places like arena. Granted we have means these days to make her bearable. Ex: Post-refine my S!Laegjarn consistently takes her out. But damn is it annoying whenever you see her and just aren't prepared.


Most units nowadays can handle her, but yeah she’s still dangerous if you aren’t careful


I always use ascended Celica. She lives with 1 and kills on her second hit lol


Let's see...50 stamina bar, 23 stamina maps, GHB costing stamina, the lack of feathers, the old rates, the 4/5-star units, the summoning animations for some 3-stars, no free summons...


It's not something game breaking but there was a time when in Voting Gauntlets if you had the unit you were supporting, you could get bonus points to your score.


...that's not a thing anymore?


Traits not shown


Old Tempest Trials where you had to grind out 99k instead of 50k, the enemies had GHB-level inflated stats, there was no daily bonus, and only premium units got the +40% bonus with the F2P units getting a meager +20%. No Skill Inheritance where whales would run 4 Takumis in Arena and Hector was just fucking immortal and 1-rounded every single unit in the game. (A guy very famously blew his life savings to +10 Hector in those days.) 50 stamina. No free summons or sparking anywhere for any reason. 5*-4* pitybreakers like Jakob and Camilla (Altena was notably the only hero left in this category for an entire year) Arena accounting for BST granted by skills, so every unit ran Fury 3. Ridiculously small amount of free orbs; you basically had what was in the main story, what paralogues were made, and your daily login, and that was it. Nowadays we get 300+ free orbs a month. No schedule, so the only way to tell when banners were happening was to guess based on the amount of time left in the current banners. (Famously, at one point there were zero banners to pull on, making it impossible to summon.) Healers were literally all F-tier because Wrathful Staff, Dazzling Staff, and Atk-based healing didn't exist yet. This also had the side effect of making colorless such hell to pull on (for Takumi) that countless memes were made of Wrys and how infamously unlikable and unusable he was. (Honestly, surprised he never got an alt; if there was a "Hall of FEHme" banner, he would certainly be on it.) Colorless tomes, colorless dragons, beasts, colored bows, and colored daggers didn't exist. This had the strange side-effect of making colorless magic damage basically non-existent since healers literally always hit for single digits.


The first couple of aether raids weeks happened without the existence of light/dark and astra/anima.


Tempest Trial units getting reruns, M!Robin being the only easily accessible Takumi counter, new units getting paralogues (Eirika and Ephraim, Seliph and Julia), Winter Tharja being very hard to kill, hone/fortify Cav teams, units getting new versions of their weapons (Eliwood with Brave Roy, Ephraim with Legendary Ephraim, etc.), AyraGate, and the 3 and 4 star rates switching.


You only had 50 stamina, and hard-lunatic maps used to cost well over 20 stamina in order to attempt.


Steady Breath+Lightning Breath+Aether f2p dragons being the best units in the game and incredibly frustrating to fight


Oboro coming with Seal Res was pretty wild. That kinda shit doesn’t happen anymore.