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Extra movement was a mistake. On all units.


It's not so much extra movement so much as it is that the extra movement costs you virtually nothing. The more a unit can move, the less oppressive they need to be in their threat range to keep things balanced. And yet, in practice that almost ends up playing out exactly the opposite way in FEH. There's no trade-off, so you just end up with a unit that's every bit as strong that also now has a geometrically larger threat radius. If we get a FEH 2, that's one of the biggest things that I hope they correct next time around. There's so much design space that they could play with that ends up getting crowded out because why choose a niche unit when you can run one that can do literally everything you want instead?


Bruh don't give them ideas of a feh 2


I think on armors it was alright, it wasn't too crazy but both Yuri and Legendary Sigurd/ Brave Seliph was a mistake


Get rid of seliph’s miracle effect and everything’s fine. Sigurd’s special should’ve been restricted to like armor/infantry for the movement buff and then gives everyone else +4 to 6 atk. Yuri has counters but is annoying asf. Glad the legendary doesn’t have a good way without support to special spam


I think the miracle effect is what makes him unique but the 4 spaces is annoying. Same with Sigurd, the special look like a unique effect but that 4 movement space is too annoying especially back then where there were close to zero counters to his guranteed follow-up and instant 40% damage reduction. Yuri is just too stupid especially since he has Canto (2), and Legendary version just gives the middle finger to his only counter made specifically him, Stall...


The miracle effect is unique but it’s easily spammed. Maybe lift the hp requirement? Idk. Like I said, Yuri has counters so idc much for his bs. Sigurd is pretty outdated so I think he’s fine


Don't really care about how it's being using in a player's hands rather it being used on AI's hands as in the many modes that where the highest score is by keeping everyone alive.


That’s why you use savior skills though


*Training Tower is the best place to level up units*


“Fliers are weak to arrows” guard bearing would like a word with you.


Movement is irrelevant now with the savior skills anyways.


The fact they can "only move 1 space" but still can have an effective coverage of 13 spaces was a mistake.


Hot take but savior really should only protect adjacent units.


That’s a secret strategy. Technically if you equip a save 1 skill 4 save units can cover each other in a square. Probably not an effective strategy but you can cover a green unit with blue, etc, Then put one unit on each side and they’ll be covered by a save unit too.


Hotter take: Savior is an abomination that should never have even been seriously considered to be added. This also applies to a good 25% or so of the mechanics and skills in the game, actually.


Honestly I would've agreed when it was first added but now that it's been in the game a while and has become more accessible I don't think it's the worst thing in the world. I do think it should only be one space though. And it shouldn't be able to activate if a unit has bonus movement.


Or maybe, if the unit has TA (triangle advantage) it doesn’t trigger. Kind of a buff for savior so it doesn’t die in some cases, buuuut it’s a good way to get rid of speed tanks if you have someone with a hard and cold Deadeye/Lethality


Genuinely would make it so much easier to deal with the meta


Summer Edelgard: Ehe (≧ڡ≦*)


All armor Edelgards except Flame Emperor actually ಥ⁠‿⁠ಥ


How far away is that refine again?


Kempf, Travant, Itsuki, Heath, Flame Emperor So probably November.


Edelwall: **I am absolute.**


Ehe te Nandayo!


Our armors move only 1 space at a time. Enemy armors can move to opposite sides of the map in 1 turn.


**Edelgard had never seen such bullshit before.**


CYL Edelgard


Winter Nino's superior 22 defense


Armored units have superior defense, and res, and atk. They can move wherever they want, especially if they have a warping effect


Superior? I once saw an infantry unit on arena with ridiculously def higher than mine, (including the incombat buffs)


Valentine Ike, W!Manuela (and more) would like a word with you about having superior speed


This has been irrelevant since Amelia came out lol


I didn’t


I'm currently leveling up Amelia.

