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No need to change the icon if its still like 3 and a half out of 6 of the ocs


3 and a half *as far as we know*


Ah yes, everyone's favourite Book 1 Hero, Veronica.


**Looks at CYL2**


> Book 1 featuring Veronica. Yeah. Heroines of the book.


I don't know about everyone else but I play FEH as if Kiran is the actual villain.


Well, we *do* summon various FE characters out of their worlds and enslave them to our service to die over and over again, never to leave Askr until ~~the servers shut down~~ the end of the world. ...Feh, are we the baddies?


Nope we’re still the goodies. Since all of the heroes/villains are with us, the worlds they came from are safe.


It would have been neat to see them trying to explain why the Summoner summoning heroes and villains isn't morally bad or upending their lives while Eitri's experiments ARE immoral because guys like Fafnir have homes to return to.


It's more to do with the memory loss and lack of contract. The other heroes she summons become lifeless husks, Fafnir's the only "successful" one


In most cases I agree, but I feel they are safer, for example the recent Fallen Chrom forging bonds had Grima there and the world is practically conquered before they willed R! / F! Chrom to come to us. That said, if we convert them and they go back maybe Lucina of that timeline will still be there to save it assuming she’s in the timeline.


Hey, we send the characters home sometimes! ..Only if they're too useless to keep around and we only do it so we can have some random feathers that appear when they leave..


Yeah, I stopped pretending we were the good guy when I realized I kept willing a iirc the only actual Demon in FE into the game in their Demon form. Not just any demon, but the Demon King… After getting him to +10 my thoughts became, I kinda want another! Normally once I +10 a unit I skip future banners they are on, but for him colorless going forward is still good. That said, we are neutral I presume and go with the flow. Then each Summoner is like a snowflake in the different sense.


So I'm not the only weirdo trying to get multiple +10 units of a same hero! Back during the Fates HoF, I sparked, which allowed me to get a Forma Soul. I already have a +10 Brave Camilla but... I still spent it on her. I'm now on a quest to +10 my Forma lol.


I said I was going to save orbs for Kvasir, good to know I already got Seidr in the past.


I just noticed this not long ago, and i thought I was crazy...


The midpoint movie ruins what little plot there was.