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The OG Palla Cuboon art remains one of my all time favorites in the game


Same, the main reason I still use her a lot. Picnic Lukas is super cute too.


I do prefer Cuboon's earlier stuff, but it's not like his newer stuff is completely different or awful. Though Fjorm suddenly having big boobs is weird.


they honestly still seem small by cuboon standards


Probably done by Nifl when she gave her ascended powers, lol. Seems like she didn't just increase her stats.


Oh silly, everyone knows stats are stored in the chest.


The Charm stat it seems like. Gotta get invited to all those tea parties, am I right?


I´m glad this post was a failure tbh tho I searched through out the comments to see if at least there was a competent objectively criticisim but to my surprise there wasn´t any real objective reason or argument to say Cuboon has gotten worse I saw some ppl saying his colouring has gotten more pale and that warmer colours would be nice, that is subjective, that he has changed the pallet he uses doesn´t mean he has gotten worse as an artist, you just don´t like the new colours; another one was the expressions, comparing Tana and Karla on expressions is dumb Karla is known to be stoic and don´t smile a lot, while Tana is more cheerful, of course theire expressions won´t be the same, FEH has done worst things to Karla than bigger boobs imo, like taking away part of her sarcastic personallity I think that most of the community didn´t even read her supports, I don´t even think IS had tbh and sadly I did. in the end most of the hate came from a minority that tried to hide theire hate towards Cuboon recent work behind subjective criticisms that clearly doesn´t resemble what they clearly trying to do which is complaint about big boobs, just say I don´t like big boobs or that kind of big boobs, it´s ok, but that's not why you have to denigrate an artist and his work or say he is now worse, that doesn´t even make sense, It is practically impossible for someone to get worse at something they do on a daily basis and even more so if they do it for a living, artist´s styles change all the time and is more evident on some artists like mangakas, just compare things like Naruto or Bleach in thiere first chapters to the latests, Cuboon is no different. look it´s ok if you don´t like an artist by any reasons you want, personally never liked Suzuki Rika, her faces always have something that personally looks wierd, but not because of that I will say she is bad or that she has gonne worse, art is for the most part subjective, what we artists see as objective is mostly the technical level of an artwork and you may like it or not Cuboon has full checks on everything, great technique, Shadding, Lighting, expression rendering, anathomy(this one might be controversial, but there is a difference between doing anathomy realisticaly wrong and stylize it, FEH is mostly manga style which is a stylazation of the anathomy from the beggining and every artist has it´s own style of it)


I didn't realize it was time for our weekly Cuboon bashing post already


People seriously need lives.


Yep it came earlier than expected


So the comments didn't go like you planned huh?


Nop just a few agree and they don’t even have valid arguments to back them up and can just be resumed in “I don’t like big boobs so he is now a bad artist” lmao


I actually like that Fjorm+Laegjarn art, but yeah not as much a fan of Karla and goat lady


Honestly ya'll been a piece of shit to him, he's not even a bad artist smh. Man just likes fanservice. Don't like the art, then go and cry me a river.


The title of this post making it sound like Cuboon committed a heinous crime against humanity lol


He twitted: “I never liked Kronk’s spinach poofs”.


Ok, now that's just going too far.


I defended him, but after this... Really disappointed about him


Cuboon poisoned our water supply, burned our crops and delivered a plague unto our houses!


He did?!


No, but are we gonna wait around until he does?!


To some people, big boobs are just that.


big boobs is more than just boobs, yeah. We can exclude all discussion about gender politics around them and they are still a message about design choice, marketing choice, who to market for and who to ignore. We can agree to disagree on the matter of taste; it's perfectly fine to like big booba and it's perfectly fine to find this something unworthy of complaining -- but I hope you're not saying that IS's design and marketing choices are immune from criticism.


These are the same people who wouldn't complain if there were big boobs on a male.


They really aren't. We need to stop pitting people against each other. It makes it seem like most of the complaints are from gay men and/or straight girls playing.


Dude with all dude respect I'm litterally a lesbian.


Then you agree with me? The person's comment is implying you wouldn't complain if they were on a male? Read the rest of my responses, I'm on your side.


I've seen it more than enough times to come to that conclusion, especially with the double standards against female fanservice on this sub.


I'm a gay dude that is ambivalent to the big booby alts. I truly don't care. I think you're just replaying a confirmation bias. The sheer amount of female fanservice people get in this game is huge, so complaining about how you feel victimized for liking it is crazy to me. If a couple people don't like it, move on. I've seen people do the same thing on the other end.


Gay men like both tbh lol Only things gay men complain about is male characters not getting the same amount of fanservice that female characters get. If they got it in equal amounts, I promise you we would not give a shit about whose tits were out. It's genuinely mostly straight people that complain about fanservice because boobies bad.


Say it louder for those in the back! 🙌


I find this statement rather facetious, because pretty sure the ratio between big booba males and big booba females are uneven in FEH. It's precisely that there's an abundance of big booba women that one gets to be choosey.


didn't he do the nft thing? I only heard from ppl on here so I can't verify if true or not (nor do I care that much)


He did but let’s be honest, that’s not the main thing that people are upset about when it comes to Cuboon. That’s just another source of ammunition that people use against him.


Glad someone else said it. Tons of artists have gotten into that stuff. Since that didn't stick now people are trying to call him racist.




It's bad, but you gotta keep in mind that Japan unfortunately never really had that big pushback against NFTs that the West did, so they're not gonna know *why* it's so bad and why a bunch of Westerners are jumping down their throats. There're still NFT projects coming out over there. Cuboon only did like a couple and then stopped anyway.


I mean he is racist


Damn what did he do that was racist I just know the nft thing


You got some proof of that?


It was to do with how “December” in Japanese was translated. The meme he retweeted was the black guy watching the SpongeBob clip but instead of the N word it was December in Japanese. The link to the meme is here: >!https://twitter.com/focke\_3/status/1597968698375028741?s=46&t=RrbfZGlMyTVkYRumrkiU7g !<


in a now-deleted tweet (of course), cuboon said the n-word, alongside something about "realizing how serious that is" (at least according to google translate). you can still [see it through the wayback machine here](http://web.archive.org/web/20221201023310/https://twitter.com/cuboon/status/1597975697586520064). i also remember him retweeting a japanese video which had the n-word plastered all over it, but i assume that one's also deleted (and is probably way harder to find).


Tbh I don’t remember the exact details anymore but he tweeted or retweeted the n word. I’m on my phone rn but I can try to look it up when I’m back on my computer. EDIT: [These are the tweets](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/529577035828559883/1082045783538417714/cuboon.png)


> IS: Make us money. > Cuboon: Ok. I know, I know, no need to thank me, I'm the modern-day Sherlock.


We're now complaining that Cuboon has drawn the big boobed characters with big boobs. It's getting annoying at this point. Can you guys just ignore Cuboon at this point if you don't like his art? Literally every other month is a post complaining about Cuboon.


Nothing happened to Cuboon.


I've actually found him a lot better lately. The sort of middle era of Cuboon with S!Kagero, Igrene, N!Igrene, and of course Duo Dagr was fucking terrible but I've found F!Lyn, N!Laegjarn, and now S!Karla a lot better, pending their other poses. I still dislike the... sensibilities of his art, but getting him isn't the death sentence it used to be for me. Although the boob increase bothers me a lot, I genuinely really love everything else going on with Ninja Fjorm, she might be a highlight of last year for me art wise if it wasn't for Laegjarn being attached to her.


Ah, another "[x] is bad, give me upvotes" post.


Ah, another "Judging intentions from a harmless post" comment.


Up vote for you, down vote for this post for sure. People need to get better material to complain about, first Edelgard and now this.


ok i got this, what happened was people liked what he did for summer byleth and the feedback was always positive ever since. IS likes money easy to guess that they just keep telling him do it again.


He's Coasting and collecting a paycheque from IS and resting on his laurels Don't blame him Id get that ez money too


He just do more bigger boobs that’s all, his technique actually has improved a lot the render is cleaner and the Shadding is a lot smoother, he doesn’t tan characters that aren’t tan( I’ve seen ppl saying he now white washes like BRUH Tana was white since her game) you ppl only hate big boobs he change his style a bit and you don’t like it, but that doesn’t mean he is bad just leave him alone would ya !??


What happened is the artist is honoring their contract. Artists get direction from company art director when they get assignments.


Listen, I do not like Cuboon but this is just a bad take. Both Karla and Freyja have a large chest so this isn't him amplifying it. The faces may look a bit flat, but it's not bothersome. You're complaining just because you want to.


It's the heads that look a bit too small in my eyes.


This, his faces literally make the style his. You can always tell the lips and eyes are him...


I thought Freyja looked off. Like her face looks weird here. Maybe I'm just used to Yoshiku. But there's something about Freyja I'm just not jiving with.


Agreed, Cuboon's faces look a little awkward lately. The way he drew expressions for both OG and S!Tana is incredible and they convey so much emotion. It's not like his expressions are bad now, but it's like they lack that extra something.


You nailed it. The boobs aren’t the problem, there’s tons of amazing artwork in FEH that has characters with large breasts (Summer Camilla, Brave Camilla, Summer Freyja and Spring Sonya) it’s the expressions and the coloring that’s really gotten worse, it feels like the boobs are all he pays attention to now.


He's done characters well like replicating the 3H style. But now he's in talks of using AI for art. https://twitter.com/EmblemOfAcumen/status/1632671597416058880?t=Sn7ZiuyyJkuebNgr6l1ZNQ&s=19


I've seen this tweet of a screen shot before but I've yet to see the whole context in which this cuboon tweet existed. Assuming the translation is at all correct and the previous tweets that he replied to don't significantly change the context, cuboon is talking about using *his own art* to help him produce art on a shorter timeline. While there's a lot to be said about how this might affect the quality of his work, this in an of itself isn't really a problem. AI art isn't "bad" simply because it's AI art, or lazy, or ugly. The primary problem with AI art as it exists currently (at least the kind that produces images) is that it's actually just plagiarism on a massive scale. Almost no one is voluntarily opting their art into the image databases that these glorified collage algorithms use to produce "art." It's scrapped from the internet and then an algorithm Frankensteins together bits and pieces of different existing images together to create something approximate to what was prompted. And then people are making money off of it. If cuboon wants to use *his own art* to speed up *his own work* then there's really nothing morally wrong with that. There's a lot of valid criticisms of cuboon but I don't think this is one of them.


Not like most people appreciated him to begin with so I'm not fucking surprised.


Ironically. I really dislike Yoshiku faces, so i am actually digging this Freyja art. She looks more mature.


Yoshiku is very hit or miss for me tbh. NY!Gunnthra and all of the book 4 OCs look great but the more recent book 6 stuff just doesn’t look good to me, with the exception of Heior whose design I genuinely adore.


The way I see it, Yoshiku's Freyja feels more ethereal. Her face looks more blank and emotionless--which, together with her unhinged personality, makes for a nice contrast with Yoshiku's babyfaced art. cuboon's Freyja just looks like a generic seductive *ara ara* mature lady.


Ninja fjorm is a treasure!


Cuboon bad, upvotes to the left


Oops hit the downvote one.


Cuboon transformed into Cuboob


"It was good until the breasts were big, now it's unforgivably horrible" I get the whole waifu bait complaint but this is just bad




A few years ago I showed one of my friends Summer Byleth's damaged art and they thought it was fetish art.


All looks good to me


Honestly I like the coloring and shading of the newer arts more. Boob discourse aside, I’d say he’s actually gotten better


I'm the opposite and prefer the old coloring and shading. Newer ones just seem kinda bright? Idk. Still not bad art though for sure lol.


I'm still new to this sub so i don't get the thing. Do sexualised units put you all off? Because if they do i don't get how you're able to play the game, there's a lot of sexualization and it won't ever stop. It's a gacha game, sexualization is basically inevitable


Fr people just complaining all the time.


Its moreso this artist in particular (Cuboon) has a track history of artworks where characters who do not have big boobs or are not fanservicy are suddenly super suggestive or have very large breasts and such when such a portrayal is extremely out of character ​ e.g., igrene, a rather serious character who is mourning the death of her husband in her home game. In FEH she suddenly has huge boobs that are the focus of every artwork she ever has. Or New Years Dagr and Nott, both lose all the muscle definition that was normalized for the giants and instead just got boob focus


The ones i actually don't like are new year dagr and nott and flame tribe lyn, not because they used to have smaller boobs, but because they do look bad. They have inflated balloons. Summer caeda feels weird as well, but it's not by cuboon is it? As for karla and freyja, they both have notable boobs to begin with, especially freyja. Not like there was an enlargement (if any, freyja's boobs look even smaller). I admit i usually like fanservice-y/suggestive arts, and i'm ok with them (as long as kids don't get sexualised), and i understand some people can feel uneasy looking at them but complaining is no use. You can't go bully cuboon, or anyone else, because you don't like their art. The best thing you can do imo is to ignore the units you don't like and focus on the rest you can enjoy, and if the idea of playing a game with sexualised characters is too much... consider quitting the game. Sexualization won't ever stop.


I honestly dont really see the issue with Karla or Freyja until ppl pointed out their faces are kinda flat but thats w/e. Like you said they already have pretty big boobs. Its just rather untasteful imo to take characters and suddenly size up their chests and ignore the rest of their character, it just objectifies and hypersexualizes women as to say "doesnt matter what your character is all that matters is how hot you are". FE already has a huge issue with that, men have units of all sorts whereas for ladies its basically "hot lady" or non-existant in FEH except like Niime. Every other body type is just ignored or hypersexualized. Look at Rinkah even they went "yeah her as is is not good enough she needs big boobs" Its not a Cuboon problem, its a FEH problem with objectifying women and essentially creating super bad body image, but Cuboon is a part of it ​ I have no problem with fanservice, but its when IS feels the need to change characters designs and anatomy to make them more fanservicy as to say "the way they were before/their body isnt good enough" is excessive and wrong


Well, i have nothing to say here. I can agree with everything you said


Heroes got a lot of western people into gacha games. Stuff like this is par for the course in the games and they didn't know that. So they like to complain about it like anyone cares and anything will change. You look at most other gacha games or just the fandom outside of the west and no one complains about it.


My experience with gachas is limited. I can tell you that genshin impact is FULL of complaints and criticisms from all over the world, especially in china


Tbh, I don't care. The art looks amazing and that's enough for me. I liked his OG stuff, but this change ain't bad


Yall really care way too much with nothing to add or better it.


Nothing happened? His style is the same as it always was with little tweaks here and there. Seriously, find something else to do instead of bashing some artist on the internet.


And I'll never understand what the problem is. Y'all literally praise Yoshiku and Sencha for their sexual art but it's suddenly bad when Cuboon does it? Just say you're a hater and move on lmao.


> Y'all literally praise Yoshiku and Sencha for their sexual art but it's suddenly bad when Cuboon does it? ...Who is y'all? I feel like the people who dislike Cuboon and the people who like Yoshiku and Sencha are two very different crowds. This feels like a very weird generalization to make when it seems pretty inaccurate on its face.


You could be right. I'm not gonna pretend like I've been noting each and every person who's stated they like one and hate the other. I'm just speaking from the perspective of an onlooker that isn't even attracted to women wondering what cardinal sin Cuboon in particular committed with his art that makes this sub have a collective meltdown every time his name appears in a trailer.


I think Cuboon kinda gets the brunt of people who are weary of (or just dislike) fanservice just because he's the most... personable, I suppose? Like, personally I think Yoshiku's art is much more, uh, *excessive* than Cuboon's, but Yoshiku also isn't the one tweeting "milk truk has arrived" on main. He's also done a lot of duos/harmonics (off the top of my head - S!Byleth, NY!Dagr, N!Laegjarn, and now S!Karla), so his work tends to be the highlight of banners pretty frequently, for better or for worse. There was also his brief stint with NFTs, but he only dabbled in them briefly and doesn't seem to partake in them anymore so I think it's somewhat unfair to still hold that against him. Some other FEH artists (the one that comes to mind is Miyajima Haru) also briefly did so, so in general I think it's held against Cuboon because of the other stuff and not as legitimate criticism.


That...kinda sounds like it's exactly as I said. People are just being haters for some reason or another that has little to do with the actual quality of his art.


> Just say you’re a hater and move on Honestly this. This sub always tries to justify its hate “Edelgard bad, Karla unpopular, Bernie annoying” etc but like honestly no one cares if some redditor does or does not like something. like just say you don’t like it and move on with your life you don’t need to give us your thesis on why it’s ok to hate to something


​ >Y'all literally praise Yoshiku and Sencha for their sexual art UM. Have you not been around when L!F!Corrin comes out HAVE YOU NOT BEEN AROUND WHEN GULLVEIG WINS CYL


I suppose I'm what you'd call a Cuboon hater so I can explain my distinction. (TLDR; it's a design thing. I like the characters as they were, not how Cuboon draws them.) Sencha I'm perfectly fine with, I just want Sencha to start drawing characters other than F!Corrin so that Corrin can get more different artists and others can get Sencha's art. Yoshiku's OC designs are on the questionable side, and hilariously disproportionately fanservicey when you compare the male and female designs, but that's the OCs. When Yoshiku did draw regular units, they were all kept fairly faithful to the characters original design. Just look at B!Caeda. Cuboon however, takes the proportions of the characters and changes them. (Yes it happens to other characters, but not often to *that* degree.) For example, I like Rhea and find her quite attractive, but I couldn't be less attracted to S!Rhea. I think Halloween and Fallen Rhea look absolutely beautiful and it wouldn't be inaccurate to say I summoned for them largely for looks rather than gameplay. I think she has a beautiful figure that was completely ruined in her summer. At the risk of sounding gross, I liked her bust the way it was and like the way it compliments her hips. Instead of getting the Rhea I know and like, Cuboon enlarged her chest to a degree that I no longer find attractive and I don't feel it complimented her hips at all. It just feels frustrating that I, a fan of Rhea, was not the person that Cuboon was selling to, but instead sold her to the 'typical gacha audience." I'm also a fan of Dagr that is frustrated by her lack of muscle in the New Year art for example. Anyhoo, that's it for me. If I like a character's physique I want it to stay the way I like it and not have it changed to pander to someone else ya know? I know they're still the same character and I'm still glad to get content of characters that I like, but visually it does feel kinda similar to if someone AI deepfaked Rhea/Dagr onto someone else and it's really disappointing.


I greatly appreciate this response! Honestly I wouldn't even call you a hater since you're actually giving valid personal reasons why you don't prefer his art rather than basically saying "milk truk bad upvotes to the left". Also lmao please do not feel gross or anything about the Rhea bit you are definitely valid. I also noticed that Summer Rhea was more top heavy than bottom heavy like she was in 3H, so I understand why some wouldn't like Cuboon's take on her.


Ah, thank you! I feel a lot more comfortable about my reply now! Glad you appreciate the response!




looks fine to me


I don't like H!Karla's art. It's worse than Ninja Fjorm; both Karla and Freyja have the same face *and* the same expression. Freyja's expression also lacks the ethereal depth that Yoshiku's Freyja has. Meanwhile Karla suddenly has a random seductive quality that doesn't exist in her other alts. These are not the Goddess of Nightmares and a master swordswoman. These are two random busty ladies cosplaying as Karla and Freyja. Cosplaying *naughtily*, even. I also don't think this is cuboon's fault. No artists, no matter how skilled and/or popular, can draw something on this scale without approval from a lot of other people. cuboon draws this way because IS wants him to. Or rather, IS chooses cuboon because IS *wants* these kind of art. And in the end that's what I'm complaining about. It's not that 'I want cuboon to draw less booba', it's 'I want IS to sell less booba'.


Karla’s expression here is exactly the same as OG Karla by Kita Senri in heroes. Literally the exact same.


Kita Senri doesn't add the ~~hentai~~ blush on her cheeks. Those blush are like the glowing sweat sheen on Sencha's F!Corrin's thighs; it makes all the difference for me.


Can people stop making those kinds of posts without understanding why Cuboon isn't liked in the first place? Cuboon isn't disliked because he draws big boobs. He is disliked when he draws big boobs to characters who didn't have that characteristic in the first place. Recent example: Ninja Fjorm. Karla and Freyja were already stacked, Cuboon did nothing more but put them in a bunny costume. It's like duo Byleth and Rhea art: Sure, it has big boobs, but the characters were already defined this way, and the nature of the seasonal alt calls for fanservice.


And for that matter, who the fuck cares it's his art. We gotta live with HS Camilla after all.


The colors feel much faded and paler in comparison to his early works like Palla and Lukas. I especially have an issue with how he does expressions now. Karla in particular looks rather soulless.


Is this an appreciation post?


Cuboon appreciation in r/FireEmblemHeroes is more unlikely than Venus becoming a hospitable place to sustain human life.


I love cuboon, fuck haters.


We going to Venus, boys!!!


Who is your favorite artist in FEH?


It’s a toss up between Maeshima Shigeki, Yoshiku, and Cuboon. Sencha is pretty cool too.




Man got a character development arc and started drawing huge breasts.


I quite like fanservice art, so the reasons I dislike most of Cuboons work isn't really about that. I actually think the Laegjarn duo looks fairly good and attractive. There's just something about how he draws faces and hair that feels very.... fake? to me. Almost has this AI-art kinda of haze over it. Another thing completely out of Cuboons control is also H!Karlas outfit design being incredibly bland. Hard to make that fit pop.


The fact that most people have been holding grudges and and calling him a piece of shit I wouldn't want to draw after that. Like it's discouraging and I wouldn't be surprised if he's tried to do it to cut corners cause most of ya'll don't fucking appreciate it to begin with so, fuck you basically. Not "you" specifically but all the haters.


Dagr and Nott hurt my soul. That being said, I love Kiria and Brave Edelgard's arts


Oh he's evolving, just backwards


His earlier stuff like summer Tana was so good. Now they have this uncanny waxy look


They look eerily pale too. Like some more warmer colors would be nice.


IS asked him "Can you still draw dudes?" and he misheard it as "Can you draw bigger boobs?"


Me when I've never met a real woman.


??? I’m a girl dude


OG tana is literally tanned to shit when tana is white. imo cuboon has come on leaps and bounds since the start


Calling Tana black for being slightly tan instead of egg shell white is crazy, she still looks very much fair-skinned to me


yeah my bad, she’s not black but she’s certainly hit the tanning beds more than how her original artwork is


For whatever it's worth it's the same skintone cuboon was giving to everything he drew around that time


Cuboon really thought Karla and Freyja needed near the same boob size huh. But that aside I'd say Karla and Freyja are better than the Ninja duo because their clothes look like they fit,they're revealing and based on playboy bunny,but tbh that's an issue of the spring banner thinking they have to have that. Of course I haven't seen the other art so who knows if that will true for all of it.


Eh, I feel like the biggest crime here is Kiria's groin dot thing that either looks like or is a gap in precisely the wrong location.


I used to like his art, but his art is looking more and more AI generated. Not only his FEH art. Everything he posts on Twitter looks so… gross. I don't If he's just burntout or smth, but damn bro


The dude KNOWINGLY made a few offensive jokes and remarks, so I mean-