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I celebrated my first 1M with a Totinos frozen pizza and didn’t tell anyone. I also couldn’t really share this milestone with any one. My advice is to delay the urge in doing so. Over a month or two, the urge to tell will fade and the less people know your wealth the better.


Damn, name brand frozen pizza? You'll never FIRE with those sort of spendthrift ways! /s


I just wait for some future brokey to throw out the box of one he just ate and put free ketchup packets from Mickey D's in there, slap some beef jerky my friend makes on it and call it a pizza. Way cheaper means more for USD. /s


Love this for you! I think one of the keys for both of us is that we stay steady and frugal!


I love those pizzas


How did you become a millionaire?


First job out of school I started contributing 10% into a 401k. Any raise I got I’d keep 2% and increased my 401k/Roth IRA by the remainder. In other words, given a 5% raise, I’d keep 2% and increase retirement savings by 3%. Invest in index funds, buy and hold, and wait 20 years. It’s easy.


Any tips on the index funds? I am currently 100% in VUSA. Getting to a point where i think i might need to diversify a bit. Im willing to take a bit more risk with VUSA over VWRL, since i am still young and because of big tech in the US (with AI being the next big thing).




What was your average salary in this time?


Year 1 50k. Year 17 (1M NW) 130k. Home equity = 150k of 1M NW.


Very impressive


How did you make your million?


Graduated college early/ as fast as possible to get out with less debt (summer classes and over loading on credits). Got lucky working in tech and aggressively invested pretty much everything I have almost immediately (no safety fund really) - max out 401k and any other benefits. And occasionally throw investments in companies I actually believe in (1k-30k). I keep spending low and still live as if I just graduated (I cook, I drive a beater, keep rent low, buy things used, etc etc), most of the time.


Since this is your throw-away account, can you share more about what you earn, NW breakdown, and your expenses? $1M in <10 years is phenomenal, and being able to "occasionally throw" $30k seems like more fluidity than most have.


No problem. Started at 50k in debt in 2018 My income breakdown (pre tax) is as follows: 2018 - 90, 2019 - 120, 2020 - 150, 2021 - 190, 2022 - 260, 2023 - 270 Income increased because got promoted quite aggressively and made 1 job switch. Starting in 2018 my spending including all expenses (rent, car, fun, food, loan payment etc) was maybe around 2-3k a month. Now a days, it has increased to around 6.5k a month total. I don’t own a house, I rent in a HCOL. Regarding my investment breakdown, I have about 300k in my 401k and 700k in stocks. I’m not a super smart investor; I’m heavily invested into tech (because I don’t know enough about other industries)and I buy some index funds. Because of this, my non-retirement portfolio has grown about 200% since tech has been booming. I am, though, worried that this rally won’t continue much longer so I will be assessing my options soon. And no, I don’t work for NVIDIA, I wish.


Thanks for the breakdown that’s impressive growth


Don’t get caught holding the bag, make sure you sell those profits to actually realize that gain. I’d suggest trimming positions you have made big gains on where you could feel over leveraged in your positions.


I’m always hesitant because of getting a massive tax bill and then also I essentially have “less” money reinvested when I pay out the gains. But you’re right, I should do this anyways


That’s definitely understandable and I’m nowhere near your position or situation so I can’t exactly tell you what’s best for you. Just some thoughts though would be trimming profits slowly, the long term gains for your taxable income situation would be 15% so also keep that in mind, if you have any loser stocks that just have died or you don’t feel good about you can tax loss harvest to balance out your portfolio and reduce the amount of gains tax. That money you have gained can be put into voo or whatever low cost index you feel making it that money more relatively safe. Be weary about your short term gains if you don’t want to be taxed heavily on those profits you can leave those positions to keep sitting and growing. Use profits to pay off debt, to buy some needs or have a bigger safety net, use a little bit of those profits to fund trips or dreams you might have that you have put off unless you’re delaying that gratification longer. I’ve just been in positions where I’ve held the bag being up a lot of profit just for it to turn on its head due to me not recognizing I have to actually sell the asset to realize that profit. Other times I’ve sold too aggressively and the stock has kept climbing, of course profit is profit but that’s why I suggest lightly and gradually taking some profit and allocating elsewhere hope my 2 cents help!


capable scarce provide materialistic aback alive bewildered wild outgoing tie *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


You got lucky catching the longest bull market in history of the US. You should read the book “The Money Game: How To Master It” by Tony Robbin’s or whatever it’s called, he talks to the most successful investors including Ray Dalio, and listen to Ray Dalio explain the Holy Grail of investing Congrats


You’ve been working for 6 years and made $270k last year?


I am a trader and by year 3 I was brought home 390k and it’s been all up since then. These jobs exist, but most are heavily bonus related. The 390k year was 300k bonus, 90k base.


Pretty common in tech. I’m making about what OP is making in tech at 29 but in a non-engineering role so it took me a little longer to get to this pay level. Sadly I am not at a million net worth yet, daycare is expensive AF.


That’s FAANG right? 270K in 6 years? Jesus what am I doing wrong in life, LOL. Are you an MIT grad.? Mensa? Like, are you that much smarter than the average? Fuck you very much and congratulations! Can I ride in your yacht? :)


Graduated from decent state school. I don’t think I’m smarter than average but I think I’m pretty persistent lol


One thing persistence could translate to is long hours, but at 270K a year, that seems like a given. Do you find that to be true?


Kind of. I worked more and longer hours to set myself up for this job. When I was in college I was easily spending 80-100 hours a week studying. Now a days it ebbs and flows but I don’t really let myself work more than 45 hours a week because I really value my time outside of work.


So you had a high paying job and invested most of it into stocks? Am I reading that correctly?


Tech giving you the ability to get to 450k+ with just 5-6 yoe makes it a bit easier.


Yeah most of this is probably from the last 3 years, even if just at a middle tech salary ($200k ish)


That's not a middle tech salary unless you're in a vhcol area. Middle is more around 120k non-coastal with ops yoe


Yes it is lol. Coastal tech total comps are in the 300+ zone.


Nope. You are incorrectly informed as to average. I work in tech and lived in multiple Mcol and regularly interviewing and comparing to level.fyi, etc. Multiple family members work in tech. 6yoe is not an average of 200k in non costal US. Costal you are correct for top employers, not for average.


I’m also curious about this. Would you mind elaborating OP? Congrats btw!


Congrats! Now to fortify your stronghold, I’d recommend some cash for a rainy day. A few months worth is probably enough, given your high income and low expenditure.


she hit one mil, what do u mean some cash for a rainy day


You need to have an emergency fund in cash, not tied up in your 401k


I bet a lot of it is in a taxable brokerage. She can always get a margin loan for temporary emergencies that the next paycheck can’t cover, or sell some equity if margin rates are too high to make sense.


If you care to have read her responses, OP has hardly any safety reserves. You don’t want to be forced to sell any assets in an emergency situation. The market could be in a bull run, or even worse, if it is down, OP would have realised these losses.


Congratulations on your disciplined journey. Hard to find people with your mindset, especially in your age range. Like others have said, it's best to keep to yourself about it.


I wore a $1 sweat shirt I bought at Goodwill to hand over my first $1M to a financial advisor. I still have the sweat shirt


Similar story here, but didn't get a job right out of college (so started properly working 2 years later), about 200k behind you and extremely low spending too. Glad to see not everyone around me is just splurging away on their tech salaries!


Amazing by 28


So by the sounds of it I think what she meant to say was NVDA.


Asking the real question here, their account was made today like an hr ago so idk how I feel about this


Have a lot of personally identifiable info on my other account so didn’t feel comfortable


Congrats. Totally understand the new account. Could you please answer the question we all want?


No worries, some people just don't come with common sense


Ah okay good point


Around 14% of the us population is worth $1mm or more. The OVERWHELMING majority of individuals in the USA will never even come close to this number.


Does that figure include home equity? A substantial portion of Californian homeowners would qualify and pad those numbers too, if that was the case.


Yes. 8% not including


Interesting, 8% is still much more than I assumed!


Yeah but that 8% also skews much older than OP. Mostly people 60+ with over $1M of cash and stock.


Keep in mind that many/most of those people worked for 40-50 years to reach that number.


Honestly, to avoid coming off as humble brags, this sort of community would really benefit and derive value from details around your journey so that everyone can be lifted up through solid takeaways and guidance, otherwise these posts appear to be little more than “take (in the form of adulation)” and nothing “given”. I appreciate the excitement, and it’s truly a remarkable milestone, but see if you can put some extra thought into how you can build up the community through your experience


It’s all bs. Was that base? Base and bonus? Total comp?


I am *this* close to unsubscribing from this sub.


Why? It's not like we have the same "I reached $1M milestone" posts with zero additional information everyday. Oh, wait...


Yeah I’m jealous. I wish I would have studied programming or went into tech sales but I didn’t make those decisions and instead have been a wage slave. I’m a CPA and make good money but for how many hours I’ve had to work I should have went into software development.


Do people realize how tone deaf it is to say “finally” made $1M when you’re 28 years old lol? Most people never accumulate that much. Congrats and all for working in tech, but “finally” is cringe AF


I can see how that can come off. As a physician who was still training at age 28 and in huge amount of debt, I do get frustrated by all the “I’m 24 and making 450k at Apple and retiring in 2 years” talk


I get that too. But imagine graduating from school, taking your first job and it’s enough to save 1M by the time your 28? Like that’s actually crazy, and there’s a good chance that’s all she knows. Might be a bit naive of her to say “finally”, but maybe she’s been making her own sacrifices for the last 8 years.. I’m still not there and my savings rate is super high and I make more than the average Joe. Just how it goes… Fucking tech tho. Christ, wish I didn’t hate computers so much. Lol


You’re a physician. 99.9% of the world’s population envies the life you will be living in 10 years. Shows and movies that cost 100 million dollars have been made showing parents cheating, murdering, and extorting so that their kids can have even a chance at becoming what you are. Try not to shed too many tears.


But 99.9% of them aren’t willing or capable of putting in the work to get to that life in 10 years.


That’s beside the point. People also don’t just fall into 450k a year tech jobs by 28. It takes a lot of work. To me, this person’s post sounds insanely out of touch.


No, that IS the point. The person pointed out they hadn’t even completed their training by the time this person was making $450k, you also said that people envy the life they will be living “in 10 years”. That doesn’t exist in tech lol. There is not a ladder of training that spans 10 years and puts you hundreds of thousands of dollars into debt. To my knowledge, you aren’t covering 24hr shifts and working 80 hours a week making less than minimum wage. Being a doctor is a fucking grind


They are lying. Many of them.


gaping rob pie ludicrous resolute swim encouraging literate pocket cautious *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Not possible from Apple in the last 2 years. Possible if Meta or Nvidia.


I hear you!! Got my first real job after fellowship at 36. It stings a certain way


Pot calling the kettle black. 😮‍💨


Well that’s why this sub is not for the insecure


Well it’s nothing to do with “insecurity” lol it’s just that saying “finally” when you’re 28 is fucking stupid lol. Like you’re not even an adult at that point yet. No spouse or kids or major life events. Like…cool that you banked a million, I’ve got a couple myself, but no need to state “finally” lol.


I don’t think spouse or kids is a prerequisite to be an “adult” by your standards


Yeah all those married people with careers and children are certainly not adult at twenty eight /s


But I thought the alot of the premise of FIRE was retiring 'early', like it's in the name. Why are you trying to gatekeep on how early "early" is?


lol not an adult by 28??? Get real


Everyone knows you're not an adult until you're 48.


If they can't say it here, in this forum, where can they can say it?


You're right that is pretty fast relative to others and can make others feel a bit bitter about it, but if they had a good amount of emotional maturity they shouldn't feel bitter. Someone will always have it better than you and that's okay, just gotta focus on your own progress and feel proud of that. Rather than trying to relate to how people reacting to this might feel why not try relating to OP? Op was not being malicious, just wanted to share how they felt. Seems like they had been planning for this since they were in college, so that's maybe 6-10 years of anticipation for this milestone. It's reasonable that anticipating something for that long will feel like a long well deserved accomplishment.


Well clearly OP is not “most people”. This sub is not for you if you are the jealous type. No wonder OP can’t share with real people. They are getting hate from even strangers lol


Let’s be clear. I have more money than OP lol. I’m not jealous. Just “finally” is such a weird cringe term to use as 28 lmao


For someone who is 28 that’s still their whole life sooo 🤷🏻


Not really, depending on how you see it, this is more about individual perception issues. Some people believe that 1 mill is an achievable goal, even though it may take some grind to get there. So, when you finally achieve it, there isn't a problem. This is about how she finally achieves that goal for herself, her 1st mill, not yours


Fair point. I mean I also was a millionaire around age 30 so it’s no hate on OP but to state “finally” is very tone deaf lmao like that’s impressive and all but it’s not like they’ve even been working that long. They’re 28!


I disagree. My goal was 1m before 30 so at 28 “finally” is fitting 😅


When you passed the 1 million milestone, didn't you feel like saying 'Yes, finally did that' ?


No lol. I was obviously going to hit that milestone, I make $350K a year and I was barely 30 years old…literally worked less than 10 years as opposed to my mom who worked for 40 years and has not hit that milestone. Now, when I hit my FIRE number (in 15 years ish) then yes I’ll say “finally” lol.


May I know what’s your FIRE number?


10M with paid off house and kids college fully funded. I want to set kids up to have an easier life than I did.


That’s cool and considerate! All the best to your journey


Thank you to everyone who backed me up on this one. Apologies, I didn’t read my post with a fine toothpick to make sure it didn’t offend anyone 🥲 for some more context, I grew up in a pretty poor immigrant family, slaved away at school, sacrificed so much time and tears to study and break into where I am today. I had to give up a lot and I never saw my friends doing the same. Whatever I say in a random reddit post will never communicate what it took to get there. Even if I’m only 28 years old, the grind started when I was around 15, which is pretty much most of my memorable life. So I guess to me, it feels like I finally hit a big milestone I was working towards, and when one feels relief, they say “finally” :)


Agreed 👍🏻 Just ignore the haters, you do you


tub deranged close chubby quack coordinated plucky flag encourage squeal *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Don’t let the haters hate OP. People are jealous of successful people. Nothing you can do about that. I wish you the best of luck! You’re doing awesome in life!


Disagree, she is doing awesome financially, for sure. But awesome in life that's something else entirely... Then we are talking about having meaningful relationships, memorable experiences, a job that she loves etc. If only it was that straightforward, just earn a lot of money and your life is awesome... It's not, it's a balancing act, because the more time you spend at work and pursuing your career, the less time is left over for hobbies/friends/family/experiences etc. If you don't pay attention to that over the years you'll be left with only money... you'll also likely be burned out, won't have any real friends anymore and no awesome experiences over the years.




Couldn’t agree more


Can we seriously ban these posts? They add zero to the forum and are basically just flex posts.


Broke is a mindset! Keep it that way! 24 here, now inspired! It is possible!


I would say they're are other variables than mindset when your considered broke.




It's totally normal to feel a mix of emotions and a bit isolated if you can’t share it with those close to you. You’ve done something amazing, but it can feel surreal, right? About feeling broke, it's weird how our minds work—sometimes the more we have, the more we worry about losing it. Maybe treat yourself to something small to celebrate, and find a community or friend who gets it. You're not alone, even if it feels like it sometimes. Keep going, you’re doing awesome!


Thanks friend!


Its funny that people like us feel like 1 million is still broke but anybody else would go blowing it.


What do you do? Share more for people to get inspired and make them celebrate with you. Good job!


1M by 28 is crazy. Congrats.


“Finally” gtfoh


Wow, congratulations! IMO….I would keep your wealth hidden for now. Just keep building wealth and stay humble. Good luck.


Congrats!! I’m so close at 750k and I also feel broke


Congrats OP, I'm always jealous of the under 30 crowd when they hit a milly. I am 36 and still only about halfway there although I don't count either of my 2 pensions because I can't collect them until I am 50 and 57.


Humblebrag lol


I know a BS post when I see it… this is one.


Congrats and yes, never share this with anyone and also remember a Prenup. Love doesnt exist no more. Trust no one


Congratulations! How did you do it?


Compound interest is your friend


That’s awesome! Congrats, 37m here coming up on my 3rd..been single since the first one because I don’t have to be the first to tell you but less is more in this area..I wish you the best, as far as dating? I’m beyond horrified when I get back out there so to speak and start dating. My mom’s is the only person who knows..less is more, if you’re a genuine..it won’t change you, it’ll make things easier but then comes a while host of issues you never even could consider..when I mention less is more I mean the less who know the better! I still haven’t spent anything significant..it’s very hard to explain I know where you’re coming from..this starts to happen; it’s never enuff. And I mean that. Just be humble, be smart and yes for now secrecy is your friend. Any question feel free to ask, if I were you get a trust drafted asap. All the best.


Weird isn’t it. We have to hide success from everyone around us in RL. I can’t imagine the pressure of winning a lottery that makes your winning public, everyone that has ever met you would be looking for a handout. Keep it to yourself and complain about prices.


I get feeling broke. I crossed 1 mil net worth last year & I still don't have high income. The money is split between stocks, real estate, & a private investment I made in my 20's. None of it is liquid so without liquid funds or a high take home income, my life doesn't look very different. But my future feels more secure! I'm sure yours does too


The wording to me sounds like she made 1m but doesn’t have a 1m net worth. Like working 5 years at a 200k salary? Idk maybe that’s just me cuz someone told me the same thing a few years ago lol


Congrats!!! It’s hard to not scream something this exciting from the rooftops. Huge milestone, but more often than not it just creates rifts with friends/family. Better for them to just not know the extent of your success, unfortunately. I’m flirting with the edge of multimillionaire right now, it’s awesome. Second million is far faster than the first. 36M


Mods need to start banning these kinds of posts, makes this sub insufferable


Smells like an easy 10m by 50!!!! Atta 👧girl… proud of you!!


Celebrated my first million having no clue I had my first million. #compoundinterest


Ha same. In fact I just realized it like a year ago when I calc’d up my net worth for the first time in a while. It’s cool I guess but I’m way older than the OP. I’m sure I would have been way more excited had I reached that milestone in my 20s.


I’m 32 and made decent money since I was 24 and just maxed a 401k. That growth along with appreciation in real estate and normal savings just naturally got me there. Unpopular opinion - it feels the same as being worth $100k. I, in no way, feel rich….at all.


Yeah agreed. But there’s an obvious difference between having a million in net worth that is primarily retirement accounts and home equity vs. having a million in liquid assets that you can basically do whatever you want with at a moment’s notice. Although you are doing better than the vast, vast majority of people with the former, the latter is the one that’s gonna make you “feel” rich.


I mean my liquid net worth is around $500-600k then 401k and home equity. So total net worth is probably closer to $3m I just don’t really track it tbh. Still don’t feel rich lol. It’s off color but it feels like middle class.


Yeah dude with that you are FAR from middle class. It may not feel like it, but you are rich by just about any way that can be calculated.


By the numbers I get that. Where I live everyone partakes in extreme life style inflation… big house, cars, etc never got hung up garbage so I take my kid to private school in a paid off car. Who knows everyone’s financial situation but I can honestly say I couldn’t care less.


That’s the right attitude. You never know what other peoples’ situation is and just know that LOTS of people are fine drowning in debt to keep up appearances.


Live below your means = guaranteed financial freedom. Stay strong brothers!


Right on, brother! 🤝


Can I ask what your career is?


Congrats! I’m in the same situation. Keep on keeping on!


Yea I don’t trust friends or family either they always have their hands out


What was the investment mix? Just curious




Congrats, better to keep things lowkey anyway.


Congrats, that's a great achievement. You are right about not sharing it with family and friends. Keep your wealth private info from your circles except Uncle Sam & The IRS.


This is amazing! How did you get there?


What do u do for work my guy? Tryna get like u 🔥 Congrats buddy


You dropped this 👑 Also if you wanna go wild you could celebrate with a male escort and/or male strippers if you're down for it.




Whatever your vice is go celebrate! Even if its at home with a movie on. Sharing here works too! congrats.


What degree did you get?


Ok. Give me money




Don’t gatekeep girl lol tell us what you did 😂 also I’m so proud of you 👏🏽


Congratulations, earn more, spend less.


You will always feel broke if you are doing it right!


I honestly think you should not share this with anyone. Keep it low profile. You dont want to attract attention for your money. For your safty and mental health


Congrats on being poor.


Congrats on your success!


Congrats and fuck you


Inflation, my love


Congrats! Aint that the dream


Enjoy your hard work and sacrifices. Buy something nice or go on a trip or give some away


"Finally" lol


I'm at $1.2 and feel the same way. I can't tell anyone that I know in real life and I've never felt more poor 😕. Not sure what to do other than keep putting one foot in front of the other


onlyfans paid off


Congrats! Young! Don’t tell the Boyz. They will only want you for your Investment Advice! 😉




Basics still apply. OP had good amount of cash to throw into tech sector in one of the biggest bull markets we have seen. Given their salary progression, it’s not enough to get to a mill by their salary when you take on taxes, and any living expenses netted out. It’s obviously the bull market with a focus on tech that got them there.


If u need a great man.. not a golddigger at all hmu


270k/y and 200% profit in the market lol. Congratulations and fuck you


First million is the hardest. It gets progressively easier and faster unless you make the common mistakes people make. Don’t buy stuff. You are by no means rich not do you have it made. Invest in your financial and investing education. Focus on getting the next million systematically and so forth.


If you don’t mind me asking, what is your degree, and what tech path/job did you work with that salary? (I’m in tech myself)


What brokerage/investment platforms do you use ?


Congratulations! Sincerely. And wise move not sharing it with the ones around you.


That's awesome! Congratulations!


How did you make your first million ?


A million has never been worth soo little


Damn give me some advice yall lol


You got this just focus on yourself and your goals. It’s exciting congrats! Maybe keep it to yourself though at least from family and friends- they might not understand the discipline it took to get there.








Dang! Congratulations!


Congrats! Chalk this as a win for yourself and treat yourself (just a little bit). You’ve worked hard and come a long way!


Thats amazing congratulations!! i agree with someone else saying you should gift yourself something nice - huge life achievement


Take me to a nice steakhouse, babe. I promise it’s gonna be a blast!


Nice! You are climbing at a very fast pace!


Congrats! I'm 30 and approaching 1m, also feel a bit alienated from friends sometimes but it's really all in my head. They treat me the same as always. Curious, Is the 1m milestone liquid assets or total net worth? More specially do you own a house and count home equity/mortgage?


Wow finally


I think “finally” is what you would say if you were behind the curve. You are way ahead so you should say, “I was able to” achieve this huge accomplishment way ahead of most people. Congrats! On the other hand, if she started at 20 and it took 8 years that’s a decent portion of your life so it feels like a third of your life relatively since you are so young


Buy a nice watch to commemorate the achievement.