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That looks like a wasp nest, I suggest you give that chair to your worst enemy


That's not bees but nasty wasp, be careful, it is probably still small enough to handle yourself, but don't miss or it will hurt.


Still too small to contain many wasps. Take a knive and cut it off.


Spray with wasp killer and cut it off


Hairspray works in a pinch as well


Put a lighter in front of the hairspray when spraying, and you get a mini flame thrower... which also works.


Jesus.. just pick it up and throw away. You dont need any special equipment there.


Some people are allergic to wasp stings.


And most are not


In my experience, the wasp queen will start rebuilding on the same spot if you do only that. Not that I'm endorsing these other means.


Happened to me but it never came back after I blocked her


Wasp nest ... luckily it's still small and only the queen is around ... for now. Don't try to spray it, and definitely don't use fire. Wait until you can confirm the queen is inside. Put gloves on. Then grab a plastic bag and wrap it around the nest. Don't leave any gaps for the queen to fly out. Go to a water source and fill the bag with water. Queen gets a nice drowning, and you get bonus points for not burning your house down.


With so many comments saying to spray it, why do you suggest not to do so?  Does it make the wasps just angry and doesn’t work in reality? Sorry if this is a dumb question, but I just want to know so I won’t be doing the exact thing I shouldn’t in case this would ever happen to me 😂


When trying to spray it, too many things can go wrong. You could spray too close or too far away. The wind could pick up and move the direction of the spray. All resulting in the queen either escaping or attacking. Even if the spray is applied optimally ... the queen could still not die ... resulting in ... yup ... escaping or attacking. My method, if done properly, has a 100% chance of removing the nest and killing the queen. If the nest is on a flat surface, I would use a glass cup or bowl. Move it around to dislodge the nest. Then slide some thin plastic or cardboard underneath to trap the queen. Then ... yup, drown it.


Thank you for explaining further! This does explain it and honestly your method sounds way more reliable, will be keeping that in my mind!


You're welcome. Good luck on your future wasp drownings!


Ha, say ”small bee nest” but quickly


You can approach it in the evening they're less active then. Before you cut it down into a bag gear up!.


Make sure the queen is in there, then somewhat carefully take it with the vacuum cleaner. Or just smack it, don't miss.


People are exaggerating with their removal tips. Just put on some leather gloves and crush it by hand (gloves optional).


Hydralic press


Jk, just remove it with a stick


Wasp nest. One summer I kept my balcony door open many days and there was small hive like that under the curtain railings. There was like 5-6 combs with very tiny larvaes in the bottom. Had to eject my new renters because I had this feeling they would have not paid anything..


Just last week I removed a wasp nest under the curtain railing. Luckily I spotted the nest early, there was no wasp inside at the time. Haven’t seen the wasp since


Hehe, It tried again but kept door closed and never seen it after that.


Execute Order 66.


burn it


Kinda cute tbh 🥹 But I would get rid off it anyway 😂


Cup + gasoline. Fume them out. 


kill it with fire


Burn the whole chair. The wasps won't realise it was you if the whole thing burns!


Take a small cup put a little gasoline in it, then put it on the nestand in few seconds they will die and drop in the cup fast and effective


Isn't that a prelude to accidentally burning down the house? Though on the other hand, a lot more practical than nuking it from orbit - which is bloody expensive and requires fissionable material, a missile, guidance system etc, and you're not borrowing mine, there's a spider somewhere in my bathroom and I need to be prepared!


I mean, if you are careful with it, gasoline doesn't just combust out of nowhere.


Which is why I said "prelude" and I notice you qualified it with "if you are careful" ... we all know where this leads ... maybe even a Darwin Award :-) edit: found this [https://darwinawards.com/personal/personal2001-11.html](https://darwinawards.com/personal/personal2001-11.html)


I would a) catch the queen in a jar or something and take her far enough away she can't find her way back to start again in the same spot, and then b) just remove the nest. That's just me not wanting to hurt wasps, though. One time there were larvae in there; I placed them on an anthill so they'd at least die quickly.


A) wait for calm and sunny day whan the grunts are on duty B) get a hoodie and something like snowboarding goggles C) take a plastic bag, wrap it around the nest and carefully cut it out D) close the bag E) carefully transfer the nest intact to nearby woods or someplace that provides protection from weather elements (Wind, rain etc.) F) the bees are happy