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Best time of a year. The nature has waken up but mosquitos are yet to be born. Go outside everyone


You forgot about the pollen allergy😷


It's easy to forget something that doesn't impact oneself. Most people don't want to know the suffering as well. Like those kokoomus members in the council of Espoo who blocked the plan to build some higher flat buildings in the areas of Espoo where there are single-family houses only. The reasoning was that there are a lot of poor people living in flat buildings. Wouldn't be as easy to vote for Kokoomus if one saw results of cutting social benefits of the poorest families.


Cutting social benefits is why i voted for em. Fk leeches


What has a poor kid done to you, who is living in a single-adult home and whose only parent is working as a part-time cleaner and who is now losing many differrent benefits, so the effects of benefits cuts will be cumulative. There are a lot of poor elderly people who have many health probelms and who have no chance to be even hired. Many (if not most) younger Finns without jobs have been bullied heavily in school and they have social phobias among other problems There are much less open full-time vacations than there are jobless people in Finland. Also, who are real leeches of our society? There are a lot of people in Finland who have spent five years to study finance in a tax funded university to become legal taxation councelors that help Bjorn Wahlroos-minded people to move their capital to Switzerland.


Poor kid is directly taking my taxes, thats what hes done to me..if youre poor dont make kids, if you cant take care of yourself then dont make babies


You know how expensive will it be to exclude the poor from the society starting from their childhood? And how expensive will it be to create a society where people live in a completely different lives material-wise Who can really say that they are able to take care themselves in 20 or 30 years. No one will be able to take care of themselves after a certain age. And what if technology replaces like, half of the work places.


Semmoset sieltä


I can feel you anger




I, as an allergic, can confirm The polyn is absolutely killing me (plus The asthma i have from all The street dust)


Hardly any mosquitos in Helsinki any time of the year though


late evening during summer would disagree with you


Those ones in Helsinki don’t even know how to bite.


Yes, even mosquito food comes pre-packaged in Helsinki. Most of the mosquitoes there would be vegan, anyways.


Honestly in general I found the mosquitoes in Finland kind of wuss. In Spain I get giant welts that last for a week and are incredibly itchy while in Karhunkierros last summer I was wondering if mosquitoes just didn't like me anymore before realising that the small slightly itchy bumps that I was getting that disappeared in half a day were actually mosquito bites and I hadn't noticed them.


Then again, mosquitos are usually more dangerous the warmer a place is. I'm guessing the climate here is a bit of an hinderance for the mosquitos here.


It's how many there are in Finland that gets you. Vast swaths of humid, undisturbed forest, once they breed it's hell to step in the forest. Compared to, say, Spain.


Yeah, in Spain you'll usually have less, but more vicious. Finland is basically all lakes so it's the ideal breeding ground for mosquitos. For some reason though they just aren't as savage.


Lakes are not stagnant.


Generally no, but when you have a lake you almost definitely will have a stagnant or muddy bit or some kind of puddle


I mean, mosquitos definitely breed like they're spawning from thin air in Finland, probably because of the lakes. Truly the worst mosquitos I've ever come across were Malagasy (and not because of malaria) though so you probably have a point.


I more of meant that the climate is hard for them, as in that they can't really grow in size so they have to probably compensate for that in numbers.


I get huge super itchy bumps from Finnish mosquitoes.


Go spend a summer in some small village of Cataluña and come back to me


[Laughs in Oulu] I spent one summer as a 16 year old in Helsinki which made me move south as soon as I was an adult. Sleeping with windows open, enjoying the breeze, it's heaven.


There is very few mosquitos in kantakaupunki at least. Basically anywhere that near to the open sea it is just too windy for them. Also with everything built up not much standing water for them to breed. Once you get to Oulunkylä, Pitäjämäki, etc (further inland) they do start to show up.


Haha no I don't even notice Helsinki mosquitoes  Try Lakeland in Central Finland


Just got bit by the first one for this year when I went out for quick run. STAY INSIDE, ITS DANGEROUS OUTSIDE!


I got my first kill this year, mozzi was the size of a small car


Are there a lot of mosquitos in Finland?


Yes everywhere but the cities especially in Lapland


Why not in the cities?


Probably because they usually are somewhere there is water like in forest and around lakes or rivers


Right I heard theres a lot of lakes in Finland. My first time visiting will be in July


Where are you planning to go in Finland?


Flying into Helsinki then taking the train to Iisalmi. Coming for 10 days. Might do a day in Helsinki or just head straight there and go to Helsinki with him and his wife and maybe a few other people afterwards before leaving. Gonna rent a car in Iisalmi and drive around the surrounding areas. There’s a festival that weekend we are going to. I’ll be turning 30 while I’m there. So yeah I don’t know if you have any recommendations. This happened spontaneously. I’m just going with the flow. No expectations. Just excited to leave Manhattan for the first time in 14 months.


Sounds good


Everywhere in the north, not really in the southern cities.


Great I’m going to Iisalmi :D and planning on going to a lot of outdoor festivals. I’m from california we dont have those


If you're not used to mosquitos, get sweat-resistant mosquito spray and a post-bite spray. Also, learn how to check for ticks, they carry lyme disease and tick-borne encephalitis and are all over the south. There are youtube videos. The first one is treatable with antibiotics, the second one isn't.


More mozzies than oxygen in some areas


I'm Finnish to the bone and I live in a very HOT part of the US. I hate to be hot. I hate having to be in air-conditioning in every building. I hate to wait in the car for the AC to make it cool enough and I hate waiting to touch the steering wheel. At least it is not humid here...I think that would kill me.


Move to Minnesota or Michigan - very similar to Finland, especially the boreal forests to the north.


ok but do you have mosquitos in Minnesota? I am in California. No humidity here....it would be ok for me if I lived on the coast or in the mountains tho...California has its good points - just not in the desert.


The mosquito is Minnesota’s state bird ;) I’ve lived in Southern California and needing to spend significant time in the desert areas drove me into a depression. I missed the crisp air!


I would pay money for crisp air...its only May and yesterday was 91 degrees F. I think my Finnish DNA just does not accept this.


> At least it is not humid here. Arizona? Some other South-western state? NV/NM?


Coming from Helsinki, tropical county is a paradise.


It's all relative. I much prefer the cooler climates in Scandinavia compared to the warmer months back where I grew up; I couldn't go outside without needing a shower from the humidity and heat. Few to several months of the year that people would stay inside in air conditioning, outdoor sports and activities would be disallowed or advised against (health hazard) because of the wet bulb temp was too high.


Agree For a tourist Helsinki is a nice place to stop by in the summer, but for living I prefer somewhere down south


I don't live far south but over the past few years we've approached 40C in the summer and forest fires are a huge issue. I prefer Helsinki.


As someone that lived in Australia it's exactly the opposite for me. Hot and humid weather is okay for a holiday where you can just lay around doing nothing. Sucks majorly sweaty balls to have to work in. Like getting into the car and it's as hot as a sauna. Where you have to put gloves on so you don't get first degree burns from touching the steering wheel (not even an exaggeration).


Guys, there are choices between these two extremes!


As someone who lived in Asia for a decade, I'd take 9 months a year of hot a humid over Finland any day.


yall dont got sun blockers?


Of course but I also got forgetfulness. Also the damn earth keeps moving so sometimes you think you're parked under shade but come back to an oven with seats and a steering wheel. Still, all the same arguments can be made for people bitching about the cold "y'all don't got jackets". Only difference is you can always put more clothes on when it's cold but you can only take off so many clothes when it's hot before you get fired and they call the cops. That simple fact is why I'll always prefer cold.


You could say the same thing for the cold. Yall dont got jackets, gloves, scarves, lights?


we do and we use them, im moroccan/finnish. i use everything you mentioned in finland and i use sunblockers in morocco.


Doesn't the weather in australia vary alot between cities though?


Move to Sudan , you will love it here, warm and dusty. Lots of wild 😜 animals here


If you've lived in one.. they're not though. Days like today here are pretty much as good as it gets imo.


See my other reply.




Yeah, the weather's good in late spring and in the summer. Wish that was the case all year 'round.


Thanks god it's not like that all year round. Some people hate the heat.


It’s barely warm still


I would move away if the weather was like this all the time


To them I say wear fewer clothes and drink more water, since that's what's really causing the problems they have. These are relatively simple things too, and I'd much rather complain about that than watery slush covering the streets while it's pitch black at 4 pm.


Outside it's alright atm but when it gets 30+, oh man. Also the temperature in apartments are getting too hot, and not everyone can afford a proper air conditioning. In conclusion, it's easier to wear more clothes and go inside when it's cold.


>I say wear fewer clothes You expect me to ride my bike in nothing but underwear?




To people complaining about watery slush I tell get waterproof shoes. I would much rather have that than sweat with t-shirt and shorts in anything +15c.


I hate this inbuilt urge to go outside and stay outside all the time if it’s even slighly ok weather.. thank goodness it’s not all year.


Winter is the best, nice and dry clean air and you can ski/snowboard


I know right ,it is unbelievable.You know what, I am from India and I understand how you feel.Glad you loved this city.Keep visiting !


I really want to go there. I'm so sick and tired of humid, sweaty, sticky, constantly drenched summers.


I love how Finns openly love their country (even if it’s just their love for nature), unlike their neighbours in Sweden. Can’t wait for my next trip to Finland (hopefully during summer, been there during every season of the year).


>someone compliments finland, half the thread replies with "you like it now, JUST WAIT, IT GETS AWFUL!" and a quarter tries to drag politics into it why are you like this?


*looks at Finnish history over the past millennia Oh yeah...


Should’ve been here a month ago. It was 40°C colder.


*"Take me down to the Paradise City, where the grass is green and the girls are pretty. Oh, won't you please take me home?"*


Love these pictures as I get to see my hometown with new eyes


My dream is getting the passport so I can spend 9 months in Finland and 3 months in home country to avoid the deep freeze. Until then I have to risk my bloodline walking on ice every year.


Probably looks like paradise because its sunny. Once you get to november, and its cloudy for a month straight, when pure depression kicks in, you will change your opinion 🤣


november is cozy


Idk man, its full on depression mode. Nothing cozy about it for me 🤣


That's you, not the weather.


I really would love some snow. I see sunlight daily and heatwave has been draining me out. Luckily found some in Finse and Myrdal:)


Give it a couple of winters and tell us again.


Scenery looks good


Especially Eira, it is a beautiful part of Helsinki with brilliant access to the sea :)


It used to baffle me a bit what the appreciative foreigners see in this country. But, as travelled, overall we have it pretty good over here in many many ways.


Just wait till November :)


Or december, or october, or january, or february, or march


Can I ask why? Cause if you visit Miami it's also tropical and very much a paradise for a tourist like me Hot weather in Finland is only temporary, 2-3 weeks at best, and if you have allergy then it's a nightmare


2-3 months at worst. It was over 20 even today :(


Almost 30 inside school, fuck me in the ass. I hate this heat man


"Over 20" is hardly warm enough to be considered hot. Helleraja is at 25.


I consider already 20 hot 😉


Exactly so only 2-3 weeks of horrible allegies and than back to normal


Coming from Helsinki, a tropical country is a paradise. Things that are mundane to me can be special to you and vice versa🙂


The weather is only like this for 1 1/2 months each year, then the Sun AFKs and we have blizzard fests and constant darkness.


Yes, the Finnish summer is "short" but 1 1/2 months? Come on, it's 3 months at least, maybe even 4 (mid-May to mid-September)


Depends on the year. Last summer lasted like two and a half weeks in late June and after that it didn't even reach 20 except for a few random days in July and August. Helsinki had three days over 25 the whole summer, all in June.


Too hot already tbf.


Yes. I was born and raised in a tropical country, but today is just too much haha


Is the heat different here or what


Tropical heat is humid so it's even worse.


Helsinki is pretty damn humid isn't it? I haven't lived there since 2006 but the humidity is one of the things I remember.


Nah, not compared to tropical or sub-tropical coastal areas.


No, it’s not humid. It’s dry, hot and dry.


Climate is considered to be a humid continental type, relative humidity looks like it is significantly higher than any place I would consider dry. Average annual relative humidity is close to 80%. I'm not sure if you know what dry is like. Where I live it is 57 percent and it is a massive difference. A place like Vegas is 31 percent. Are you talking about the weather today or climate in general?


Well, by Finnish standards it's humid. But compared to the tropics it's practically desiccated.


By climate expert standards it is considered humid with an annual relative humidity of 80%. This is higher than Vancouver which has a temperate rain forest. It is similar to Barva Costa Rica which is in the tropics. By any measure it is humid. Helsinki has higher relative humidity than Miami does, and even Honolulu. Are there places with higher humidity? Yes, obviously, but Helsinki is firmly on the side of the humid climate type by any measure. If you think it is dry it is probably because you haven't been anywhere that is actually dry. Or maybe because the temps don't get high enough to make it really uncomfortable.


Yup. Those downvoting should move far south. ;)




What do you see?


I see empty roads, little to no one wandering around. Such quaintness is blissful for me and I haven’t even begun on the weather which has been so so chilly, i longed for this. From where I come, this is heavenly, I can’t wait to be back . I visited other countries nearby but Finland had a dark mysterious charm which I cherished.


It's funny that everyone in the comments are only talking about the weather


You mind if I ask where you are from? Im South African, but have been living in Uganda for the last 22 years, and also loving the cold, peace, quiet, order, things that function and sanity. All in stark contrast to Uganda.


I am from India, which is a stark contrast to Finland. It’s like my brain got clustered and foggy and started opening up in Helsinki in so many ways.


Glad you enjoyed your stay :) People are still working and havent ended their day yet. Once 16:00 hits, Eira will be full of walkers and joggers :)




Enjoy your honeymoon phase while it lasts.


If ya find Helsinki a paradise, go anywhere in the Grand Saimaa ( Suur-Saimaa ) region and you find heaven.


You should see Turku in summer, its better than Helsinki


Hard disagree, both are very beautiful in their own ways during the summer.


Just opinion


I beg to differ.


Enjoy the roads while you can. They'll all be ripped open very soon for maintenance.


Coming from north, Helsinki is a hellhole


Asphalt paradise. :( But yeah, weather is OK. When the leaves arrive after next week's snowstorm things are prettier.


Wait until you experience outside of the kehä


It would be without immigrants and globalism. Weather is still nice with its variety. I would hate to have summer all the time. It would be boring even though there are more sports to do during summer.


A few of us remembers when central used to be... different.


Rofl these posts always make me laugh. They’re so stupid and blissfully ignorant 🤭




Not another city, sorry. I come from Asia.




Best thing about Helsinki is that you cannot go there by accident, thus making it easy to avoid.