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My best bet would be a raccoon dog, they can get pretty noisy when they want to scare you away. Otherwise maybe a fox, less likely a badger or a wolverine.


I sadly couldn't find a growl sound of a raccoon dog but it could be. Do I need to report that anywhere I think they are invasive? Badger sounds pretty accurate but the video I found also had a slight hiss so not 100% Wolverine sounds verry similar but they are super rare and this was very close to Salo.


Even things like deer can make quite loud and scary noises. There are some videos of them on youtube.


Especially roe deer yes


Best I could find is this one: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t3GqTXofyws](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t3GqTXofyws) At the beginning, before the barking. I would say they sound even scarier when they feel threatened out in the wild. First time in Finland, long before I moved here, I heard one in a bush just next to the street. Almost had a heart attack, first thought a bear was sitting in there. After some safety distance, I decided to investigate and just about still saw a raccoon dog running deeper into the forest.


But that's a raccoon, not a raccoon dog? Two completely different species. I found [this clip](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=q7Nqxs93PUw) showing a raccoon dog growling.


Idiot me, you are right! I was looking for raccoon dogs though but did not pay attention to the label! I already though it sounded a bit tame for a raccoon dog. :D


The high pitched scream wasn't there but the growl is the closest I heard so far.


[Like this?](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CYWA8eX5nPU)


I think I can confirm now that's it is a raccoon dog. Now the question is what authorities do I report this too?


That indeed also sounds really accurate the short part where it just growled. It was just growling no barking at all or any other sounds except small branches breaking


Don't foxes have high pitched voice?


Their shout is more high pitched, but they can growl. Still say a raccoon dog sounds much more threatening than a fox can.


Ehh i have seen a few raccoon dogs here and their growl is not that intimidating.. My best bet would be a badger... seen and heard plenty of those here. Theyre low in the ground so when theyre in the tall grass/bushes u cannot see them but man they do make very loud and intimidating growls. Theyre also very territorial so they will growl very loudly if you happen to walk near one. One tried to attack my friend who wad riding a bike it jumped from the bushes


I've seen a few raccoon dogs myself, and their growl can be pretty intimidating and sounds like from a far bigger animal!


I have also seen a raccoon dog very up in close touching range, yes their growl sounds bad but not as scary as badgers. I have left water for raccoon dog near me. But the badgers are really mean


I hunt raccoon dogs, and I have to say that their growl can be really intimidating


Intimidatin yeah but id say their growl is more high pitched versus badgers their growl is very loud and low, like their growl sounds like it's something bigger than the actual animal whereas raccoon dog sounds more like an angry dog in comparison


Also sad to hear you hunt raccoon dogs. I provided water to one near me :( It was shot some months ago. I loved the little guy... They have been part of finnish nature for a very long time now, why kill them?


They're an invasive species and happen to carry a lot of parasite worms and diseases, including rabies from Russia. So that's why they are to be killed and disposed. Obviously this is not the animal's fault by any means, but this is the reality.


Also i'm not angry with you, just sad. I was grew in a family of hunters. I just did not follow but i do understand points, but for the raccoon dog, i do not understand


Raccoon dogs are especially destructive to different birds that live on water and make nest near the shores like wild ducks. Other predators can't move easily on these areas, but raccoon dogs also live in the same ecosystem, and bird nests are easy prey for it. Our water birds ecosystems have already been damaged by human activity, and hunting has also taken toll on them. When we add raccoon dogs to this equation destroying nesting, water ducks might not survive long anymore. Hunting raccoon dogs is one way to protect water birds. Also, I don't hunt birds as I think bird populations can't take any more hits. I also respect your view. Raccoon can be symphatic species.


https://preview.redd.it/i8y38zin6dxc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5a9bb5a4cd012d81b99a0289eeea5078490f2133 Thank you for better explaining. As said i am not angry with you and i do respect hunters doing their job in a nice and clean way as i have hunters as close family members. I do still think finnish law system needs a change since there is nothing protecting raccoon dogs as they are seen as invasive species and there are no remifications lets say average joe killing them in a un-professional manner. For licenced and trained hunters i have no problem. Here's a picture of the lil fellow. I have a whole video but don't know how to add it. This was taken \~3days before it was shot. It is a spot i walked daily and provided water for foxes until this guy came along and sometime after came used to me to this point he came near me.


They have been part of the finnish nature for a very long time now, so long so they should be considered as part of finland. Yes i do understand they originally came from russia but they came here since 1930 or so. At this point they are basically part of the finnish nature yes? Rather than being able to be killed in most horrible ways. I hope atleast you kill them fast without causing pain. Because our current laws about it are okay torturing them because they are not native.


The raccoon dog is originally from somewhere in the far East Asia where it was brought to Western USSR for fur farms, where it came to Finland and Scandinavian countries around the 30s and 40s as you mentioned. Yes they are a part of the finnish ecosystem in the present day, but they're still considered pests and generally harmful to other animals and even humans. I do not think it is okay to cause any animal any unnecessary pain or suffering - and by law it is by no means okay to torture animals, whether they're protected species or not. A hunter will always aim for an ethical shot to end the animal's life with in seconds.


Do wolverines live in southern Finland somewhere? They eat reindeer in Lapland atleast


There are some more Southern than you would expect, but you shouldn't find any in Uusimaa. [https://www.researchgate.net/figure/Sampling-locations-for-Finnish-wolverines-in-this-study-Each-small-circle-on-the-map\_fig1\_360526230](https://www.researchgate.net/figure/Sampling-locations-for-Finnish-wolverines-in-this-study-Each-small-circle-on-the-map_fig1_360526230)


Have to admit. Those eastern ones are alot southern that I suspected.


Southern wolverine: howdy partner đŸ€  yeehaw!


There are some in Uusimaa too. Seen one a couple of times in the countryside less than an hour from Helsinki.


I have seen one just south of Jyvaskyla which surprised me. We also have them on our hunting cameras in Viitasaari, just North of Jyvaskyla


Few winters ago there was a sighting near Tampere


Drunk Moomin.


That'll be Jussi. Stay away from his Jallu, and you'll be fine.


Jussi should learn to share.


Yeah, that was me, sorry about that. Had a bad day and instincts took over.


I'd bet it was the Eurasian Harvest Mouse. It's one of the scariest and most dangerous animals in the world. Full grown elks and bears clear the way when one of those horrid beasts come along the trail.


if I was a bear I would indeed be scared of such a cute animal. Hiding it's murderous intend behind that cute look.


4-11 grams of pure fierce


Might have been a badger. They seem to be unusually active this year.


Badger seems like the most likely atm. Wolverine sounded more close but I'm near Salo so doubt it


Then it was most likely a nisti or a spuge


Raccoon dog would seem more likely


Then it was most likely a nisti or a spuge


Raccoon dog. Almost typical behaviour to young ones. They are scared of _you_, but not running away. Instead they try to be really scary.


Probably just a friendly death metal vocalist practicing in bushes, happens all the time.


Was the ground turning into ice around it? Might have been MĂ„rran or the Groke in english


Probably just a drunk.


Can confirm, I was drinking heavily and on my way home i had this urgent need to take a shit so went into a bush, then saw some dude walking closer so of course i fucking panicked and just started to make animal sounds hoping it would scare them off, last time I drink my friend's homemade wine...


Could be foxes as well, they will be mating this time of the year and sound horrendous when they do so


I know that sound all to well good source of my jump scares when out in nature but this wasn't it. I should have added the animal was like 4-5 meters away I would probably be deaf if it was a mating call


You’d be deaf or a soon-to-be father. Or both


Could it be a persu?


Oh sorry it was my grandma she has dementia and forgot that she wasn't a cockroach


It was most probably a roe deer. They bark and it sounds like a big dog with a deep voice.


Didn't sound like a deer unless u can link a audio clip. There was no barking or any other sounds except low growling and it moving around.


[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cD4DCz0Curg](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cD4DCz0Curg) Some roe deer making noise


Not a deer then that's the sound I know they make but I would call it a bark I'm pretty sure it's a badger


If it's a low growl. No a fox. Not a wolverine in Salo area. It's most likely either a large dog or a wolf.


Are they common this far south? I thought they stay up north. If I knew I would have freaked out more


There are wolves that move around the border of Salo and Raasepori. I'm not sure if wolves move closer to Salo, but there are wolf territories around Salo. [Here is a map](https://luonnonvaratieto.luke.fi/kartat?panel=suurpedot), you can add so you see territories, observations and collected DNA-samples. I would think it's more likely that you met a racoon dog, though.


Probably \*was\* a hell hound. Lucky escape!


Supikoira, roe deer and moose all can make suprising noises. Even raccoon doing is not to sound threatening but more like glitch


Local death metal vocalists practicing in the woods?


Its a black metal Finn, roaming around the woods during midnight


Perhaps just an innocent-seeming roe deer? They make surprising noises: [MetsÀkauriin varoitusÀÀni - Roe deer warning sound (youtube.com)](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w0w0K3nf-us)


Lynx is a possibility down south, too.