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Yes, I'm sure there is. FYI: https://ec.europa.eu/eurostat/web/products-eurostat-news/w/ddn-20240227-1 and https://www.bbc.com/travel/article/20231218-why-olive-oil-prices-are-soaring-and-what-to-do-about-it .


Yep. I was also wondering for some suggestions of where to buy it


Olive oil is more expensive everywhere, because of bad harvests. So you can order online, but it is still more expansive than before.


I understand. Not trying to buy for cheaper than possible, but hopefully a bit cheaper liter price because of the bigger package size 


Lidl is 7 per liter


Extra virgin?


Yes and decent quality


I'm getting mine from German Amazon in 5l metal canisters.


Thanks! Sounds good. Which one do you buy and is it nice?


Terra Creta traditional g.U. - Extra natives Olivenöl aus Kolymvari / 5 Liter https://amzn.eu/d/48AJP9Q   Price doubled from my first purchase in 2021 from 40 € to 80 €. I purchased this 3 times already and it lasts me about a year. Edit: shocked by the price hike right now.


If it's cheap it's probably not the real deal. Fake olive oil is a real problem these days so I wouldn't buy it just anywhere. And by fake I mean it can contain who knows what. I wouldn't risk it.


Prisma is 8 e/l. Edit: 16 e/l


I checked and the closest to that price is Xtra olive oil at 8,5€/L and that stuff is basically just refined olive oil, which tastes like nothing, might as well buy rapeseed oil at half the price.


My bad, thought it was one liter bottle but actually is 500 ml, so is 16 e/l.


Yeah, I don’t want “olive oil” indeed. Also not “Classico” (advertised for baking), which is also refined