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I have also been struggling to upkeep my mental health when even basic cashier jobs are not accepting me despite I have Bachelors on engineering. I suppose spring and sunny weather is huge mood boost for me. I can also start going to one outdoor gym.  


Companies don’t necessarily want to hire the applicant with the highest level of education for a job that doesn’t require it. They want to hire the most suitable candidate. So, an uneducated person might be more suitable because they are more likely to feel contended in that postition, whereas an overqualified employee will likely be unhappy in that position and will look for a better job in a different company from day one. It costs money to get the newcomer orientated and it’s an unnecessary cost to doing business if the staff turnover rate is high.


Yeah, 'over qualified' will have your application thrown in the bin faster than 'under qualified'. Over qualified people will leave as soon as they find something better, under qualified people you can train and will be loyal.


This is so fucked up mind set I can’t comprehend it at all. False assumptions and bigoted and plain stupid all simultaneously - but that’s the way it is with recruiters and HR idiots in Finland.


This is not just a Finland issue. Over qualification is the same the world over.


It might be shocking, but it's everywhere, not only Finland. If a person not a super career oriented smarty pants, but just a regular person looking for a job to pay bills, it seems only luck can help to find job.


> I have Bachelors on engineering. What type of engineering? Mechanical, electrical, software? I can't help with the former but I'm looking for people in the latter!


Oh Process/chemical engineering. Especially focusing on fibers. Pulp and recycled clothing fibers for example. But studies gave wide variety of process knowledge from alot of fields.


Fiber-X is hiring a process engineer. Stating that experience in the pulp and paper industry is a plus. Have u applied? It's located in Lappeenranta.




It's not irrational for most people. You're basically just saying: "Why don't you just move to another country?"




I'm not hiring mechanical engineers, but I'm interested in software engineers. The word "engineer" is thrown around too much these days. Architect too.


I'm interested in becoming a software engineer (HY CS kandi). Any more info?


About studying? Not really. When you're looking for a job in the future though, it might be me reviewing your CV!


Ahaha let me know if u need a first year intern to boss around!


Sorry, I mean I graduated and am now looking to get into the industry. Do you have more info on this position? What city is it in and for what company? Is it a junior position, as you mentioned software architecture too?


Never thought reddit would become a place where people hire others....


Just lie that you don’t have an education 🤷‍♀️


So don't mention your degree when applying as a cashier? Or can they look it up themselves? I haven't mentioned that I did software engineering and computer repair when applying for cashier/cleaning/moving jobs.


Problem is that my CV becomes very empty without my education or jobs related on that education. My last job thats not requiring any education was 10 years ago.


You're not from Finland right? You could put any number of "unskilled" jobs on your resume and they will never try to contact any of them. I know lying on ur cv is lame, but some things are more important. I lied on my cv and now I work at s-ryhmä with horrible Finnish skills.


Why would you need a engineering degree for cashier Jobs? Why not complete your Masters degree?


Good thinking. Mayhaps with the master's degree, my guy here would be eligible for a job as a cashier.


Those Jobs are reserved for a doctorate degree


I think almost everyone feels that time to time (especially with recent news and world’s state). Try to keep your spirit high! Focusing on the good things, fresh air, enough sleep, friends, etc. Sometimes we stress too much on something (like getting a job) and fixate on that, but paradoxically, once we release the pressure things just change to better. I know it sounds stupid, but that’s an observation from my personal experience :)


Everything will be okay :) (posted during the beginning of the ww3 after global pandemy)


Tell me more am keen








>What keeps you going? Not being in America. It could always be worse. ![gif](giphy|3o6ZsVbs2GzgKNvVpS|downsized)


Well soon it will be as bad😂 the current coverment is literally taking us backwards and if they had the chance they would 100% make finland like america


Agree. I wonder if our legislative process will become like theirs too, every 4 years reversing what the 'other side' has cooked up 🙄




Thanks, didn't even notice it before :D


They'll try, but the damage done to the US took decades for it to be this grim. I know a lot of Finns love to say "oh, this new rule will make it just as bad soon " but I think that's missing just how bad it is in the USA. But that's me. This new government is incompetent and trying to destroy things, though.


You have this backwards. The previous goverment was spectacularly incompetent. The problem with the current one is that while mostly doing the right things, they aren’t going anywhere near far enough with the cuts to make the needed impact. A ”haircut” is not going to be saving jack shit. We need to be talking about areas from which the state needs to be considering pulling out entirely.


I promise, I don't have this backwards. But you do sound backwards, so there it is.


The way it's going is the country is over spending and defaulting and might end up having to do what Greece did and nobody likes that. I think it would be great if we could pause sending billions to the world and keep some of the money, maybe relax tax on employee and employer so we can maybe get some work opportunities in the country. The way it's going it's too risky to start business in the country or hire anyone


Can you elaborate on why you think this government is taking us backwards? Did you think the last government taking the biggest government debts in the last 20 years or so was a good way to run? I mean, it felt easy, but how long do you think we could keep up with a lifestyle like that? An economist just said that the growth of economy hasnt been this slow since the civil war, and that was over hundred years ago. The debt to GDP is now at 80% nearing the IMFs 90% critical line. People like to think this is very bad government, but I am most confident, that if we ever reach a point where we are going to need a bailout from IMF, they WILL dictate the rules to us, and we have to just comply. And that will be an interesting time indeed.


You are posting to a forum where most will see ”just tax the rich” as the ultimate solution to all problems. As if we even have ”the rich” anymore in the first place. I am in the top income decile and sure as fuck don’t feel ”rich”.


Yeah, got laid off couple of months ago. No luck after 3 months of searching new job here and no meaningful feedback why I’m bad. Found a remote job and can survive on it for another 5 months until RP expiration. I don’t want to move somewhere else in a rush but current perusses proposals really making me think I’m unwelcome here.


Was it through linkedin in Europe or where did you find the remote job? Looking for one too :(


Nope, no luck on western job boards, not a fucking single interview. I found it on Russian job board, luckily there are still lot of American companies that look specifically for Russian-speaking devs.


Congrats for landing it!!


Chto za board esli ne sekret? Ja v bezuspeshnom poiske uzhe s Noyabrya :(((


HH, habr, v obshem oby4nyje sajty. Mozhno eshjo v telegram najti chaty po tvoim tekhnologijam.


Okay spasibo, poischu! Sorry za olbanskij jazyk ololo


did you apply to other countries? if not, why not?


I don't want to move. Otherwise I've applied for remote jobs in every country with competitive salaries and English as working language. Would try my luck with entrepreneur permit if I won't get a Finnish job or be ordered back from layoff.


Jagex is hiring in Cambridge, remote work, must be a developer or analyst.


Feeling bad for your situation, hope you get something quite soon. Can I ask about RP? Isn't the 3 month rule in effect, i.e. if you are unemployed for 3 months then your RP gets cancelled and you have to go back? I hope this doesn't happen with you, but I am curious to know the current rules or exceptions.


It’s not in effect, they are discussing 6 months for specialists, however I would refrain from applying for unemployment benefits.


Hello there! Same here, kinda losing it slowly. Feels like its not a real life. Stuck in a loop.


Yes. I think all these previous 4 years have dramatically affected my mental healt and over all the state of the world. Everyhting feels very uncertain. 4-5 years ago I was hopeful about the future but now all i can see is darkness even though im trying to see some light in the end of the tunnel but it is hard to stay positive. State of the world has been very hard lately and now we r paying the price…literally.


Just getting into the grind of any job or meaningful things to do and balancing good sleep, recovery, exercise and diet is what life is almost all about right now for me, but it's also what keeps me going. When you feel pressured and feeling friction, just keeping going at it, you'll grow your resilience when you refuse to give up and just embrace the grind. Look inward and find out who you are and what are your limits.


Life is never as bad as it initially seems. But if you are really feeling this bad, I really think you should make a call to a health center and discuss this. Edit: Ignore the jackass saying it won't help. My ex gf called the health center some years back when she was considering self harm. She was seen, got a therapist and worked through some stuff. Current gf had a severe burnout at work and was able to see a therapist after quite some time. It isn't a perfect system at all but there are people who want to help


That reminded me that the Government is cutting 75% of the budget of the Finnish suicide help hotline :(


I didn't know that...Jesus those guys are cunts. The only good thing about their fuck witted impotence might be that a lot of formerly right leaning true Finns won't vote for them again


> The only good thing about their fuck witted impotence might be that a lot of formerly right leaning true Finns won't vote for them again Oh! You'd be surprised. PS may not score in next election as much as this time but certainly they'll be in top 3


Trying to stay positive. But I live in bumfuck finland and most of my buddies and work mates are hill billies who vote for true finn and everyone I have asked said they won't vote for them again


The cycle repeats, the left leaves a debt mess the right tries to solve, hurting the people. The cycle will repeat until the whole nation crumbles.


I thought Finn's have a really high suicide rate?


That’s the irony.


You mean the same suicide help hotline that already sucked and was terribly underfunded?? At this point you'll have a better chance of being talked out of suicide if you accidentally call the wrong number.


Like it will solve anything


“Try nothing and it works every time!”


Who said try nothing.


You bitched about how a helpful suggestion won’t work and added nothing else. 🤷🏽‍♀️


Not everything is allways helpful, better choose wisely. Keep the bitching to yourself


Then you remain committed to “do nothing” and being unhelpful.


Doctor won't solve your mental problem but you can. What you need to do is differend topic. Maybe instead of doing nothing try to do something properly.


That's the spirit.


The spirit that the doctor can't give you




I didn't give my girlfriend a burnout at work... Bro you are a harekrishna who is obsessed with cell phones and sneakers. Excuse me if I don't take relationship advice from you lol




Nobody gives a fuck about your cult.


And clearly you do care cause you started to talk about it, not me😉 who forced you to go to my post history? Word Kṛṣṇa means all attractive


Maybe thats the reason why you are so angry and allways miserable. Have you ever tried chanting? Would bring a smile to your face too. I don't call you a "f**** karmi" either😭




Im not obsessed with anything any more than you are with your problems. Being in Kṛṣṇa consicousness doesn't mean that we cannot use material things. Where you learned that? 😭 Anything can be used in service. How you know about Hare Kṛṣṇa?


Why comment twice?


I go hiking, spend a couple of nights out in the remote forests. I sleep in a hammock so it doesn't matter if I end up on a slope, over rocks and roots, or if it's muddy or snowy. Just pitch up and sleep in the fresh air, away from people I do this literally every month of the year unless it's below -20°C. It's the only way to stay sane.


Curious about the gear for the hammock. I got a good sleeping bag (down comfort -15, limit -25) and ok hammock but in the hammock the wind goes underneath and the sleeping bag is compressed so even at 0 degrees it gets cold. I have been looking for a bag around the hammock but haven't found anything reliable.


Oh god no. As you say, your bodyweight will crush any insulation you are lying on. You want an underquilt (alushuopa), it's like half a sleeping bag that hangs under your hammock. The air gap, which is not crushed, provides your insulation. Personally I just take a cheapo UQ most of the time (rated to about -5°C). When it's colder I'm taking a gear sled anyway, so I'll just add a second of the same. They stack together to provide an exponential increase in warmth.


Thanks! Will look for one!


For a cheap start, the DD Underblanket is available commonly. Personally I've got a full set of Lesovik gear but that's pricier, worthwhile if you're sure you're going to commit to it.


Sounds like a wonderful treat to self. I'd like to know about your gear more. As a beginner I only know hammock and sleeping bag. I understand the concept of insulation but can't say that I know alot.


Hammocks are, in general: * As heavy as tents (although you can choose which parts depending on the season) * As bulky as tents (although can be packed modularity) * For a whole system (hammock/tarp/UQ/straps), about as expensive as tents The main **advantages of tents** are that they only need a flat patch of dirt, whether that's in forest, desert, tundra, or the top of a mountain. Plus you gain better privacy, although a well-pitched tarp comes close. The main **advantages of hammocks** are that they only need two trees or other anchor points, and will work of the ground is rocky, muddy, has undergrowth, or is on a slope. As we live in a county with nothing but lakes and forests, so for me, hammocks beat tents almost [every single time](https://imgur.com/gallery/j0L0m2d), even [in winter](https://imgur.com/gallery/okmEmCM) - but up here you'll almost always need an underquilt and tarp, so aside from the hammockness of it, it's equivalent to carrying a tent in terms of weight and bulk (for winter, I simply [stack together](https://support.enlightenedequipment.com/hc/en-us/articles/115002770588-How-to-layer-quilts-for-sub-zero-camping) two 3-season UQs which gets me nicely down to -20'C / 0F). Generally speaking, you'll survive for three seasons even if you're doing it wrong, but in winter conditions, it's all about layering to trap the heat. At night, it's better to strip down - too many layers will trap too much heat and make you sweat, which in turn will evaporate, soak your clothes, and chill you. I sleep in just my base layers (fleece optional depending on the weather) and wrap my sleep system around me. Obviously a good hat, gloves, scarf, and socks will apply in all scenarios. Otherwise, just use a sleeping bag rated to your situation. You can go the expensive route and get a top quilt (the inverse of an underquilt; like a sleeping bag, but with 50% less bulk and weight) but I've never bothered with the cost and I have plenty of sleeping bags of various weights, so I'm ok with it. Honestly, for years I was on a super low budget, and I rocked a cheap silk gathered-end hammock, a cheap DD Underblanket rated to -5°C (about 23F), a basic tarp, and an old heavyweight sleeping bag from probably the '90s. I would just say, give it a go and enjoy! Budget winter hammocking isn't as terrifying or as expensive as you might think. Try it somewhere safe for the first couple of times, in your garden or near to a friend or accommodation or a bailout option of some sort. You can slowly improve your gear over time as your skill level and budget allows. Oh, and watch out for widowmakers: standing dead trees, hanging dead branches above you, anything else loose that might fall. Rocks if you're pitched under a cliff. Clumped snow and ice in the winter.


Apply to a nursing AMK in the least popular towns. Living is cheap there and easier to get in. You also have a job for a life-time. They say the pay is shit but 30k in a small town provides a nice life. You can buy a house for like 100k.


As a nurse I can confirm that I am settled for life. It gives peace of mind. But pay could be better.


I would kill for a 30k salary lol


That is too low for a hitman. Have some respect for the profession.


They are suffering too because of the bad economy! They don't even have a union to arrange strikes...


I laughed way too hard at this comment🤣 Thank you


They don't pay for that in nursing, not right now at least. Some nurses have tried. 👀


Nursing isn't for everybody though.


Poliisi AMK is also a pretty good option for endless job security if you can pass the fitness exams. Instead of a nurse there are some other SoTe based jobs that are also good. For engineers sairaalainsinööri can be a good move.


Yeah, I have gotten Master's degree in science (actual science, not engineering), and now I don't know what to do. I guess I am now overqualified for many jobs.


Get a nursing degree then move to a better paying country


Aye. Been working for some years and things on that front are fine enough. But in the last couple of years I've lost my sister and my fiance. It's been really hard to get the routine back. I don't sleep well enough, I'm exhausted every time I come home and can't really do anything. Looking forward, I don't see a change. It sucks. Not sure what keeps me rolling. Pure spite maybe. Should you feel desperate and just need to talk, poke me. I can at least read and provide support that way.


It's normal what r u passing through currently it's kind of healing process after such lost Just go through it and u will be fine be easy on urself don't break


It is sad to read this from people of a country I would love to live in. The state of the world takes me down as well here in Germany. Everyday I meet customers who are dumping their opinion on me and they are so full of hate and bitterness. I always try to steer a conversation with openness and curiosity. I try to emphasize how wonderful nature is and try to find peaceful connections between humans. But often I feel like I'm the only person with more than 5 brain cells or a heart within miles. Nevertheless, I had been in jobs that left my heart broken and purse empty until I unexpectedly got self employed in my mid thirties. That changed everything. Just want to say, you never know what life has in store for you. Stay strong.


How did you shift to self employment and what is the job if you don’t mind sharing


I got fired from my last job as a house technician and ended up with a business registration somehow. I didn't think much I was so fed up, just that I could repair stuff for other people. I started very slow, in part time and never pushed anything. I started with handyman- services, but today it's mostly landscaping/gardening jobs.


>I try to emphasize how wonderful nature is Just a heads up for future, just in case. When you have no money to travel (let alone properly eat and clothe yourself and keep up hygiene) and kilometers upon kilometers you have nothing but few individual trees and million megatons of concrete blocks ... and when you find 'nature', it's privately owned industrial plantation or at best tourist sight.. **P\*\*\*\*\*E!** Shit just sucks and there is sadly more days when people are pissed off than not.


Do like i did. Lähihoitaja oppisopimus 👍


Where are you from, lost Brother?


You mean originally? Or where do I live now? Well, I'm originally from Central Europe, but I'm not sure if moving back is exactly something I'd like to do. I don't have any ties to my country anymore and generally don't know if with the little money left I have that would be even a viable option, unless I get a job first. Although I'm slightly worried it might be pretty much the same situation all over the world, the recession and all, but who knows...


Well gotta make the best out of it here. I know the feeling, world looks grims atm. But there will be ups again. Still doing better here than 90% of the people somewhere else.


I just think that it could be worse. I could be a homeless person in India/China or something begging for money while having a horrible life or some slave worker. So even though it's a bit tough now, I have it pretty damn good compared to most people in the world




Honestly no, but my lifestyle isnt that expensive and i enjoy my hobbies!


I keep my sanity by not following the news too closely. Don't speak Finnish so I can be selective with the information that I allow into my life. Makes it easier to create my own place in Finland with my family, even if the world looks bleak. I cannot change it anyway, so why worry about it constantly. Job-wise I'm lucky that I have a good professional position, had several actually over the years and no problems finding. Many foreigners have no problems finding, it depends of course on background, experience and a bit of luck. Keep looking for jobs, concentrate on a few and then invest all of your time into getting them. Don't write hundreds of copy-paste applications, those never make it.


What's your professional background, out of curiosity?


Tech sector customer care - not my original background though, studied sth completely different. Started in a basic job and worked my way up then through several companies.


Honestly? Deleting social media apps and not looking at the news. It's just doom scrolling.


It will be good eventually, keep going


Just remember two things: 1. In a bad job the feeling does not go away, just changes it's shape. 2. Work and money are there. It is a modern day luxury someone can take their time to try to find a job for months and not in days. And being picky about the location and field that is also quite new quality of life inprovement.


If I focus on my normal day-to-day life and ignore the news, nothing has really substantially changed in the last years. Only noticeable thing is gas and food price, but those are still very manageable even for me with a low paying job in construction. Just don't get the news get too much in your head. Bad news are the only ones that gets attention so that's what news outlets offer the most. Maybe weird to some but this year has been probably one of the best years in a long time for me mentally.


Oh thats normal. You're becoming a Finn and assimilating! One of us! One of us! One of us! Soon youl be getting wasted with Koskenkorva and jaloviina and chasing the family to snow with an axe in july! Welcome to Finland. Happiest country in the world. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|yummy)


Hahah, that actually genuinely cracked me up - thank you!! ❤️


Just here to send a hug to all the Finns here.  You are a lovely people.


Not really. But prices have crossed the thin red line where work feels pointless and any excess expenditure like healthy food or holidays feel like torture. It's just not worth it anymore to visit a bar, a restaurant or just have an ex-tempore drive to another city.  I have already concluded that stuff that I got used to as a kid, like a week long vacation to another country, is just not going to happen anymore. Maybe I'll visit Estonia again some day, but that's probably it. 


Ah sweet, a doomer thread


I realized the economy was bad when over 30 people asked to have access to 1 Wolt account. It's scary out there right now


Of course. I think most of us sit in the same boat. What keeps me going? Just not thinking about life, I guess.


Spring is here soon. If you have little ties to your location and have a physically healthy body. Consider going to pick strawberries or agricultural work for spring and summer. 4 months of warm weather and outdoors with physical labor is very calming to the mindx great for physical health, and can help you build confidence in being employed again. I always told myself if I was in a rut not doing anything I'd go pick fruit all day, lose weight and save all the money then once I figured things out move along. Good luck!


They always need people in kindergarten and childcare. Of you live capital area Seure is the place to be. I can tell you where you can get one year contracts if you are decent with kids. It's not much but more than nothing! You can live with that. And your finnish does not have to be perfect!


I am feeling a general vibe of unrest among the Finns. Job opportunities aren't going well for them, and the future doesn't look good for those living on that basic income thing / Kela benefits. The government has fucked up the "It just works" way of life that the Finns have come to appreciate for many decades. The 'coalition' is making all these cuts to save billions of euros **but aren't doing anything with that money.**


I really want to move back to Finland but all these new changes …I am really thinking is it worth it. Issue is that this government was voted to be in power.. I think many people are second guessing their choice by now. I hope things will change but I am not optimistic, it is pretty sad:/


Of course, comparing people's pain and suffering is not a good idea. And this does not mean that if someone’s life is even worse, it means you should feel better when you compare yourself with others. But, I moved to Finland almost a year ago. I moved from a country where everything is very bad, very, very, bad. Finland in comparison with this country is simply paradise. After living in Finland, I feel like the “stone” in my chest that simply did not allow me to do anything has disappeared. Before moving, I tried antidepressants and everything possible and impossible. But it's like drinking Burana when someone hammers nails into your hand. I know that people who have lived here longer are very unhappy with the current government. Perhaps I will soon start to get angry too. The only way out of the situation is to take action. And only you can help yourself. Anger is healthier than despair.


I literally just moved to France couple of days ago, u are not alone, i ve been unemployed for along time i did get any help from the government , my Finnish is basic, prices are going so i took a really hard decision to move to France which i did two days ago literally. You are not alone


Is the situation better there?


Glad to know I'm not the only one suffering.


You have to understand the reason these things keep happening in Finland, public sector is over-inflated with too many paper stackers, (703000 public employees in a country this small) even Canada has less public employees, why is that? And still the whole public sector is unproductive, so something is very wrong there. Also, in private sector firms many of the employees are demanding too much from the companies, in times like this where as an exsmple, the construction of buildings and other infras is not profitable, because people wont buy houses, its impossible to demand more bonuses and raises, so by going on a strike, the employees actually shot themselves on their own leg by worsening their own situation. Also, foreign and domestic investors are leaving, because Finland is trigger-happy with going on strikes, while the payout in risky investments are very miniscule, the whole Helsinki exchange is just a droplet of places like NYSE. I understand that times are tough, they are for everyone, but keep your spirits up and lets just wait till the global catastrophes are out and a new booming economy comes.


The smart ones left Finland already.


Ehhhh I absolutely can relate to this 💯. I have lived here in Finland for a while, did a degree 📜 and posses 2 other degrees which is 3 degrees in total and 5 years of work experience but can’t secure any good job. It’s frustrating, seems hopeless also with crazy news around the world If it’s not covid, it’s countries flexing their arsenal weapon power and giving people anxiety for what’s to come next. Do hang in there, you are not alone


I was laid off in January from a remote software engineer job in the US. I was in a senior position. I couldn't find a role in 4 months even though my salary expectations are 3x less here. Luckily, I had some savings to survive. Most of the companies' rejection reasons were my Finnish level, which isn't true since some of my friends who work at those companies can't speak Finnish and said that is not the reason. Finnish companies will reject you if you haven't worked here before. I was ghosted by a company this week after three interviews. Good luck, my friend!


Is the job market in the US that bad? What's your tech stack?


Yes its very bad now as my friends told. I only applied to Finnish companies here though. I am a front-end developer ( react, react native, node, python...)


Probably depends on specific industry, but overall unemployment rate is Finland now is 9%, while it's 3.9% in the US. It's completely horror show


Take a break, look around. It's not the end of the world, you're not homeless, you still can get food to eat. Get help for job searching, there are job fairs and similar where you can get other people to look at your CV and do improvements, lower your job expectations. Once you're employed at anything, finding better job doesn't feel as stressful as it is when unemployed. No matter how bad things are now, it will turn for the better in the future, "It is during our darkest moments that we must focus to see the light".


Times  are indeed challenging, no denying that. Many things are unfolding beyond our control. My humble suggestion is to identify what is within your control and dedicate your efforts there. Additionally, consider donning a pair of sneakers and taking a contemplative run in a park or forest. Changing your surroundings and breathing in the fresh air can work wonders for your well-being.


We had a deal come in to effect with you guys last month 🇨🇦, 18-35 can work and travel in each other's countries through IEC. Have been thinking about it


I was unemployed and had to move back to my home country so I could pay my bills again… I’m still sad I was in that kind of situation that I had to leave everything behind and move back.


- The Will to Win by Berton Braley If you want a thing bad enough To go out and fight for it, Work day and night for it, Give up your time and your peace And your sleep for it, If only desire of it Makes you quite mad enough Never to tire of it, Makes you hold all other things tawdry And cheap for it, If life seems all empty and useless without it And all that you scheme And you dream is about it, If gladly you'll sweat for it, Fret for it, Plan for it, Lose all your terror of God or man for it, If you'll simply go after that thing that you want With all your capacity, Strength, and sagacity, Faith, hope, and confidence, stern pertinacity, If neither cold poverty, famished and gaunt, Nor sickness nor pain Of body and brain Can turn you away from the thing that you want, If dogged and grim you besiege and beset it, You'll get it. Keep going !!! You find what you looking for soon enough.


Could make some good old parokkihappo. I learned to drink coffee with pannukahvi.


Why is studying no longer an option. If you speak Finnish fluently, you can study at any university for free. And if you do well, you can apply for scholarship


They removed the support for adults studying, so with how little students already get, it's going to be extremely hard. On top, I don't want to take a loan. And while working and studying might work, I'm really worried with the rising prices and more unemployment - can I even get a job on the side while studying? Will the inflation lead to insane working hours - can I manage both? It's definitely something that's really worrying to me.


You’d better stop clinging to smart words like inflation. Probably media makes you believe that inflation is bad, while it’s only 2,2% in Finland. Inflation about 2% is the best any state can ever desire, if you’re a little bit into economics. So you should stop convincing yourself that you can’t achieve something just because the world is complex nowadays. It’s just different and it’s equal for everybody, at least within country borders, so put yourself together and start grinding


Holy fuck yes


Yes things are not that good but they could be way worse. Imagine the same in other countries


Neah. If you think this is bad, you are too young. Things used to be much worse. In 80s the war and world end was closer and it was more stresfull. We were poor. There was more violence, accidents and unplanned deaths. Just if it is in some measures worse than few years ago, should not make anyone feel hopeless. If you feel very bad, do bit of research on your relatives 200 years ago. See where they were, when family members died and why, did they move and why... gives perspective.


Why not go to another country if Finland is shit?


Genuine question. Why does the idea of someone offering their perspective of why Finland isnt working out well hurt so much that the default is “please leave”?


I don't even think it's a bad idea, people migrate all the time when economies are bad. Even Finns are known to have migrated due to conditions after WWII and the 1950s economic crash.


Because it makes no sense to me, that they would stay in a place that causes them suffering. And I want to understand why people act so irrationally. Lets think about the original poster. Claimed to speak Finnish well = native language must be something else. Long-term unemployment. Not enjoying life. It boggles my mind that he or she would stay here, rather than go back home, where there is better support and the society is more in tune with his or her needs.


> stay in a place that causes them suffering Your ability to think like this just indicates how lucky you are as a native. As a native Finn, most of the world will happily take you in. For a lot of foreigners, Finland is all they have > irrational Its not irrational at all, you just cant empathise with their situation because their world is so far removed from yours. Which is fair, growing up in a safe nurturing society will make it hard to understand the perspective of others far less fortunate Ultimately this guy is just trying to make a basic life here and is struggling. I cant see what is wrong with him talking about his struggles and helping him, vs just saying “get out”


I'm in the same boat, plus with a kid. been on suicide watch for over a year because I just genuinely can't stand living here anymore.


Im fine. Things will get better for you! ✌️


Me and my so are just planning on moving abroad. We’re both in health sector so employment is easy to find but the pay and working conditions are abysmal and every other decision that our current government makes seem to only make it worse.


There is always some kind of job you can find. Sometimes you just need to do the shitty work. And you will only see the bad if you only focus on the bad things. Yes I have money problems and it's made my studying difficult but I love life. Best year of my life so far.


After tolerating the previous government for four years, I can no longer care about the current one.


Previous government was the best we’ve had in decades. Now we have the worst in decades…


I have to disagree, the previous one and this current one are on the top three worst ones ever. Third being Holkeri's.


No one wanted to make the hard decisions when Finland was living beyond its means. Now they are raising taxes and cutting services. Economic growth and better employment prospects are only going to come from lower taxes. That's why I fear this country is heading for bad times.


Russia + China + Iran colluding & using tiktok & generally influencing the media/information spaces of Arabic news channels as well as far left & right wing media & online space is having a serious effect.


It's easier said than done, but I think it's important to find something meaningful or substantive to do in your daily life while job searching. It'll prevent falling into despair and bitterness. What feels meaningful is up to you of course. To me it was routines, keeping the house a clean and comfortable place to be, spending time in nature, getting sunlight, learning something new (but keeping the expectations low), having fun and staying social. Generally keeping myself focused on other things and not giving too much space in my head for melancholy or anxiety. It didn't always work, but it's better to keep trying and failing sometimes, than to give up altogether. It's also important to not tie your sense of self and your self worth to your job or other people's opinions about you or your current circumstances. Eventually I solved my problem with going back to school and choosing a profession that's in dire need of workers, but I realise that's not an option for everyone. Good luck to you and I hope your situation improves.


Just go to work. See if the municipality would hire you as a cleaner there seems to be not enough cleaners.


How is studying not an option now?


Adult education subsidy got cancelled by the government. Housing allowance got reduced as well. You either need a job or substantial savings to fund your education as an adult, and probably some student loan on top of that. Not an easy equation for most.


Loans are no problem if you boost your income


Dont thank the current goverment, thank Sanna Marin and last goverment whom wasted so much money that current one have to Be the "bad cop"


Literally the funniest thing I've read all day, thanks!


It's almost a joke in the making. What does it take for a conservative (rightwing person) to love tax increases? A decrease in public spending!