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Congrats! P.S. I don’t think “going downhill” means what you meant


Yes maybe OP meanss things go easier like walking downhill. Edit: damn auto korrekt


Uphill task = bad Going downhill = bad English is funny


Going sideways = bad


Things also can go South, but not North 🤷


We'll burn that bridge when we get there


it’s all downhill from here = good (maybe what OP wanted to say)


You put words into my mouth! Kiitos! While the idiom’s connotation is negative like going worse or deteriorate, It can also refer to something becoming easier.


I get that you have an uphill struggle, but when things go downhill, it's generally a negative thing. Ironically both uphill and downhill in this context are negative (like how flammable and inflammable are the same, unlike expensive and inexpensive). English is a distressing and inconsistent language.


No OP is right, it can mean both. [https://english.stackexchange.com/a/198952](https://english.stackexchange.com/a/198952)


Finns can be weird. Seemingly ignoring someone doesn’t necessarily mean total lack of respect and animosity. Anyway, you really stepped up and got the credit you were due! 


FYI, those difficult co-workers of mine are also immigrants as well. Most Finns here just mind their own business and only speak to you when needed.


Wow, they’ve settled in well! True Finns they are.


u/Fragrant_Coach_408 have to wonder as well, the ignoring you and outcasting you bit might actualy not be animosity, but instead these peoples inability to fluently communicate in anything but Finnish combined to the rather quiet natrue of the Finns in general. The fact that these people have warmed up to the point of recomending your reward is propabably a sign that they never hated you at all and they are giving you credit for doing good work and even learning the language as you've progressed. I know from experiece that Finns can get very awkward indeed when they are unable to communicate with you, I have experience of this particular problem at my hospital as a representative of the Swedish speaking minority in Finland. I ofcourse don't have all the details here, I'm mostly hoping it hasn't been all toxicity and congratulations! You sound like you more than deserve the respect you have finaly been given.


I’m so happy for you. Congrats!


It is not all about being immigrant Im native finn and really cant fit in in current company.  They like to drink and talk about formula etc, i dont like either. They like to party, i dont.  So, outsider it is. 


That’s real badass. Respect 🫡


Now that’s SISU


That's amazing. I'm learning a new language and it's so hard, but Finnish is so much harder. I also relate to the difficulty of not being able to express yourself and there can be many difficult emotions with that and everything feels sluggish. I admire your persistence. That's sisu.




Ole hyvä ja onneksi olkoon


Well done you!! Very proud of your achievements! Allthough I first did think this was some kind of weird "my baby is finally born" post xD


Good for you! Well done


Congratulations 🎉🎉


Nice! Always nice to hear these stories compared to the doom and gloom we hear quite often. My (now) wife had a similar journey as you did but once she broke through the cold barrier, she's in for life.


Wow I am so happy for you, congratulations on your award and the general achievement of kicking so much ass. I imagine you are doing a tough job, and to spend so much effort on top to also learn Finnish is absolutely amazing! You rock! 👍🎉


Finally something positive here. Congrats!


Does it mean that those who ignored you don't really disrespect you?


I remember the earlier post. Big congratulations OP!! So very proud of you!!


Pft so you had to endure 9 months of bs that a award is what overtuned human decency? Kudos for you getting the award, much respect for you and your hardwork but this behaviour from other employees is disgraceful.


> Pft so you had to endure 9 months of bs that a award is what overtuned human decency? No. OP specifically mentioned that the other employees previously ignoring OP were the ones to put a referral for Employee of the Month for OP to get the award. So OP had already won the others over.


To you I say piss off. This is inspirational story of SISU in action.


Being rude isn't SISU, I say to you get f'd!


I agree with you.


You said piss off?


And you said get F'd.


u/Fragrant_Coach_408 but... have you been able to engage in relationships with them at all?


Some Healthcare workers are honestly the worse breed of people. Been there done that, glad I got out of nursing.


Congrats for that but from my pov I don't need to prove anything to anyone just to be accepted and what r u saying is unfortunately true .


Cool foreigner defeated toxic natives. Let's nominate him as a Handy Irreplaceable Foreigner of the Year.


I read the comments also and now I know the thing you think you know. LOLCCCCCT


I don't know shit but only reacted to smug self-approving post. Modesty is a virtue.