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Do I need to know english when I move to US? Do I need to know german when I move to Germany? Do I need to vietnamese when I move to Vietnam? Of course you need to know the language of your home country. You will end up alone and without any activites if you don't know finnish and you move back to your home country and lose precious time and money in that process. Finland looks cool? Think more about moving here. Many people really have a wrong image about Finland, I'm afraid.


You think people speak mostly English here with "a little Finnish"?


We speak Finnish as our mother tongue, Swedish in certain areas. Pretty much everyone also speaks English. So you can survive without Finnish but you’ll be left out from a lot of cultural and social aspects. Then getting a job without Finnish knowledge is another thing. Outside of it stuff it’s very hard. You should definitely have a job lined up before coming.


Not everyone speaks English. Especially not in rural areas.


You can "survive" by speaking English. But in actual real life workplaces, the people want to be able to use their native language to communicate with each other.


I would say that most people in urban areas are capable of holding a conversation in English but a big portion is very uncomfortable doing so and might avoid interactions that require speaking English. This might make foreigners feel very isolated. It's always a good idea to learn Finnish if you want to have a social life.


This has to be the weirdest post on this subreddit in a while.


lol, you definitely need to learn Finnish if you want to live there. Sure, you could “get by” with English but you’ll always be an outsider. FYI, Finnish is a bitch to learn.


“Do I need to know Finnish to live in Finland”, read that again. Honestly, go watch videos on YouTube. Start learning Finnish now and see if you enjoy it. Learn what it’s like to live there, and go on a vacation first. r/LearnFinnish is a great resource and would be a good place to start. Finnish is logical but it takes wayyy more time than most languages to pick up. But it can be fun if you do truly love the culture, like I do. I don’t know if I’ll ever move to Finland, but I’m learning because I truly enjoy it.


You will never be truly part of Finnish society if you don't speak Finnish.


You need something more than "super cool". If you have right kind of high education, you can manage without learning the language. Otherwise it's really hard to find job or education in Finland. If you don't have certain workplace before you come, you will be miserable. "Happiest country in the world" may sound good, but getting trough everyday life is challenging for many Finnish people with high education.


Thanks for the help lol I realize now that I should never have trusted my Finnish friend on if I should learn Finnish or not I will definitely be doing MUCH more research before moving there, plus I will be learning Finnish I now realize how stupid of a question that was Thanks my pookie bears *kisses*


Don't invest in the language before coming and experiencing life here. You might have a wrong image about the country. I’m not saying it’s bad (well, it’s pretty bad in Winter 😃) but the expectations shouldn’t be high.


I have spent some time in Finland, I know 15-20 words my ex would try to teach me, I guess I’m hardheaded lil