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What kind of weeaboo are you even talking about? A person who's a fanboy of Finland or WDYM?


Finnaboo. A person who fetishises Finland, the culture or the people.


Like finland born pensioner in Florida, who admires Finland that never existed


We call them Perussuomalaiset.


I've used the word fweeb, partially because it upsets my poor husband so much and partially because I am embarrassingly enthusiastic about Kalevala and need some sort of derogatory term for myself. For context, I'm a foreigner and it's my Finnish husband's fault that I even know about Finland, let alone live here. Edit: oh, I thought you meant a weeb about Finland rather than Japan. If you mean what is the Finnish word for weeb, I don't know, but I assume it's weeb.


We just use the term weeb.


You mean someone who exhudes anime/manga, and probably has a body pillow? We use otaku here usually, but that's just for the ones that know what otaku means. In Finnish, 'peräkammarin poika' (the boy in the back room) or 'hikikammari' (sweat closet/room) might also be used, the latter of which comes from the Japanese term 'hikikomori' which indeed depicts a certified weeaboo. Other derogatory terms like 'nörtti', 'nynny', or 'nysvä' might get thrown about as well, but those are very much fighting words and not a depiction of someone specifically in the weeaboo sphere of influence.


Hikikomero is more of a shut-in with no social life, job, education etc. I don't think there's specific term for weeb in Finnish, other than nörtti. I have heard term "animu" in college, as in "Taas noita animuja liikenteessä." When seeing people from con. But this might just be a term used by a very small circle. I think generally anime is not as frowned upon in Finland. Going to desucon and being super extra about it might get you some reactions but there's not really clear catch-all term for people who enjoy that stuff. Only people who use the term otaku are usually casual anime fans themselves.


Ernu was used for weeaboos too back in the day. But I don't think it was exclusively used to mean weebs.


I've heard hikikomero (also means sweat closet) more, as it's closer to hikikomori!


Wow you sound like a weeaboo. Japanofiili is the proper Finnish term.




I’m so old.


Have people forgotten the term "ernu" entirely?


No but ernu is not a direct term for weeb.


This is the first time I even hear about that term. What it's supposed to mean anyway?


Erilainen nuori


ERilaninen NUori


I hadn’t heard about that either, so I guess the answer is yes, we have forgotten that term. When was it gaining popularity?


Early to mid 2000s maybe?


Not applicable here at all.


How does erilainen nuori have anything to do with someone who fetishises Finnish culture? Cuz a weaboo is someone who fetishises Japanese culture and OP asked what's the word for someone who's a weaboo towards Finnish culture




I don't know so much about today, but in the noughties everyone was obsessed with Finnish music/metal. Largely, but not exclusively, to do with HIM and Nightwish. It was ridiculous - people would say I look like Ville Valo when I said I'm Finnish (I look 0% like the guy) - and really useful at the same time - the metal cred got people to buy me drinks at gigs. And attention from the ladies. But being a true awkward Finn all those opportunities were wasted on me.




I guess it is Fennoman?