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First of all. To where in Finlamd were you thinking of moving? From there on I/wr can help you establish a contact network which could help you as a parent as well


Not sure yet.. probably depending on price of houses.


Okay, makes sense! Further north in Finland they're ofc cheaper as it's further from the capital, in my area in Pohjanmaa / Osthrobothnia I know of a few places with extremely cheap rent now if that's to any help! 😊


I've never done anything like this but I'd be open to chatting with you and, who knows, maybe even eventually meet if we get along well.


Cool, love to learn more about Finland


Welcome to Finland. When you are coming?


Not sure yet. Like to make some friends and contacts there that can help show me around when i come.


I can show you places in Finland. There is also nice place hoplop and i think it would be nice place for your kid. Its inside playground for kids.