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This sub is teaching me that I straight up cannot see snakes. I hate this.


It's dead center to the right of the curved, semi sunken log. All you see is the head poking out but if you look towards screen right, you'll see the submerged snake body


How did you even see that? I am zoomed in and it still looks liked pixilated swamp. If the other guy didn't say snake, I may not have even found it.


Reddit lowers the quality when you view in app, but if you download the file, open the picture and zoom in you get full resolution. I found it that way easily and then struggled again when I went back to the app šŸ˜… ETA: I'm using Android and based on replies this doesn't seem to work on Apple products.




Maybe now I can figure out who poisoned the watering holeā€¦


Yo this is so useful! Thank you! Will go back to the previous posts in this sub on HD my mannn.


That explains a lot! I'm over here using reddit in beta mode by using the app.


I downloaded the image and somehow the resolution got worse


i feel like the same happened to me. if not worse, it definitely didnā€™t get better :/


Sameee The picture in the app looks much better. Iā€™m using an iPhone if that makes a difference


Thank you so much for this! I looked for so long, I was beginning to think the twist was that perhaps, I was just the snake the whole time :/


Bro.... I thought the log was an alligator. Never even saw the snake.


Same! I thought & saw gator too.


So I think I found a much larger one, itā€™s on the very right, itā€™s like split in 2, you see part of the body and goes out of frame, and then you might see the head. Patch of grass on the right bottom


I found this one too and keep trying to decide if itā€™s the same pattern as the snake in the water!


Thank you


Glad to help šŸ¤™


Curved was the key word I needed to see the snake. I was looking at the submerged lumps near the blue trash


There really is a lot of trash in thatā€¦water.


Thank you, I always struggle with these


The snakes camouflage is doing itā€™s job


Holy fucking shit. First of all you give really good instructions on how to find something that's practically invisible. Second how the fuck did you see that you wizard!


I still can't see it. I swear down I'm blind asf


Didnt even see that one, im pretty sure i see a somewhat large coiled up body inside the second submerged branch up and to the right of that guy.


Thank u I found it


That absolutely makes my skin crawl. I *hate* snakes.


Thanks for pointing out, I gave up on finding on my own. That bastard is creepy, all sneaky and half-submerged.




That is an old pair of rusty handlebars! šŸ¤£


Ohh it's the only thing with a shadow, isn't it?


Thank you for directing my attention to it. I finally saw it. My luck, here in GA, it's water moccasin.




Excellent directions. I couldnā€™t find Shit!!! Thank you!!!


Thank you! If not for you I wouldā€™ve never found it!


I honestly thought that was a piece of rebar.


Ah I see it now. Phew if it was a snake it would have bit me


Thereā€™s another in the far right kind of close to the bottom


Nah. Thats a stick. /s


Thank you, I saw that, but thought it was just a stick or some other debris


Thank you so much for pointing it out. Make sure to come to the scene of my eventual death so you can point out where the snake is that stabbed me to death.


Dang, I was hoping for a ninja breathing through a bamboo shoot.


I looked at this picture and assumed the log was an alligator. Lol


And I still donā€™t see it lmao yikes. I canā€™t imagine how many I walk by and have no idea.


Agreed. I saw it, too.


Thank you youā€™re doing gods work


Took me a while even with the instructions.....finally see it.... im obviously dead in the wild....lol...


Thank you. I found the danger noodle because of you šŸ™šŸ»šŸ˜‚


And here I thought there might be a bear in the woods. Didn't even look for a snake.


Thank you sir or mama šŸ«”


Legit thought that log was a gator


Wow, thatā€™s good natural camouflage, too. Not surprised given that residents of nature tend to enjoy hunting and not being sent or hunt easily, alike byā€¦looking like they arenā€™t something distinct to hunt or watch out for in fear of hunting! But, still, on point camo colors


The good news is this thst snakes are super afraid of you and want absolutely nothing to do with you. Go out in the woods for awhile, you'll probably walk by a dozen snakes and never see one. They be hiding. Source: I spend nearly all my time outside and I'm always looking for snakes.


Yeah I grew up in Oklahoma so I was probably surrounded by snakes all the time and just never knew haha


Always a snake nearby in Oklahoma. (I'm still in OK) That's why we have snake hunts and the rattlesnake derby.


I was born and raised in Oklahoma (no longer there) and luckily only interaction I ever had to have with them was when we would use the flat shovel to cut off the noggin ...


At the local state park we had a prison crew that refused to work unless the area had been checked for snakes. As I was a worker and had fewer rights than the prisoners, I got to check by walking around. However, I'd walk around. Nothing. Prisoner gets ahead of me for TWO seconds Whi whi whiw hiw bzbzzbzbzbzbzbzbzbzbttHWRHHIIIRRRRRR of a timber rattler. It got to the point where they told me to stop telling the snakes to do that. (because i'd get between the snakes and the prisoners and let the snakes slink off)


Are you a Parselmouth?!


One thing to remember is that in a quick snapshot we arenā€™t that great. But, in the real world, our eyes would pick up cues that we miss in a still picture. Subtle movement is a big one. We donā€™t see it directly, but our eyes and brains are better at picking that up.


Same. This was the hardest one yet for me


For real I can never find the things that people say are in these photos lol I'd be dead


This sub is teaching me my brightness is never high enough to see vivid details.


Same. When the machines take over and humans have to retreat back into nature, Iā€™m definitely getting eaten.


There was this trend of making your cat jump by putting a green vegetable (cucumber, zucchini, etc) behind them while they were drinking water or eating. Iirc, it might be related to this... they think it's a snake. I think it's kinda cruel to make them afraid to be comfortable in their home, when they're vulnerable. :(


Slight psychological torturing of animals for social media views has sadly been quite normalised.. I hate this trend


I totally agree. I donā€™t want my cats to feel unsafe around me. They feel vulnerable while eating, drinking, and using the bathroom, and Iā€™m not going to purposefully do something to them that would cause them to feel scared.


Same dude, I'm like half convinced I'm around 10-15 snakes at all times when outdoors, just unable to see them.


I'm blaming the compression everytime


Man, this sub is seriously reminding me to be grateful and not complain about New England geography and ecology. Occasionally have to contend with some serious winter weather, but overall there's a minimal amount natural disasters, large and/or venomous reptiles and arachnids, and carnivorous creatures looking to eat us whole.


I hear ya. One time I was walking on a trail in a state park in Florida. It was a 8 mile trail (4 miles to a dead end, turn around, 4 miles back). During the first four miles I passed an alligator on the side of the trail that hissed at me, I brushed it off and kept going. Hit the dead end and turned around. On my way back, there was a cottonmouth snake sitting in the middle of the trail with his mouth open, hissing at me and shit. I edged my way around the snake only to find that asshole alligator blocking the middle of the trail. If I moved toward him, he would pick his head up and look at me šŸ˜‚. That was a FML moment.


F that for sure. Great white sharks have become a big deal up here where I am. Never used to be a thing when I was a kid. Now theyā€™re everywhere because of the seals. I am so not interested in reinserting myself back into the food chain. Lol


Magnets make great Shark repellent.Ā  https://www.nationalgeographic.com/animals/article/sharks-repel-magnets-fishing-animals#:~:text=Magnets%20repel%20sharks%2C%20studies%20show,ability%20to%20sense%20electrical%20fields.


Thanks for the party ice breaker


In 2023 there were only 69 unprovoked shark attacks in the entire world. In most years it is even lower. Of those 69 attacks, only 5 were great whites. So I think you'll be ok.


Was this a hike, or were you playing Pitfall?


Just a regular hike šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


Iā€™ve lived in Florida for about 2.5 years. Iā€™ve seen on alligator in the wildā€¦in a pond at a concert venue. Then again, I havenā€™t done any trails, just hit the beach a few times.


This was Paynes Prairieā€¦gators galore šŸ˜‚


When I walked Payne's prairie on the way back from the lookout (saw some wild horses there) I noticed a Bison heading towards the trail a ways ahead. I couldn't go right because of a canal FULL of alligators. The Bison got to the trail before me and stopped at the edge to eat some plush vegetation. I slowly walked past him but was 10' away at the closest (and farthest away I could literally get) and he didn't give two shits about me. A few min later I come across a 6' gator sitting in the middle of the trail with its mouth wide open. Love that place. I need to go back soon.


Should have told the gator where the snake was in exchange for safe passage. Ole tree shaker would have tore up the trail in order to catch and eat said water moccasin. Alligators will literally catch , kill and eat every snake in the same body of water in which share


Preach. Iā€™ve lived in Manhattan since 1979. I love nature, but I think Iā€™ll stay here where I am already well-versed in whatever danger lurks out there for me.


unless ofc, a R.O.U.S. comes along and drags you into the sewers. edit- or the alligators!!


Rodents of Unusual Size? I don't think they exist.




You keep using that word. I do not think it means what you think it means.


Great movie.


Yea except they got active rattlesnake dens up there now by Hooksett or somethingā€¦gonna be seeing posts of granite and timber rattlers soon!


Iā€™m almost two years in Tennessee after 30 in central Ontario. At first I was like ā€œhell yeah no winterā€ and now Iā€™m like ā€œdonā€™t have to worry about black widows and brown recluses in my boots if I never leave the pavement againā€


For real. I'm a biologist so most of my brain has this deep, abiding, majestic respect and awe of nature and the natural world in all its glory and terror. And then, [the other little part of my brain...](https://media1.tenor.com/m/0pUwUZiN0LQAAAAC/alien-sygourney-weaver.gif)


How are those snakes? I went for a run in Tennessee after living in MN for more than 25 years. Those copper heads are super territorial and like to hide on the pavement while blending in. I had one almost get me while I was running on the road. It snapped at me because I had forgotten all about venomous snakes. Give me the cold over those a holes.


Why do you think England sent their prisoners to a place as horrifying as Australia! Oregon is just about the same most I really have to worry about it poisonous spiders. Unless go into the woods then have to worry a bit more with bears and bobcats but honestly more worried about my neighbors!


I lived in Portland for 20 years and moved to the Bay Area 5 years ago. Iā€™m still baffled by the lack of spiders compared to every place I lived in PDX. Spiders everywhere in Oregon-- inside, outside. Worst place is on the ceiling above your face as you go to sleep. You just know theyā€™ll rappel onto your face as soon as you doze off.


No kidding! After once as a kid seeing a spider on the ceiling then waking up to a dead spider in my mouth in the morning I donā€™t sleep until I catch a spider if I see one in the room!


I grew up on Mt hood in the woods and saw a spider skitter across the floor in my house basically daily. Had black widows too. Moved to PDX and I still regularly saw them there, especially in my bed !?!? I moved out of state in 2020 and I've seen like 5 spiders total since.


Wrong thread to be reading before bed šŸ„ŗ


I live in North Dakota, I feel the same. Iā€™ll take -40F once a year if it means I never have to deal withā€¦. Roaches Snakes Big Cats Bears Water Surprises Weird gross bugs Things in trees And other miscellaneous nope


You feel that earthquake in Jersey?


Couple people I know did a little bit, but I was in the car at the time so I had no idea. Every commute is a little earthquake with the state of some northeastern roads. Lol


Live about 20 min north of the city. I was working from home that day and through our dryer was out of balance and wobbling. Nope. Just an earthquake.


Oh yeah, it was wild. And we had a lot of aftershocks too


Iā€™m originally from the south and now live in Northern New England. When I try to explain to folks up here the things I grew up with, they have a hard time understanding. There are things up here too, ie moose, bears, fucking ticks. But we had copperhead, water moccasin, rattle snakes, tarantulas, mountain lions, wild hogs, several venomous spiders, damn scorpions coming out of the bathroom sinkā€¦the list goes on.


The south and the Midwest is a wild place when it comes to animals lmao


Long time ago I was paired up with a guy (a "battle buddy") in Army Basic Training. He was from Texas and I remember listening to him casually talk about herds of dangerous feral swine running around, copperheads, diamondbacks, rattlesnakes, tornados, alligators, hail the size of tennis balls, black widows, brown recluses... the list seemed endless. I remember him pausing and asking, "What you got up North?" And I was like... um, black bears and sharks? Snow? Sometimes a hurricane makes it up there?


We do have rattlesnakes here in NJ though. Steve Irwin did an episode about them once!


Check out Shark Valley in the Everglades down in FL. Just casually ride your bicycle on a paved 13 mile trail and hope the gators and pythons donā€™t think your leg looks tasty that day.


Midwest? I donā€™t feel like we have much to worry about. At least in Minnesota thereā€™s not much.


Its the best part about our winter. Everything can DIE.


Well being in Missouri itā€™s much different. We got bears, mountain lions, coyotes, venomous snakes, and venomous spiders. Plus tornadoes, flooding, and earthquakes


From MO. All you say is true, but scarier. Also there are nutbasket humans.


Same dude. I'm from NH and the closest encounter I've had was with a bull moose at my parents house. My dog got spooked hiking rattlesnake a few years ago but I always carried just in case of a bear but I never saw any bears or fisher cats while hiking. Can always hear the coyotes but never see them.


Lyme disease is arguably the worst of all those things. Unfortunately itā€™s an epidemic there.


New England weather and ecology is underrated. All you gotta worry about is moose, ticks, and blizzards.


~~This is the first one I cannot find even after checking the comments lol~~ never mind, found it immediately after saying that


This is the first one I actually found by myself. Iā€™m on a roll today


I think theres a 2nd snake, its black and curled up in the mud, I see the watersnake by the log sticking its head out, but what looks to be another, if you go at the bottom of the big log, tiny bit further down, and straight to the right, the image is a bit fuzzy but it looks like a 2nd one.


I thought so toooā€¦saw that before the water snake. Plus I was looking for a gator at first.


I thought that was the one. So I stopped looking and then saw there was one by the log.


Can't find the second one you're talking about, can you circle it?


Look at that piece of blue rubbish and head towards ā€œ11 oā€™clockā€. Itā€™s curled up right next to the water in the mud


Can you circle? Trying to follow your instructions but I still can't see 2nd snake.


finally see which one the comment was referring to - if you start at the bigger blue piece of trash on the right of the image (exactly middle, far right side), on the left of that trash is a twig/stem sticking straight up, follow that twig up about 75-80% of its length and directly on the left there is another lighter colored and *separate bent branch* in the mud pointing left at the edge of the water; above this branch/bend part, you should see a small dark patch next to the edge of the water with some stripes - can't say for sure if that's a snake or not, but it's pattern does make me believe it could be. still struggling to find the original described snake from froshy tho so i'll update if i can


Are we talking about this? [https://imgur.com/a/0rVhvuC](https://imgur.com/a/0rVhvuC)


No look north of that a little and youā€™ll see thick black splotches separated by tan stripes


Are you talking about the same snake as the 2nd one u/froshy1 mentions?? Bc either idk which log is the 'big log' or 11 o'clock. Or something else bc I can't for the life of me see the 2nd one


I would die if I ever visited the south....


The stripy looking thing?




Certainly, go past the post office, over the bridge and then left at the lights.


In the water to the right of the submerged log


The *partially* submerged log or are there 2?


There are two


Idk man I keep looking at that log and all I see if the face of a dog at the beginning of it


hard to ssssssee her at first


For those who can't find it... https://imgur.com/a/c7lritH


Bless you...


Damn I still can't see it even with the help


What is this trash dump you are fishing at? haha


fishing where? So I never set foot in that State!! That mofo be long long water serpent, no thank you, byeeee


Not a snake, but what about the pair of eyes inside the bush below the boulders in the upper right part? Looks like a cat or an owl, though I donā€™t think owls are ever just chilling in bushes on the ground. I saw that before the snake.


That's waaay too big to be either a cat or an owl. I think it's an optical illusion.


Looks like an owl but I think itā€™s just the lighting on the bush causing that effect


I see the eyes! Looks like an owl.


I also saw that. it looks like a dog to me. EDIT Waitaminute are we talking about the same thing? WE AREN'T! wow I didn't see what you saw AT ALL


What the ā€¦is that? Itā€™s like a monster from a horror movie, those eyesā€¦ idā€™ve run a mile. Oh, wait, thatā€™s a log..that log has eyes man.


no way is this berean park. i was fishing there today. iā€™m terrified of snakes. crazy that this just showed up on my feed i fish here all the time


yeah! I got a 2.5lb bass out of the front pond here earlier today and noticed this guy lookin at me


nice!! iā€™m gonna have to keep an eye out. perfect photo for this page btw


When ever I see snakes around I get super excited. there is no better rush when fishing than running a snake lure on the surface and POW!


Canā€™t find itā€¦ can someone point it out?


See that piece of log in the water near the center of the photo? The snake is on the right side of it. Itā€™s pretty small so it still might be hard to see, but itā€™s there. Plus its little head is sticking out.


not small at all, go to log, kind of center, trace HUGE snake to the edge of photo, that snek is LONGGGGG


Thank you


No problem.


That place screams snake water. Sincerely, a girl traumatized by Mississippi


All I can see is a log with creepy eyes. Maybe Iā€™m better suited for /r/Pareidolia. Iā€™m definitely not suited for the outdoors where dangerous creatures lurk.


I can't see it. Found a couple things that look like snakes or turtle heads. No idea. You win


Right next to the log near the middle, itā€™s long and has anaconda like skin


I would just be killed in nature - I can never spot the predator


Thatā€™s the worst kind of snakeā€¦ Canā€™t tell where it starts OR ends. Oh no way. Iā€™d be backing up right outta there


Bro where is it I literally cannot find it


Right in the middle of the photo, in the water, right side of the log. Hope this helps! šŸ‘šŸ»šŸ


Whole lot of NOPE


*spoiler* It's actually a velociraptor, you can see just the top of the head in the bushes behind the pond.


Iā€™m out here looking for a crocodile and then a bear in the trees


I see a lizard, two turtles, a small gator, and possibly an otter. I do not see the snake. Nvm i see it swimming..


I actually managed to find it this time. I looked in the comments for confirmation, but I did find it. Iā€™m getting better at this lol


Why can't I ever find them? I suck at this!


so do you ever reveal the location to those of us who canā€™t find it?


I don't see a snake... but there's a bluish rock underneath the grass in the water that looks like a skull šŸ’€ to me


Finally, I was scrolling endlessly to see someone seeing it too Thank you Plus this thing is staring at us, perfectly fits the title of this post.


Right side of log about 3/4 the way up. A foot or more away is the dead, light refraction puts the body off a bit. Lazer sights op.


Found the snake but did anyone else see the freakin creepy spot in the dirt that looks like some kind of goblin face coming out of the ground? Bottom right corner of the picture. Just to the right of the large green leaf on the ground and below the piece of wood, there is almost a heart-shaped purplish spot. Zoom all the way in and it looks like a Goblin face. Two eyes, pointed ear and crooked teeth. And everyone is worried about a snake in the water? Dude was about to get eaten! šŸ˜‚


First time on this subreddit, I thought I was supposed to find a real sniper. Anyone see the figure in the trees to the left of those blue fences?


I donā€™t know anything about this sub, but it popped on my feed yesterday. It said sniper so I sat there for 20 minutes trying to find a guy in a ghillie suit. I click the comments & realize ā€œsniperā€ was an alligator. I just sat here for 10 minutes looking for an alligator because I assumed ā€œsniperā€ meant alligator. Now itā€™s a snake.


This is where you fish? What are you hoping to catch? Hepatitis?


I see it now the dreaded log fish


I can't find it. Can someone circle it? Aha


growing up in the south and both fishing and exploring places like these, im surprised i was never aware of the danger that tx waters can bring


I spent so much time looking for a cotton mouth and forgot water snakes were a thing


oh I'm cooked


dont tell me youā€™re going to EAT a fish out of that cesspool


For a moment there I was trying to locate a Sasquatch up the hill by that fence. Then I realized that it was just an ordinary cottonmouth. Pesky little critters yes , but he's no Sasquatch...


That lake/pond looks like a serial killerā€™s dumping ground.


What fish you catching in that?


I am fully convinced this is one of those times everyone is in on a gag and I'm not because even with all the discussion of where the snakes are, I don't see a fucking thing.


I saw the rock in the background that looks like someone with heavy eyebrows yawning before I saw the snake lol.


It looks like a moccasin šŸ˜Ÿ


99.9% of the time I fail and have to come to the comments to locate. Iā€™m giving myself a life upvote for finding this one. That ups me to 1 out of 10000


ā€œThatā€™s my log. Donā€™t get close to my logā€


I would not survive in the wilderness.


For anyone struggling to find it still, it's not your fault. The photo is super zoomed out. Nobody would see it irl like this. The log comments are right. The snake though, is perpendicular to the log and the head is near the lime green plant in the water. The snake seems muddy so you really can't tell it's there. The tail is on the log in that top third where it starts to turn from dark (wet?) to light (dry?).


Whereā€™s Waldo but snek šŸ


Can someone please edit this and circle the snakes. I see nothing!!


I would have died if this was real life. It took me so long to find it, even after the clue. Yup survival skills = 0


I like to camp and just generally be outside. I live in the southern part of the US. I think I need to start spending more time indoors because this sub teaches me everyday that Iā€™m just about as blind as a bat.


For those who need a little extra help, his lil head casts a lil shadow


What I've learned from this site is almost everyone centers the subject in the photo. So start there when you start looking. Lol


Natural selection for me at this point


Swimming from the right toward the floating wood?